
Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
((xD I am beyond lost so here we go... and no.. this is not another suicide... xD))

Skillet noticed the boy known as Luca walking with the greatest sadness upon him. He walked towards him from behind deciding he had been quiet for all to long.

"Greetings Luca. I'm Skillet from the Academy. Would you mind if I joined your group?"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock looked at Skillet from the rear-view mirror. "Name's Brock. Next to me is Cali, and i'm sure you've already met Fetyu and that little bastard, Luca." Brock looked back at the road. All he could think about was just barely escaping that monster. It didn't even cross his mind that they had left Luca. Even if it did, Brock wouldn't really have cared. If Luca is as tough as he thinks he is, he should be able to get to the next city by himself. He sped the car up to 60 mph. The group stayed pretty quiet during the drive. Brock decided to break the silence when he decided to check the milage on the car, and found out that this engine was not much better than the original. "We're over 200,000 miles. I don't expect the car to last much longer." Half an hour later, Brock found out he was right. The next city was just coming into view. They'd be there in no more than 10 minutes. Then, the car just slowed to a stop. Brock wasn't that surprised. He got out and opened Cali's door and helped her out. He opened the trunk and grabbed a duffel bag he found in the back. He loaded as much weapons as he possibly could into it. He took a gun and put it on his shoulder. He handed a rifle to Cali and tossed a sword to Skillet. Fetyu was fine with all the weapons he was carrying. That filled up the duffel and emptied the trunk of weapons. The duffel weighed a lot more than any of them had ever carried, or probably could carry. Brock carried it over his shoulder of the arm that wasn't injured. "Heavy, but i can handle it. Now that's all the weapons, but what about the food and water? How are we going to carry that?" Brock looked in the back of the trunk for another bag. There was a very small one. Brock took it and filled it is best as he could. They had to leave behind some food, but it was ok, they'd survive. He gave the bag to Cali to hold.

The group started walking. It took longer than it would have by car, but that's normal. They entered the city after about 20 minutes. Brock looked around. The city was practically deserted. Brock put the bag down and suddenly felt an arm around him and saw one around Cali too. "BROCK! CALI! How you been guys? I thought i'd never see you two again! Back together at that!" Chad. Brock got out of the headlock and gave Chad a nuggie. He was so glad to see his friends, even if he was upset that his best friend was the reason for his break-up with Cali. Two of the guys from the team were with Chad. The rest of the group were kids Brock didn't exactly know personally. He opened the bag and handed eah of them a weapon. That made the bag lighter. "Our groups should join and we should work together to get to the acadamy" said Chad. Brock nodded and pulled the bag over his shoulder again. "Oh, and Brock, you'll never believe who i saw here in Zumew!" said Chad. "Who?" asked Brock. "Luca! THat little bastard ran into the ruins of the city." "He was part of our group. I guess we have no choice but to help him." Brock looked at the new group. There was him, Cali, Fetyu, Skillet, Chad, and 5 other kids. Brock looked into the ruins in the city. What an idiot.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"Well, this is a fine group we got here. But, as leader of this group, I suggest we split into groups. If there's groups of murdering crazy phsycos like the last village, seperate groups is better. There's 10 of us, so 2 groups of 5 should work." He pointed to Brock, Chad, Cali, and Skillet. "You four are with me, the other 5 will be seperate. Now each of us will go into the ruins or wherever Luca went. Whichever finds him first will send a signal. Maybe send some smoke or something." He reached into the duffel bag and took another gun. "Ok, this should be enough for me. Take what you need and go. And we'll split the food up as well. Half for us, half for you. Got it?"
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Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Cali had been in a sort of stupor all the way to the city, she was worried and tired and all in all she felt terrible. But at least she was alive and so were Brock and Fetyu... she wasn't so sure about Luca. She didn't really want to think about it but the fact was that he was somewhere lost in Spirana and there were people outthere, capable of murdering anyone... and there was that beast as well, and he was wounded and weak and...

A voice interrupted her thoughts and for a moment she thought she was having a bad dream. Chad was there? Well, he was not a bad guy but... she'd rather not having him around again. Yet he said something that filled her heart with hope, he had seen Luca, so he was okay, or at least he was not...

All of a sudden she felt her strengths returning. She wouldn't give up now, and as for Chad... Well, she would have to deal with him.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
After all the weapons and food had been split, Brock and the rest of his team went into the ruins of the city. As they were walking, Brock saw some kids on the sidewalk about the same age they were. Some were high, some were drunk. Some were smoking pot and some had crack or heroin in their hands. Some were drowning themselves in alcohol. Brock smelled the sweet and sour odor of the marijuana smoke. He was very uncomfortable when they began to walk past them. Some of the kids on the football team had smoked pot. Some had crack in their lockers. Brock was never one of them. He had always been pressured to take drugs but it never appealed to him. One of the guys sitting on the sidewalk took another puff of his blunt. "Wow...have fun killing yourselves guys!" Chad said to them. One of the high guys called him over. The guy kept on laughing, uncontrolably. "You wanna buy some Mary Jane?" He handed Chad a small bag of weed. Brock snatched it out of Chad's hands. "Gimme that sh*t! You guys are pathetic!" he said as he shoved the marijuana into his pocket. "Come on, lets get out of here." said Chad. The group continued to walk.

For the first time, Chad realized that Brock was in bad condition. "Hey Brock, is your arm ok?" he asked him. "Yea, it stopped bleeding a while ago and now it feels fine." he replied. Brock spoke too soon. Just then, some tall man was walking in their direction. He bumped into Brock's arm very hard, almost as if he meant to do it. Brock cried out in pain as his arm began to bleed again. Brock fell to the ground clutching his arm. "HEY!" yelled Chad at the man who just kept walking, withot even looking back or saying sorry. "HEY BUDDY! I'M TALKIN TO YOU!" Chad picked up a small pebble and threw it at the man. The man stopped in his tracks and spun around with fire in his eyes. "Who threw that?" he asked. No one answered. The man walked up to the group and grabbed Cali. "I said, who threw that?!?!?" he said right into Cali's face. "Let go of her!" Brock said. He was lying down on his back and he grabbed the gun. He pointed it at the man and froze. He lowered the gun. He couldn't believe it. "Dad?" he said to the man.
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New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu looked in disbelief. He then tackled the man, who dropped Cali. The man stood up again though. Fetyu took Cali back to the group. "Brock, this is your dad? Should we leave you two alone?"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock's dad got angry at Fetyu and threw him down on the ground. "Dad? HA! I have no son!" Brock stood up. "Fetyu, i want you to take Cali and the rest of them as far away from here as possible." Chad and Cali were the only ones who knew something about Brock's past with his dad. Brock had told Luca a little bit on the balcony at Spirana, but he didn't know as much as Chad, who didn't know as much as Cali. Cali knew everything about Brock. "Brock, hold up. Your friends don't need to go anywhere. We'll be back in a bit guys." said Brock's dad as he led Brock into the ruins of an old house. Brock was reluctant to go. When they were alone, they stayed pretty quiet for a while.

After a bit, Brock's dad spoke up. "How have they been treating you at the acadamy?" Brock wanted to say, 'a hell of a lot better than you did' but he didn't. Instead he said, "Good. How were things in jail?" Brock's dad let out a laugh. "Terrible. Don't ever do things against the law. Child abuse, illeagal drugs, don't do anything." It was then that Brock remembered the marijuana in his pocket. "I hope i didn't hit you too hard" said Brock's dad. "If you knew it was me why did you do it?" "Brock, i didn't. I wouldn't do that to my son." "But instead you'd stand on his broken arm?!?" Brock said out of anger. He realized then that that wasn't the right thing to say at the moment, because Brock got a blow in the chest after that. He fell down. "So those years in jail didn't do anything! At all!" "Brock, they did! I'm not like how i use to be!" "You just hit me! I think you are!" "Brock..." He didn't know what to say. His boy was right. Brock stood up and turned to leave, with a big bruise on his chest. "Brock, i'm sorry." Brock didn't respond. "I understand if you don't trust me anymore. I can understand if you hate me. But what i did was out of love. I wanted you to grow up to be the toughest football player out there. Thats why when you were hurt, i made it worse. I wanted you to handle your pains." "DAD! Thats not LOVE! When i was six you stood on me when i had broken an arm!!! Thats the farthest thing from love!" Brock didn't want to hear any more. He walked out of the house and met back up with the group. "Come on guys, lets go" said Brock as he began to walk away. He was so angry. Brock's dad looked out at his boy leaving him yet again. At that moment, at the same exact time, a tear rolled down both their cheeks and each was quick to wipe it away.

((i have plans for the pot and for Brock's dad.....we haven't seen the last of either of them))
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New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((Nah, we were... mmm... on Vacation, lol))

Cali watched in shock as Brock left with his dad. She wanted to stop him but she was so scared that she didn’t move, she couldn’t find her voice. She was still shivering in fear, of all the people in the world they had to bump into Brock’s father…

That was really bad, she knew everything about Brock’s past with his dad; it was terrible. She hadn’t think about it for a long time but now it was all coming back; right when she was starting to believe that the story was nothing but part of a distant past. Cali was a caring person, she always looked for something good in everyone, she believed in people but she hated Brock’s father with all her being. She couldn’t understand how someone could be so cruel with his own son. And what hurt her the most was that Brock was strong minded and confident and the only thing that made him falter was his dad.

Cali stood near the others waiting nervously for Brock to get back. That place was making her dizzy and the only thing she wanted was to get away from there. That place, that people and the fact that she was so scared for Brock were taking a toll on her and she was about to go and get him by herself when she saw him coming back. She sighed in relief but the small smiled that had appeared on her features at his sight died slowly when she noticed the expression on his face. She had never seen him so… almost defeated.

“Brock! Are you ok?” she asked anxiously when he joined them as something stronger than fear, stronger than hate took over her. She loathed Brock’s father so much that when a thought crossed her head it didn’t surprise her. She had never killed anyone and never thought she would be able to, but she couldn’t help but think that if she had to, she wouldn’t feel bad for killing Brock’s father.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((lol....welcome back Jing!))

Brock was so angry. He heard Cali behind him and he seemed to calm down. She, on the other hand, was very angry. Angrier than she ever had been before. He smiled and tried to put his arm around her shoulders but stopped. The pain in his arm had come back, along with the added pain of the bruise on his chest. It hurt to move his arm so high. He cringed from the pain. It was very prominent. If Cali didn't notice, someone else would have. Instead, he put his arm around her waist. He smiled again at her. "I'm fine." He was lying. After about 10 years of not seeing his father, when he finally met up with him, he got a blow to the chest. He was enraged. His life became so confusing in the past year. Cali and him splitting up, his grades slipping, him become the football captain, Spirana, Cali falling for Luca, the marijuana, the weapons, he wanted to get away from it all. Then it hit him. He remembered some boy who was on the football team. He got kicked out of the acadamy for marijuana possetion. In a writing class, he wrote a poem about pot.

"F*ck School. Roll up a 'grette. Fill it with weed. Leave your world behind"

Brock wanted to leave his world behind. And his gateway was right in his pocket. No Brock, you don't do drugs! he kept saying to himself. He dismissed the thought from his head.

As they were walking, Brock saw a man with a stand. He was pushing it around. The stand was filled with maps. Brock smiled and let go of Cali. He walked over to the cart, snuck aroud out and out of the vender's view, reached for a map and......the vender smacked his hand. "There'll be no pick-pocketing young man!" he told him. Brock walked back over to Cali and put his arm around her. "Sorry gramps. I was hoping you could help us. We need a map, with a, lets say, 500 mile radius of this city." The old man smiled. "Funny. A boy came to me just a few minutes ago asking for the same thing." Brock frowned. "Luca!" "Ahh....so you know him. I sent him off into the ruins of the city. The old woman in that house over there--" he pointed to the house "--will know where it is. Aye then kid." "Thanks gramps." The old man frowned and walked off. The group started into the city with Chad and Fetyu up front, Skillet close behind them, and Brock and Cali far behind Skillet, yet still in view. Brock looked at Cali. He smiled at her. He hated himself for ever letting her slip right through his fingers. He looked up thinking how much of an idiot he was. She doesn't love him anymore. She did, but now she loves Luca. He was so angry. His dad, Cali, Luca, he couldn't stand it anymore. He had to hit something. He had to hurt someone. He let go of Cali and punched the ground as hard as he could. He couldn't hold it in anymore. All his emotions that were bottled up were coming out. Fear, anger, sadness, hatred, all came out from a single teardrop that splashed on his fist that lay on the ground. He stood up, wiped his face and looked at the group. they kept walking. Obviously they hadn't seen. But Cali was right there, looking at him. He turned away from her, embarrassed. I want to leave my world behind.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Dorm #: 1
Martial courses: Tai Chi, Kung Fu: Red Lotus, Sun Style
Appearance: http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g283/Tyleya/Waverly.jpg Much sex appeal
Fear: Being Loved
Bio: Tyleya came to the school at the age of 8. She has been quiet and distannt. She has honed her skills to be the best. She wont let anyone stand in her way.
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The King Of Bandits
Something about the way the wind was blowing embedded a feeling of serenity into Luca's mind. He felt as though he could stand on the edge of the building forever, staring out towards the distance sunlight. A dark cloud loomed over head, blotting out any chance for sunlight to penetrate the thick smog. The boy found himself looking down, towards the far off ground, searching for an answer, or maybe the courage to dive off after one. The calm feeling was becoming even more comforting, most likely a symptom of being in the city for so long. Just standing there was so peaceful and calming, a cool breeze blowing past his hair, feeling as though he could remain there forever. There was a slight scent of what smelled like gasoline, or some other fuel burning in the distance, as well as a thick mist taking place in the area. This was obviously one of the reasons the vendor had warned Luca against going into the ruins. If he remained here long enough, he would most likely die of the inhalation of the fumes. He had to keep moving.

Turning quickly, Luca raced towards the door to the stairs, throwing it open and dashing down them quickly, bursting through the front door and continuing his journey towards the center of the city, towards the massive emblem industries sky scraper in the distance. The temperature seemed to be dropping, along with the visibility of the road ahead. The only apparent thing now were the small flakes of snow dripping from the sky above. A sure sign of the temperature ahead. Luca untied the cloth on his leg, dropping the blood stained rag on the ground, knowing it would only hinder him in the future by freezing and slowing him down. There was heavy snow on the ground only feet in front of him. Conditions were worsening. The foot prints behind him disappeared fast as more snowed filled them in from the storm above. In front of him, he could see nothing, only a wall of white snow, he knew that odds of making it through such a storm with such little warm clothing were low. But he had to get the map. He had to get back to them all.

The question of how these cities had gotten into this state was still fresh in Luca's mind. Some kind of fallout from major warfare, it had to take something of epic proportions to deal this kind of destruction upon such a major scale.

The cold was beginning to get to Luca a little bit, losing feeling in his feet for a a couple seconds before pulling himself together and taking shelter in a nearby building. He knew that there was probably a good chance the storm would not end, but he needed rest, and it was something which he would need to get a lot of. Hearing a rustle in the back of the building led Luca to force his way into a back room, making his way past a shelf before a glass bottle hit the wall beside him, followed by a large figure grabbing hold of him and tossing him back towards the front of the building, he had been caught off guard again. This really wasn't his day.

Luca scampered outside, rolling out of the way just as a table came flying through the front window and into the snowy, frozen street. From the building arose a large beast, ripped clothing and blood dripping from it's teeth. Obviously it had been feeding when Luca disturbed it. For the first time in his life, Luca was struck with fear for an instant. Suddenly a huge fist came flying down towards his position, he made a narrow escape and bolted down the street towards the center of the city, further into the storm, further from the beast. He could feel the quake of large objects hitting the ground behind him, seeming to be nearer to him every time. Luca kept running, pushing his way towards the center of the city, hopping to find shelter from the creature once there....


New member
Jul 5, 2006
((Ignores Jing's post, as it doesn't concern me now...))

Fetyu walked with Chad and Skillet. "I sense we're missing someone......" He looked behind him after making this obvious remark. "HEY! YOU TWO! CALI AND DUMBASS! HURRY UP!" So, you two got any fighting experience at all?"

((Sorry for short. BTW, Skillet may need to be killed, as Tsukasa said he left this site.))


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Tyleya was on her own mission. Going through Spirana, for the last few weeks she was sent alone. She was the best in her class, so she was ok to be alone. She was in the middle of the city when she saw someone running.

"What do we have here?" she said.

She was in the middle of checking the ground. She was getting dirt samples. When she saw a boy about her age running. Then she saw a beast after him. She took out her katana and walked in the way so that the beast would see her and not notice him. She looked it in the eye and did the lotus stance, a very powerful attack. It ran for her with such grat speed. She at the same time ran towards him. She when within range she stepped on its head and pushed her body up in such a way where she turned upside down. As in the air she flicked her sword-hand, and beheaded the beast. She landed behind it on her one hand and flipped to her feet. The beast ran until it died. Tyleya walked towards the boy and asked him,

"Are you ok?"


The King Of Bandits
Luca slowed himself, hearing the footsteps behind him no more, shortly after he stopped. He thought he had heard a voice behind him when the footsteps stopped..." Probably just my imagination... No one else would be out here in the middle of this city, unless some team had been dropped in here.."

Luca stilled questioned why he had been taken from his group and dropped in alone in this area. Was this some kind of test to prove he was stronger then the rest? no... more like to see if he could survive without them. People always had doubted him after all. It was quiet...thoughts of the voice still rang in his head

"Are you ok?"

Thats all he remembered hearing, in fact now he was almost dead sure he had heard a real person behind him. Luca glanced around, still noticing nothing within the 5 foot radius he could see, Looking up, he noted that the buildings in front of him were all connected. Which means he could safely walk along the roofs. He was bound to have more visual advantage up there as well. So with that he bursts through the front door of the nearest building, throwing it open and beginning his ascent to the roof. He tried to block the path up the stairs as he went, and did a terrible job at it, but he kept trying.

Finally Luca reached the roof, once again able to see for miles. He could see all the way to the center of the city, it was still far off, but he would easily be able to get there from the rooftops. So quickly, he once again started to travel towards the sky scraper, traversing the roof tops as he went.

The city was massive, and he had already come so far. It would be nearly impossible for anyone to catch up to him that was on the outskirts.. He really hopped that no one was trying too...because Luca had no intention of stopping until he got that map. So the monster, and the mysterious voice behind him, he continued his journey, inching ever closer to his goal, and hopefully his answer.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
The man ran off. Tyleya shrugged and finished the dirt samples she was collecting. Because of the devistation the earth had changed. To see the changed she went out to collect samples of dirt and plants.

"Hmm," she said. The wind stopped blowing. Something was coming and it was going to to be big. Tyleya kneeled and put her ear to the ground to hear.

"3...4...5. Five of them," she counted. She stood up. She took a deep breath and pulled out her other katana. She closed her eyes. Waiting for them to come. After a few minutes she saw them surrounding her. They stood up like humans.

"You want me? she asked. "Step the **** up." she said threatening. She ran to the one near her. She slashed it in its abdomen so its guts came out. One ran at her. She side-stepped and tripped it. As it fell she, her blade was right where his neck was coming. She put her swords in ther hosters. The other three ran for her. She swung her hands and pierced with her finger the sholder joint of one of them so that he couldnt move. The other one she side stepped so that he missed her and pierced the other one so he couldn't move. She puled him by his neck and broke it. The other one who missed her came back for her. She ran towards the building. She ran up the wall and turned and kicked it hard in its head. She landed and flip foward so her foot was right there at his head. She turned and broke his neck. The last one she pulled out her sword and sliced him in half.

She put her sword back. She started to walk into the building the boy went into. It wasnt safe on the street at all.

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
ooc: i'll join now too
Name: Kaze
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Dorm #: 7
Martial courses: Kendo, Tai Chi, Reflexes, and Avoiding & Evading
Appearance: my avi
Fear: blood
Bio: When he was 3, he wasn't exactly abandoned, but his parents were killed and he was tramatized, when he saw them dead and their blood was all over him so now it is his number one fear. His god father abandoned him soon after he turned 10. But because his parents were killed when he was 3 and his god father hated him he never knew his last name.
ooc: i'll jump in when i see a good place