

New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
As they walked Cali kept glancing at Brock, she could tell that the talk with his dad hadn’t went well, just like she had expected. She was positive his father was still the same as ever. Cali was even starting to think that jail had made him worse than he had been before. She wanted to ask him what had happened but she didn’t want to upset him even more; especially not when his worse nightmare had come back from the shadows of his memory.

However her concern was thrown to the back of her head when she heard that Luca had been right there… just a few minutes ago. For a second she forgot everything else, Brock and his father, the other kids, her worries and fears. She looked around anxiously, what if he was still there, somewhere. She fought the urge to start running, she would probably just get lost from everyone else and she might not find Luca. So, when they left the man with the maps behind, Cali was feeling utterly frustrated. Even though hope had made its way back into her heart; the fact remained that things seemed to be getting worse and worse. And when Brock all of a sudden let go of her and started punching the ground, her worries about him came back at full force. She just stared at him; eyes wide open in shock, unable to make a single move to stop him. But when he stood up she found her voice again.

“What are you doing Brock, you want to kill yourself, aren’t you already hurt enough?” she yelled, her voice quivering in shock and anger. She took a step forward trying hard not to cry again and when she looked into his eyes she saw the truth he had been hiding. When she spoke again her voice came out in a low whisper.

“He hurt you again, didn’t he?”


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock stared into Cali's eyes. He felt like crying. He didn't though. He simply looked in her eyes and stroked her hair. He nodded quietly and smiled. He began to hug Cali, out of nowhere. It was the first time he hugged her in a long time. He tried to figure out what ever happened between them. And after a while of hugging and thinking, he let go and it hit him. The look in her eyes when she heard Luca was ok. The sound of her voice whenever she said Luca. The smile she put on when she found out he was in the city. He stroked her hair again and smiled to hide his true feelings.

"Cali. I love you. So much. But i know whats going on. I am staying here in the city. You get Luca and head back to the acadamy. i know we'll never be together again. But its ok. I know there's someone you care more about." Brock looked down. "I need to find myself. Please let me run. Don't follow me." It was then that Brock leaned in and kissed her cheek. He smiled and turned away, running in a random direction. He looed back to make sure no one had followed him. He began weaving around the buildings to lose anyone who might have been behind him.

Once he was positive no one was behind him, he dashed into the ruins of the city. As he walked, the temperature seemed to be dropping. It began snowing. Brock looked off to the side and saw a slaughtered beast. It was similar to the one in Spirana, but much smaller. He then saw two pairs of footprints. One leading to the skyscraper the woman living in. Quickly, Brock followed the footsteps knowing exactly who they belonged to. Luca. He ran faster as it got colder. "LUCA!" he called out. No response. He called out again. "LUC---" Brock was cut off as a chair flew through the air and hit him. He fell to the ground. His back, chest, and arm were all in pain now. He began crawling in the snow to get away from whatever had thrown that. He turned behind him as a table came at him. He rolled out of the way and saw another beast. This one was on its hind legs and roared at him. Brock crawled faster. He tried to get up but is back hurt too much to move. With the last breath he had in him, he screamed as loud as he could, "LUCAAAA!!!" just as a large brink flew through the air and hit him. Brock heard the beast scurry off as Brock's eyes closed and he stay there, lying in the snow.
Last edited:


The King Of Bandits
Luca was cold, and the skyscraper was finally in sight. The only thing stopping him now was a distant voice, something which made him stop dead in his tracks. From the distance, in the city, was a loud scream, it had came from the direction back towards the outskirts. His name. Suddenly however, the voice stopped calling. the voice sounded so familiar.... yet here he was standing at the very place which would give him the solution to finding his way home. A signal fire was lit quickly, at the top of the building. Some one knew Luca was outside. Though as soon as the fire was lit, there was also a loud screech. Creatures were coming from every direction now, scaling the building before him, moving towards the top, moving towards the fire.

At this moment Luca knew he had to make a decision. If the creatures reached the top of the building, then any hope of finding a way home would likely be destroyed, though if he didn't go back and search for the voice, the person who had been calling for him might be harmed, even killed. The choice was hard to make, go home, save a mysterious voice. He thought for a few seconds, knowing he didn't have much time either way. The voice could only be someone who knew his names, so it had to be someone he knew. But if he didn't get the map, he might never find a way home. The choice was hard but he knew he had to make a decision. He moved quickly, hoping he would make it in time.

Luca raced down the streets of the ruined city, the fire now burning brightly behind him at the top of the sky scraper, illuminating the sky for miles around. As he glanced back he could see the entire top half of the building burning, Any chance of finding the map was gone now. He would have to find another way back to his friends, back to the academy.

Minutes later, spotted something laying in the street, trapped under an object. There was not a sound, nor monster in sight, no doubt they had been drawn to the burning building It was dark So Luca could not make out what the person looked like, in any case he picked them up and began moving as fast as he could back towards the outer limits of the city, it was obvious that the person was badly hurt, they had either one over worked themselves and fallen victim to one of the fiends, or two they simply had just been too weak to go on.

The trip back to the city was long, even though Luca was running as hard as he could. He only stopped once, noticing that the skyscraper which he had worked so hard to get to was falling down, setting off a chain reaction on the buildings around it, causing them to fall as well. On top of everything else, the fiends behind them were now running to avoid the catastrophic avalanche of dust and building emitting from the center of the city.

It was going to be close, the fast moving destruction was close behind Luca, and he felt as though his lungs were about to fail, but he kept on moving forward. " Only a few more steps " He kept telling himself, seeing the bridge not that far from him. with each step across the bridge his feet trembled, almost throwing him off balance. Ahead of him, Luca noticed the city. thriving, all the villagers in aw of the destruction behind Luca, buildings falling. Seconds later the bridge shook, the rope snapped and Luca felt himself moving downward, towards the darkness below. He did what he could and tossed the person in his arms to the ground at the end of the bridge, only feet from him. Luca stood there, forgetting he was on the bridge. The buildings had stopped falling. As he looked down he noticed one thing. The boy on the ground, it was Brock. He stumbled back for a minute, realizing they had made it this far without Luca, they didn't need him after all..." ...Brock...."

It fell...

The bridge snapped, both ropes cut in half from a stray piece of the shrapnel behind Luca. The bridge, Luca, All his dreams of getting reconnected with his friends.... tumbled into the abyss below, and for a third time in his life, he was ripped away from everything he knew. pulled into a total other world. Gone.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock opened his eyes. His back hurt like hell. He looked around. He was no longer in the snow. Before him lay an open trough where a bridge had once been. He looked up at the ruins of the city. The city had collapsed. Brock looked down into the trough. It seemed to go on forever. How did he get there? Who helped him? He tried to get up. He cryed out from the pain in his back. He might have broken a bone. He tried his best to crawl into Zumew. He looked around for a cross. A red cross. He needed to get to a medic and fast!

Brock stopped crawling when he found himself at the feet of someone. He looked up and frowned. "Hello son." said the man. Brock tried his best to crawl away. "Get up." said his father. "How dare you call me your son! You have never been a father!" Brock got up and cryed out again from the pain in his back. With all his strength, he tried his best to walk. His eyes teared from the pain, but he walked in an otherwise normal way. Brock's dad walked in front of him. "Can we talk?" he asked. "Later..." said Brock as he looked around for the red cross. He found it. There was a small group of tents around a bit post. On the post was a flag with a medic symbol on it. Brock walked the best he could to the medic center. He stopped and sighed. "I'm sorry. But can you blame me?" Brock turned to see his dad. He was gone. Brock continued to walk to the medic center. He reached it and burst through the biggest tent. "I need help!" he said, pointing to his back.


Brock awoke from the anesthesia. His back hurt a lot. "The surgery went great" said the doctor. Brock sat up on the bed and scratched his head. "Great." He was about to get off the bed when the doctor pushed him back on it. "You'll have to stay here though, just so we can make sure you're ok. Only for a week or so." "A week?!?" exclaimed Brock. The doctor nodded and smiled, then silently left the tent. Brock lied down on the bed and looked at the ceiling of the tent. He found himself returning to who had saved him. Why didn't they stick around? What happened to the bridge? Brock thought that maybe it was Luca, but even Luca would have stayed to make sure Brock was ok. He was just too nice. Brock couldn't put his finger on who could have possibly done it. Cali? No. She wouldn't be able to carry him. Chad? No he had lost him. Luca seemed to be the only possibility. That would make it the second time Luca had saved Brock's life. Brock then took the weed out of his pocket and looked at it. He opened the bag, then shook his head and closed it, shoving it back in his pocket.


The King Of Bandits
((Anyone of the new people feel free to jump in at this point))

A soft cloth cold on his bare back. Luca awoke to a dark shanty looking makeshift room, an orange glow emitting from the outside along with a few voices talking softly nearby. As he tried to pick himself up, there was nothing but pain. He could feel the newly made tears on his back, stretching all the way from his shoulders to his lower back, three big, bloody rips in his flesh which would be sure to scar. On the bright side however, his leg was ok now. The simple feeling of pain was enough to make him lay back down on the bed. Soon after, he heard foot steps coming towards the tent, a thin man only a little taller then Luca, stepped in.

The man wore an old tattered Grey vest with multiple holes on the left side of it, along with a black under shirt, and a pair of old military trousers. The black combat boots on his feet only furthered the theory that he was a man who had seem considerable amounts of combat in the past, or who had ran from it. The man spoke softly, leaning on a chest next to himself, staying out of the light so Luca was not able to make out his face. " You shouldn't try to move in your current condition you know, you took quite a fall, you should be dead." The voice was young and bold, the man must have been in his low 20's at most. He stepped into the light, revealing his dark black shaggy hair, held back with a black bandanna. Also on his head he bore the insignia of the west star. This man was no soldier, He was a thief.

"Name's Trevane Neelson, And from the looks of it you need some help."

Luca shot up, only to lower himself back to the bed as the pain set into his back" You should get some rest kid, you will probably be alright by tommorow. Though i do have a couple things to talk to you about. Like for example, How many of your team members have died so far, And how far do you think your going to get without a map or proper transportation"

Luca was confused. How did the man know about the rest of the team? How did he know about the academy?

Trevane spoke up again" I noticed your insignia, and from the looks of it your on your final exam from the academy. " He flashed his sleeve to Luca, showing off an older version of the schools insignia" Yea kid.... you really don't know whats going on do you?" He smiled" Just get some rest, I will explain everything tomorrow. Just know that your safe from any harm, and your not even close to finishing this test." Trevane stepped back outside and sighed, walking back away from the tent.

Luca saw no other option then to do as trevane had said. He obviously knew what was going on, and he had told Luca he was safe. So with that Luca lay his head back down on the pillow behind him, and fell once again to sleep.

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
Kaze walks up to the Trevane. "So how is he?" Kaze asked as he aproached him. Trevane remained quiet. Kaze sighs "AGH! You never tell me anything! geez!" Kaze says angry at him. Kaze walks into the tent and looks at Luca. He winces when he sees small amounts of blood on the scratches on Luca.
Kaze's face goes blank as he shoots into a flash back. He sees his mom and dad standing in front of him. Kaze then was only maybe 2 feet tall, so his parents seemed like giants. His parents had to go some where so he was left home with his baby sitter. Kaze starts running towards his parents screaming "Mother!! Father!! Don't go! Don't leave me here!!" Kaze sits with the sitter the whole time doing nothing. Soon his parents returned and when they did he ran up to hug them and his father knealed down to hug him. "Hey son, sorry to have had to leave so suddenly like that." Kaze smiled crieing.
The next night Kaze heard a crash coming from down stairs. Kaze was extreamly scared so he his under the covers. He was wondering what was going on down stairs. He thought he would be okay with his father being a master of over 6 different forma of martial arts. He sat there scared out of his mind. He takes his covers off and remembers what his dad had said. "A good fighter has no fears." Kaze steps out of his bed and walks to the door. He walks down the stars and sees his mother and father tied up and he stood there stairing at the person who had tied them up. He stood there frozen with fear. He caredfully planned out what to do to fight the person. Once he had finished, he ran at the man and instead of the man fighting he instead slit the throughts of his mother and father. their blood splashed all over Kaze and Kaze stopped where he was. He was too scared and frightened to move. So instead of carrying out his plan Kaze colapsed and fell over onto his parents bodies crieing. The mistirious man left the house and Kazewas left under the care of the baby sitter who was now his god father.
Kaze returns to consiousness and he looks at Luca. "Well I found out what i came in here to see." Kaze said to him self as he got up and left the tent, "He'll be okay on the out side in a couple of days. Can't say much for his insides though. I'll have to wait till he's awake to figure out what hurts and where then we can treat him properly." Kaze sits down outside, and waits for Luca to wake up.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Rezin looked out over the horizon into the evening sky. The colors flared yellow to pink, then back again, as the sun set. He was on top of a plateau, the on ehe had woke up on just a few hours earlier, and the one that he had seen his group last. He had been standing there, at that exact spot, for the last few hours, trying to remember what happened to the others, with no avail.

Then he spotted something, on the horizion. There was a campfire, somewhere, he couldn't tell what it was in, forest, or otherwise, because the sun had set by now, but he could see the light. It was off to the east of him, which was perfect, because the shallowest slope down from the top was on the east.

I'll just slide down the east slope, then run as fast as I can and I'll hopefully make it before sunrise. Rezin thought to himself. He ran and jumped about a quarter of the way down the slpoe before hitting, then caught his balance and had made it down alive within 25 minutes. He still had around 7 or 8 miles to run, though, and was starting to doubt if he could make it. His head was already starting to fell light, but he shook it off and ran as fast as he could for the light.

About an hour later (and after collapsing for a few minutes 3 times), Rezin could see the actual fire, and the people around it. They were asleep, he hoped it would be his group, but before he could tell who the people were, he collapsed in front of the fire...


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Tyleya went back to the HQ, were ironically the medic center was as well.

"Tyleya, your injured?" the nurse said. "A little but nothing a doctor can't fix." she replied. "We just got some students from your school to come in. One need surgery and the other was injured by a beast." the nurse continued. "I saw a boy...er...man out there. He looked delusional." Tyleya commented, "I got the samples. The way things seem....the earth has changed alot. The matter, structure, and even molecular level of it has muitated." The nurse took it and scanned it through. "Your right. Oh my. Its horrid. Seems like it had changed alot. God forbid." she said. "God has forgotten us." Tyleya said gruffly. The doctors came in and transfered her to a bed. "We will have to do surgery." he said. "I figured. Knock me out Doc." Tyleya said......


Tyleya woke up in a room, but she wasnt alone. She started getting up. She wasnt one to stay down. She swung her feet over the edge of the bed. Then without warning she threw up her lunch all over the floor. "Oh ****..." she said as she was throwing up.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock woke up and looked around in the tent. There was a nurse cleaning up some puke on the floor and a girl resting on a bed. Brock sat up in the bed. The big cut on his back from the surgery seemed to be throbbing. His shirt was off since the doctors didn't want it to slow the healing of the cut. Brock stood up and walked over to the girl. She was asleep. The nurse left the tent. Brock looked around. His shirt was hanging on a hanger on the far side of the room. He walked over to it and put it on. "Two hours is long enough." He quietly walked out the tent, making sure not to attract too much attention. He snuck out of the medic center and ran back to the bridge. His back still hurt, but not as much as before. He walked to the bridge and looked into the trough. An empty endless abyss. Brock picked up a rock and dropped it in the trough. He listened for the rock hitting the ground. It was for the most part quiet so he would be able to hear it well. He strained to listen. After a long time of waiting, Brock heard a faint plop. It was a very long way down. If anyone had fallen, they would have died. No doubt. He thought about it. Luca must have carried him out of the ruins after getting the map. Before he was able to reach the other end, Luca fell. That meant that Luca had the map, until he died. Brock then realized it. With Luca gone, he did have a slight chance of getting back together with Cali. And they also had a chance of getting home. But Brock needed the map. He needed to find a way to get that map. He couldn't jump, he'd die too. He couldn't go alone, he was in major pain, he just had surgery, and alone, he has better chances of dying. Brock turned and walked back towards Zumew. He looked around for someone that could help him. He walked around the city searching.

He found a stall in this alleyway. The stall sold things that Brock would need. Ropes, flashlights, guns, and more equipment you would expect an archeologist or explorer would carry. Behind was a young man, probably in his late 20s, early 30s. He was dressed in a vest with a bunch of holes on the right side. Under that was a white undershirt. He also wore old military trousers, and an old hat that covered his face. "Hey. I need a rope, flashlight, and any other climbing gear you may have here." The man looked up, his face still shadowed by the hat. "Name?" Brock was confused but answered. "Brock Parker." The man stood up. "Name's Trevor Neelson. How do you think this stuff will help you get back home?" Brock's eyes lit up. How on earth could he know what his purpose was? The man flashed his sleeve at Brock showing him an early version of the acadamy's insignia. "I noticed you were wearing that blindfold on your arm. No doubt your takin the exam, right?" Brock merely nodded. Trevor smiled. "And where do you plan on going with all this equipment?" "Someone on my team got a map. He fell with the bridge though. No doubt he died. I want to go down, get that map, and get back home with the rest of my team." Trevor frowned. "How can you be sure he died?" "No one could possibly survive that." Trevor then smiled. "Miracles are possiblle you know. And how do you know he has the map?" Brock scratched his head. "I don't. BUt i'm pretty sure he does." Trevor looked down at his stall and thought for a moment. He hesitated but the tossed Brock a rope and etc. "I'm joining you. I also have some matters to deal with." Brock looked at Trevor. "Like?" Trevor didn't answer but simply got some equipment for himself and ran off towards the trough with Brock close behind.


The King Of Bandits
Luca awoke. It was morning, though it was still very dark outside. The air coming in through the tent flap was quite nice, the cool temperature made it seem as if everything was ok for the moment. Stepping outside, Luca noticed the darkness which surrounded the camp area, also there were 3 men asleep on the ground near an almost burnt out fire. Things were getting even worse for Luca, he was lost in a dark place. There was no sky for him to find a way anywhere, there were 3 strangers in front of him, and worst of all, he didn't have the map, not to mention he had scrapped his back up pretty bad on the fall down. However on the bright side, the team had made it to Zumew, his leg was healed, and he was with a man who obviously went to the academy. With these three elements combined he was positive that everything was going to be ok. The men around the fire must have been a band of thieves, at least seeing as how Trevane was obviously the oldest, and he had a thief tattoo on his forehead. The west star had always been a bandit sign, and those who held the tattoo on their body were said to be leaders of bandit clans, but judging from the small amount of men, and Trevanes personality, this was no bandit clan, and he was no bandit leader.

"Your awake.." A voice came from inside a tent opposite of Luca. Trevane appeared suddenly, walking slowly out and around the fire. " So i guess you have a few questions, and you will get answers, in due time. First i have something i wish to show you... Then, maybe if you have some questions still, i will answer them." Trevane motioned Luca to come with him, he then began walking inside of a cave, going deeper into the darkness until Luca could see him no more. Then quickly the lights flew on, the thick cave walls did nothing but reflect the random beams of light all onto a box in the middle of the cave." In this box is all the equipment i used when i was searching for a way home. I never found one obviously. You should give up on this dam test already, it isn't meant to make you find a way home, they are just using you to fight a war which is already being fought by thousands of others."

Luca stood in silence, wondering what was happening, what he was talking about. Trevane continued" for hundreds of years now, the world has been at war with each other, and all over a big misunderstanding which was created by The Academy. Originally the final exam was that students got dropped into a hot military area and had to fight their ways out and finish the mission, However the world didn't like that happening, and soon after ended the final exam for the academy with a law banning it. The academy was angered. After such a long period of a great life, they had to think of a new plan, revamp everything they had ever done. So what did they do?" Luca was puzzled at the question as he continued to listen" They attacked. They sent wave after wave of their highly skilled warriors into city across the globe, students from every academy on earth were suddenly sent out on " Exam missions" in which they went to an area, eliminated all of the inhabitants, and then returned to thew school. You saw Spirana did you not? That was what previous years of the academy had done. The ruins of the city above us now are my mishap. Can't you see? they are lying to you!!" Trevane took hold of Luca" Don't follow them like my brother did!! He returned to the academy and look at where he is now, he is hunting me on orders from the academy, why? Because i know the truth!!! I have seen the innocent faces of the countless civilians and soldiers my team slew. They were helpless, but i was on orders and i did it anyway..."

Trevane stopped, staring at the ground for a while, and suddenly, everything was clear. His parents had been killed so he could be sent to the academy, the headmaster found him not by chance but because that was the plan. He had potential and they had done everything they could to get there way and get themselves another soldier. The man in front of Luca was just another reason that furthered his theory. Things were beginning to turn around for Luca... suddenly everything was clear. Luca sighed" What about my friends? i can't just stop doing everything without my friends... I have to tell them, we have to inform everyone... and"

" You can't go back up there, my brother is a hunter for the academy, he knows every single one of your team members and what they should be doing. If something starts to look weird to him, he is ordered to assassinate them. You can't go back out there without changing your name and appearance, or else he will know something is up. He knows you fell and from that probably assumes your dead, after all he assumed i was dead after he pushed me off of the bridge...I found everything out and so after refusing to continue with the team i was " dealt with" As we were ordered to in those days... Back then if someone refused to go on with the team, you were killed by the others.... You have to stop... you can't go on with this mission...."


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock's hand slipped off the trough wall. He quickly grabbed it again and continued to decsend downward. Trevor was climbing below him with a flashlight in his mouth. They had been climbing for quite a while now. "You holding up ok?" asked Trevor. "Yea. So tell me. You use to go to the acadamy?" Trevor didn't answer. Brock continued, "Yes i'm doing the final exam. I take it you're still doing it too?" "Kid, do you ever shut up? Stop asking so many questions!" Brock shut up after that. They continued to descend in silence for a few minutes. Trevor shone his flashlight down into the trough, looking for the floor. Brock chipped off a piece of the trough wall and dropped it down. In a few short seconds, they heard it reach the bottom. "Not much longer" said Trevor as they continued to descend.

Trevor jumped of the wall at the bottom, followed by Brock. Brock searched the ground for the dead body of Luca. He saw a dried-out puddle of blood, but no Luca. Trevor smiled. "Tell me now, are you sure he's dead?" Brock looked around in the darkness. There were a few tents and a faint campfire. Off to one side of the trough was a cave. Trevor gave Brock all the equipment except for the knives and guns and pointed to the trough wall they had climbed down. "Go put these over there. Hide them well!" Brock hid them as best as he could using pebbles, sand, and whatever else he could find on the ground. He then returned to Trevor who had shifted his gaze over to the cave. "Don't worry kid. You'll get your map and find a way home." Trevor then crept over to the men sleeping on the floor. He tossed a knife to Brock. "Kill them." Brock didn't exactly want to, nor did he trust Trevor, but it's not like he had a choice. He needed that map and couldn't leave without Trevor or else he'd die. And apparently, Luca was alive. Brock wanted to see a familiar face somewhere, even if it was Luca's. Brock reluctantly killed the men. Trevor searched in the tents for any supplies to grab or men to kill. After all had been stolen and killed, the two met by the fire.

"Ok, you have a lot of questions, now here are your answers. Yes, i went to the acadamy. I took the exam and made it back. My brother wasn't so fortunate. He fell off the bridge that use to hang above us. I sent search parties after him, but they all said he died. I returned to Zumew, after that, to help kids from the acadamy make it back. Whatever i can do, i do it. I don't want what happened to my brother to happen to another kid. I also serve as modivation and example. I made it back. There is hope for you and for your team. You will return to the Acadamy." "But why do we even take this exam?" asked Brock. Trevor stood up and took off his hat for the first time, revealing the scar on his forehead.

"The world has changed, as i'm sure the headmaster has told you. The acadamy is to make peace to the world. You, their prodigies, show hope for this whole planet. If you, teenagers who are put into teams with those they are not fond of, can work together and survive, making it home, then a fighting world can take a few minutes to think, work together, and pull through. Why do you think they have all the martial arts courses there? They are preparing you for this exam. To stop the pain and suffering in this world, you must make it back home. Once you return to the acadamy, you are viewed as a hero." Brock tried to collect his thoughts. What Trevor was saying didn't make sense. It seemed to contradict with all of Brock's theories. For one, if Trevor's brother had died, didn't that mean Luca died as well? And the acadamy was made to protect the kids, and yet they are sending them out like this to protect the world?!? Brock felt like everything was spinning. But in a way, it all made sense. And Brock did want to be viewed as a hero. He'd be free too. "Tell me, how long have you been away from the acadamy, not including the time you were sleeping by the effects of the pill?" "I'm not sure, 2-3 days i think." Trevor smiled. "The pill lasts a day. Meaning you only have 26 days to get back to the acadamy. You are a long way from the acadamy here. Many people from your team will die. When i returned, half the teams hadn't made it or died, and the other half had groups of only one or two. If i'm not mistaken, that quiet young girl died from your team, correct?" Brock was very confused now. How did Trevor know? Brock stood up and looked at the cave. It was the brightest thing there. "Thats enough talking. I'm ready." Brock said. Trevor smiled. "Where are you going once you get that map?" he asked Brock. "...The Acadamy" Brock said. Trevor almost laughed. "Eccelent."


The King Of Bandits
There was a rustle outside of the cave. There was someone out there... Trevane smiled, grabbing a sword on his back and holding on to it's handle" Alright" he whispered just loud enough for Luca to hear.... first i want you to put these clothes on, if my brother sees you with me, you are dead." Luca slid into the old military looking clothes, they seemed to fit perfect which was creepy. He then pulled the cloth mask over his face and the rest of his head, leaving only his eyes open to be seen" From now on your name is...." Trevane thought for a minute..." You are aurora, So get used to it. My brother will never think that i would go so far to hide someone from him, he will just think you were a guy who was with me.." Trevane pulled out a katana from the chest and placed it in Luca's hands, smiling" This was the weapon i used in my exam, take good care of it, and cherish it as if it were your own."

Luca took a step back, wondering why in the world someone would go so far to protect a total stranger, even if he was from the academy" Why are you doing all this Trevane?" Luca spoke up, a confused look on his face.

" Becuase someone has to make it back to the academy and destroy it, And anyone who can survive a fall like that, and make it through an entire city alone on the final exam, can get the job done, you just happened to be the first one i saw..." Trevane smiled, motioning towards a passage way in the cave and turning the light off" Alright now... My brother is here....let us move quickly and swiftly, we need to get to the surface and this tunnel will lead us there... go"

Luca ran as fast as he could down the dark corridor, feeling his way along the walls and up the steps as trevane sealed off the entrance to the corridor from inside the cave, awaiting his brother. he whispered something under his breath before taking a position on top of the chest" Good luck Aurora... I will do my best to hold him off from here.."

Luca finally found his way to an opening with light breaching the cracks. He burst through and crouched down on the ground, breathing heavily, knowing he would have to move away from the entrance quickly. He dashed around a few back alley way's, finally pushing his way through a fence and out into a busy street. He was in the center of Zumew. Luca made his way over to the fountain and sat down on it's side, laying back and staring at the sky for a moment, then getting up and walking over to a building. He made sure that no one was watching before he stepped inside and raced up the stairs to the top of the two story building, making sure not to be seen. At last he closed the door to the roof behind him, walking over and sitting down on the side of the roof, staring at the fence where he had emerged from, waiting to see if anyone else came from that same way. Luca was scared for a moment, adrenaline was pumping through his system, he wasn't sure what to think, all he knew was he had to get his friends, and get back to the academy, one way or another he would be returning.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Trevor looked at the cave as the lights suddenly turned off. "They've spotted us. We must hurry." Trevor quickly crept over to the side of the cave. Brock heard something behind them, a rustling of bushes it sounded like. He dismissed the thought and thought that it was probably his imagination. Brock crept over to the side of the cave. Trevor motioned for Brock to go in first. Brock did as he was told. He felt around in the pitch-black darkness of the cave trying to find Luca. He whispered out his name. "Luca.....you here?" Brock then felt a large cold arm grab him by the neck and put a pistol to his head. It was Trevor. "COME OUT TREVANE! I have Brock!" The lights flashed on and Brock saw a man standing in the middle of the cave. He was looking at Brock in confusion and awe. Brock looked back at him with the same reaction. He looked exactly like Trevor. "Now, put down you katana. NOW!" Trevane hesitated, but did so. Trevor smiled. Brock was sweating. He had a man who was suposedly dead standing in front of him, a man he thought he could trust about to kill him, and he had no idea where Luca or that map had gone.

"Now, if so much as a WORD comes out of your pathetic mouth, Trevane, i will shoot the boy. Now, show to me the other boy." Trevane simply stood there, not knowing what to do. Trevor pushed the gun harder into Brock's head making Brock cringe. "I said, REVEAL THE BOY! I'm not one to play games, Trevane. Now listen. I will kill that boy, no matter what. I will find him. Now i could kill this boy, or i could let him go. So you're the one killing im right now. Tell me where Luca is, and i will only kill one of them." "Luca....isn't here. I don't know what you're talking about." Trevor smiled. "I never said his name was Luca." Trevane couldn't believe his stupid mistake. "Just remember, you're the one who killed him." Brock then heard the pull of the trigger and the gun shot.

Brock never actually thought that you see your life before your eyes when you die. Apparently, it was true. Time seemed to stop for a moment as Brock saw his life since age 4. At age four, his mom died ina car accident. Age five, his dad thought he was old enough to "handle cars without damaging them" so he made him work at his automobile repair shop. At age six, there was the incident on the playground where his dad ot sent o jail and he was shipped off to the acadamy. Age 7, he discovered how much he loved football. That was also the year he met Chad. Age 8, he met Cali. He had a huge crush on her. Age 9, he met Luca. For some reason, he just didn't like him. Maybe because of the way he always looked at Cali. Age 10, the acadamy officially had a sports program in which Brock and Chad signed up for. Age 11, he told Cali he liked her. She smiled and said she liked him back, then gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Age 12, he officially started going out with Cali. Age 13, that might have been the year he had made the most fun of Luca. He remembered all his cruel words and looking back at them, he actually felt like a real jerk. He wished he could tell Luca he was sorry before he died. Age 14, he switched out of his martial arts courses because he thought they were boring. Age 15, he shared his first real kiss with Cali. That may have been the happiest day of his life. Age 16, him and Cali broke up. Now Brock knew why. It wasn't Chad. It wasn't Brock's obsession with football. It was Luca. At the time, Brock didn't mind it so much. It was almost a mutual agreement. Now, that was the worst day of his life. Age 17, the Spirana exam. And Zumew, the place he died.

Time suddenly started up again and Brock fell on his knees. Not from the gun shot, but from all the adrenaline. Trevor then fell down on his face, revealing a bullet hole on the back of his head. Brock turned towards the entrance and saw a man holding a small gun. That must have been what Brock heard outside. Apparently, they hadn't kiled everyone. Brock relaxed for a moment, then collapsed from all the adrenaline. He saw Trevane walk towards him, and then Brock's eyes slowly closed.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Rezin stepped into the cave, examining the bullet hole he had just put in the other man's head. He put his pistol away and rushed over to the boy who the dead man had almost killed. He fliped him over onto his stomach and examined his head, making sure that the other bullet (double barell pistol) hadn't hit him. After a few seconds he decided it hadn't, and he went to make sure the other guy wasn't harmed. He wasn't, so Rezin went and leaned up against the wall and waited for the other two to wake up.

Rezin then recalled his day, he woke up by the fire he had collapsed next to, and went into a nearby tent to check to see if anyone was inside. There wasn't anone, so he helped himself to some of their food for breakfast. A little while after he finished he headr noise coming from somewhere nearby. He followed the sound to the cave where those two kids were and immediately heard someone coming up the path behind him. He jumped up into a tree, and waited to see what would happen. When the lights went out inside of the cave Rezin dropped out of the tree, and waited at the entrance. The lights came back on, and one of the guys had a pistol pointed at the others head. Rezin pulled out his pistol, and shot the guy.
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Somehow, Brock had managed to get a map after he woke, climb up the trough wall, and returned to the acadamy with Cali. They were on the football field as the snow danced in the wind. Cali shivered and Brock took off his sweatshirt and gave it to her. She smiled at him and hugged him. He held her tight in his arms and whispered into her long, soft hair, "I'm crazy about you..." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He looked into her big beautiful eyes and stroked her long beautiful hair. Their lips then began to move closer and closer until they finally met inbetween. After a few seconds of kissing, they stopped. Cali giggled a little bit and Brock smiled. He heard the bell of the acadamy telling everyone it was time to start the day. He turned back at Cali and she was gone. He looked around for her and found her on the bleachers. Luca was with her. And they were kissing. They stopped and Luca turned to Brock, laughed, and then Cali did the same. Then they just turned to each other and continued kissing. Brock felt himself melt into a pile of patheticness and nothingness. "Cali....don't leave me...." The bell of the school sounded again as a think layer of snow covered the puddle of nothingness. "Don't go..."

Brock shot straight up in his bed. He was only dreaming. Brock felt like a 2-ton boulder had just been lifted from his shoulders. He looked around at where he was. He was in a tent. No doubt the ones in the trough. He went outside and saw a few men seated around the fire. Apparently not everyone was dead. Brock saw the man who looked like Trevor leaning against his tent. Brock looked up at the small strip of sky that he could see above him if he tried really hard. He could tell that the sun was just rising. He had spent the whole night there. "Good morning Sleeping Beauty" said the man leaning against the wall. "Brock Parker?" Brock nodded. The man smiled and stuck out his hand. "Trevane Neelson." Brock shook his hand. "You're a lucky one. You were this close to getting shot by a double-barrel pistol, and this close to dying. Or, you would have been this close to returning to the acadamy if my brother had felt 'generous'" Brock looked up curiosly. "What do you mean?" Trevane put a hand on Brock's shoulder. Luca will explain it all to you later. Now come on. You can get back to Zumew through a---" "I'm not going back" said Brock, cutting Trevane off. Brock was thinking of the dream he had last night. If he returned to Zumew. He'd have to face Cali again. If he returned with her, that might happen. Not to mention, his dad was in the city too. Trevane didn't seem that surprised nor upset. "I understand. So you wish to stay here forever?" Brock pondered this for a moment. In the real world, he could get another Cali eventually. One thing he knew, was that he wasn't returning to The Acadamy. Maybe he'd be a drifter. Free to go wherever his heart takes him. Or maybe a pirate. Free to roam the 7 seas. Then it occured to him. What about playing in the NFL? His life long dream? Brock couldn't give that up. He wouldn't even give that up for Cali.

After a moment, Brock responed. "No. I want to return to the real world." Trevane shrugged his shoulders. "Well, there's something you should know. The Acadamy---" "I'm not going back to the acadamy." said Brock, cutting of Trevane for the second time. "If you're not going to Zumew, and you're not going to The Acadamy, where are you going?" Brock sighed and looked up at Trevane. "I don't know. Maybe Texas. I got a half-scholarship there to play football." Trevane seemed a little surprised. "Well, the quickest way out of here is to Zumew. But, believe it or not, this trough actually isn't this deep all the way through. It slopes upward until it meets the land. If you travel all the way down, you'll be taken to the city of Anarips. From there it's about 500 miles to Texas. Is this the path you wish to take?" Brock thought for a moment. Anarips...why does that sound so familiar? After a moment. He looked up and nodded.


Brock took the water bottle Trevane gave him and drank the last drop of water. He had been walking for hours. He was sweaty and hot. The higher he got, the hotter it became, but it was much hotter than in Spirana. He knew that Anarips would kill. Brock looked up at the strip of sky that got bigger the longer he traveled. He smiled as it was huge now. He then walked for a few minutes when he saw the trough meet the land. He was out. He ran out and looked down at the green grass, the hot yellow sun, and the tall silver buildings. He fell down in the grass and laughed. He was so happy. He stood up and walked into the city. It was a small city. There were cars in the street and it seemed that everyone in the city knew each other. All the cars would honk and say, "Good morning Tim," or "Good day, Bob". Brock walked on the sidewalk and a woman with a stroller even smiled and said "Good morning" to him. He smiled back and waved. It seemed that everyone in the city was out, either walking their dogs, pushing a stroller, biking, or just walking for fun. Two young girls said hi to Brock. He waved and the giggled. It was such a happy place. I think i'm going to like it here. He looked back at the girls who had just walked by. He smiled. I really think i will.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Rezin dropped behind Brock from the roof of the building he was walking by, and poked him in the back. "Yo, what's up man? You fellin' better? Well, you ought ta be since you made it to Anarips. So, how was Trevane doin when you left?" Rezin asked, waiting a few seconds for answers to come. When they didn't he replied "Well, are you gonna answer me and thank me for savin your life back there, or are you just gonna stand there starin at me with that stupid look on your face?"


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
After throwing up she got up. "You can get up yet." a nurse said. "Si, I have to. I have too much research to do." she said as she started walking. "You have no friends, no family, nothing! Why do you push everything and everyone away?" she asked. Waverly kept walking. 'I'm afraid to be loved.' she thought to herself.

She walked to the her locker and got her equipment. she saw a paper that said:

Tyleya. We need you to regroup with some students from your school. We have sent them out and you have to find them. The Leader is Luca.

The Faculty

She looked at it. Tyleya walked out of the clinic. She had to search or this Luca.


The King Of Bandits
Luca stood up, after seeing no one emerge from the alley way after a while, he felt that it was finally safe for him to move and search for his friends again. They were obviously around here somewhere. If Brock was there he would not have left without Cali behind him. Things were getting too rough for Luca. Not only had he found himself abandoned in a city again, he had taken a nasty fall off of a bridge when it collapsed, He remembered seeing all the faces of the people who were around when the bridge fell, Had Cali been in that crowd? If so was she worrying about him or had she already accepted that he was dead? It was all just so confusing to Luca. What was going on really? If it was really as Trevane had said, then what should he do? First thing was first, He had to find cali and hopefully the rest of the group. He knew that Brock was probably healed up by now and out of the infirmary, Cali would probably be with him, at the hospital.... he didn't want to " interrupt anything" that was going on.

Something was different about the air in Zumew. As he strolled out of the building which he had perched himself atop, he threw off the tattered shirt which had been given to him by Trevane, revealing the large scars on his back. He through the katana which Trevane had given him over his back, and strolled off through the town, in search of anyone or anything he knew. Chad, Cali, anyone.

The large fountain in front of Luca was very familiar, he had walked by it a couple times before racing into the city. He stared at his reflection in the water. There were so many scars on his body. He had never realized there were so many noticeable onces. Also he had a couple on his face, arms, and even one on his side. The three on his back stuck out the most however, three black scars on his back, sticking out above all else. Luca looked away, noticing the people around the area staring at him as the walked passed. He continued his walk, accross the street to the area where the bridge had used to be. He couldn't see the bottom of the darkness over the cliff side. Had he really fallen that far?

The wreckage of an entire city lay in the distance, there was not a single building standing on the other side of the crevice. It was at that moment that he made his decision about the academy. He was going back. He wasn't going to let anymore students go through this horrible experience, he could not let anymore cities be destroyed. The headmaster had been right. The world had changed a lot... It had been almost destroyed, only living because of the thriving little towns on the outskirts of most of the ruined cities.

It was sad really... So much destruction, and now this was all that was left.

The air felt cool as Luca stood there, a breeze blowing past his bare skin. He was glad he had taken his shirt off... Everything felt so good today. It was amazing how amidst all this terror and pain he had found a moment to be at peace. He was worried about finding the rest of the group, and things were starting to wind down a little bit it seemed. All he wanted to do was find Cali... Just to make sure she was ok ...

Everything was in such chaos, he had no idea where to begin.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Cali was walking next to Chad, Fetyu was right in front of them leading the group. She glanced at Chad, she wanted to say something, she wanted to talk to someone; silence was killing her. After Brock's outburst she had joined the others and since then none of them had talked much, she could feel that Chad blamed her and she thought he was right. It was her fault if something happened to him, the guilt was killing her inside with each step she took. She had loved Brock with all her heart and she still loved him in a way and he been through so much all his life and especially since they were in Spirana. It was too much pressure to just one person to take. She tried to convince herself that his father was the one to blame but there was no use, she was guilty, she should've done something to stop him; she should have followed him but now it was too late. He was just as lost as Luca and he might even be...

She shook her head trying not to finish the thought as she whiped a tear from her eyes, she hated herself so much right then. Ed was dead, all the others were hurt from fighting and she was the only one who hadn't even a scratch; she was the only one who hadn't done a thing to help, to make herself useful. She had been nothing but a burden to the group. Worse then that she was the one to blame if Brock and Luca were lost and alone and hurt out there. She just wished that she could turn back time to make things better. If they hadn't find her in the first place they would probably had gone back to the Academy and would be safe and better off without her.

She wanted to run away, just like they had done, she wanted to be alone, she wanted to be on a place where she wouldn't hurt anyone, where she wouldn't be able to harm the people she loved. And for the first time in her life she could understand Brock's angst and frustration in front of things he couldn't defeat; for once in her life she could understand why Luca always kept others at a safe distance... for once in her life she felt just as lost and alone as them, even though she was safe amongst the group.

Cali tried to push those thoughts to the back of her head, she needed to keep sane if she wanted to change things, but it was useless, constant immages of both Luca and Brock kept coming to her head like ghosts haunting her mind and reminding her of her mistakes, reminding her that she had failed them both just like she had failed everyone else in her life. She gave one last glance to Chad who hadn't even looked at her the whole time; she sighed briefly and walked faster reaching Fetyu. Once again she failed to find something to say. He certainly agreed with Chad and they were both right, she could have stopped Brock and she hadn't done a thing. She just looked around that place, remainings of what was once a city. People around them had nothing but sadness and fear on their features. The shabbyness of their old clothes and dirty appearence revealing all the pain and suffering they had endured and all the misery left after the wars that had brought the city to ruin.

Cali lifted her eyes to the sky and took a deep breath, how she waished things were different, how she wished to find Luca and Brock. How she wished they could return sane and safe to the academy and forget about all this. She lowered her eyes again stdudying the city. And then something happened, something she hadn't expected but it was like her hopes had come to life just in front of her eyes. A short distance away from them there was a shadowy figure. She stopped astonished and looked at Fetyu, her heart beating fast, but he seemed to have taken no notice. She smiled faintly and looked again just to be sure she wasn't dreaming. He was a bit far and she couldn't really see his features but she had no doubts of who he was.

"Luca..." she muttered and without even checking if the others would follow her or not she ran in his direction and hugged him sure that she had caught him by surprise. "Luca!" she sobbed not caring about anything else in the world. She had found him at last "Are you alright? Where's Brock, have you seen him? I'm so glad to see you, why did you left and where have you been? Why did you do this to us... why did you do this to me?" she cried letting out all the anguish and all her doubts and fears through her tears.


The King Of Bandits
Luca was suddenly in the embrace of a stranger, at least whom he thought was a stranger. Looking upon the face of the culprit revealed somewhat of a different result however, Her eyes, her hair, her voice. It was none other then Cali. In the distance he could see the rest of the group as well. He couldn't speak. For the past 20 minutes he had been trying to think of a way to find them... and they just waltzed into his path without warning. The sunlight on the city was low now, it was getting late. The arms wrapped around him and crossed his back, bringing a sharp pain for an instant " Ah!" he screamed out for a moment before pulling away from her, and closing his eyes tightly" Please dont touch my back....ah... it hurts enough as it is..." He turned around for a moment to show the wounds he had received, they were nasty looking things. He then turned back around and sighed for an instant, before throwing his arms around cali for a bit" Brock is..... well... I dont know where Brock is... I made sure he was safe though before i got hurt.." He stretched a hand over his shoulder, scratching the area around his wounds"... Listen...I'm not sure where Brock is.. But we will find him don't worry..."

Luca turned his back to the group again, facing the now destroyed City across the ravine" We lost our chance to get the map we need.... Because Brock came chasing after me...If i wouldn't have had to turn around and bring him all the way back out here we might have gotten it...But.." He stopped, thinking that talking about Brock that way would probably offend Cali."... Forget it.." Luca sat down on the ground, crossing his legs and pulling out the katana from the sheath on his back. The only reason it didn't hurt him when he walked was because of the sheaths materials." We are being lied to....by everyone. The academy, the headmaster, everyone. This exam isn't an exam at all, we are on a military operation right now. Our job is too clean up whatever the previous classes left behind. " Luca sighed".. listen guys... it's getting late.. I need some rest in case you haven't noticed " HE motioned to the scars on his back" So i suggest we find somewhere to sleep...I will explain it all to you then... Im just too tired to exhausted to talk right now.."

Luca looked down at Cali"... And if you insist on finding Brock you will need some rest as well..." He sighed, feeling sad inside, but knowing that Brock was obviously a better choice then himself, after all, he couldn't even get through a fight without getting injured... at least Brock could play football and fight somewhat.." I don't know where, i dont know how... but we really need to find somewhere to sleep"

Luca gave cali another hug, knowing this would probably be the last chance he might ever get to do such a small little thing, after they found Brock it would all be back to normal. Brock the strong one and Luca the weak one again.

Once more he turned to look out across the destroyed city and its ruins. He had ran so far to bring Brock back for Cali...And now he was nowhere to be found. If he was missing again, Luca would stop at nothing to get him back, after all... It was just a matter of making sure cali was happy. No matter who it was with.... thats what he kept telling himself, hoping that one day he might actually be able to accept his loss and move on unscathed. As long as she was happy... he would be happy...even if it was with Brock..
