Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared down coldly at Bon-Bon. Why had she stopped the blast for him? It was a foolish thing to do for someone who had disappeared for three years. But then again, there was the issue that he hadn't been gone for three years. He had only been gone from this realm for a mere few days. What was going on? Did the time wave of Hell really differ that much? He had trained and aged three years but only lost a few days from his friends. He would have been happy but his heart was still stone from the pits of Hell. Instead he decided to bring Bon-Bon back to her conciousness.

He rolled up his sleeves and began to work. He knew how he could do it. It seemed that the Human Plant's main influence over her was this Demon Seed in her forehead. Soji had become much more powerful during his training and had even developed a theory that seemed plausible. From his fingertips, several needles formed and he pressed these into certain places on her skin. Liquids filled the needles and Soji retracted them and set them aside. Next, he gathered samples of her hair, skin and blood. Finally he had everything he needed.

Soji took the needles full of liquids and poured their contents into bowls. He had taken everything it would have been safe to. He put his hand over one of the bowls and closed his eyes before muttering, "Cell Replication Technique." A black light circled his hand and then flowed into the bowl. Seconds later, a pulsing spleen was laying in the bowl. He continued to do this, replicating organ after organ. Finally, he came to the skin and hair. He pressed his hand to the objects and they began to grow and mold themselves together until it looked exactly like some sort of Bon-Bon glove.

Next, he extended a bone from his finger, one of the objects he couldn't collect without doing harm to the body. He removed the bone and closed his eyes over it. "Bone Replication and Restoration Technique." The bone exploded into thousands of tiny particles, making Soji have to hold his breath. Then, the bone particles began to grow and connect, finally leaving Soji with a full-sized skeleton. He waved his hand over all the objects and the began to work themselves together. Veins grew from the organs and connected in complex patterns. They wove themselves together and kept going to where the heart should have been. Soji realized what was missing then and closed his eyes.

Extending a long blade from his hand, he turned it and drove it into his chest, cutting right through the protective bandages. He split open his chest and looked down at his beating heart. His blood flowed out of the wound but he didn't care. He grabbed his heart and pulled it out. With one swift motion he sliced it in half. The pain was almost blinding and far worse than Hell had ever been. Hurridly, he replicated the cells in both halves. Instead of wasting his energy replicating the cells he destroyed in getting to his heart, Soji had a thread of his flesh-made bandages weave it's way through his chest, closing it like stitches. He took his replicated heart and put it into the new body's chest. Focusing his hands over the new body, his hands began to glow emmensly black before the energy surged into the body, sealing it and multiplying the blood inside it.

Soji knew that there were only two steps left. These were going to be the hardest. He placed his palm to the foreheads of both Bon-Bons. Focusing deeply, he began channeling the essense of Bon-Bon from one body to the other. The thoughts, memories, and mind of Bon-Bon passed through his on its way, mingling with his own mind. It was like a bolt of electricity was passing through his body. In all fairness, he wasn't even in the proper shape for this. No sleep for three years, constant training and multiple injuries? He was suprised he had managed to go this far. He finished the transfer and released their foreheads. Finally, it was the last step. It was a White Demon's special ability to give the Kiss of Life to any whose time was not come, but had reached Heaven's Gate. It was a special kiss that involved the White Demon giving up all its power and soul to bring someone back to life. Using it would mean he would have a hard time moving for a while and that Bon-Bon would be the house of his soul until one of her own was formed. Soji brushed the hair of the new body out of the way before lowering his lips to hers and conducting the Kiss of Life. It was an odd sensation for him. All of his energy left his body and he felt her heart begin to beat again. Next, his soul left him and her brain began to buzz with electricity. Soji released and fell back, grabbing Bon-Bon's old body. He looked at his creation and could hardly tell the difference. The only way to tell the difference was the body he was holding had a small gem in its forhead. Bon-Bon no longer had the Demon Seed on her. He fell backwards, landing on the ground with just enough stamina to connect and fuse the skin of the old body and his own before closing his eyes for the first time in three years.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi was still eating when he heard the scream from the hot bath room, but he thought it was just someone who put the water on too hot then tried to get in. He went back to eating for a while.

dude this fridge never seems to run out, there's like the same ammount of food there was when i started eating

Then the blast came. he ran as fast as he could toward the direction of the center (he wasn't very fast though because of all the food he had eaten). He ran past many rooms and halways, even one that looked like it had a hidden entrance on the other side of it, and to the center which happened to be the hot bath room.

Once he got in he saw that the room was almost entirely destroyed, all but about 5 of the batsh were rubble, spewing water from the pipes that had connected to them, and it looked like on the other side of one of the piles of rubble the wall had been blown out.

He saw Bon-bon and in the middle, and Soji on the follr not to far away. Then he saw something that really shocked him, there was another Bon-bon laying on the floor next to the one that was standing.

"What the h*** happened in here?" he asked, a bit confused.


New member
Bon-Bon was falling, Falling deeper and deeper into darkness. It was cold she couldn't breath, but suddenlly it disapper.Bon-Bon open her eyes to she her old body on the ground, Soji asleep next to it and Takeshi, "Wha...what has happened?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around.
Is this really I really free?

Bon-Bon was about to walk up to Soji until everything stopped, sound, motion and time. Bon-Bon seemed to be the only one noticing this.
"what has happen here was really out of my hands..." Said a powerful but claming voice.
"W-who are you?" Asked Bon-Bon as she looked arounded.
"Look you can go with this you being free and never having to worry about the Human Plant but you can also take hold that Demon Seed again and continue this jouney.... what would you choose..."
"Frist, tell me who you are.."
"I happen to know your good friend RPGirl....look you, RPGirl and some other are going to be needed ferther down life.....but, if you leave things as the way are now..... thing might take a turn for the worse....
"Wait, are you saying I'll save the univers?!"
"I'm not saying that exsatlly but, futher on in life you're going to need that demon seed...
"But I want to be free.... I don't want this" Said Bon-Bon as she cried.
"Look honey, life is going to be rough, belive it..... but when you get to the end... the reward will be so sweet..
"You're messing with me now....."
"Yeah, I choose to continue this jouney... plus if I get to meet RPGirl agian I'll do anything."
"Gotta love my dargther..."

"Wait, dargther....that means ...YOU'RE-"
At that moment, time began to move again and that pressents slowly faded away.
"I must be brave and walk with pride." Said Bon-Bon as she reached for the Demon Seed in Soji's hand.
Bon-Bon grabed the seed, a bright light filled the night sky. The Fox body behinde Bon-Bon fades away in a mist and slowiy seeped into Bon-Bon's body, the seed in Bon-Bon's hand fades away and reapper back on her forhead.
As the light slowly fades away, the moon shine fully up in the air.
"This my burden and my burden alone, if I didn't take it back the Human Planet would have found another host and i can't let that happen to another person....besides it's Destiny.." Said Bon-Bon as she looked up at the moon with her Demon Seed on her forhead glettering in the moon light.

Bon-Bon looked down back at Soji, "I'm sorry but it's my choice.... i finally figured that freezzing my heart isn't the's another form of running away..I'll face this so no other preson won't have to go though this." Said Bon-Bon as she pulled out a Light mana crystile.
"I got more when i was here." Said Bon-Bon as she fed Soji the crystile.
"You should be up and about in a while" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around at the damage.
Bon-Bon lowered herself back down to Soji level and kissed him on the check, "If we had meet alot earlyer...I might have fallen for you." Said Bon-Bon as she ran back into the hotel.

Bon-Bon rushed up to Takeshi, "Nothing happened....gotta go get dress bye!" Said Bon-Bon as she ran away into the Wemen's locker room.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca appeared in the entrance behind takashi. He had taken his sweet time getting there, figuring the scream he had heard would be nothing, and already a bit exhuasted from his previos battle with his brother" .. Well well...what do we have here.. Looks like we all have a few things that need explaining huh" Luca closed his eyes and thought about everything for a second, all his past from before twilight town was clear now for some reason. ".. and by the way im feeling much better now thank you for asking" There was no point in him really being there apparently. Everything seemed to be under control once again, he was not needed yet again. Suddenly he noticed the two Bon Bon's and began to put two and two together. The steam rolling out of the bath area was almost unbearible to him, breathing heavily with each breath, trying to find cooler air somewhere in the room. Through the steam he could make out a couple destroyed bathes, and an annihilated wall on the other side of the room. He quickly turned to takeshi" And you, how much have you ate since we got here anyways. I mean there is only so much one person can eat on their own isn't there?" Luca smiled, making light of the situation" alright, what happened here, i want to hear the real story not that bull you will end up telling the authorities" There wasn't much really to be said probably, Luca could put a lot of information together from what he saw alone. there had been a conflict obviously, seeing as how there were two bon bon's and one on the floor , that meant bon bon was probably the first one here, probably getting ready to take a bath.

He heard foot steps behind him. Luca had already gotten in enough trouble with his first fight and if cuaght again would probably be thrown out. HE quickly jumped over the pile of ruble in the middle of the room, landing near Bon Bon, the one on the ground. He looked up at soji" Lets get out of here first, you can explain to us later" Luca picked up her body and sped off through the big whole in the wall near them, " We can hide out in my room, they probably wont look there for a while" Luca began running faster down the back of the outside of the building, looking for his rooms window.

" I dont know whats going on" He whispered to himself" But we cant get cuaght"


New member
ooc: i eadited #283 so you might want to look at it.

Bon-Bon stepped out of the locker room with her clothes on, "THAT'S BETTER!" Said Bon-Bon as she saw Luca running away.
"Wait there's no need to worry about the cops because I'm one of the cops..."Said Bon-Bon as she called out to Luca.
But it was to late he was gone. "OH, TAKESHI WHAT HAS HAPPEN HERE?" Said Bon-Bon in a cute way.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi followed Luca out the hole in the wall and found himself in the city. There were buildings all around, people too. As he looked around he noticed that this world was almost exactly the same as Twilight Town, He remembered once again all the time he had spent there, and how it had been destroyed.

He said nothing after they left, just kept walking and lost himself in memory.
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New member
Bon-Bon breath a sigh of relef as everyone left, "That was colse." Said Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon went back outside in the hot tub arera, Soji was still sleeping.
Bon-Bon didn't want him to be loney so she sat beside him until he woke up.
Bon-Bon looked up at the moon, "MY, what an enventful night, I'm glad you got rid of the Seed for me but, this seed is for me and me alone....thank you.... but you can't do whatever you did agian... the Demon Seed is adaptable.... if you try.. whatever you did agian...It won't work...." Siad Bon-Bon as look at Soji's sleeping face.
he still is kinda cute even if he is older...
Bon-Bon just stared up at the moon singing a tune she knew from he home land, and then slowly fell asleep her self. Soon it was morning.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji peeped his eyes open. There was Bon-Bon with the gem in her forehead. His eyes opened in panic. There was a burning place on his cheek but he ignored it. This was terrible. Why did she do this? Soji opened his mouth and blurted, "You have to get out of that body!" Soji was slightly dazed and confused but he knew what he was talking about. "Bon-Bon! That body isn't safe! It's only temporary! Bon-Bon... We aren't the same blood type. The bone and the heart that are essential to your body will be rejected by your system. This body will only last two weeks at most. I was only going to have you in there until your real body woke up. This is terrible!" Soji jumped up and several of his ribs snapped. He had abused his body far too much. It was almost at the breaking point. There was also the problem of the large wound he hadn't had energy to heal. His own blood soaked the clothes he was wearing, the constant bleeding keeping it from drying. "Dammit... I'm never strong enough..."


New member
Bon-Bon woked up to hear Soji screams, "Blood type?.....Oh, don't worry about that, the main part of the Demon Seed was that it was adptable for the host body, so as soon as the Demon seed appered on my head my blood type turned into your blood type" Yawn Bon-Bon as she got up.
Bon-Bon heard Soji's rib snap and smelled a sent of blood on him, "Your hurt badly." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to Soji.
"Neptune's Light." Said Bon-Bon as her hands turned blue,she put her hands on Soji.
Soji's wounds and rips were repaired and his energy was simi-replied.
"There, I'm still new at that spell but it sould heal you up well and replinsh your energy....half-way." Said Bon-bon with a smile.
"You better go soon, my Gramps will be looking for me and he's a member of the Galatix Police.... I know you can take him but don't.... I'll send you a letter by Moogle... and here." Said Bon-Bon as she hands Soji a bag, "It has 6 Light Mana crystile in it, you can use it when ever you get hurt really badly... bye hope we meet agian." Said Bon-Bon as she rushed away.
I'm not running anymore.... I'll stand and fight now...


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared at her in disbelief. She didn't understand him. He grabbed her hand and whispered so no one else would know, "Bon-Bon... It doesn't matter if the Demon Seed is adaptable. Most of your body including your blood is one blood type, but your bones and your heart are another. They'll be rejected by your body. Your body will seek to kill both of them. I'm surpised you haven't been hit by one of the bigger side effects, but I think it's good. Your thoughts mixed with mine. Sometimes the one who's recieved a new body won't be able to think about anyone but the one who saved them, because of the temporary mind melding..."

Soji looked into her eyes. It was most unnatural for him to be so interrested in a person. "But... You want me to leave don't you? You're just like all the others afterall... I went and suffered through Hell for you. I aged like this for you. I can't go back to Hell. Who knows how old I will be when I come out?" Soji turned his back to her. "If you want me to leave, so be it."

Instantly, Soji's heart froze over. He had held it in stone in Hell. Why did he let his guard down for this half-human? No more. It was time he took matters into his own hands. His cloths turned the purest black as the last bit of light vanished from his heart. The Heart of Twilight gleamed no more, the darkness in Soji's heart repressing it to the point of it almost turning black itself.


The King Of Bandits
Luca opened his eyes, finaly awaking from his sleep, His hair falling over his eyes as he sat up and climbed out of the bed, feeling much better now His head ache had gone away now, his arm still ached a little whenever he moved it much, but he would be able to handle it. Slowly, He placed it back in the sling. Sliding into a new set of clothes, he took a few moment to admire the scent of the room, a soft lavender smell filled it. He put on a new shirt and left the front of it unbuttoned, revealing his bare chest, it would be much cooler this way in terms of temperature since they were after all in the desert. Luca left his room and sighed, stepping though the door and thinking about the others, and a certain person back home which he had lost all hope of seeing, a long time ago. He sat down on the bottom of the stair case in the main lobby, a cool breeze from an air conditioner blowing through the place, picking up each strand of his hair and flowing it along with the air stream.

" I wonder if i will ever see her again.." Luca's mind trailed off, thinking about his home again. There had always been people in his life as far back as he could remember, but only one person whom he had fallen in love with. Many people had told him that love would only make him weaker, love would only slow him down. But despite the thoughts and the oppinions of the others, He pushed. " I guess maybe i should just stop trying huh, this is probably some kind of sign i should be alone anyways" Luca's smile sank again, back to it's normal mysterious blank look now. He leaned back and looked up at the sky through a light in the roof, wondering what his future held for him, in terms of his friends...and in other aspects of his life as well.


New member
"Soji, no it isn't like that....I just don't like to see you in pain..." Said Bon-Bon but he was gone.
Tears rolled down her check, What?...Why am him?....
Bon-Bon wipped the tears from her eyes, "This pain i feel in my heart....its think I would have gotten use to it...." Said Bon-Bon as she tryred to laugh, but she couldn't hide her sadness.
Bon-Bon went back to her room, "Am I ment to be alone?" Said Bon-Bon with a tear and a smile.
"Bon-Bon, I heard about you getting pulled off the case." Said Gramps behinde Bon-Bon's door, "Don't think we're trying to cage you...we're only doing this because we don't want to lose you to the dark."
Bon-Bon just flopped on her bed, "Yeah Gamps I know."
I use this pain....I use this pain to fight away at the darkness that took, my friends....


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC:I'm REALY REALY sorry that i havent posted for a long time because I had the wrong link on my fav's, I could never get here! And sorry I wrote hardly any for missing 3 day's of RP...

Jas woke, starteld on a couch near were Takeshi was eating. 'Were is everyone?' she said, rubbing her eye's. '*sigh* I gotta go find everyone' she said getting off the couch and walking of to the staircase. Hmm, were could they be? She thought. 'I hope there all ok' she said, getting a bit nervouse. 'Oh, I'm STARVING!' she cried as she looked at the frige. 'I have to eat, but I also have to go find my friends...' she sighed, looking back and thorth at the frige and stair's. She had disided to go and look for her friends, she walked up the star's calling for her three friends, the three best friends she ever had... 'Takeshi? Luca? Bon-Bon?' she called over and over. Then she herd someone talking as she stalked down the hallway, listening for noise's. 'Yeah Gramp's, I know' she herd from a room. Jas nocked on the door and asked if Bon-Bon was in there. 'Hello, Bon-Bon? Is that you?' she asked.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji walked out of the building and was met with a strong gust of wind. It blew off his hood to show his nineteen year old face. He had become thinner and his general features had become what some would consider quite handsome. He didn't care though. He'd never seen his reflection. All his life had been war and chaos. Finnaly, when he thought he'd met something good, she turned on him too. Soji snorted as he began walking again. As if we could ever go anywhere. She's in love with another. I'm just the side character, the tool to her. I'm only useful until the job is done and then I'm dead weight. No one is going to need a fighter once the Great War has ended. I guess it's good it hasn't started yet...

Soji looked back on his training and could find no other explaination. He really had gone to Hell so he could figure out a way to save her. A few of the gashes he had earned in the place were still bleeding slightly, despite Bon-Bon's healing. Now, there was a great gash on his heart that would never heal. He had felt it for a few minutes back there, but now his heart was frozen. He had only one thought on his mind now that he was no longer wanted here. He must kill his brother. Kratos was responsible for so many of the worlds being destroyed. Not only that, he was sure to be one of the Prime Evils by now. Unfortunately that list of characters was growing longer and longer everyday. He was prepared to do anything to finish his brother off, even if it meant his life. There was always the Sacrifice Connection Technique...


The King Of Bandits
Luca pulled himself out of his pity party and managed to pull a small smile. Even if he was alone in other aspects of his life... he still had his friends. In his thoughts he had thought about a lot of things, and had realized that he had not spoken to or even seen jas in a while" I wonder if she is ok.." after a while he finaly convinced himself that she was probably just sleeping or resting, they had all had a lot on their minds lately. Another cool breeze from the air conditioner sent a shiver down Luca's spine, giving him enough of a reason to go outside and train some more. Training was the only way he would ever get better besides real fighting. Picking up his keyblade, he behan walking torwards the crystal clear glass door, the bright deserts sands on the otherside of it. In the distance he spotted a cliff." Today's exercise..Climbing" He said to himself as he sped out the door, racing towards the out crop of rocks in the distance, around the small cliff. Many things ran through his mind, his friends, the thought of getting stronger so that his next fight with his brother would be quick and would be the last one. There was one move in particular he would have to improve on. An old family tactic passed down through the royal family in his home world. Razgragen, a technique of building up energy spheres in both hands, and combining them at the last second, right before smashing into your opponenet with them. They had been known to be able to pierce anything, crystal, concretes, heavy metals, all forms of stone, even bone.

There was always something he had no0t been able to perfect about the move, it was not the actual ability, but the strength of a full fledged blow that he would need to actualy break through a barriar and kill the opponent. Thats where the climbing came in. He lacked the actual physical strength to pull it off. He needed to be stronger.

Luca grabbed the first ledge of the cliff, looking up, trying to find the very top of the cliff. It must have been pretty high up. The heated desert sands began blowing, the air was dry with it as well. He pulled himself up to the first of the sandy ledges, 1 foot off the ground. Nothing was going to stop him, he decided that now. He reached for the next ledge in another outcrop of rocks above him, grabbing it and pulling himself up. the wind began to pick up a little bit. He kept climbing, ignoring the factors that clearly pointed to a sandstorm coming soon.

He had climbed about half way up the cliff, hoping he was near the top and hanging on for dear life with every inch higher he climbed. The sand was blowing all around him now. A full fledged sand storm. He could not even see the hotel anymore. The sand was getting in his eyes, cuasing him to have to rub them out every now and then. Luca's arms were begining to give out on him as well, each muscle seeming to tear with every new ledge he grabbed. His arms seeming to be numb almost now. An expression of pain and discomforted covered his face, squinted through the sand, climbing still. The next ledge came, nothing above it. Luca opened his eyes. Had he reached the top? or was it just a bigger ledge?" I did it?" He pulled himself up the sand storm seeming to be below him now. He looked out, not being able to see the ground for miles. The sand storm seemed to be continuing on for miles. He collapesed with a sense of completing his goal, his arms were dead for the moment, and both his hands bleeding badly from the jagged rocks cutting his hand that had been bothering him since the beginign of his training session today.

"...I did it.."


New member
Bon-Bon jumped out of her bed, "Look, Jas you guys are all good poeple but..." Said Bon-Bon as she walked out into the halway to Jas.
"It's dangers to be my friend, bad things seem to happen to them.... Don't worry I'll still help you guys on your quest, just don't get to close to me." Said Bon-Bon as she walked down the halway.
Bon-Bon stopped and quikly turn to Jas, "Takeshi might be in troubble the most, from me, since he got dark mana." Said Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon quickly ran down stairs and out into the lobby, there Gramps cought her.
"Bon-Bon there seems to be some strange monsters out in the desert, can you go check it out?" Said Gramps as he walked up to Bon-Bon
"Sure, were was the monsters last seen?" Said Bon-Bon with a smile.
"Some where near Mt. Jagget." Said Gramps as he pointed otuside.
"I'll be back by dinner time." Said Bon-Bon as she ran out the main door.

Bon-Bon was soon out in the middle of the desert, the hot sun beat down on her as if she was an unwelcome guest. "Man, I forgot how hot it is out here in Dry Dry Desert..," Sighed Bon-Bon as she dragged her feet.
Just then Bon-Bon sinced something, "Who's there?" Said Bon-Bonas she drew out her keyblade. A group of Heatless appered around Bon-Bon, "Are these the monsters?" Said Bon-Bon as she charged at the small group of Heartless.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji walked and just kept on walking. Where he was going? He had no idea. His handsome face caught many stares from passerby. He didn't care. If he did, he would have killed them. He had no more joy in his heart. All he knew was hate and revenge. He hated everything around him. The road that kept him from falling into space. The air that kept him alive. He hated it all. Black sparks and bolts of energy bounced along his fingertips. As he walked the amounts grew and connected with this below him. Several gaping holes were left in his wake.

Suddenly, a great sadness came over him and he threw his arms out. With a rough chaotic voice he cried, "I HATE YOU ALL!" With a rush of energy, huge bolts of energy flew from his fingertips and smashed into the walls of buildings, cutting into them and causing them to explode. "THIS IS ONLY A TASTE OF MY POWER!" Several men came running up to stop him but he put simple bolts of black electricity into their chests and they erupted and where consumed by powerful flames. "I BATTLED HELL! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME?!"


New member
Bon-Bon slashed and hacked away at the Heartless in front of her, using her saddness and anger to fuel her energy.
All the Heartless was was gone, "They can't be gone... this is too easy." Said Bon-Bon still holding up her keyblade.
Suddenlly, Bon-bon sinced a huge power surge coming from the town, "Wha it can't be the heartless...its too reminds me back in Twilight town.....SOJI!"Said Bon-Bon as she tryed to rush back to town, but more Heartless apper blocking her from the town.
"Out of my way!" Said Bon-Bon as she foght the Heartless army in front of her.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's blue eyes flashed red as he activated his Henji. Instantly, blood traits and people began flashing into his mind, being targeted for temination. He was shown the area of most vulernability and took advantage of it. Most of the time, it was the chest and heart. Other times it was the head. Bolt after bolt flew from his hands and he smiled again, a slight hint of insanity. His emotions had been pressured and then repressed all his life. Finally, they had been put under far too much strain and now his real self had retreated to leave his inner nature as a demon to truely come out. No White Demon in history had ever really shown the side of a Black Demon, but Soji was willingly excepting this side and using it.

Buildings exploded around him. Children and people were crying now. He cried out, "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! WHY ME? WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH ME?!" He began to float off the ground and an orb of black energy appeared around him. This energy was almost exactly like the aura of darkness he had made back at Pride Rock when he forced his body into the Secondary Form, except, this time it was controlled. He didn't transform, but the massive amount of energy was focused and controlled down into the form of a sphere. He pointed out his arms again and the sphere started to grow. Everything that got caught inside was absorbed and used to make the sphere even bigger.