Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


The King Of Bandits
"Hinata now" Luca whispered, jumping into the main street of the village and knocking several ninja to the ground. He pulled the katana which he had not used in ages and begin to fight hard. The nin seemed to be of lower skill then he was. They just seemed to be dropping like flies. At the other end of the street he spotted a familiar face. Soji. " Damit" he screamed, dodging and slamming the blade right through the mans neck, sending him flying back across the street and through the concrete wall on the other side. The original intentions of his mission had not been to attack the village but simply discover it. This however was not the village, there fore they could only assume the worst. The fact only furthered itself when he noticed the forehead protectors of the nin he was attacking. They were excatly the same as the ones before. This time they had had to element of surprise, or so he had thought. Seeing soji at the other end of the street was probably not a good sign either.

He was moving quicker then he ever had before, killing his opponents in an instant. There were so many ninjas. He looked around, looking for hinata. Instead he met 5 shuriken, flying directly at him. They stuck into him deep before a puff of smoke erupted, revealing the log he had replaced himself with. An exploding note attached to it. There was asudden explosion from it, killing all that had been closly fighting with luca, which had been number of people. A large number of bodies now lie dead on the ground from one attack. He revealed himself quickly, jumping down from one of the buildings and stabing of the enemy through the back of the neck, driving straight down his spinal cord and killing him almost instantly. The impact of his attack was so forceful, and had happened so suddenly, that everyone had been in shock for a few moments while he pull out his blade and begin attacking again.

He suddenly took notice of the large amount of Narutos at the other end of the street. As far as he was concerned they had done a good job. Something was diffrent however. A dark feeling in the air. Suddenly something was diffrent. He kicked his foot off another enemy ninja and landed right in the middle of another group of enemy ninja. They had him surrounded, or so they thought. The feeling of the chakra flowing from naruto was amnazing, it was almost enough to scare a man half to death if he didn't know what it was. " So this is what they meant by special eh?" he sighed" It's astounding" With that he began spining" Sarasu nexloc no jutsu!" Chakra began flowing from his blade, an arura flowed around it as he smiled" No more play, ok guys?" he swung his blade once, watching several enemy ninja fly back as the others began charging. This was gonna get intresting.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji knew that the Narutos were getting out of hand. He had to put an end to their attack quickly. Soji called out to the remaining ninja, some 300, to return to his side. They quickly did, forming a circle behind him. Making several seals, Soji filled his chest with air and then proclaimed, "Bakusui Shōha no Jutsu!" Soji then exhalled a huge amount of water. It was as though a giant lake had just fallen on the village. Instantly, the water level was almost to the chest.

Without wasting anymore time, Soji commensed another sequence of seals and then proclaimed, "Suijinheki no Jutsu!" A wall of water rose around the remaining ninja and Soji jumped out right before it closed, leaving the ninja in a protective dome that would nullify any attacks. Soji landed calmly to the side of Luca. He placed a powerful punch (using his soul) into Luca's stomach and then muttered, "Suirō no Jutsu!" Instantly, a sphere of water appeared around Luca, trapping him inside of it.

Without looking down at Luca, he scanned the area, forming double seals with his free hand. He called, calmly, "Moku Bunshin no Jutsu!" From his body, liquid wood seemed to flow out and make three copies of himself. When they were done forming, Soji nodded to them and they ran at the Narutos. They each made seals as they ran and proclaimed in very robotic voices, "Suigadan no Jutsu!" The technique raised three sets of water spikes and launched them at the trapped Narutos.

OOC: Sorry if this seems like a lot. Remember, Soji is supposed to be a Sanin. Also, you might be wondering about my wood clones using techniques. In the manga, Yamato can make his wood clones use techniques which justifies my use.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: >_> man this is getting cool.

As the ninja then jumped at Naruto his chakra exploded with a recoil that blew them back. Almost immediatley after this occurence water began to rapidly pour into the village, Naruto and his remaining clones leaped upwards as the water was rushing down covering nearly everything. He enemy shinobi were fleeing across the water as Naruto and his clones watched the area flood with water. "Get back here you cowards!" cried Naruto furiously.

He landed on the water only to meet three wood replications of Sano so it seemed. The next thing he knew a combination of water spikes began to fly his way at an amazing speed. Having his senses heightend, Naruto and 3 other clones aerial rolled off the water while others were pinned by the water spikes. They disappeared into clouds of smoke as the replications of wood still came. "It was you!!" screamed Naruto furiously as his red chakra flowed around him. Two of his clones dashed off in a blaze leaving him and another left by themselves on the far end of the rushing water.

The twin replications slammed furiosiously into two of the wood clones hoping they would vanish as they did. On the farside of the water Naruto was holding out his hand as the clone was forming the chakra within it. It was being compressed into a ball, the next thing that happened he retained it in his grasp. His final clone spun him like a whip toward the final wood replications, he slammed him right hand into the torso of the Sanin's trick. "Rasengan!" yelled Naruto as a flash of light appeared when it met the clones body sending it flying across the water! "Aaaaahhhhhhh!" Naruto screamed furiously as he sliding across the water. "Soji!" He kept heading towards the forest as he then reverted to all fours as the chakra had formed around him conveying a tail and some ears.


The King Of Bandits
"Naruto stop!" Luca looked up, he had been trapped in an instant. He sure was lacking in the sense department now. " Damit " he whispered to himself " they wont beat him... he is too strong by far, and too skilled." He formed a combonation of seals and sighed" I hope i can still do this"

"Kaze no Yaiba no Jutsu!" He let out a silent tone, his hands moved downward quickly, slicing through the bubble and creating and escape route for Luca. As he stepped out the bubble collapsed behind him. Seeing soji in such a vulnerable state, not being able to defend himself he took a shot, and charged. He went in low and quick, cutting in an upwards motion, cutting deep into soji's Hand, or so it seemed. he then jumped back, thinking he had done his job fine for now" Soji!" he screamed, placing the blade of wind ,that had been created by the technique, in front of him, ready to repell any attacks that might be on the way" You seem to misunderstand." Luca knew exactly what he was thinking. He had not been around when before they had been planning the attack so as far as soji was probably concerned, Luca had been making his group attack becuase of a mission objective." We only attacked this place for one reason, look at the forehead protectors of those who we have been fighting. Are they not the same as those who attacked us last night before we set up camp?" He glanced at a dead shinobi on the ground" We attacked to defend ourselves, and our village. If there is some reason we should not have attacked please tell me, becuase to me it seems we are doing the right thing."

There was something diffrent about Luca. After being trapped he had realized what he was lacking. He was lacking his sense, the sense that had made him a chunnin so early in his years. Now he had regained that back." You shouldn't be helping these bastards Soji! They tried to kill us before! And they will do it again!" Luca stopped for a moment, feeling the tension he had left in the air. He was serious now. He knew no of them would be able to beat soji if he did not agree with Luca's judgement." Now, you are a sannin, which means you are more skilled in me then everything i am willing to assume. So im puting my trust in you now, that you will make the right decision. I dont want to see these kids die Soji. There is something about them that puts them above all the rest, sure they might be a little ****y, but at least they can distinguish a good reason from a misjudged one" Highed and dropped his tone" I respect you as a sannin, even though you are two years younger then me" Luca smiled, his mask dropping to the ground revealing his full face" But i have a son back home waiting for me...I wont give up here, I must warn you that if we continue, it will not benifit anyone. I will not lose" He was still smiling, the blade in front of him" ...I have a promise to keep to someone.." He stood atop the water, waiting for a reply from this man who was called a sannin, his next words would be a turning point for them all..Wether it be good or bad.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji turned back to Luca. His hand fell into the water with a plunk. Red curls echoed away as blood leaked from the wound. Soji looked almost boredly at the wound. Sure, it was an impressive technique. He hadn't realized Luca would be capable of an A-Rank technique that was so focused. This was ANBU material. Soji calmly held his remaining hand up and made three seals. He muttered, "Shōsen Jutsu" and a blue blade of chakra formed around his hand.

Soji looked up at Luca and then pressed the blade to his wound. Almost instantly, his arm legnthened and soon a palm and digits began to reform. His red eyes drilled into Luca, scrutinizing him. Finally, he said, "What is going to become of these people?" Soji ****ed his head back at the dome. "And what of these dead? Did they not have families also? And, if I even had not noticed their headbands until I came down here, how did you know what village they belonged to just from seeing them up in the trees? There are no larger markings anywhere in the village."

Soji sighed as his intellegence worked over Luca's words. "You may be doing what you think is right, but what about them? They are also doing what they think is right. Both of you act on your respective villages. I may be younger than you, but I can also reason. From these forces, do you honestly think they expected to assult your village? They can hardly support their own village, much less go on a campain against yours."

Soji's eyes faded from red to blue and he closed them. When he opened them again, he started giving the orders. He formed multiple complex symbols and exclaimed, "Shichūka no Jutsu! Shichūka no Jutsu! Shichūka no Jutsu! Shichūka no Jutsu! Shichūka no Jutsu!" His hands flashed rapidly with chakra as he pressed them to the ground. The earth shook violently and large, two-story wooden houses began to emerge from the ground. Soji then stood up, feeling a slight strain on his body from having first created a lake and then summoning up large houses. He reached into his bag and pulled out a handful of scrolls. He handed them to Luca and said, "Gather the injured. Place them in the houses. Then, I want you to start drawing the symbols on these scrolls on the floors and walls. When that's done, come get me." Soji then turned and walked off, preparing his hands for the long chakra recovery ritual.


New member
Tripod was still in the tree loking at the fight, a wind blew right though Tripods body. "Ah..ah..ah" Said Tripod before she sneezed. Tripod eye color changed to Blue.

Tripod looked at the blob of water what use to be a village, " that?" Said Tripod as she jummped down from the trees. Tripod ran up to the blob of water, "Okay, Gray will be very mad at me if I do this out int the open..but..." Said Tripod as she plased her hand onto the water.
"Light." Said Tripod as her body became envolped in a light arua.

The water that covered the village changed to a white like color and then evaporeted. Tripod ran past Soji and pick something off the ground, it was an large object that fit in Tripod's arms perfectly, it looked like a rock but it was a light brown color. "Its a dragon egg..but what is it doing in this place." Said Tripod as she held the dragon egg close to her. It was warm and movment can be felt from inside it.


The King Of Bandits
Luca looked down at the scrolls, throwing them at his team" I Have had it with this ****! You people are all insane in one way or another! This is just too much stress on my life." Luca looked back at his team, the scrolls in front of them" You guys are on your own...I have had it with all of this. You all listen.. but everything still goes wrong. That dam sannin with his gigantic frog lead us here telling us that this place had been one of the places that housed the enemy nin, and when we get here we get attacked by some who none of you could even stand up against. For god sakes i can't even fight him!" Luca turned away from his team, walking outside of the village and untying his forehead protector"...Some shinobi i am huh" He tossed it on the ground, losing all hope for himself and continuing to walk" "You guys are on your own from here.. just tell them i got killed when you get back, i might as well be dead anyways.."

Luca followed tthrough the village looking at all the dead on the ground, the wounded spread out among them. He had had killed so many people without thinking right. Yes they had families to probably, that was not his point however. It was the fact that in today's world if you did not defend yourself, you died. Those ninja had fully known that they might die when they became ninja's. As far as he was concerned he had killed a few of the enemy while his team had decimated them. He was weak even compared to them. Sure he knew a few high ranking techniques, that still did not negate the fact that he was weak.

His He stepped out of the village, looking back on all the destruction. It was his fualt everyone was dead. It would not surprise him if all his team had sided with Soji. After all he was a sannin. Luca was weak compared to this dam kid that had been tagging along with them the whole time, He wouldn't accept it. His clothing was ripped and torn from the battle, his katana lay on the ground next to his forehead protector in the village he had left behind with his team. This was too much.. He needed to think about a few things..


New member
Tripod looked as Luca walked off, Maybe I should do something....
Tripod kept the dragon egg she found tight with in her arms and ran after Luca.
Tripod ran past the killed and the wounded with a heavy heart, she ran past the village entry ponit and cought up with Luca.
"Luca, wait!" Said Tripod as she came to a stop right beside Luca.
"I'll go with you, I pormise not to say anything." Said Tripod as she held the dragon egg close.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked past Tripod cooly as he kept walking. "Don't ask me. I'm no expert on the breeding habits of dragons." He travelled away from the village to a small hill. Soji closed his eyes and thought for a moment. Soji then opened the bag on his side. From inside he pulled three scrolls and unravelled them, placing them in perpendicular patterns on the ground. Soji's hands glowed with chakra as he began making long and complex seals. The first scroll began to glow and spin. It erupted into flame, leaving a shrivelled claw in its place. The second scroll began to glow and spin next. When it burst into flame, the branch of some plant was all that remained. Finally, the third scroll repeated this process, but left a bright blue rock in its place.

Soji arranged the claw to his right and the branch to his left. Placing his hands on the rock, black symbols began to creep along the ground. When the symbols from the rock came into contact with the branch and the claw, they too began to seep out hundreds of symbols that began to spider weave themselves across the ground. Soon, the entire hill was covered in these symbols. Placing his hands outward, Soji exclaimed, "Chakra Kyūin no Jutsu!" His voice rang througout the surrounding area and the symbols on the hill jumped from their location. They wove up into the air, closing themselves and forming a tight sphere around Soji. Suddenly, blue bubbles began to flow out of the forest and the rocks, flowing towards the black sphere and merging with it.


New member
Tripod kept walking beside Luca, "So tell me, do you wear that mask to hide your sadness?" Said Tripod as she loked over at Luca and smiled. "I wear masks to, but they're emotional masks." Said Tripod as she continue to hold the egg tightly.
"I saw your face when we first met Jrayia, you had such sad eyes...does this saddness deals with that girl in the photo?" Said Tripod as she held the egg close to her.
"Oh, I'm sorry...I pormised I won't talk. I'll be quite now." Said Tripod with a smile as she looked out towards the path in front of them.

I know we all agree to only talked to Soji like this... but... I'm already in trubble about using that out in public...... Oh, well Gray, Dark and Heart are going to be really, really mad at me when I fall asleep tonight...

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto noticed that Luca dropped his headband after going through a strange mishap with Soji. He slowed down on the water and watched for a moment, Luca dropped his headband, Naruto's heightend hearing could hear what he said. This village...these people...they all died....and for what. He dropped on his knees as the chakra began to subside. His eye were still red, though he coudln't fathom it he remained like this and it didn't seem possible. A tear was in his eye, the only one he could shed still under the influence of kyuubi. It trickled down his cheek and he stared at his own reflection in the water. He really was monster....I...I killed these people...they didnt deserve to die! Naruto slammed his fist into his reflection, when he lifted his head upwards, his blue eyes were filled with tears so it seemed. "My shinobi become Hokage of my village...not to take lives, but save look at me...." said naruto in a low tone standing and staring down at the water. "I didn't ask for this! To be an outcast!" cried Naruto masking his sorrow with rage. He noticed Soji saved the remaining people that he could, but this was only a campsite, the actual village was closeby...could they have taken lives and not known the consequences of their actions.


The King Of Bandits
Luca walked slinetly listening to the questions that were shot out at him. It was not the fact that he had gotten cuaght.. but the simple fact that if the boy had wanted to He could have killed them all. Luca had put to much trust in him. Everything he had said luca had taken into account before attacking. Luca dropped his backpack on the ground and took out his picture of Her holding it up to tripod quickly and showing it to her." Her name was Kosaki, she was the most important person in my life until that day. We were married." Luca stopped, knowing this was as close to his past anyone had ever known besides himself." I have a son back in konoha as well, His name is Rokura." Luca broke a tiny smile" just thinking about his son and his life." Kosaki died last year while on a mission, I quit being a shinobi about two years before that so i could be with her. We had only been married for a year when she died. " Luca turned from Tripod, the picture of him and kosaki together." This was my first mission back as a shinobi..I accepted it as a special request from the hokage. But the three years that i was away have withered my techniques and such. Im not fit to be leading this mission, i can't even defeat anyone on my own team, much less a sannin. If that situation had turned out bad i would have been to blame and i just can't take that." He dropped the picture and screamed as loud as he could" I have already lost so many people damit!" He tucked the picture in his pocket, leaving his bag laying on the ground with all the files of his team in it.

Luca began walking away" me a favor..go back to the others and help them finish this mission. It's already done, we found the village, all we have to do is investigate. I have already failed in my mission, I might as well be dead" He stopped and turned back" Tri..I know they can finish this mission without me.. so just do whats best for everyone and leave me to die here" Luca sighed" Some shinobi i am huh..." he turned back towards the road" Konoha is counting on you guys..Finish this mission for them." Luca continued to walk away from her, his bag still laying on the ground. He just kept walking, knowing tri would do the right thing and go back for the others. He knew that he was the weakest out of all of them, no matter what techniques he had, no matter what rank he was, He would always be last compared to them all. The wind was blowing soflty now as he headed towards the mountain range in the distance, the border.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: sry for not being on for so long, guess i'll have to compensate

Sasuke had long given up getting any information out of Kaze. Seeing as how the shinobi wasn't gonna tell hm a thing, he instead followed the others, heading towards the village everyone was speaking of. He hung back because he was in deep thought and didin't want to be taken by suprise. When he heard Naruto getting ready for an assualt, he looked up, just to see about fifty Narutos disappear before him. He was with Gaara after that. Sasuke didn't see a reason to get into this since Naruto had it covered, though he did go overboard.

In the aftermath, Luca threw them scrolls, Sasuke catching one of them and proceeding with his orders. He watched as Luca seemingly had quit. 'Guess He's done with us. If he's done then Someone'll have to take over.' He sighed, because it most likely would have to be him. "Naruto, get up and help out, you can't sit there forever. Remember, this is the way things are sometimes. Take care of this area, I'll be back"

Sasuke disappeared and reappeared leaning against tree Luca was passing. "So that's it's huh? You just gonna leave like this? Sasuke walked in fromt of him, blocking Luca's path to the border.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca didn't even bother to look at sasuke, he kept staring at the ground" You dont understand.." He kept looking at the ground" This mission has brought so much stress on me, I dont want to lose anyone else... So if i quit now i can't lose any of you .." He placed his hand firmly in his pocket, grasping something inside of it. His eyes widened, Pulling out a forehead protector from konoha. It had been Kosaki's. Looking down it sent a shudder down his spine. If he left now he would be breaking his promise to her. What kind of shinobi would he be if he abandon these kids in the middle of the mission, even if they were much more highly skilled in everything. He gripped the forhead protector tightly" ...You dont understand what it's like to give up everything for someone... to give you life to someone.. only to have that person ripped away from does things to a person." His voice was shakey and less calm now"...When you wake up one day and realize you are back where you started.." Luca looked down at the ground again" I Made a promise to someone though...a promise that i am going to keep until i die" He suddenly changed looking up through his deep dark eyes" But i refuse to let any of you go."

Now he was refering to the fight with daraku." Sasuke get out of my way..Your not changing my mind.." he walked closer to sasuke, watching him not move. He was a little too close for comfort now." What the hell do you want from me! I have already been humiliated by all of you, I almost got all of you killed, and almost cuased the mission to be a complete failure!! What the hell do you want! I have nothing now damit, not even my own pride of being a jounin!"

He had lost all his pride after realizing how they all worked together somehow. Reguardless of how much they might not like eachother they work together. But Luca was diffrent. He had always relied on his own strength when growing up, even when he had to be with two other people on a team. And now for him to be able to be beaten by someone so much younger then him, it had crushed him. If he could not even beat the very ninja that were under him, how was he suppose to control them on the mission? how was he suppose to Lead the very people who were stronger then him. It was humiliating for him.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: Iwas hoping for a post like this

Sasuke let his head fall forward, his eyes being shadowed from view. "You forget, my whole clan was slain by my own brother. My family, killed right before my eyes. I became the last of the Uchiha Clan, and i couldn't do a thing to stop him. His words to me still echo through my soul. I will take my revenge, but, i've learned not to let that hatred take over me, or this curse will use that and take over me as well." Sasuke lifted his head, looking Luca directly in the eye. He searched to see if this hadn't occured to Luca before hand. "One other thing, I never asked my question.[/i] He locked his gaze, making sure Luca could not keep from this.[/i] "What is your ninja way. Why do you walk the path of the shinobi. Naruto has shown me that, living a life on of the ninja without that is bound to lead you to a life of obsecurity."

OOC: I'm not sure if I kept with the sasuke flow, maybe it's Naruto influenced, you could say?

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara watched as the scene turned into a nightmare. They had accomplished what they had wanted but Luca had given up his life as a shinobi warrior. Gaara walked up to the head band and katana that lay on the ground. He picked them up and walked to Luca. He noticed that Sasuke was in his way and was trying to reason with him. He grabbed luca on the shoulder and turned him around.

"If you go, I go," he said as he handed him the mask and sword. "What you did was what had to be done. Nothing more." Gaara said. He knew he was not very uplifting but that was Gaara. He knew though that he would indeed follow Luca to the ends of the earth and back if it meant they would go on another mission together. He hoped Luca knew that.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stood silently as the huge black ball broke away, the symbols falling and disappearing. His Mass Chakra Absorbtion Technique had been a success. In fact, his body had too much chakra to be naturally held. Some pulsed in his footsteps as he walked. Life grew in these footsteps behind him, rapidly enhanced by the chakra. He felt energy pulse at his fingertips again. He got down on one knee for a moment and thanked nature for its gift to him.

Standing, Soji began to return to the village. Luca nor the others were anywhere in sight. Luckily, the shinobi that had been protected by the water dome had completed Soji's orders though. Soji walked to the center of the circle of wooden houses. He pulled out yet another scroll from his bag and threw it up into the air, unravelling it as it travelled. Soji then closed his eyes and muttered, "Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu!" His hands glowed blue and he began to rapidly hit the scroll in a sequence much like Jyuuken. On the final attack, he slashed through the scroll and there was a huge explosion.

Soji, being knocked backwards through a wall, stood up and passed back through. The heads of people began to poke out of the wooden houses. "What's going on?" They'd ask and then shinobi who had not been harmed passed into the cabins. Seconds later they came running out exclaiming, "The injured are injured no more! What did you do? Who are you?" Soji ignored them, his job being done. He passed the buildings and continued on his way. Soji came to the area where the others were and calmly put his hood over his face. Soji knew what it was like to have given up the shinobi way. He stopped briefly in front of them, still looking in the direction he had been going. He said outloud, "The mistake of one shinobi is the mistake of his team. Only when you no longer have a team, like I do, can you truely take full responsibility for your mistakes. You are not at fault for this even though you are a leader. Anyone of them could have spoken out against you. You can't leave your team or your village because on a mission, the team is only as strong as their leader. And if you, the leader. leaves... The team dies." Soji calmly resumed walking, not looking back. He knew no one would follow him. He was a true outcast. He always had been.