Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
She's gonna go for good.. thought Rio. He then wiped the tears from his face and stood up. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.." he was saying, but Jas put up her hand. "Don't worie, as long as you don't hurt Agrona.. or be a total loser again.. I won't judge you and Agrona won't leave you.." said Jas. Rio noded. "But you'd better go apoligise to her.." she said, Rio noding once more and walking over to Agrona, who was standing in a corner. "I'm sorry, Agrona.." said Rio, hanging his head with shame. Agrona looked up at him and then smiled. "It's okay, I forgive you." said Agrona. Rio held his arms out for a hug and Agrona exepted. "It's okay. I love you.."

Sajine looked around with a sigh. Then she felt somthing inside her. Somthing's wrong.. I have to move! she thought. She then jumped to her right and landed on her feet before looking around to see a dark portal just leaving. Then she jumped again, and again.. and there was always somone trying to grab her to pull her into one of the portals. Then she let her gaurd down and she got pulled into one of the portals..

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi was sitting in the same spot, just thinking, and listening to Jas, Rio and Agrona from across the room. Then he noticed that Sajine wasn't anywhere. He hadn't seen anything, so he thought that she had probably just wandered off. Then he sensed darkness from in the room. He got up and looked around and saw, somehow, the outlines of many portals that had just recently been opened in the room. They were all behind him, too, which was also pretty weird.

Takeshi sat back down on the floor in the same spot he was just in. A few seconds later, he felt the seeping closing into him. He shook it away, then sensed a portal opening underneath him. Swiftly, he jumped out of the way, but in failure.

Takeshi came down right ontop of another portal that opened underneath his feet. Falling through the floor, he caught an edge, but couldn't get his other arm to reach it. He tried pulling himself up, but couldn't. Finally, after about 45 seconds, he yelled. Jas. The word came out of his mouth as loud as it could, and all Takeshi could do was hope Jas would hear him and make it over to the portal before it was too late.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas had her Takeshi's call for her, and as she looked around she saw he was going into a portal. "Takeshi!" she screamed, running as fast as she could to him and when she eventully got to him, she grabed his wrist and pulled, but she could not pull him up, and her hand started to slip, so she used her other hand also, but her hand ended up sliping from his wrist. "Takeshi, no!" she said, as she fell to the ground.

Sajine found herself on the ground somewere.. somwere dark... and she felt drowsey. "Were.. were am I?" said Sajine, looking around, her eye's half closed. "Hello?" she said, lifting herself of the ground, trying to see. "Hi, whats your name?" sajine herd a voice say. "You expect me to tell my name to somone I can barley see..?" said Sajine, blinking a few times to see if that would help her eye-site. "No.. actully I don't.. but I just wanted to know so I could talk to you and refering to you using your name.." said the voice again to Sajine. Sajine sighed. "My name is.. TAKE THIS!" said Sajine, kicking the area she herd the voice from. What? I swear this person was here..
"Please don't do that again.. you might hurt yourself.." said the voice, coming from behind Sajine. "You have super speed or somthing?" said Sajine, turning around to the person.


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx opened his eyes and looked at the heartless closing in on him. He was helpless. All of a sudden, he saw a blur and all the heartless disappeared. He then saw feet walking towards him. He didn't look up to see whose they were. He just closed his eyes and lied down until he couldn't hear the footsteps anymore.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi fell through a portal and onto a cold, hard, white floor. He looked around at the room he was in and saw tall chairs surrounding him. In each of the chairs was a person, in black and gray robes and hoods that prevented Takeshi from seeing their faces. There were thirteen total, and they all seemed to be looking down at him.

Then one spoke "Here he is, Xemnas, the one that you wanted to see." Said the cloaked person in the 2nd lowest chair, who sounded female. "Thank you, Larxene, you've done well finding and retrieving him." Answered the one in the highest up chair. "Where am I?" Takeshi dared to ask, wondering if they would answer him of if he shouldn't have spoken at all.

"You are on a battleship in the middle of space, in the audience of Organization XIII," Replied Xemnas...


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Yes, thank you for noticing." said the person. Sajine then sighed. "Okay then.. so were are we?" asked Sajine. But she herd no reply. "Damn.. that was no help at all.." said Sajine, before the lights came back on. "What the heck?" she said, stuned. "Whoh.. bright.." she said next, covering her eyes. Once she had got used to the light, she looked around. The room's walls and floor were completly black, and a door was built directly in the middle of a wall on one side of the room, and another in the exact same place on the oppiset side of the room. And a sign.. a sign right in front of her. Sajine then walked right up to it and started to read it. "What..?"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
When Styx opened his eyes, he was in a house. He looked around and found he was in the living room. On the walls there were pictures of a man with long white hair and his wife, apparently. A beautiful woman with blonde hair. He got up off the couch he was sleeping on and looked around. The house was made entirely of wood. "Welcome" said a voice from what was apparently the kitchen, "to Destiny Islands." "Destiny Islands?" asked Styx. "Yes," said the voice. A man then came out of the kitchen. He was tall with long white hair. "My name is Satu. Who are you and how did you end up on the Island?" "I'm Styx," said Styx, "And i'm not entirely sure how i got here." Styx looked up at the pictures on the walls. "Is that your wife?" he asked. "Yes," said Satu. "Her name is Miki. And soon, i promised myself and her, we will have a baby." Styx thought about this for a second and replied, "What do you think you will call him?" Satu had to smile as he said, "Riku. I'm not entirely sure what it means, bu i know its a great name." Styx thought only one thing, Riku, where have i heard this before?. He just kept thinking that over and over again.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Just then the door burst open. Another man walked in and bumped into Takeshi, knocking him down. Takeshi looked at him, he could see his face because his hood wasn't on, and his mouth dropped. The person who was standing right infront of him, looked just like him.

"Meet your nobody, Saekti. He has been with us for many months, ever since you ate the dark mana pill. He is number 13 in our order and is quite useful." Xemnas said. I've got to get out of here. This place is crazy, I mean, the old man told us about the nobodies, but having mine be in the order, it may be just me imagining things, but I've got a feeling that this is more than just coincidence. Takeshi thought to himself. HE had practiced making dark portals for a few months, but had never got them perfect yet. I just hope that this works, he thought. He put his hand on the ground, pretending to be pushing himself up, and focused the darkness to his fingers. In a few moments a portal was open under him, and he fell hoping it would take him to where he wanted to go, back to Jas.

"NO." Xemnas yelled, jumpting down to the ground where Takeshi had just been. "WHy hadn't I saw that he was making a portal, god I am so STUPID. Now we will never be able to unleash the Fountian of the Souls true power and rule the galaxy!"
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"What the heck? Thats weird.." said Sajine, scratching her head. Staring at the sign. The sign listed: "Hello, you are one of the people we will be working on for our experement..". "I gotta get outta here, before they 'experement' on me..." said Sajine, looking at the doors. "What door do I go through though?" She asked herself. She then noticed somthing.. somthing coming from under the doors. It had looked like mist, but it was thicker than mist- and under one door, black mist was coming out, and the other had white mist coming out. "PICK YOUR DOOR ALREADY!" Sajine herd a voice come over a speaker. " idiot.." Sajine herd over the speaker again..
Somone got in troble Sajine thought to herself with a giggle.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx looked out the window and saw the island a good distance away. He then remembered something. "Oh no...that girl!" said Styx. He quickly got up from his chair. Satu was puzzled and asked, "What girl?" "I met her in another world and...i'm not entirely sure about her but i think i sould save her!" Satu got up and said, "I have a boat in my can use it to get to the island." In no time, Satu and Styx got the boat and Styx rowed back to the island. He didn't even take three steps when a large portal appeared on a tree. Styx hesitated but decided to go through.

On the other side, Styx looked around. Sand. Lots of sand. He looked in front of him and saw one of the Chasers in front of him. It was the leader of them. He had his head down as he spoke. He was kneeling and had his hands on his keyblade. He spoke to Styx. "Styx, you disappointed us." Styx didn't say anything. He continued, "All hearts begin in darkness and end in such. Nobodies especially. When you drift from darkness, you will perish. And by perish," He got up slowly and took his keyblade out of the sand. "I mean i will kill you." Styx took out Fenrir and prepared for the toughest battle of his life.


New member
Bon-Bon was standing in the sand of Destany Island. She breath in the salty sea air. She was reflecting back of all the things that happen to her. I wonder.... do the others even miss me?..

"I shouldn't be thinking this way, They don't need me anymore." Siad Bon-Bon with a sigh. Black Clok appered behind her, "Thanks Right, the others were just holding you back, and you were holding them back....don not worry about them." Siad Black Clok


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
The armored man jumped up and struck down and attacked Styx. He dashed quickly and got out of the way. The Armored man ((from now on i'm gonna call him ES for Enigmatic Soldier) dashed afetr him and attacked. Styx used fenrir and deflected it. They jumped up and attacked each other in the air. The clings of their keyblades got louder and louder. ES swung his keyblade at Styx's head but missed. They fell to the ground and ES dashed as fast as possible at Styx hitting him and sending him flying. He landed hard on the ground and got up as fast as he could. ES was dashing again so he jumped up quickly and dodged.


New member
Bon-Bon grabed her heart, Black Clok smiled, "Do not let the Darkness control you like Jazz." Siad Black Clok. Bon-Bon shoo her head and turn to Black Clock.
Besiade Black Clok again was her Dark Self, her Dark Self Smiles and chukkled as it disappered. Bon-Bon eyes widen with alittle fear, "Are you Scared?" Asked Black Clok.

Bon-Bon shook her head again, "No...I'm just binding my time...I can go into the Darkness anytime." Siad Bon-Bon as she trun away from him. "Good, but hurry." Siad Black Clok as he disappered.

Bon-Bon side and pulled out her Keyblade and looked at it, "Hmmm, why can't I just be in the middle." Siad Bon-Bon in a sad tone.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
ES rushed in and attacked Styx again, this time making him bleed. HE flew back and landed hard. ES rushed again before Styx got up and hurt him again. Styx landed hard again. He looked up and saw someone coming. "ES STOP!" he screamed to ES. Es didn't stop in time and hurt Styx even more. "Had enough?" asked ES. "Its not that, he's here!" said Styx gesturing to a figure approaching. Styx got up and stood next to ES. When the figure was in view, they recognized it to be the other Armored soldier. He took off his helmet and revealed himself to be Roxas. ES smiled and attacked Styx. Roxas rushed in and also attacked. Styx got up and did one of his favorite moves, Explosion. Three balls circled around him and hit the two Soldiers. Roxas rushed in for another attack and nearly killed Styx. Styx couldn't move. So he just waited to die.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx knew he was doomed. ES charged at him and he knew he was done. He then heard a loud clang.

He looked up and saw a boy. About 14 or 15. The boy had a keyblade and had blocked ES's attack. Roxas backed away quickly at the sight of the boy. "Sora?" he said.

Sora jumped up and slashed at ES. ES swung at him and hit his keyblade making a loud CLANG. Styx got up and spotted Roxas heading towards him. THey swung at each other and dodged and hit and missed. Sora and ES, on the other hand, were having a more intense battle at the moment. Sora slashed at him and ES dodgd it. Sora rushed in for another hit and sent ES tumbling backwards. Styx hit Roxas hard also and sent him flying too. "Come on" said Sora. They ran for a while and didn't stop nor look back. They ran and ran until they had lost them. Now, they were near the Fountain of the Souls. THey sat down and rested. "Who are you?" asked Styx. "My name is Sora. I was wandering through King Mickey's castle and found a portal. I went through and saw you so i decided to save you." "Wait, Mickey? Mickey Mouse?" Sora nodded and Styx said, "ES told me he won't become King for years. ES sees past, present, and future. You must be from the future!" Sora was just very puzzled. "Maybe..." Styx then realized something. "SORA! The legendary Keyblade Weilder!"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
ooc: Wow.. RR's post are confusing me...

Sajine looked around again. She let out a long disapoointed sigh. "Hmm.. I wonder where this place is.." she said, facing the ground. She then leanded againsed the wall. "If only I had somone to talk to I wouldn't be so damn bored" she had said. She started playing with her fingers.

After a while, Sajine had been thinking up somthing.. it was a poem, a poem that wasn't pointed for anyone.. She just started to think of it. She then resited it out:

"Thinking of you, werever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend..
Now I will step foward to relise this wish.
And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard.. or mabey its already begun.
There are many worlds.. but they share the same sky-
One sky- one destiny.."


New member
Bon-Bon exsamine the Door, it was stragne, it had no handles or keyhole. Bon-Bon tilted her head in confution as she looked at the door unp and down. "Stragne, this door has something spacail, I can feel it." Siad Bon-Bon as she put her hands on her head.

Bon-Bon then reached out for the door. As soon as she touched the door, it flug open.