Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: this is why I say read the recent post of like the last three-four pages.

Sasuke finally got in front of the guy, stopping him in his tracks. He looked back to seee if Naruto had followed and smiled back at the guy. "Well, you saw what I did to that body you left, now tell me what I need to know, or you'll be next." The nin laughed at him "I'll tell you whn I'm six feet under." he threw down a smoke bomb and used another invisiblity jutsu, the smoke covering his tracks. Sasuke coughed as he was close to the bomb point. "Damn, he got away, best return to the camp site with the news." He went back the way he came.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked over the two girls and felt the heat rising in his head. These two were way too shy. He turned to Hinata and waved his hand at Tripod. "This is Tripod Trigater. She's been my friend and partner for some time now." Soji then looked into Hinata's eyes. His own eyes swirled red for a moment and became unfocused. A second later, his eyes were focused again and he said, "This is Hyuuga Hinata of the Head Family. The Hyuugas are a very important family in Konoha. She's a bit of royalty. Oh and sorry if my eyes scare you. Without my Tainted Henji I wouldn't be able to see." Soji reverted to his blue eyes and the world was lost in darkness. Several lights shown around him and he recognized Tripod as the one with far too many lights glowing in her body. Hinata showed up as three normal lights. Outside, he could just make out the others. The only one who he could really recognize was Gaara and Naruto due to the demons inside them. Gaara's demon was a good deal smaller than Naruto's though. That was just the difference between the One-Tail and the Nine-Tail.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
ooc:i know im being lazy today, thats why im not typing as much as usual.

Kaze was half-way to the spa when he looked down and relized he had forgotten his squad, a group of newly appraised chunin, not that that really ment anything in the sound village, rank only sais where you've been, not what you've done.

He turned back still walking on the brown slate road, every once in a while kicking a piece of the tile like serface up and turning it into a shuriken, he been practicing this justsu((there is a clue to one of my justsus, i give these periodically)). He reached the first house, he now had a cupcake in his hand, and while touching the doorbell, he took a large bite.

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Wow, he could read that much of me even though I didn't even sa y a coeharent sentance, and he said he was basicaly blind. She suddenly felt in awe about him, being blind and a sannin was no small feat. Also she started to trust them. I mean if they were here to kill them off they would have done it by now, they had plenty of chances.

Being the proper person that she was, she went into a deep bow. "It is an honor to know you two."
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Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
The door slowly opened and out came Nerol, (pronouned: Ne-role, but together) his blonde hair flling onto his forhead, his slim body resembeled that of Kaze's, it had to to be capable to keep up with Kaze, becuase as stated before, it was fast one. "Hurry up Nerol, we still have to pick up Rann and Aly.
"Ok, ok, one second Kaze." He went in and a few seconds later came out with a modified version of Kaze's fighting garments, most in the village looked the same but with slight diffrences.

The two walked down the street, Nerol seemed to tired to walk, much less talk so Kaze didn't care to say anything.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: loser's my word

"I'm sorry, do you mean me?"

Sasuke was behind Gaara, he had been ther for a few moments. He had just got back to the camp. he found it amusing that Gaara couldn't keep up with his movements all the time, so this was one f those rare occasions where he allowed himself to crack a smile of amusement. "Let's just get rid of this dead weight, make sure we can't be tracked by it."


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Name: Kouta Hyunata

Age: 16

Sex: male

Village: Waterfall

Abilities: These moves are original to the thought, and only kouta can use them.

Deep submerge - Neptunes Revenge - A massive amount of water rises from the ground and surrounds both the user and the enemy. Then the user creates a giant ball of planet shaped water, and shoots it at the enemy, along with trailing strings of water following behind it for extra damage.

Aqua rhapsody - Mercury's recidal - Water forms from the sound of a lovely tune from the guitar that Kouta carry's. The sound he uses creates many water figures and strings that strike the enemy from all sides.

Water reflect - Water shields user and creates a mirror of ice to reflect what attack goes at the user.

Icy sound - A sound is played from koutas guitar to burrow water into the ground. The water then comes up hard and fast as giant ice shards the cause some big damage. This move is a target follower and very fast.

Bio - Although the village of the waterfall isn't exactly the strongest, it is very well hidden. Kouta was originally born in the village of waterfall, and many people knew this dew to the fact that his power didn't compare with the others in the village of the mist. He was took in from someone from the village after his true family was murdered by a mysterious enemy. They tried to teach kouta the ways of the mist, but it just wouldn't go through. So as Kouta grew, he studied up on his true village and power. Dissapointed at what information was given for his village, he decided to stand up and take a leauge at proving that the waterfall village wasn't going to be the worst. So he practiced and formed his own style and technique. He finally left the village of the mist at the age of 15, and ventured forth to find his true village. During his small journey he got caught up in a battle with some people of his own who said they would help him find the village if he could beat them and proove he was from there village. He easily beat them in heartbeat, and was led towards his village. When he got there, many people couldn't believe that he was from the village, and what power he actually held. Many students at the village were jealous, and shuned him out of many things. Finally when the best of the best were put into groups for the journey, kouta decided to go solo, since his teamates wouldn't accept him. Now at the age of 16 and jouneying alone, who knows what will happen and who he will meet...

Looks like - guys/kamuro.jpg

Imagine w/e you want for the guitar. But, it is blue, and cool looking!
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The King Of Bandits
Luca appeared out of the bushes, he had not been sensed by either of the two in front of him." Gaara, Sasuke. Why did you not sense me there?" he smiled sitting down on the ground, twirling a leaf in his hand and looking between the two boys. " can either of you answer?" Luca was all about giving questions to people when he did something that was unexpected like this.he had been sitting in the bush for less then 3 seconds in reality, but none the less they had not sensed him. " Dont let your guard down too much, remember we are in the company of fellow ninja's, and im not reffering to the two who are tagging along with us. Im talking about the ninja's who attacked us earlier. There bound to be more out there, probably setting traps for us already. So in the future, dont let your guard down so much" He smiled, joking around with the two to try and ease the tension" Im joking guys, come on, you think i care wether you could sense me or not?" Luca stood up and walked over to a tree, leaning against it" Sasuke, what information did you get from the enemy Nin you were chasing?"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto had chased after the shinobi as well, but Sasuke got in front of him and got to him first. He made short work of him, that much he was sure. He began to calm down as his eyes changed to blue, whiskers became normal, and his hair looked less wild. He sat on a branch in the midst of the night noticing Luca was there. He was watching them from a tree, knowing he wouldn't really pay attention. Man i'm hungry. Luca was undergoing an interrogation of both Sasuke and Gaara who he just noticed. He did however keep a look out for enemy and rogue shinobi running around loose at night. This village was getting even more intersting by the hour as he couldn't wait to see it. He fell from the tree and landed on the ground heading back to the camp site. He yawned as he was getting tired no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke had to admit that he wasn't looking out for Luca or any ninja at that moment. It wasn't easy sneaking up on Gaara, so when he did he put all his focus on it. Gaara must have been watching Luca so he didn't know about Sasuke's arrive it seemed. "Well, I got more than he thought I got from him. He was heading towards the uncharted area, It seems there's something there we don't know about. These ninja were good, but they seem to forget about the simple things, like misdirection." He laughed when that could've been him if he hadn't double back around to get here. Any nin following him are probably lost somewhere near the sound village.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
IC: Soji could hardly see as Hinata did her bow. It was almost impossible to with his normal eyes. Despite their copious amounts of color that described a set of eyes full of sight, they lacked it completely. All he could see were what appeared to be shining stars that really represented the hearts, minds and souls of the people around him. Sometimes he cursed his family for brining him into a world as a blindman, but then he had to look at the gifts he had recieved. His Henji allowed him to see when he used it and he had managed to become a Sanin despite the fact he was only sixteen. After becoming a Sanin, he had given up on doing anything with his life. Tripod came along then, and she gave him a new purpose. He was to protect her and help her get back to her village. Perhaps this hidden village the Konoha ninjas were looking for was even Tripod's village.

Soji brought himself back to the here and now and smiled to both of them. "Thank you, Hinata-sama but that isn't really necissary. You shouldn't bow to someone of a lower Family class." He looked over at Tripod, wondering what she would do next. It was White Tripod afterall, so all Soji had to worry about was if she accidently embarrassed herself.
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New member
ooc: sorry about not posting

Tripod smiled at Hinata and looked over to Soji. Tripod was about to say something but she remeber something. "Luca's Picture, I need to give it back to him." Said Tripod as she reached into pokect and pulled out the picture.
Tripod looked at the Pic, it was a nice picture showing Luca with a girl. "Hm, must be a good friend of girlfriend." Said Tripod as she put the pic back into her pokect.

"Soji, I'll be back." Said Tripod as she walked out of the tent.
Tripod looked around and could not find Luca, "Where did he go?" Said Tripod with a puzzled look.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Half way to Aly's house a top ranked medical shinobi landed in front of Kaze.
"Kaze, im sorry but you will have to come with me, Orochimaru needs to have a word with you."
"Ok. Nerol, you go on ahead and you guys just practice the skills I tought you yesterday, I might not be back."

After getting to Lord Orochimaru's house the pale, dark-eyed body emerged from his quarters, and with a mission scroll in his hand.
"Kaze," the words rolled out as if a snake had said them, "this scroll tells you the detailed facts, but here are the basics. There is a group of chunin from various villages working together to find an unknown village that has sometihng they want, counterpartly, I want it, track them down and make shure you get what they want." There wasn't any time for discusstion, the scroll fell to the ground and Kaze could see two snake like eyes go behind the quarters door.

Kaze went back to his house and opened the light-brown door, and while walking in grabbed a small backpack and filled it with supplies. After grabbing everything he needed he started to walk out of the village, there was no reason to hurry, he wouldn't know were he was running if he did, whoever he's following could be right under his nose.
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New member
Tripod walked along the campsite looking for Luca, she saw him but he seems to be busy with the others. "Well, I shouldn't disturb him." Said Tripod to herself.
Tripods snuck up behind Luca and placed the Picture on his head, then she quitely walked away.
Tripod made her way back to Soji's tent, but her mind began to wonder. So Tripod got turned around and wonder deeper into the woods. Until she saw a boy with a long scarf around his neck. Tripod quickly jumpped up into the near by trees. "Who this guy?" Whisppered Tripod to herself.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Sorry for the delay in posting.

As Naruto reached the campsite he leaned against a tree yawning. Can't....fall....asleep or enemy....shinobi will.... Naruto began slowly slide down the tree until he was eventually on the ground. His mouth was slightly open as he began breath in and out softly sleeping. You could only imagine what he was thinking about other than ramen and being Hokage. He yawned and rolled on his side and began smile in his sleep. Resting his body was a good idea, but he was vulnerable, then again he was always vulnerable to an enemy attack. He slept carelessly waiting for someone to wake him up.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Kaze was walking alng the woods when he noticed a jump in chakra. He put his hands together, in a tower formation, two fingers on the palm of the upper hand, which also had two fingers up. He concentrated his chakra flow and was ready for anything. "I know your there, just come out."