Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Bon-Bon quickly turn around, "Oh my gods, i was afread this might happen." Said Bon-Bon as she ran to Jas and Taskeshi.
Please don't let her ask why am I in this outfit....
Bon-Bon carry Takeshi to sick bay and laid him on the bed next to Luca.
"Okay, what's happening to Takeshi is that the dark mana is trying to take over his body." Said Bon-Bon as she took off her hat and plased it on the ground.
"Damn, I thought he'll be more reslent to the drak mana..." Said Bon-Bon as she pulls out the other half of a Light mana crystile.
"I was saving this...just in case... but i have to save my friends." Said Bon-Bon as she placed the light crystile next to Takeshi's body.
I hope that i'll be able to keep my demon seed in check...
"Jas I'm going to need your help, put your hands over his body and feel for the drak mana, its gonna make you feel sick but thats the feel of dark mana... when you feel get grab it and toss it." Said Bon-Bon as she placed her hands over Takeshi.
"The mana we toss out is going to create another drak mana crystile, what we're doing it takeing half the mana energy in him out so it won't be to much for him....are you ready." Said Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Yes!' said Jas as she placed her hand's on Takeshi. 'Nice hat, by the way..' she said to Bon-Bon as she looked at the hat and her suit. Ok, let's hope we do this right and help Takeshi. Jas was thinking if this didnt work that it might hurt Takeshi, yet she still went on with it. We'll help you Takeshi! Jas started feeling sick like Bon-Bon said she would. Then, she got ready with Bon-Bon to toss out the dark mana and then she tossed the dark mana and it fell on the floor next to Bon-Bon. 'Did it work?'she asked Bon-Bon.
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New member
Bon-Bon began to felt weak, "Yeah it did.." Said Bon-Bon as she went to go pick up here hat.
"Now all we need to do is let him rest." Said Bon-Bon trying to shake off the tireness.
Then Bon-Bon noticed the chunk of Dark mana crystile next to her, Bon-Bon held the jewel on her head.
"Um, I have to land the ship." Said Bon-Bon quickly as she left sick bay.
Bon-Bon walked up to the control deck and prepared the landing gear, "SSS, send Q-Mail to Gramps, saying 'meet ya in the east part of desseirt'" Said Bon-Bon as she placed the hat on her head.
"Massage sent" Said the computer.
The ship had landed safely on a dessert world, far off in the horazion a little city can be seen.
"It's good to be back at HQ." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at her bagde, "Hey, Jas we're here and some one should be here soon to take us to the city." Said Bon-Bon as she open the ships main door.
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The King Of Bandits
ooc: sorry guys >.< my lifes been a little hectic. but good news i will have a lot of time from now on so i should be more active... i take it we are just getting off the ship.

Luca emerged from his room, his eyes drwosy from the sickness he had been battling the since they left the animal world. Preforming that technique and over working his body in that state, the state of being a lion cub, had done something too him. He walked close to the door, a blanket wrapped around him and sniffling his nose, speaking in a grogy tone."...i think im ok now guys..and were at a new world so i guess it's time to go exploring again huh" Luca's face turned red as he turned and coughed, heaving terribly. It was quite obvious the sickness was still with him. His arm in a sling, the only part of his body that had not been able to be healed for some reason. Luca's eyes. now only half open showed signs of the sickness as well. He was playing a very bad act of being ok as he threw off blanket and pulled out his keyblade, placing it over his left shoulder and stepping closer to the exit of the ship. Thoughts and flash backs quickly over took him as he looked out on the desert land around them. A sandstorm, a man running towards a city in the distance and being tackled by a dark creature, a heartless. The screams of pain and agony made it obvious that this was no heartless. The blood from the mans inner organs being ripped apart viciously pointed to the same conclusion.

The man lie on the ground, screaming with his last breaths as the heartless stood up and rushed off into the distance, chasing another blurry figure and tackling it. a flash of light and the scene became darker , night time now. a darkened figure, the shape of a human being, drew close to the dead body, placing it's hands on the neck and then hiding it back behind his heavy coat. The figures face showed, it looked oddly familiar to luca. It was his face. He jumped back in terror as the human glanced at him and smiled, showing its bloody grin and luaghing at him. Luca stumbled back onto the floor and his eyes widened in horror.

" Who...are you.." He whispered out loud, loud enough for any of the others to hear him.

Luca leaped off the ground, onto the hard metal plating of the ships floor. he began slashing at nothing, thinking he was hitting the figure and screaming.

" what do you want with me! get away from me!! dont touch me!!!" He took a deep breath and began slashing quicker, still halucinating." AHHH!! Die!" Luca finaly fell to the ground, on his hands and knees now, slaming his keyblade to the ground in anger. The vision suddenly disipated, leaving behind only the the real world. He stared at the ground, full of rage and anger. The man had obviously been someone he hated. It was someone he hated so very much, longer then he knew it was possible to hate someone. His anger and rage filled his mind, causing him to slam his keyblade on the ground repeatedly and close his eyes, breathing heavily. he desperatly looked back at his friends and sighed, looking again to the ground.

" Damit..."
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi could feel the dark mana being taken out of him, even though he was unconcise. A few minutes after Jas and Bon-bon left the room he woke up and started to head for the cocpit. His headache was gone and he felt his strenght coming back to him. When he reached the cocpit he saw noone there, but he also saw that the ship had landed. He headed for the doors to the outside.

When he reached the door he saw Jas and Bon-bon standing just outside of it. He walked out into the dessert and stopped a few feet behind his friends.

"Sup?" he said.


New member
Bon-Bonwas over joyed to see her friends awake, "YO, EVERYBODY WELCOME TO OSEN PLANET!" Said Bon-Bon as she tip her hat.
Suddenlly, back ground music started to play, a man wearing an old cowboy sheiff outfit was standing on top of the ship with the sun to the back of him.
"Hey everybody do you Know the rules?" Sang the strange man to the back ground music as he pointed to the whole group.
"GRAMPS!"Yelled Bon-Bon as she quickly turn to the stranger.
"Knowing these rules are cool now!" Sang the man.
"Its the only thing that keeps you cool in the heat, yay!" Sang Bon-Bon along with the background music.
Gramps suddenlly jumped from the top of the ship and landed softly next to Bon-Bon.
"Bon-Bon, you know this part sing it." Said Gramps with a big grin.
"Love and justice will always pervile, ya hear me!" Sang Bon-Bon as she pointed to her friends, "If you ever break these laws, the saddness will be deep." Said Bon-Bon as she daced to the music.
"Know this at lety this be your on mind at lest." Sang Gramps as he danced with Bon-Bon.
"This world is garuded by the Galaixy Police!" Sang Bon-Bon and Gamps finishing the music with a pose.
"YAY, that was fun I haven't done that in along time!" Said Bon-Bon as she jumped up and down.
"Bon-Bon it's so good to see you, and I see you wore that outfit I got you when you join the GXP." Said Gramps as he huged Bon-Bon.
"Oh, I see you boght some friends with you, they must be very tired and hungry." Said Gramps as he waved at Jas, Takeshi and Luca.
"Yes, and my friend over there is maybe sick." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed over to Luca.
"Welcome to Osen Plant, Osen mean hot bath you can stay at any of the hotels... you sould stay at mine I got the best food and baths in this whole world!" Said Gramps as he lead Bon-Bon and the group tothe city over the horizon.
"Jas, you love the baths here it will clinse your baody and soul and Takeshi you'll love there food, they got the bestest food anywhere and Luca they will make you feel better so quickly!" Said Bon-Bon as she fallowed Gramps.

ooc: Don't worry about me, we all got lives to live

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Food! Aw man, did she say food." Takeshi said at the mention of food, "I'm starving, where is it?"
He started to run after Bon-bon and "Gramps".
"Come on Jas and Luca, they've got food!"

When they arrived at Gramps's house, Takeshi headed straight for the kitchen. He opened the fridge and saw every food he could ever want inside. There was ramen, chicken, mac n cheese, ice cream, and any other food you could think of. It didn't take him long to start breathing again, and once he did he started to stuff his face full.


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself being led to a room, down a flight of stairs and into a hallway with bright, valiant shimmering lights. Following the young lady in front of him to a small one bedroom hotel room. He shuffled in quietly and listened closely as they locked the door ehind him."..whats going on..." He turned and jiggled the door handle a little bit, trying to open it and realized it was locked." *****! " He mummbled before sitting down in a chair next to a slidding door whichc led to a bath in the back. Luca sneezed again and thought to himself about what might be going on. He pulled on the door handle one more time before givving up and deciding to make the most of it. After all he couldn't do anything if he didn't try and get better. He began by removing his sling and releasing his arm from it, for a quick second there was pain which quickly faded to a dull numbness in his shoulder. Luca climbed into the hot bath in the back, steam floating in the air decreasing visibility highly. the bath relaxed him, he smiled, knowing a peace which he had not known for a while now. " I wonder what the others are doing right now.." He whispered, talking to himself. The vision from earlier still stuck in his mind. He knew who that person was but he just couldn't put a finger on it.that smile, those eyes. They looked so much like his but they were not his. His father maybe? or maybe even his brother? The events of the passed day stuck to him like water sticking together on a car windshield, not coming apart unless disrupted by something .

There was a crack in the background of his room, a tiny popping noise. Luca was too realxed to even realize something was wrong. He slowly began to move his arm. It hurt a little at first, and it probably would for a long time, but he was able to move it with minimal pain. The fact that he was moving his arm with such ease and little pain so quickly after the injury was amazing. He found his sickness still with him however. It would probably take a little longer for that to go away. Luca opened his eyes and glared around at the foggy steam that had formed all around the bath. He glanced over at his room, barely able to see inside of it for the thick steam. He climbed out of the bath and went back into his room, sitting down on the bed and thinking. How could he have been that stupid to have gotten locked in a room and been all alone for who knows how long. his smile from before faded as he realized what could happen to him." What if they leave without me? what if they forget me?" A voice came from behind Luca" hello there kid..I'm here to collect the bounty on your head." Luca smirked and sighed loking at the ground.

" Old man rosati never learned huh. Sending someone like you after me. after i killed kelder you think he would have stopped sending people." Luca sighed again and closed his eyes" I'm not going back. I ran away for a reason after all. My parents wanted to protect me from you people but apparently that just cant happen."

Luca stood up and picked up his keyblade" Im not going to let you use me like you used the last keyblader. I wont be so easy to persuade" Luca glanced all around the room" I'm not going back to that place. My family fled from their, and died becuase they were protecting me from you people. after all, you were the one who tried to stop her from taking me...weren't you.." Luca smiled before saying the mans name.

" You might be my brother but that doesn't mean you can stop me. I already killed our older brother kelder, im not gonna be killed by my own twin brother...Loci.."


New member
Bon-Bon was now in the room of the GXP head, "Ah-ma, you're th new Boss!?" Said Bon-Bon with shock.
"Yup, and it good to see you agian... you've grown." Said Ah-ma from behind the desk.
"I-I came to report about the plant." Said Bon-Bon
"Ah, yes the Human Plant run by demons, i heard you had contacted with one of them." Said Ah-ma as she look though some files.
"Yes, it was from Lanheart..... he....I lost him.." Said Bon-Bon trying to fight back the tears.
"Bon-Bon, I'm sorry but.... i have to pull you from this case.." Said Ah-ma
"But, I can't....I-I'M SO CLOSE!" Said Bon-Bon as tears run down her cheek.
"LOOK, we can't risk you falling into the hands of the Plant... if you do it's all over, The Kyubii is the leader of the grand Demons...all they need is you." Said Ah-ma.
"I'M NOT AFREAD... I CAN STILL FIGHT!!!" Yelled Bon-Bon try to see though her tears.
"THINK ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS, WHAT IF ONE OF THEM GETS HURT!"Said Ah-ma trying to calm down Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon grew silent, and then ran out the office.
"But you still run, Bon-Bon." Said Ah-ma to her self.
Bon-Bon walked though to city, thinking to herself.
I'll take a hot bath at night and think about this.....
Bon-Bon ran back to Gramps house, "I guess, Jas is in her room at the hotel, Takeshi is still eatting, Luca is maybe taking a bath." Said Bon-Bon as she conteued to walk.

ooc: Gramp's house is a hotel
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The King Of Bandits
Luca quickly blocked an on coming attack with his keyblade, feeling the power from the attack as the wind brushed past his face. The bath had almost totaly refreshed him in terms of physical ability. His health though was still terrible, he was still very sick. He coughed and luaghed quietly at his brother." .. I have a few things to do before i die Loci" With that he slashed at loci, slicing him just above his elbow on his right arm and then digging in deeply, allowing blood to trip from Loci like water from a vase. There was a tiny smile from his brother and then a counter attack, Luca blocked this one as well, almost missing it however cuasing him to lose his balance. He stumbled back onto the soft carpeted ground and rolled out the door into the bath room. This was not just a family rivalry anymore. Ever since Luca found out he had the keyblade he had been hunted by the zutani government, the world he orginaly came from. They wished to use him for their own personal gain rather then the gain of the entire world. " Luca why do you persist. Just come home so we can end this."

Luca pushed the blade off his keyblade, throwing his brother through the wall and out into the hallway, making him run, rushing up the stairway trying to get away and then stopping in the front lobby near the entrance." Loci! I cant go home. I wont let them use me like that." Luca slammed his keyblade down ontop of Loci and avoided his block, slicing right through the chest of his twin. Loci collapsed and swung at Luca's feet throwing him off guard and cutting his ankles deeply. Luca almost lost himself but battled through the pain, swining at his brother when he jumped up, cuasing Loci to smash through the big window in the front lobby. Loci stood up barely, bleeding. His facial expression almost the same as luca's. Shocked. The boys had been identical twins since their birht, always looking almost exactly like the other but having only one distinct mark. Luca's on the side of his face, and Loci's on his forehead. Loci held his arm and covered his chest with his bleeding arm, breathing heavily. He rushed towards luca quickly and grabbed him, brining him up into the air, almost to the high ceiling and speeding back towards the ground. Luca couldn't evade it. Hebraced himself for impact and slipped out just before he hit the ground, kicking his brother towards it, inflicting maximum damage to him. In seconds it seemed men had surrounded Luca, circling the fighting boys, not letting them continue the fight any further.

" I.. Wont lose to you brother..You killed kelder. I wont let you live." Loci jumped up from his hole in the ground some how, slamming through the ceiling and disapearing. Luca fell to his knee's coughing heavily. He had been tired out by the battle." ..I still have some thing to do Loci.. I wont let you, or any of those other bounty hunters take me before i accomplish what i have to do." Luca took a few deep breaths and sighed deeply.


New member
As Bon-Bon walked down the streets she smelt blood in the air, "What's going on?" Said Bon-Bon as she quickly leaped up into the air on to a roof top.
Just then she saw a strange guy running away from the hot baths area, "His sent is almost the same as Luca.... but he reeks of Luca's sent...." Said Bon-Bon as she leap from roof top to roof top following the sent of blood.
Bon-Bon was standing on top of one of the high finces of the hot baths, then see saw Luca breathing heavely.
"Luca are you ok?.....OH MY GODS!" Said Bon-Bon as she covered her eyes blushing.
"I'm s-sorry, i-i didn't mean i..i WHHAAA!!!" Said Bon-Bon before she fell off the fince into the streets.
"sorry Luca!"


The King Of Bandits
Luca turned away from bon Bon and grabbed a coat from a coat rack in the lobby, wrapping it around himself. He looked over at her after she had fallen off" Are you ok?..I'm sorry for cuasing so much damage to the hotel...I guess i still have a lot of things i have t tell you all about. I will tell you once we get into the ship and off this sandy rock." Luca began to walk back towards his room and grabbed his arm holding it as he walked. There was nothing more embaressing then what had just happened. when he finaly did reach his room he slammed the door and took off the coat again, examining the marks all over his body, Tribal marks of his clan. He was the successor of the highly esteemed Nuan clan who had reigned over Luca's home world for the past 7 years, the marks all over his body more tribal marks that said he was the succesor.

" Why cant i just escape them, I dont want to become the new leader." Luca glanced down at his keybalde" And i wont let them take this from me either, like they stole it from the last keyblader" Luca pulled on his clothing and lie back on his bed, closing his eyes and begining to fall asleep.


New member
"Man, i'm such a spas..." Said Bon-Bon as she got up.
Bon-Bon went in to the hotel, She closed the door behind her as she went into her room.
"It's almost night fall, I sould get ready." Said Bon-Bon as she took off her close.
Bon-Bon wrapped her self in a towel and braeded her hair.
Why is all these things happening.... something big is going down at the plant..
Bon-Bon made her way to the hot baths. It was night, the steam from the baths filled the night air.
Bon-Bon purred as she soaked in the clean water of the bath. Bon-Bon still had her towel on as she soaked in the water.
This reminds me of the first time I met Gyki......... I really thoght I was going to die
Bon-Bon shook her head to get the bad thoughts out of her mind. She looked up at the lovely full moon above her and began to sing tune.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was in great pain. Every move he made sent sharp spirals of suffication running along his body. Every movement burned flesh from his body. He had been here so long. Training so hard. How long had it been? How long had he been tortured by the demons of Hell? Soji rushed forward through the pain. Several of his enemies stood there with permanent smiles fixed on their faces. Some humans would have found the evil in these smiled frightning but Soji didn't. He could see that they were scared. They knew who and what he was.

Time meant nothing here but that didn't prevent things from aging. In fact, Soji had already aged two years since he had been in Hell. His eighteen year old frame was strong and powerful unlike he had been when he entered. His mind had expanded also. He knew much more than he did before and was just starting to unlock the powers of his Henji. As for the Heart of Twilight, it remained defeated by the overpowering darkness around it. It may have been an emmensly powerful object, but when the darkness is too suppressing it has no hope of shining. Soji ignored this face and went back to work.

There were an uncountable number of demons here and each and every one of them wanted a peice of him. He was the only living being in Hell, thus he was the only one with a live, tasty soul. This is what drew the demons to Soji. He was truely pushing his body past any barriers known to both man and demon. He had fought nonstop for two years. No sleep. He only survived one the few scraps of demon flesh he could consume before another wave came. He looked up from his fresh kill and stared out at the black plains. There were several demons running at him, bigger than the last ones. He just stood there waiting to push his body even further and expand the darkness in his heart.


New member
Bon-Bon was relaxing in the hot tub under the light of the moon,
"I travel these worlds wondering about life," Sang Bon-Bon, "I keep telling myself I can never look back."
"No anitxey, unease of any hesation!" Sang Bon-Bon as she held her hand up to the fullmoon. "I walk with pride, with my chest stuck out."
"But yet You keep wondering about yourself." Said a voice from the shadows.
Bon-Bon quilcky turned around, "Gyki!" Said Bon-Bon as she stod out of the water.
"Bon-Bon what a sweet songstress you are." Said Gyki as he stepped out of the darkness.
"Gyki, you perv. I should kill you were you stand." Said Bon-Bon as she slowly reached for her keyblade.
"Bon-Bon or should I call you voice of the snow." Said Gyki with a playful tone.
"I REALLY DON'T GIVE A CRAP!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she leaped high in the air and came rushing down on Gyki with her keyblade.
Gyki moved liked water as he quickly removed his hand from his clok, reached out and cought Bon-Bon by the neck.
"Bon-Bon, I'm afread our time together has ended." Said Gyki as the grip around Bon-Bon's neck slowly tighten.
"T-the Plant is up to something." Said Bon-Bon as she stuggled to get free.
"Seeing you wrapped up in that wet towel reminds me of the first time we met....You really thought you was going to die.." Said Gyki as he grin.
"Screw you!" Said Bon-Bon as she gasped for air.
"Bon-Bon, i was assiden to capture you and brake you, but now the Human Plant wants me to just bring you back with out breaking you.... they'll do that part them sevles." Said Gyki as he tighten his grip again, "No, I am Know though out the galatixy, that I always get the job done..... so what kind of person will I be if I didn't brake you." Said Gyki.
"Dimond Storm!" Said Bon-Bon as she summoned ice shards to cut though Gyki.
Gyki blocked her attack with ease, "Now, now Bon-Bon don't intruped me while I'm talking." Said Gyki as grip tighten some more.
Bon-Bon was stuggleing for freedom and air, but it was no use he was too strong.
"Bon-Bon for my litttle plan to work, I need your friends that you are traveling with." Said Gyki.
"" Said Bon-Bon as she wheezed for air.
"Just a loud scream from you will draw them out here." Said Gyki as he reached in his pokect. Gyki pull out a Dark Mana crystile and held it close to the jewel on Bon-Bon's head.
The jewel on Bon-Bon's head glowed with an evil arura, shock waves of sharp pains plused though out her body.
Bon-Bon let out a loud scream that fill the night air with horror, her screams of pain went though out the whole hotle as a sigal saying where are my friends....i need help .... if help doesn't come.....i'll die.....
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's blade ripped through the neck of an appoaching demon and blood splattered his face. Idly he wiped the gruesome black of the creatures blood from his face. He stood from the battle, damaged and tired from three years of constant fighting. While he may have had many cuts and scrapes, his body was far from broken. His power had spanned the plains of Hell and his body was toned. He was no longer the weak being he had been when he entered Hell, but instead he was a surperior creature and a fine example of what a White Demon should be.

"You will become a fine example of our race, son. Your power levels are far more advaced than most White Demons I've seen. Just like your brother was..." Soji's father's voice trailed off, thinking about how Kratos had betrayed his post. "Promise me, Soji, that you won't turn on us like your brother. That you will always use the power of light as your ally?" Soji didn't respond, he just looked up at his father with a loss for words.

Soji had let his father down though. Darkness was his only ally now. He had no friends, no loves. He was alone. It had been three years since he had seen another human. At the age of nineteen, he was completely alone in the pits of Hell. Even if he decided to leave the plains, he would only find lost ones who had forgotten him. He closed his eyes in partial sorrow. He then composed himself and his emotions where no more. He was colder than ice and his heart was stone. Nothing mattered to him now but to slay his brother and protect what few worlds were left. Including the one on his chest...

Soji's heart pounded painfully. He fell to his knees, clutching his chest and looking around for any near demon. But, he was alone. The plains around him were empty for the first time in all three years he had been here. He knew it wouldn't last like this. More minions of Hell would be sent to destroy him, but there was no demon close enough to inflict harm on him. So, what could have caused the pain in his chest. He looked through his memories and found the proper one with a gasp. Bon-Bon. Somehow their connection had survived three years in the torturment of Hell.

Soji stood and made the symbol of the swan. He was gone in a flash of feathers that instantly caught fire as if giving some ill omen to his destination. Seconds later he was standing in a room made for a hot tub, looking at a half naked girl and a strang man holding her up by her neck. Soji growled, his dark hood hiding his face completely. He put out his hand and opened his palm at the male before saying in a rough, unused voice, "Chaos Ripple".

A black charge flew from Soji's hand, slamming into the male youth and sending him flying through several walls. The girl was caught by several long tendrels of well controlled bandages. Sure enough, it was Bon-Bon, but she hadn't changed a bit. Could it be that his body had aged three years in Hell, but in the outside world it had only been days since he left the group?


New member
Bon-Bon was suprised to see Soji but some what happy too, "Thank you, Soji...if Gyki had his way he would have told every one about me... the truth about me..and I'll have to run agian." Said Bon-Bon as she looked up at Soji.
Bon-Bon was shock to see that Soji had age, "Soji what has happen to you.... you looked older and you reek of some type of blood...." Said Bon-Bon as she gave Soji a look around.
"Oh hell!" Said Bon-Bon as she noticed that she was in her towel in front of Soji.
Gyki emerged from the rubble, "My, my little fox, you've made strong friendship with more demons? I guess you really are slowly turning into a demon." Said Gyki as he brushed himself off.
"Choas of The Mind!" Said Gyki as he blasted two orbs of pure darkness right at Soji.
"NO!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she pulled out her keublade and jumped right in front of Soji.
Bon-Bon took the attack aimed at Soji, she tryed blocking it with her keyblade but the choas broke though. Bon-Bon went flying thew the air, a glimmer of the jewel changed Bon-Bon into a fox.
"I guess iI hit her to hard, that attack drain her of all her energy." Said Gyki as he laughed.
Bon-Bon landed hard on the ground, almost breaking her bones, "S-Soji a-are....*cough*..are you okay..." Said Bon-Bon as she try to get up.
"Aright I'm sick of this, EXPIREMINT 007 KYUBII!"Yelled Gyki.
Bon-Bon suddenly fell to the ground. like a puppit that had its strings cut. Her eyes went lifeless and dim. Bon-Bon laid on the ground lifeless.
"That, little thing I said was a fail safe the Human Plant built into her, if she become unruley, all I have to say are those 3 words and she's out.... , she'll never wake up untill I say so.... I'll get her latter" Said Gyki as he dissapper into the darkness.
As the fullmoon shine down onto the Hot baths, Bon-Bon was their, lifless like a puppit.
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