Just then the door burst open. Another man walked in and bumped into Takeshi, knocking him down. Takeshi looked at him, he could see his face because his hood wasn't on, and his mouth dropped. The person who was standing right infront of him, looked just like him.
"Meet your nobody, Saekti. He has been with us for many months, ever since you ate the dark mana pill. He is number 13 in our order and is quite useful." Xemnas said. I've got to get out of here. This place is crazy, I mean, the old man told us about the nobodies, but having mine be in the order, it may be just me imagining things, but I've got a feeling that this is more than just coincidence. Takeshi thought to himself. HE had practiced making dark portals for a few months, but had never got them perfect yet. I just hope that this works, he thought. He put his hand on the ground, pretending to be pushing himself up, and focused the darkness to his fingers. In a few moments a portal was open under him, and he fell hoping it would take him to where he wanted to go, back to Jas.
"NO." Xemnas yelled, jumpting down to the ground where Takeshi had just been. "WHy hadn't I saw that he was making a portal, god I am so STUPID. Now we will never be able to unleash the Fountian of the Souls true power and rule the galaxy!"