Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
"Soji, I already know that you know the Hokage-Style Sixty-year-old Technique: Enclosed Hermitage Return to Society Technique. So, what you need the information about the Eight-Tails for is quite obvious. I also know how much more powerful this would make you. So, it's only fair that I get something that will make me more powerful." Soji tensed slightly and then nodded his head, commenting, "What are you trying to get?"

Orochimaru laughed coldly for a moment and then tittered, "I am going to get the Satetsu no Tsurugi. Or, if I give you this scroll, you will get it for me. Agreed?" Soji nodded taking the scroll. Before he left the shop, he turned back to Orochimaru and asked, "Any idea where it might be?" Orochimaru simply nodded and declared, "Sunagakure."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji had been travelling quickly. He'd get what Orochimaru wanted first, just to be safe. In all honesty, he could probably give Orochimaru a fight for his money, but Soji wouldn't risk it. He was far smarter than many believed him to be. Probably because he was so silent. So... I'm going to assult Sunagakure and steal one of their most precious weapons. The Third Kazekage's own Sword.... Soji dove across the border into the Land of the Wind. He was only an hour from Sunagakure.

That hour seemed to go so slow for Soji. The scenery hardly changed and when it did all he got to see was his destination, never appearing any closer. Finally he reached it and broke back into a walk. He knew where the sword would be. He travelled farther and farther through the town. His outfit attracted few stares. It appeared that it was dangerous to look too long at someone in this village. No one asked any questions. Few even stopped to talk to their friends. Soji just kept to himself though.

Finally, he reached the outskirts of the village. A huge tomb loomed in front of him and spoke of forbidding. He knocked the huge stone door aside and entered calmly. He passed into the main chamber and there rested the dead Kazekage. He looked very odd without proper skin. Obviously he was only recently retrieved from Sasori's possetion. He was so deathly pale, but Soji ignored it. Instead, he press his hand to the Kazekage's forehead and muttered, "Hitokugutsu no Jutsu!"

Instantly, the dead man jumped up from the bedding, attached to Soji by long blue strings. Soji said to the man, "Where is the Iron Sand Sword?" The puppet's head turned, confused. Soji sighed and then corrected himself. "The Satetsu no Tsurugi." The puppet's eyes glowed for a moment and then he turned his head towards a large wall. Soji pulled a string and said clearly, "Get it."

The Thrid Kazekage sprang into action. He pressed his puppet's hands to the wall, making several handsigns. He opened his mouth and must have said something silently because metal fragments began flowing out of the wall, attaching themselves to the largest bit of metal. Soon, a huge, elogant sword was aloft in the air. Soji took it and was surprised at how light it was. Soji took a stab at a statue with its shield aloft. As though repelled by the shield, the blade split back into the fragments and curved around the shield. On the other side, they reformed into the sword, just as sharp and destructive, shattering the statue instantly. So that's why Orochimaru wants this so badly...


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Kouta looked up, after traveling for so long, and heard Tripods voice. When he began to run up to her, she immediatley hid behind some bushes. Where the others went he had no clue. He saw some strang people walk up though, and they were wearing some strange headbands to. They began to come up to kouta, and he was confused at what to do, but he still began to walk up towards Tripod anyways. He got closer, but then the people immediatley stopped him (there's only 3) "Hey, who are you?" One of them asked. "Excuse me? And why do you want to know?" Kouta said, holding his guitar in front of him, plucking at some strings. The people wouldn't take any crap from kouta "We demand that you tell us who you are now, or we will take immediate action.

Kouta was so confused now. He had no clue who these people are, but no one had the right to demand something from him, even authority's higher then him "And what if i-" Too late though, one of the goons immediatley attacked and knocked kout to the ground. Kouta immediarey jumped up and started playing a tune, and then said "Water!" A giant amount of water balls immediatley and forcefully dropped onto the goons, pretty much knocking them out. "What loosers!" kouta said as he grinned


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked over the sword for a moment and then pulled out a jar. Instantly, the sword collapsed back into its millions of metal fragments and the chunk of metal that was the hilt. Soji closed the jar and tucked it into the bag at his side. The sword shined innocently beneath the glass. Soji waved his hand and the chakra strings that attached him to the Third Kazekage vanished. The human puppet flopped to the ground in a broken heap and moved now more. Soji silently passed from the tomb and into a giant sandstorm. It was the perfect cover for him and soon he was at the border of the Land of Wind and the Land of Grass.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Wtf? How did you get to Naruto's location so fast, he wandered pass the camp they pretty much destroyed even deeper into the forest while you chased after Luca.......i wont even ask -_- *sigh* (He was about 2 kilometers in the opposite direction you can't wind up there in the blink of an eye -_-")

Naruto stared at them as they had a guard walking around outside making it so no one could drop in on what they were doing. They made their circle around and then headed into the main building. Naruto seized the opportunity and jumped down running through the temporarily empty streets. He hid ontop of what appeared to be the main building. Through the glass window on the top, he peered inside as they appeared to be having a meeting of some sort. "What are they talking about?" whispered Naruto peering through the glass. His eyes widened as they began to speak and had a map of all the great nations.

"You have all been called here by Me your Unknown Kage of the hidden village." spoke their kage. By the looks of it they didn't have a name for their kage position and everyone else seemed to follow. "As you can see, we have yet to be discovered by our rival villages, our military has been built and we are in alliance with the hidden cloud village." spoke the Kage. He then rolled out a scroll with interesting plans on it written in japanese. "Huh? Strategies on how to attack Konoha, the village hidden in the sand, and the village hidden in the mist?" said Naruto in confusion and suprise. "Now you all have your assignments, but first...crush the outsiders..." said the Kage.

Naruto's eyes widened as two mysterious shinobi appeared behind him. He put his fingers together and created a mass shadow replication of himself and fled in all parts of the village. The other ninja began to spread out of the main building persuing Naruto and his clones. They were being based senselessly and disappearing rapidly. "I've gotta get outta here and tell granny Tsunade!" cried Naruto franticlly running for his life. He enemy nin began to do different handsigns and slammed their fist on the ground creating light whips that grabbed the Naruto replications legs and slamming them into the ground. "Don't let the Konoha spy escape alive!" cried the Kage! Naruto promised to never run, but an entire village was after him so what could he do!?

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: crap crap crap, I haven't posted in forever. I'mma explain my way to get there

Sasuke had walked up to Luca again, though in a great deal of confusion, he was their leader for a reason. Suddenly, he heard a familier explosion of replication. 'Naruto!' Sasuke disappeared from where he stood, reappearing in nearby trees, hopping from one to another. 'What happened to him, I'll get there, don't get killed you idiot' Sasuke skidded to a halt as two Narutos passed under him.

"Hey Narutos, I.." He didn't get to finish as tey were taken out by light whips from strange ninja with blank headbands. Sasuke wasn't seen yet, so he choose this time to get them with his signature move. He disappeared and reappeared crouching beneath one, sending a kick up and lauching him in the air. Then Sasuke jumped up and sailed under him, creating a symbol to keep him floating. He then kicked at his left side, which was blocked, but distracted him as he came around and kcked from the right. then as the man fell, Sasuke clotheslined him twice and finished with a powerful ax kick to the midsection "LION'S BARRAGE!" Sasuke landded the kcik and rolled away from the body, placing a hand in his pocket and tuanting the remaining Nin. As the ninja rushed, Sasuke did quick hand symbols and blew into his hand, a swarm of fire birds flew out and attacked the nin. "FIRE STYLE: PHEONIX FLOWER JUTSU!" The man fell to the floor, charred, Sasuke got up and looked around at the remaining nin. 'This is a bit much for even me, but I can't back down.' Sasuke stared them all down. "Next?"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji pulled out the infused map as he walked. He was quite impressed with the layout. It seemed Orochimaru had some very good servants these days. The purple mark was standing still now somewhere in the mountains. That was odd. This map showed the Land of Grass with mountains. Soji frowned at it slightly as he approached the play it was supposed to be. There was nothing there. Soji didn't know who to trust. His sight or Orochimaru. Making several handsigns, he activated his Byakugan.

Soji gasped as everything was shown into sharp relief. The mountains were there. And sure enough he could see the emmense chakra of the dragon. There must have been some sort of Genjutsu over the mountain range to prevent someone from finding the Eight-Tails. Soji smirked to himself as he began to pass through the range. He could now here emmense roars coming from the area and suddenly a huge figure burst into his sight. It glared down at him a moment and then released an attack the wiped several of the mountains from existance.

Soji had rolled to the side, already preparing the handsigns for his jutsu. He rolled up onto his knee and pointed his palm at the Eight-Tails, yelling "Hokage Shiki Jijun Jutsu: Kakuan Nitten Suishu no Jutsu!" A black symbol appeared on Soji's palm and suddenly there was a grand explosion. When the smoke cleared, it was plainly seen that several large wooden dragons had appeared. THe dragons kept bursting from the ground, eating the beast's chakra. Soji focused on the symbol on his palm and the Eight-Tails let out a huge, defeated sigh. It fell the the ground in a heap as the dragons still swam around it, eating chakra.

"Kill me already human... Don't make me suffer in this infernal mountain range anymore..." Soji looked into the beast's eyes and said clearly, "I won't kill you. Instead, I will take you away from here." The Eight-Tails' eyes lit up and it lifted its head slightly but Soji forced it back down with his technique. Soji knew he couldn't let the beast regain its strength or it might be too much for his body to absorb at once. Making even more handsigns, he declared, "Ō Fūin no Jutsu!" A great seal appeared on the Dragon's forehead and it passed out as its power was supressed. The seal was only temporary, so it would wear off.

Soji made thousands of complex handsigns now. His chakra was molding rapidly, fit to burst from his body. Normally, this technique was supposed to take three days to complete and that was with ten people. Soji had to do it in a matter of seconds incase he was discovered. This could be his only chance. His fingers moved rapidly and he was almost blinded even more by the powerful burning of his chakra as it urged to get out of his body. When he could finally take it no more, he finished the handsign sequence and cried, "Fūin Jutsu: Genryū Kyū Fūjin no Jutsu!" Soji's mouth was opened wide as nine, huge, energy-like dragons poured out of it. The dragons swarmed out around the Tailed Demon and began to absorb it into Soji's body.

Soji winced tightly. It was getting to be too much, but he held on. If he broke off he could die. Almost half and hour later, the remaints of the Eight-Tails were being absorbed into his body. The dragons reared their heads, looking for more Tailed Beasts to absorb. When they wouldn't find any, the retreated back into Soji's body. The full effect almost made Soji pass out, but that would have been far too dangerous. The Illusionary Dragon Nine Consuming Seals would hold the Eight-Tails fairly well, but Soji wanted to make a few more seals.

Soji lifted his shirt and pressed his fingers to his stomach. He cried out, "Hakke no Fūin Shiki no Jutsu!" Eight Trigrams appeared on his stomach, perfectly matching those on Naruto's. Soji could feel the Eight-Tail's power being sealed away, leaving plenty of chakra to leak out though. Soji didn't think this would be enough. Sure, the seal was very strong, but it would fade with time. This would eventually release the demon and kill the host. Soji took out a small tag. Biting his thumb, he wrote several symbols on the tag and pressed it to his stomach. "Fūkoku Hōin no Jutsu!" The tag vanished, leaving the symbols that were on it on his stomach. Soji sighed to himself. He had nothing to worry about. Seconds later, he was out cold, exhausted.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
OOC: I had to get there somehow!!! I'm supposed to be traveling with tripod at the least, but you guys are either on later then me and get to post, or your on earlier then me and get to post! So if i somehow get to you guys out of the blue, just go with the flow. As far as i know, i've only caught up with tripod, and possibly not sure yet...

Kouta ran up to the bushes where tripod was hiding "Hey, why were you - wha?!" Kouta jumped back as he saw something on her shoulder. She stood up and smiled as he saw the dragon on her shoulder "Is that a dragon?" He sadi surprised and confusedly...


New member
"Drgba? (Daddy)" Said Yoki as he ponited at Kouta. Tripod blushed, "Naga(no), Hamigo(friend)" Said Tripod as she looked at Yoki.
Tripod then looked at Kouta, "Yes, and I'm supried you must know your Mythical creatures," Said Tripod with a grin. "He's just a baby dragon, his name is Yoki. He can speack but its only in Avlarn, my home langue." Said Tripod as she petted Yoki.
Yoki nuzzled Tripod, "Bugraua!" Purred Yoki.

Suddenly another ninja jumpped up from behind Tripod and grabed Yoki. "Do what we say or we'll ki-" Said the Ninja before getting intrupted by Tripod. "Um, Mr. Ninja...the was a not so wise move you did right there, you see Draga-babs really doesn't like to be sepreatied from there mothe-" Said Tripod before getting interupted by Yoki's growls.

Yoki slowly turn to the Ninja that grabbed him, his eyes were glowing red with anger, "Oh wow, I never seen a baby dragon do dragon rage." Said Tripod as she looked on. Yoki broke free from the ninja's grip and clawed the Ninja's eyes out. Tripod quiclky rushed over to Yoki, "Yoki, you got the bad man you can stop now...he's eyes are on the ground, you can stop." Said Tripod as she grabed Yoki.

Yoki eyes turn to normal and he looked at Tripod, "Bugrua!" Said Yoki as he hugged Tripod. Tripod looked at the Ninja that was laying lifless on the ground now, "I try to warn him." Said Tripod as Yoki sat on her Shoulders.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was slowly coming to. The mountains weren't there anymore. He sat up slowly and looked around. It took him a while to realize that they wouldn't be there because he didn't have his byakugan on anymore. He still felt really tired, yet at the same time, he was brimming with chakra. Soji knew instantly that his main reason for becoming the host of the Eight-Tails had worked. For some reason, Soji had never been able to produce chakra naturally. This had always hindered him greatly as a ninja, but due to a technique he learned from Orochimaru, he was able to absorb chakra from nature. This process, called the Mass Chakra Absorbtion Technique, was always long and difficult. It required a special ritual and was completely impracticle in battle.

Now, though, Soji had the Eight-Tailed Demon inside of him. He wouldn't have to worry about creating chakra because the Eight-Tailed Demon would do it for him. He stood up lightly, very pleased with the amount of chakra in his body. Everything felt so light and airy now. Soji dusted himself off slightly and then wrapped up his things. Minutes later he was flashing past through the Land of the Grass. His speed has greatly increased.

For some reason, Soji couldn't get tired. He never had to slow down. He assumed this was a sideffect of the Eight-Tails. It wasn't that much longer till he had caught up to the trail Tripod and the others had been on. He stopped so suddenly, he surprised himself. He let out a cheerful laugh and then looked around. It was just as he thought. Tripod had already forgotten him to her new friends. Yet again Soji was all alone. Still, Orochimaru had given him much more than the location of the Eight-Tailed Demon.

Soji looked down on the map. Clearly marked and labelled was a village called the "Unknown Village". Obviously, this Kabuto person had wanted the location of the village to be known. Soji tucked the map away and prepared himself. Maybe half a second later, Soji was gone from sight. It wasn't till about a minute later that the trees around where he had been realized they were dead and fell over. Almost as though they were dominos, the other trees followed. If one had been in the sky, it would had been very interresting to see the shock wave curve outwards from the central point.

Back to Soji though. He was indeed running. He couldn't even feel the trees being destroyed behind him. If he had, he might have been sad for the nature he inadvertadly destroyed. Soji was soon catching up to some figures. Thanks to his Henji, he was able to see them before he slammed into them. This gave him the time to stop, which he did perfectly. It must have been as though he just appeared out of thin air. He would have moved too fast for even a fully matured Sharingan to see him coming. Soji sighed as he stopped instantly, glowing slightly at Tripod.


New member
Yoki began to growl, "Eh, Yoki why are you-" Said Tripod before she and looked back. It was Soji and his arua felt diffrent, "Soji-kun, you came back, you seem diffrent... are you okay?" Said Tripod as she walked up to Soji.
"Bacta!(enemy)" Yelled Yoki as he glared at Soji. "Yoki, Soji-kun is Hamigo(friend), a very dear hamigo." Said Tripod as she looked over at Yoki on her shoulder.

Yoki clamed down and tilted his head, Tripod looked back at Soji, "I'm so glad that you came back, I was begining to worry about you." Said Tripod with a smile.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji turned his eyes away from Tripod, looking at the others. Several of them were missing. "Yeah... I bet you were..." Soji said sarcastically before walking past her. The Nine-Tails was missing. He turned back for a moment and asked, "Where's Naruto? And Sasuke?" Soji then caught sight of another boy there (Kouta). "And who's this? Your boyfriend?" Soji then turned and pulled out a small crystal orb, setting it on the ground. "Tōmegane no Jutsu!" Suddenly, the orb showed Naruto getting chased by many ninja. Soji frowned for a moment. He had been wanting to kill the host of the Kyuubi and steal it...


New member
"Soji-kun, what are you talking about, he's not my boyfriend!" Said Tripod walking after Soji.
"I've been wondering what been going on with you, I keep on seeing images of you in my head," Said Tripod before a thought popped into her head, "Have you been thinking about me?" Said Tripod as she tilted her head.
Why is Soji so diffrent, before he was so kind but now...he's......did he went to see him?!
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked down into the orb closer. "Of course I've been thinking about you. And what kind of images?" Soji thought for a moment. Things don't look good for them. If that Naruto kid dies, then the Kyuubi dies with him. I can't have that... Soji stood up, stashing the orb away into his bag. He looked Tripod in the eyes for a moment and said, "I've been to see Orochimaru. He helped me with a quest of mine..." Soji lifted his shirt, revealing the seal he had made. It was still there, not having time to fade yet. "As soon as I can, I will put a seal over it so I can control when it opens. It's the Eight-Tailed Dragon."


New member
"THE eight-tailed dragon!" Said Tripod with shock. "No wonder Yoki, was growling at you." Said Tripod as she placed her hand on the seal. "I still got alot of things to learn about this world." Said Tripod as she looked up at Soji.

Tripod quickly pulled her hand back, "Oh, sorry." Said Tripod. "The images I've was nothing, I just wanted to let you know..." Said Tripod as she looked down.
"I'll help you in any way I can, with your quest." Said Tripod as she looked at Soji with a smile.

Maybe he is the key for awakeing her that sleeps deep inside me....

OOC: mega magic sorry for the many post that happen after this one, My Computer was acting up very badly.
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New member
"THE eight-tailed dragon!" Said Tripod with shock. "No wonder Yoki, was growling at you." Said Tripod as she placed her hand on the seal. "I still got alot of things to learn about this world." Said Tripod as she looked up at Soji.

Tripod quickly pulled her hand back, "Oh, sorry." Said Tripod. "The images I've was nothing, I just wanted to let you know..." Said Tripod as she looked down.
"I'll help you in any way I can, with your quest." Said Tripod as she looked at Soji with a smile.

Maybe he is the key for awakeing her that sleeps deep inside me....


New member
"THE eight-tailed dragon!" Said Tripod with shock. "No wonder Yoki, was growling at you." Said Tripod as she placed her hand on the seal. "I still got alot of things to learn about this world." Said Tripod as she looked up at Soji.

Tripod quickly pulled her hand back, "Oh, sorry." Said Tripod. "The images I've was nothing, I just wanted to let you know..." Said Tripod as she looked down.
"I'll help you in any way I can, with your quest." Said Tripod as she looked at Soji with a smile.

Maybe he is the key for awakeing her that sleeps deep inside me....


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
"Huh? Boyfriend? I don't think so. We're just regular friends thats all." Kouta said calmly, carrying his guitar in front of him. He walked over by soji and saw he dropped an orb purposely, and it showed that one loud mouthed kid he saw the night he met up with everyone at the camp site "Hey, i recongnize that kid. And those creeps chasing afte him, those were the same people attacking me. From the looks of where he is, he doesn't look to far from where we are." Kout stared out further, and saw the town up ahead. "Maybe we should go save him or something...?"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji smiled at Tripod for the first time since he had got there. He dropped his shirt and reached into his bag, digging for scrolls. He glanced up at Kouta and said, "No need. Why go somewhere else when they can come here?" Soji pulled out two scrolls and looked over them carefully. Muttering to himself slightly, he bent down to the ground and drew a symbol in the dirt. Glancing at the scroll again, he drew a different symbol away from the first one. Tucking the scrolls back into his bag, Soji bit both of his thumbs and pressed a thumb to each of the symbols. Black kanjis spread out in lines away from where Soji's thumbs were pressed. There was a small explosion and Soji yelled, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Dust was thrown into the air and standing in place of the symbols were a very confused-looking Naruto and an annoyed-looking Sasuke.

OOC: For those who don't know, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" is the Summoning Jutsu. xD