

New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Cali was feeling so happy that they had found Luca at last that she could hardly say anything. She just listened to him in silence trying hard not to cry, she needed to prove herself and everyone else... she needed to prove Luca that she was not as weak as she looked like. She could fight with them, she could fight for them and crying wouldn't take her anywhere.

She was shocked about everything she was learning about the Academy. So they had been fooled? They were being used, like others had been before? So everything, all the destruction, all the misery and pain caused to those people in the city... had been done by the Academy... by students like them? She was scared and confused and so angry. She thought that the Academy was their home, the only place where they could trust people and now... her whole world was ruining in front of her eyes. Those people she had looked upon before while she was at school... those people were no better than Brock's father. They might even be worse. And all of a sudden she knew that returning to the Academy would be useless. It made no sense returning to a place where people were merciless monsters, capable of using kids to fight in war. She wanted to make more questions but Luca was already tired enough and there were also his wounds and it was almost night. She'd have time to ask them in the morning after a good night of sleep.

She also wanted to know more about Brock, she wondered if he was really ok but... knowing Luca, she knew he'd make sure he was in a safe place or else he wouldn't have left him alone. When she felt Luca hugging her she fought the urge to hug him back tightly, afraid to hurt him even more and she felt tears in her eyes again. He was alive and, even though he was still injured, he seemed to be better then when he had left them. He had yet again endured, God knew what perils and he had kept alive. He had kept fighting bravely for himself and the others. She had no words to describe how she felt, it was more than happiness to have him back, it was more then appreciation or respect for what he had done. It was far stronger then all that. She just couldn't quite define it right then and the only thing that was clouding her mind was that Brock was still missing. She suddenly snapped out of her reverie, Luca was right it was getting late and they needed to find shelter for the night.

"Well, I'm sure Brock is ok, he's a strong one and he can handle himself." she smiled. Tomorrow we'll start searching for him and we'll find him even if it's the last thing we do. No one else's going to die or get lost; this time we'll make it together." she was trying to reassure herself more then the others. "I'm sure Fetyu can lead us into a good shelter, come on." she grabbed Luca's arm gently but stopped to check his scars, they looked terrible.

"where did you get those scars?" she asked in a whisper. "We need to take care of that, I mean, I can see that someone has taken care of your leg so, you found medical treatment, right? You need to get back there and have someone checking those as well."


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock felt a tap on his back. He turned and saw a man behind him. Brock was a little lost and so couldn't find anything to say. He then heard that that man had saved his life. "Thank you. Thank you so much. As for Trevane, he seemed a little worried before i left. But everyone else is fine. Thanks again. Well i'm going to settle here for a while. Maybe we can Chad later---" Brock realized he had said Chad instead of chat. Why did i say that? he asked himself. Brock dismissed the thought from his head and looked back at the man. "I'm going to get some clothes and etc and head off to Texas where i will play college football and eventually play in the NFL." Brock thanked the man again and ran off.

The small town seemed very familiar to Brock but he had no idea why. There were no houses, just a single hotel in the center of the town in which everyone seemed to live. The building was 7 stories high and had few rooms on each floor. Brock walked past a group of guys who nodded their heads to him and said "'Sup". Brock did the same to them. He then heard some giggling behind him and turned around. He saw the two girls he had seen earlier. They were each about his height with very sexy bodies. One was a blonde, the other had long deep black hair. Time to work my magic he thought to himself. He walked over to the girls and smiled. "Hey." he said to them. They smiled back and said "Hey" back. "I'm Skye and this is Dani" said the girl with the black hair. Brock smiled and introduced himself. He walked in the middle of them and put his arms around both of their waists. "So i'm new here, mind showing me around?" Brock said to them. Dani squirmed out of Brock's arm. "I'm taken, sorry." she said, winking at Skye. Skye smiled and looked at Brock. "Dani has a date but i can show you around." Brock smiled at her.


Brock and Skye returned back to the hotel later that night. They were laughing and giggling recollecting all the fun they had that night. Skye opened her purse and took out her key card, opening the door. Then she smiled seducingly to Brock as she walked in. "Can i see you tommorrow?" she asked him in a seducing way. Brock smiled and said, "Definately." He looked into her eyes and stroked her hair the same way he use to do to Cali. She looked down, giggling. He gently pushed her head up so she was looking at him and quietly moved in to kiss her. He wasn't sure how long they had been holding each other with their lips pressed toether, but Brock was enjoying every minute of it. "I like you, Cali. A lot" Skye stopped smiling. "What?" she asked. Brock realized he had made a mistake. First Chad, now Cali. He hated himself for it. "I.....i meant Skye...." he said, embarrassed at his mistake. Skye seemed upset but then she just smiled. "I'll let it slide but only because you're so sweet." She kissed his cheek and closed the door. Brock began to walk to the elevator with a frown on his face. He had such a good time. But no matter what he did with Skye, he couldn't get one thing off his mind. Over and over in his mind, he saw the word. Cali. All the time he heard her laugh. All the time he felt her soft lips. All the time he saw her pretty face. Brock got into the elevator and returned to the lobby to get a room.

When Brock reached the bottom, he looked at the front doors and froze. The doors were glass so you could see in and out. The hotel's name was Mood, and there were white letters put on the door so when looking at it from the outside, it read MOOD OF ANARIPS with mood on the top, Anarips on the bottom, and of in the middle. Looking at it from the inside, the words were backwards, and Brock saw something he didn't realize before.


Brock was sure that "FO" really meant "FOR". Brock's heart started to beat faster. That was why the town looked so familiar. It was Spirana, but the opposite. In other words, before it was destroyed. Brock was scared. What did that mean? Was it just a coincidence? Yea....yea its just an odd coincidence....

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Rezin returned to his room after Brock ran off, staring at the words on the door backwards like he had for the last week he'd been in Anarips. He wanted to go back to Spirana, to be away from all this, all these memories. He was leaving tommorow to go back, and he'd try to get Brock to come with him. No, he wouldn't try, he would, no matter what. Perhaps he'd take him to the boarding school, just to reinforce that he didn't want to be here any longer, and to make him want to be with his freinds.

Rezin already knew that Brock would want to leave as soon as he could, no doubt from the look on Brock's face when he passed him in the hallway later that night. It appeared that their rooms were on the same floor. After dinner in the nearby cafe, Rezin went back to his room and decided to use the stairs instead of the elevato, not wanting to see the words again. He passed Brock in the halway and noticed his face, but continued on to his room deciding to ask him what was wron later, even though he already knew what. When he put his keycard in the lock of the door he noticed which room Brock went into, remembering it for later.

After watching a little Tv in his room, Rezin decided the time to start his attempt at getting Brock to come back to Spirana with him. He left his room, locking the door behind him, and walked down the hall to Brocks room. He knocked on the door and backed up a little, waiting for an answer.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock was laying down on his bed looking at the ceiling. He was scared. He was back to where he started. Back to all the memories of Spirana. The giant beast, the men who tried to kill him, everything. Brock walked over to the mini fridge and got a can of soda from it. He opened it and sat on the bed, still unsure of what to do. He put it down on the night stand and took the pot from his pocket. Brock poured a little bit into his hand. No Brock, stop. What are you doing? He forced himself to put the pot back in the bag. He stuffed the bag into his pocket and returned to his soda. He then lost himself in a flashback.

Cali laughed and pushed Brock to the side. Brock laughed and picked her up. she hugged him tightly and pressed his lips against hers, holding them there for a long time. Brock smiled as he remembered what he said after the kiss. "I love you Cali, and no matter what i always will." She smiled and said, "I will too". Brock snapped out of his flashback. Instead he found himself thinking of something he hadn't thought of for a while. His mom. She had always been the kind one. She always made him smile. She always had a smile on her face. But Brock found it dificult to remember that face. He only had one picture of her, which was at the acadamy. Brock tightened a fist. He then thought about Skye and how much fun he had with her. She was the Cali he had lost. He wanted to stay here with her. But he knew it wasn't a coincidence. There was a connection between Spirana and Anarips, and not just the names. He couldn't stay with Skye. But he couldn't go back to Cali either. Brock looked out his window. It was getting late. No doubt Cali was crawling into the bed with Luca at the moment. Brock sighed. He couldn't go back. The Acadamy? He wanted to leave the last 17 years of his life behind. He wanted to start new. Make new friends, eventually get married to a new Cali, play for the NFL.

The NFL. That seemed to be Brock's only safe haven. He was sure of what he wanted to do. I'm going to play for the NFL. He didn't have a doubt in his mind at that moment.

Brock then heard a knock on his door. The first thought that came to his mind was Cali, but he knew it wasn't her. He got up and started to walk to the door. He took the first sip of his soda and stopped. Suddenly he felt all dizzy. Brock collapsed on the floor as he heard the banging on the door as it eventually drowned out.


The King Of Bandits
Luca took Cali by the hand and pulled her in the direction he had started walking, ignoring the question for a moment" Theres an inn this way i believe.." He whispered something to her" Don't worry about me... i'm fine... i'll tell you everything later... when we get time.."

The conversation was ended when Luca motioned to the rest of them, chad and his group along with fetyu" come on everybody... there has to be an inn or something somewhere... and if not ... then i guess we are sleeping outside.." He began walking away, pulling Cali along behind him. The sun had set really quickly, he was almost sure it had just been morning... though he was really tired... The street in front of him seemed to stretch on forever, and there wasn't an inn in sight. A cold wind blew through the town, sending a chill up Luca's spine. Something was wrong, but he dare not show signs of fear so that he might assure the others everything was ok. Ahead was the exit of town. they had walked through the entire town. " Um... well.." A shanty house lay in the distance somewhat, the tall grass surrounding it causing it to stick out among everything else.

" there... we can stay there for the rest of the night" Luca had an urge to stay away from the city tonight, something was wrong... he just knew it was wrong.. he didn't want anyone to get hurt when whatever happened happened. The walk was not far to the house, and under the cover of the moon and the shining stars was a very pleasant walk. It seemed to just make all of their problems disappear. He could feel Cali's warm hand in his cold one. The warmth radiating from her was as the sun shining on a plant and for an instant he just imagined that they were alone. Walking under the moon light, not a care in the world... happy... together... alone.

" Hey... how much further til we get there!?" The disgruntled voice of a tired and hungry teenager from Chad's group. " shut up... we are almost there..." Another replied to his question. Another voice spoke up soon after" Luca wouldn't just lead us out here if there wasn't a reason for it"

Luca had no idea that anyone had even known his name... but apparently a few of them did. Even though they were from a class below him they knew who he was for some reason" Yea he knows what he is doing" Someone else said. It was odd to him that so many people knew who he actually was.. and that they weren't talking derogatory about him.

Luca stopped in his path" Ok ... we're here. Everybody head inside and make yourselves comfortable i guess... from the looks of it this house hasn't been used in years..." He walked over and sat down on the steps leading up to the little porch in front of the house, gazing up at the stars, wondering where Brock could be. Until they found him, Cali wouldn't be happy... Luca knew that. The only thing they could do was rest, he had decided that he was going to formulate a plan for tomorrow, since they had not been able to search for him today... that was ... assuming everything went ok in Zumew through the night. He just kept getting this odd feeling about the city for some reason.. After encountering that hunter.... that was it!

He Recalled how Trevane's Brother had been a hunter for the academy. Since Luca knew about the academy... and was not going to complete his mission... and since the rest of his group wasnt going to complete the mission because of what they knew... would the academy really go so far as to do something to Zumew to try and kill him and the others? The possibility was high, since they had came this far unnoticed by everyone... He had no doubt in mind that the night was not going to be quiet in Zumew... Suddenly he was happy that he had chosen to not stay in the city for the night... Now all they had to do was survive the night...

He sat there in peace now... continuing to gaze up at the stars... just staring into space..Thinking about things how they had been and how they were.... Brock... Trevane... Fetyu... Cali...

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
After a few minutes, Rezin stopped knowcking and peered through the peep hol ein the door to see if Brock was in the room or not. He didn't see him at first, but then after a few minutes of looking around noticed the tip of a finger just at the bottom of his sight. He droppedd down to the floor and looked below the door, seeing Brock collapsed on the floor. "Dammit, I gotta get in there." Rezin said, pulling out his pistol. He shot the lock of the door and opened it, being carful not to hit Brock on the way in.

Rezin picked up Brock and brought him back to his room and layed him down on the bed. "Well, atleast now he'll know that he can't be in Anarips. Now I just gotta make him want to go back to Spirana..." He stated quietly, returning to Brock's room to check for anything that could have caused him to pass out. There was a can of soda on the ground next to where Brock was collapsed, and when the picked it up a clear powder fell off of it. "Damn, poison. Looks like solid miasma to me. I've gotta get an antidote, quick." Rezin thought, then got up and sprinted out of the hotel as fast as he could, running down the street to the general store.

In the back of the store there was a hole in the wall with a blanket hung over it. Rezin ran inside it, and waited for the healer to come. He did a few seconds later and Rezin wasted no time with hellos. "I need an antidote for solid miasma." He blurted out, and almost intantly the man pulled out the antidote. "Thanks" Rezin said as he paid the man, then sprinted all the way back to his room at the hotel. Brock was still on the bed, still unconcious. Rezin sat Brock up and opened his mouth, then poured the antidote inside. He made Brock swallow it then layed him back down, and flopped down on the other bed and turned on the TV.
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock's subconcious mind brought him into a cheap real-life imitation of "A Christmas Carol" where Scroodge is taken into the future to see what life would be like if blah blah blah. Brock was taken back in time to a small town. Brock looked at the welcome sign. "WELCOME TO CRONUS". Brock looked off to the side of the sign where another sign stood with an arrow pointing to the right. It read "SPIRANA-6 1/4 mi". Brock walked around looking at all the houses. One in particular seemed to stick out. He opened the door and walked inside. He heard laughing of a woman and child in the other room and so followed the voices. He saw a young boy about 4 years old with brown hair playing on the ground with a football, and an older woman in her late 20s, most likely his mother. She was sitting on the floor playing with the boy. The boy smiled and hugged his mom. Brock smiled at the sight of it and leaned against the wall as he watched. The mom stroked her son's hair and kissed his forehead. They were smiling as the phone rang. The mom stood up and answered it. "Hello?.....Speaking.....Hello sir.....yes.....ok i'll be there right away." She hung up the phone and put on a doctor's coat that was hanging on a coat rack. She kissed the boy once again and walked over to the table to get her keys. "I just got called down to the emergency room. I'll be back in half an hour. Your dad will be home in a few minutes. Can you stay by yourself until then Brock?" Brock staggered back. Did she just say my name? he thought to himself.

The little boy nodded and the woman walked out of the room. Brock decided to take a look around the house. It seemed very familiar and Brock knew exactly why. This was his old house. The little boy was him, and the woman was his mom. And suddenly Brock was remembering the significance of this date. His mom said she's be back in 30 minutes, but she won't come back. Ever. Brock heard the front door unlock and someone come in. The younger Brock took his football and ran up the stairs to his room as the person who came though the door appeared. It was his father. Brock scowled at him and balled his hands into fists. "BROCK! Where's your mother?" The young Brock walked out of his room and said in a small voice, "She had an emergency and went to the hospital" Brock's dad frowned. "Good...go to your room, shut up, and let me enjoy my quiet time." Young Brock walked back into his room with a sad look in his eyes. Brock walked into the room where his dad was sitting watching a football game on the TV. Brock sat down far away from him and looked at the clock. 10:04 PM. By 11 o' clock tonight, he'd know his mother was dead.

Brock sat on the couch his eyes shifting from the TV, to his dad, to the clock. 10:19 PM. The football game was almost over. It was a classic game between Brock's favorite team, the Titans, and his dad's favorite team, the Bucks. Brock looked at the score. 32-24 Titans. The score meant a lot to Brock as a kid. If Brock's team won, his dad would beat on him. There were 8 seconds left in the game and the Bucks were on the opposite 10 yard line. They just needed to score a touchdown to tie the game. The quarter back handed off the ball to the half back, who ran it, dodging and breaking every tackle. He made it to the 3 yard line before he got tackled. Brock's dad snarled in rage. He tossed the remote at the TV, creating a crack on the screen but not breaking it. As the remote hit the ground, the channel changed to the news channel which showed an overturned car. Brock looked closely at the driver. His mom. Brock closed his eyes as tears filled them up.

Brock opened his eyes and found himself staring at the ceiling of one of the rooms of the hotel. The TV was on and there was a man watching it while sitting on the other bed. Brock sat up. Just a dream.....just a dream.... But Brock knew it wasn't a dream. It was a flashback. And of the worst part of his life that he had just lived for the second time.


The King Of Bandits
Luca stared breathlessly out into the unknown that was the sky, allowing himself to slip away from the silent pain of his wounds, only for a moment. Sitting there, propped up against a beam of the old rickety front porch of the house, it was the most serene feeling he had ever felt, it was silent, it was breathtaking, it was the sky he had hoped to see every time he gazed out into the darkness of the night. It was beautiful. A swinging door creaked behind him, breaking the silence for a moment, bringing him back down to earth, pulling his shoulders from the starry sky above and slamming him back down to earth. Quickly he was alert of his near suroundings. Things were still quiet, no one, silence once again filled the air.

Breaking the silence once more was the creaking of a board inside the old two story house. One of the kids must have been rolling over, trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep again. Luca sat still, not moving an inch, alone sitting out on the porch as the others slept, keeping watch for the night. He had a bad feeling, and he wasn't going to let anyone else get hurt, he wasn't going to neglect this feeling.

An endless plane lay ahead of him across the road, long grass swaying with the gentle wind. He wasn't quite sure what it was about this place, but Luca felt simply calm, safe, relieved, the bad feeling in the back of his mind being the only thing keeping him from slipping off into a slumber. It was not that he was tired, it was the simple feeling of no one else being around. It felt nice.

A stir in the grass across the road, Luca froze, trying to determine where it was coming from. In front of him, 20 meters northwest. The stillness which had held the aura of the situation was now broken, by the simple crackling of a stick. Luca stood up as one of the kids came outside" what are you doing out here Luca? Shouldn't you be getting some sleep like the rest of us?" The noise rustled again, the child in front of Luca froze" Wha.... What was that?" the child reached for his weapon behind his back as Luca sat back down, smiling smugly.

" It's nothing we need to worry about." Luca spoke up" just go back inside and get some sleep" The child sprung foreward to the steps, holding out his weapon, ready to attack whatever might come from the grass across the road, wherever it may be.

From the Tall grass sprung a deer, running towards the house, turning quickly to run around the side of it, The child jumped, Luca sighed" Like i said, it was nothing you need to worry about" slowly Luca rested back on his seat again, staring up into the sky waiting for the child to go back inside and back to sleep, which after 30 minutes of so, he did.

The sky was filled with beautiful glimmering stars now, once again silent, once again undisturbed by others. The starry sky was cloudless, with a full moon to top it all off. Luca sat still, stiller then he ever had before, not wanting to disturb the utter beauty of the situation. It was glorious, nature at its very best, Nature in its true form. The wind was slipping softly through Luca's hair, tossing it around slightly. Beauty, silence, you felt a real sense of how vast the universe actually was, how small the world really was, and most of all, how close he they were to Brock, even though they didn't have the slightest clue where he might be. Luca stopped for a minute, thinking about all the things he had been through with Brock since the beginning, and it all at once snapped in his mind. He had no idea what type of person Brock was. No idea what life he had lived, no idea where he was from. What right did he have to judge him off of one bad first impression?

Just because he looked different, poked fun at that which he did not know, was so careless, simply because he was so much different then Luca was, yet Luca so alike in so many ways which Neither of them knew. Was that a reason to just hate him all together? No.... It wasn't.

The stars shined bright, the moon shone down upon the abandoned building, revealing a boy deep in thought, staring up towards the ever ending sky, hoping to find some sort of answer to a problem he did not understand. Silence fell once again upon the meadow, enforcing a feeling a serenity, and for once in his Life, Luca understood that no matter how far he was from civilization, no matter how far he was from his friends....

....He would never be alone....

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: sorry for teh shortness. had to leave.

"Oh, you're away." Rezin said with a smile as he noticed Brock's eyes open and stay open for the first time in since he brought him the antidote. "How you feeling? Better, hopefully, but that would be expected." Rezin stated, letting his kind side show for the first time in a long time. "Anyways, you'll want to get out of here very soon, the people who spiked your drink will most likely have tabs on you while you're in Anarips."

Rezin then walked over to the window and peeked outside, only to see a man standing in the street looking straight back up at him. He quicly shut the cuirtans and unlocked the door. "Can you walk, we need to get out of here, now."

**********Meanwhile down in the street*********

Damn, they saw me thought the man who had been spying through the window of Rezin's room. He pulled out a small communicator and flipped it on. "Yes, they've seen me, they'll probably begin to leave now. Moving to intercept. Out"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock stood up. At first he couldn't stand up straight and almost fell over. He got his legs back and stood straight up. He smiled at Rezin and scratched his head. "Yea, i don't really want to stick around any longer. But we'll need some transportation. I'd like to head anywhere, but not the acadamy, thats for sure. You mind if we head to Spirana?" Brock then remembered something. "I'll be back in a second..." Without another word, Brock ran out the door. He ran down the hall and to the elevator, then went up a floor. He ran around the corner and came to a door. He knocked on it and after a second or two, Skye came and answered the door. "Skye..." Brock said. "Skye, i'm leaving the city. And i won't be back." Skye looked up at Brock with her big eyes. "Are you going back to the acadamy?" she asked him. Brock nearly jumped back. "How do you---" She put her finger on his lip, silencing him. "Not here. Come inside." she said to him, in a serious, yet seducing tone. He went inside and shut the door behind him, locking it. "How do you know about the acadamy? And how do you know i go to the acadamy?" Skye sighed and said, "A man showed up here not too long ago. He asked me, 'Do you know Brock Parker?' so i said yes thinking he might have been a friend of yours. And we spoke for a bit and he asked how you were doing and if you already left for the acadamy." Brock thought about it for a moment. "What did the man look like?" he asked Skye. "He was wearing jeans, and a white t-shirt, and he had a silver chain around his neck. He had blue eyes and golden blonde hair that is a little shorter than shoulder length." Brock thought about it again. He hadn't seen the man recently on this trip, nor did he even know a man by that description. Skye went over and sat on her bed. "Are you really leaving?" she asked him. Brock went and took a seat next to her. He looked into her big beautiful eyes and stroked her long black hair in the same way he did to Cali. And then, so quickly that Brock didn't have time to think, he started to kiss her. And she kissed him back.

Brock stayed in Skye's room for almost half an hour. What they were doing in the room is up to the imagination of the reader (don't think dirty you pervs =P). Before Brock was about to leave, he turned and asked Skye something. "We need transportation. Can you get us a car or a motercycle or something?" Skye thought for a moment then looked back up at Brock. "I have horses. Two of them. Take them with you. They'll get you where you need to go. My stable is right next to the entrance of the town." Brock smiled at her. He kissed her on the cheek and stepped outside, closing the door behind him. He felt kind of dirty and bad about what just happened with Skye and all, but then he remembered Cali and her feelings for Luca and how they were probably sleeping together right now. He sighed as he turned and got in the elevator. He ran to Rezin's room ad got inside, to see the angry face of Rezin. Brock smiled awkwardly. "Well i got us some horses....he he he....."

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Well that's great, but I don't think they'll quite be able to outrun what's gonna be coming after us." Rezin said, opening te shades a tiny bit and pointing down at a car that had just parked, and looked like it had jumped straight out of a James Bond film. "I think they tried to hid the missle launchers in their headlights, but it didn't work very well. Just kiddin man, but one thing's for sure we've got to get out of here quick, or else we're gonna have to deal with some obstacles." Rezin then stated, now pointing to the five men who had just stepped out of the car and were heading into the hotel.

"Unless, of course, you're up for a fight, but I wouldn't reccomend it in you'r condition. If those mobsters catch up with us, just let me deal with 'em.I don't know why their coming after you, but it must be for something really important to poison you and then send five hitmen after you." Rezin said, closing the shades and then rushing out of the room, leaving the T.V. on in an attempt to distract the mob. He waited until Brock was out of the room, then locked the door out of habit, but also to provide some more time.

"We'll have to use the back entrance, there'll be less of them gaurding it than the front. And don't ask me how I know, we don't have enough time for it right now." Rezin said running to the entrance to the stairs. "Come on!" He yelled to Brock "And remember, whatever happens, just keep runnin'!"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock ran out the door in a daze and a little confused. He waited as Rezin locked the door, then followed him down the hall, doing exactly as he said, running. He followed him down the stairs to the lobby, then out the back door as he said. Rezin, for some strange reason, reminded him of Luca. But a Luca that Brock actually liked. Brock thought about Luca and how much he hated him. How he was now with Cali, holding her close and laughing at the sound of Brock's name. But Brock didn't care that much about Cali anymore. Or a part of him didn't. He wanted to believe he still loved her just as always, and that it was Luca's fault, not her's, but he couldn't bring himself to believe that. That's not why he hated Luca so much. He hated Luca for the same reason he always hated him...but what was that reason? He remembered the day he first met Luca. He was with Chad and....Luca was just there. He asked to play football with them. Chad laughed in his face and said, "Fine, catch!" then pushed the ball into Luca's gut. Was that a reason to hate Luca? It was a reason to hate Chad but not Luca. Brock realized, then, he never gave Luca a chance before. Who knows? Maybe Luca was cooler than Brock thought. Cali definately thought that. He knew Luca would never even let him give him that chance. Luca had a reason to hate Brock. He wished he could say sorry to him. He caused him so much pain in the past.

Brock snapped out of it and looked at their current situation. He followed Rezin out the back door and ran beside him as they left the hotel. He whispered to him, "We need to get out of here fast. We can't do it on foot but we might be able to on horse. The stable is at the entrance to the city. We need to get out of here now until we get to another city where we can trade the horses in for a car or something, but right now, we need to split." Brock followed Rezin around the alley they were in and out of it, into the open street. It was late. A cool breeze was blowing and the fog was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Brock could barely see Rezin and he was only about 10 feet in front of him. After a while, the entrance came into view. Brock looked around in the fog, in case there was anyone there who might harm them. There wasn't. They got lucky, but no doubt, whoever was after them would chase them, even once they leave the city. Brock opened the stable's door and got out the two horses. He handed the reins to Rezin and got on his own horse. His horse was black while Rezin's was white. Brock would be the first one noticed in the fog. He looked baclk at Rezin. "Ready?"