Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was already gone, a block of wood replaced him, the surikens in it. This time he was behind Gaara, the resengane inches away from Gaara's back. It was his turn to laugh. "Just how stupid are you? I guess you haven't seen my eyes." Soji's eyes glowed red as he stared down at Gaara. It was pointless to use clones on a Henji user. They don't view reality as it truely is, but they see only hearts, minds and souls. Three things a clone lacks. This Gaara was the real one. There was no fooling his eyes. Also, Soji's grip on the boy ensured no switching technique could be used. In Soji's eyes, it could be seen that Soji was gripping more than the boy's flesh. Soji was also gripping the boy's soul. He turned his head towards Tripod, keeping his peripheral vision on Gaara. "I'll follow you, Tri. You know that."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto looked back, this was his first time he had noticed Hinata since he had been standing there. "Oh, hey Hinata, your wondering about Gaara im guessing. All i know is he is supposed to come with us on this mission to this village or something." said Naruto then turning his head to the Sanin. "So he can use the rasengan too?" a smile appeared across his face as this was the third Sanin Naruto had seen. There was Jiraiya, Orochiamaru, and now this guy, today had already gotten him fired up.

He wanted to fight this guy, just to see what he was capable of. He stopped himself as he could hear Kakahsi sensei saying, Think before you use a jutsu. The shinobi's art is deception! Don't let an enemy see your jutsu! Naruto ran towards the Sanin and stopped, "Hey whats your problem going and attacking us chunin like that!? All we are trying to do is move on with our mission and here you guys go making it complicated! A sanin messing with kids is a joke to me, you should be helping out the Hokage!" he yelled furiously.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: thanks for posting so much for hero time

Sasuke appeared next to Gaara, placing a hand on his shoulder. "This isn't the time for killing anyone. Besides, you two aren't the only Jounin here, or did you forget that? Anyway, lets get going, this is a watse of time." He looked at Garra, waiting for his answer.
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New member
"My god this kid is a loud mouth." Said Tripod as she looked over at Naruto.
Tripod turn back to Soji, "Why, don't we stop this before this fight turn into something big and entrodues ourselves." Said Tripod as she smiled at Soji with a sad smile.
Tripod quickly turn to the other Ninjas, "Sorry about this but we wasn't going to attack, but when that kid hit me he kinda made me lose my temper. So let just try this from the begaining, Hi lets join up togather." Said Tripod as she looked at Luca.

But Tripod saw that they didn't stop attacking, so she calmly walked over to a buliding that was looming over the group of kids thats attacking Soji. Tripod Puched the Buliding hard and the building went falling on top of the the fighters.
"Soji, I know you can easly dodgue that, but the other... I don't know." Said Tripod in a I don't care addtue.
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Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
OOC: if you read this post..reread please ^^;l

Hinata sighed...yep to day is a weird day...If this was a preditcion of what was to come, she will be feeling very left out.

She studied them closly..

"They kept thier eyes from moving and thier voice was loud and unwavering they seem to be telling the truth...."
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto could only watched as they continued to fight senselessly. Sasuke even intervined, but that just him being a show off. Saskue, its always about you isn't it, you thought i was selfish! Gaara was out of control from what Naruto could see, seems his beating he got from him three years go had already faded. "Why are you still going! Do i have to beat it out of your systems!" yelled Naruto becoming infuriated. He was pushing his inner demon to assist him in the event they tried to kill one another. Finally he burst and inititated his jutsu, "Kage bushin no jutsu!" yelled Naruto replicating a vast number of his copies that came to the aid of Tripod. He slapped the shuriken away and his numerous copies stood facing Gaara telling him to stop it, or else. He knew he had beaten him in the past, a repeat performance wasn't an option.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke stood straight, letting his eyes go to normal and lowering his chakra. 'Naruto's a pain, but he's a good help from time to time.' He was back with thte group in an instant, like he never moved in th first place. He flashed a look at Hinata, seeing as she was troubled by the fight. "Sorry about that Hinata, but looks like Naruto's got things under control now." He smiled, nowing how she felt about Naruto, even if he was oblivious to it.

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Hinata blushed...was it that obvious?

also, she wondered, what was that red chakra that came from naruto, she felt the same thing with gaara.

whatever it was, she knows she is out of the circle to know

"ah...I-im fine Sasuke-san, I was just nervous about those people, they seem...unnatural..."


The King Of Bandits
ooc: rpgirl were in the forest, there are no buildings to knock down o_O. we left the village back on page 5.

Luca found his face in his hands, muttering something under his breath" This is going to be intresting"He said with a smile looking at garra" Your good kid" He said in a soft tone" But dont get so ****y" He turned to face the two which had cuased all of the trouble. they were in front of them now, which didn't make much sense seeing as how they had been only following and watching them before." Why do you wish to join us all of a sudden when you have followed us all this time?" The rain was still coming down hard, making everything seem to have a much more intense feeling to it. The intentions of the two were not yet clear. If they really wished to join up with them, why had they stalked them all this way? He smiled looking back and forth between all of the nin around him, all of them obviously younger then him by at least a year." This is going to be intresting.." he whispered. Gaara had brought up a good point, they had no idea who the others were, but Luca wanted to deal with another matter first.

There was a sense about them however. Something diffrent, not right almost. Allowing them to tag along might be a risk, in ways of discretion and for the fact that none of the other nin knew them apparently." alright, as long as you tell us who your are you can come." he spoke again, wiping the drops of moisture off his face from the rain" You can come. But i dont want anymore fighting between the group. Or i will personally see to its end" His face had a dead look on it now, he was serious about his last statement. He stared deep into all the ones around him, as if he was looking down into their soul and such. " This mission is not a joke and anyone who is willing to fool around during it will not be tolerated. I will not accept failure on this mission" he was staring dircetly at gaara now..

"...Even if I have to do it alone"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto watched Gaara stop and he felt relieved. His inner demon slowly began to rest down and his whiskers became less scarce looking. The clones helped up Tripod to her feet and they vanished. "Yeah! About time you guys stopped." said Naruto with a wide grin across his face. He walked over towards the group and felt a sense of excitement. He walked over to Sasuke and shot him eye daggers. "Hey Sasuke, you almost burned that guy alive!" yelled Naruto pointing at Sasuke and then the Sanin.