Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sighed slightly and then said, "You, you big goof. Don't take it offensively, it's just true." He grabbed Tripod and sat her down close to him. He put his arm tightly around he to make sure she could run off or escape. This time, he thought he'd let Black have some time out before brining the real Tripod out.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Man you guys post fast -_- sorry if this was an extra.

Naruto stood as everyone fought the jounin so it seemed. They all moved faster to the fights then he did, it was like this even when he was genin. He never headed in first that much unless he walked into a trap. When Gaara yelled at him moment earlier a shinobi trap whipped him up into the tree and he began to dangle like a doll watching others fight the jounin. "Aaaahhhh! Why does this always happen to me!?" yelled Naruto reaching for a kunai on the holster by his right leg. They were nearly done, when he saw at least one left. He pulled out his kunai and sliced the rope sending him to the ground. He rushed towards the shinobi enraged at his own rashness getting the best of him again.

He ran towards him and slammed his fist into the shinobi's face only to have it blocked. He tumbled backwards, sliding on his feet across the dirt. He pushed himself back and rushed for him again. "Your going down!" yelled Naruto attempting a sweep kick. The Jounin jumped and was met with a punch to the face from a replication that hid in the tree sending him towards the ground as Naruto came under him. He slammed his foot into chest cavity close to his chin. As he flew upward he was met with the original whom delivered a fierce finishing kick to his face. He came crashing down with immense for snapping his neck on impact from the kick and worsened by the grounds impact. "Heh, you guys weren't going to get all the fun." said Naruto boasting hiding the fact that he got caught by a genin level trap, the way he talked it was like that was a shadow clone the whole time.


The King Of Bandits
Luca stood up, not sensing anymore enemies near them. Naruto had gotten the last one" that that is over" he said brushing off his gloves and picking up all the items that had spilled out of the bag, noticing his picture was missing but not making a big deal out of it. Sure it had meant a lot to him, but he would rather not have the group prying into his personal life...specialy about those who had been close to him, and who had lost their lives doing the exact thing Luca had been brought up to do. " You should all get some rest" he looked over at Hinata with soji, seeming to still be asleep. His eyes drifted then to Gaara, sasuke, and Naruto. They had all fought well and deserved a rest. As for the other two, he was still unsure about wether to trust them or not. Soji seemed to be a little on edge, last time luca had spoke to him, and tripod seemed like a very mixed person. He slowly walked over under one of the thick trees to a dry place on the ground, sitting down and leaning his back against the tree, Pulling out a journal and begining to write in it.

Day 1, Mission code RLX, Luca Sarasu - Jounin, Team leader

Today the group showed much potential. The original group of three who were under me soon grew to four when a new ninja, Gaara, joined them. Also note that two others joined us, two nin which seemed to be independant ninja. by nightfall we have reached our objective of crossing the border, the real search begins tommorow. It rained most of the day today, draging our speed to a slowed pace, and making it almost impossible to chart where we were at. We also ran into a large battle today, the time was around midnight. Ninja bearing the a 6 pointed shape attacked us. Gaara sasuke and naruto preformed well, Hinata was incapacitated before the fight due to other reasons. The other two i am not sure of however. Note that the nin we encountered used techniques such as the circle jutsu and custom techniques.

Luca closed his journal, thinking about his past again and going into a sort of daze. Remembering his life before becoming a shinobi again.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji put his free hand over his face. "Don't drink too much of that. You know how you get when you're drunk. Besides, it's time we set up camp." Soji puts his hands together and bones spread out from his body, quickly making a small shelter for the three of them. Soji untied Hinata, laying her down gently. Soji then took the fairly drunk Black Tripod and pulled out her sleeping bag. He opened it up and slid her into it. Soji then laid down inbetween the two, hoping to get some sleep, yet knowing that Black probably wouldn't allow it.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: nevermind finishing my post >>....

Sasuke looked around, seeing Naruto take out a Jounin over on the other side. "Nice work, it would have been perfect if it wasn't for you getting caught." Sasuke smirked, he had seen naruto up in that tree. 'Just like when Kakashi got him, how pathetic.'[/i]

He noticed something wasn't right and closed his eyes, when he opened them again the Sharigan was active. He slammed his arm forward, revealing another nin that was trying to hide among them with a genjutsu.

"Seems one tried to get away guys." Sasuke called out as he placed the ninja in a headlock, applying more pressure to keep him in understanding. "Now I ask you, what village are you from and why did you and your friends attack us in suck a great amount?"

OOC:someone else can get those answer if they want, otherwise I'll think of something


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji turned over wondering how she managed to get out. He mumbled, "Damn her... Why the hell can't she just stick around? You'd think the alcohol would subdue her a bit." Soji sat up and looked over at Hinata. She would be fine if Soji left. His bones were far harder than any metal. Soji left the tent and sealed the door with more of his super-tough bones. He scanned the forest with his eyes and quickly found Black. With a sigh, he took off after her.

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Hinata started to stir..."mmm.. hey whered the warmth go? and...where am I its piched black..." Byakugan! she looked out and saw that she was at there camp site and saw naruto idily walking around and sasuke enemy ninja? hmm mabe if she could get out of here, she could tell if the ninja was lying or not, alas shes trapped in here

"hmm at least im not in enemy hands... but did they have to put me in this odd dome?" Hinata sighed and started to bang at the odd wall.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto walked off a little while after they stopped in the woods to go. He actually had to use the bathroom so instead of out in the often as Sakura told him not to he found a bush. He felt relieved as he was holding it in for hours, he sighed happily. "Thats alot better, now where Sasuke." said Naruto walking in the dark. He seemed to have gotten himself lost walking around in the dark for only a short period of time. The wind was blowing echoing an unusual noise like beating noise. Whats out there, im not afraid!

He kept walking through the woods feeling an uncertainty. "See through deception, just like....sensei always says." said Naruto whispering to himself. He couldn't admit the fact that he was afraid, only shaking on the inside a little. His fear slowly subsided when he thought back on the past he had, what he endured. It began to make him more confident in how he stopped dwelling on it. He finally came back to the resting sight and sighed that he didn't get lost. He noticed that Soji put Hinata in some type of bone cage that reminded him of Kimimaro when he fought with four years ago. "Bones....whats up with that?" said Naruto then noticing that Sasuke had an enemy ninja in his clutches. That show off, does he ever take a break? Naruto ran up the tree and clinged to the branch above Sasuke, "So you going to talk or do i have to beat it out of you!?" said Naruto flashing his eyes red for only a second.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Looking up at Naruto, Sasuke smiled. 'For once, that's just what i needed.' "Look, I'll make you a deal, tell me what I need to know, and I won't let foxboy up there have ya." He clutched him tighter, releasing the curse mark power to cover his form. "Or maybe I should deal with you myself, and you won't have to tell anyone anything." He smiled meneacingly at the nin, seeing the fear in his eyes, he was going to crack any second. "Now, this is your last chance, now speak or die."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji easily caught up with Tripod and stood beside her quitely. He stared down into the camp and frowned. "There's only eighteen of them, Tri. Do you want to take them?" Soji whispered to her. Eighteen Nin would be nothing compared to some of the feats they'd done before, but he wanted to make sure it was ok with her. There was the fact that Hinata was stuck back in the bone tent though. He could worry about her later. At least that particular person of the Head Family was safe.


The King Of Bandits
Luca looked up at gaara already knowing what he wanted to ask about." Look.. they are only here becuase we are being nice fello ninja's, showing the compassion of konoha. The only reason they are still with us is becuase they choose to be. They are not my responsibility, therefore i could care less. If they are going to follow us anyways, i would rather have them in my sight then in the shadows around us." he stood up looking over at sasuke and Naruto, they were going about that interigation all wrong." excuse me gaara...I have something that needs to be done."

Luca walked slowly, coming closer to sasuke and naruto with each step, appearing behind naruto without him even noticing it seemed." He is not going to talk that way. Making empty threats will do nothing. He knows you wont kill him seeing as how he is the only one left whom we can get info from." Luca moved quickly, appearing beside sasuke and holding a kunai to the mans finger" However" He began to cut deep into the mans index finger, cutting through the bone and watching it fall to the ground" If torture is applied you will recieve an answer much quicker" He watched as the man screamed. In reality he had done nothing. He had used an illusion technique on the man to make it appear as though his finger had been cut off." Im going to continue with this pain and torture until you speak, and i know many ways to go about this. Dont tempt me" When the man finaly looked as if he was ready to talk he let go of him, keeping the illusion technique applied.

Luca looked over at sasuke with a small smile of satisfaction, his grin covered by his mask making it seem as though he was not doing anything. He winked at sasuke as to say ' it's all yours from here'.


New member
A big grin came across Tripod's face, "You bet ya!!" Said Tripod as she ran stragiht into Enemies camp.
All the eneimies looked at Tripod like she was crazy, Tripod held up her hand a huge mallet appear in it,
"Poe Hammer!" Yelled Tripod as she hit the ground causing a gaint earthquake.
The earth open under the enemy's camp and swallow it under 6 feet of earth.
"The deed is done." Said Tripod as she walked backed over to Soji. The Poe Hammer disapper.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji scanned the area with his eyes and pushed Tripod out of the way at the last moment. A dozen kunai stood in the trunk of the tree where she had been seconds before. Soji lept up as several hands burst from the ground beneath him. He rolled over to Tripod and jumped up into a tree. He whispered to her, "These are Grass Village nin. We've got to be more careful."

Soji shot a bandage into the ground and a siesmic wave from the bandage ripped the ninja out of the ground. With a flash of white in his eyes, the ninja were held in the air, unable to move. Two were accidently crushed by the force of Soji's hold but the other sixteen were virtually paralzed. "Go ahead, Tri. I know how you like to finish off your enemies."


New member
"I should have sinced them, that sake made me tipsy." Said Tripod as she jumpped up to the air.
Tripod grabed on of the Ninjas and use him like a bat, She swung at the other group of Ninjas and they went flying over the horizen, "Where ever they land, they'll be dead." Said Tripod as she broke the Ninja, she had, neck with ease.
Tripod landed safly on the ground and tossed aside the lifless body.
"That was fun." Said Tripod in a dark voice.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji landed next to her, putting his arm around her shoulder to make sure she didn't try to run off anywhere. "Yes, I'm sure it was, Tri. Now let's go back to the camp so we can finally get some sleep. We have a long walk ahead of us tomorrow." Soji started walking, leading Tripod and pulling her close to him. With this girl, you could never be too careful. She was one of the few who could attack Soji and get away with it.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke looked at Luca as he winked. 'This guys brutal, I thought Gaara was bad.' but he thanked him, even though he was going to kill the guy if he didn't talk. He changed tactics and threw the nin to the ground, grasping each arm in his hands and placing his foot on the nin's back. "I hope you're not terribly attached to your arms." His smile became even more menaical as he pulled at the arms. The man was crying out in pain, for Sasuke was pulling slowly, hearing each tendon in his arms snap. "Ok Naruto, you take over. Everytime you don't answer Naruto, I'll pull a little harder, and if you stay silent, I'll rip your arms completely off, then I'll switch to your legs. I'll even let the others pick body parts, I bet Gaara would enjoy that."

OOC: at this point, I let MoSO control this little action I explained. It's all you Naruto