The Arena

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Basically this is a huge free-for-all. You can come and go as u please.

no god characters
you can kill people, this is the arena, but you can start again with a new person
that's it
we can start when we have 5 people

Name: Ijjimo
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Weapon(s): a katana, and a bow
That's all i care about, if u want to do more u can

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
I've got a lust for battle, let me jump in ^_^


Name: Rayex Kunokai
Age: 22


Dual Crossblades: Piercingly sharp blades that reside on the arms of its user. They sheath in on gauntlets that also double as a shield. The heavily specialize in hand to hand combat, parrying most weapons. With swift execution, an opponent can be taken out instantly.

Kunoakai Blade: The signature sword passed from generations of the Kunokai family. Its blade was forged from the hardest substance on the known planet supposably entrapping hidden potential within. This very sword has brought the kunokai family its reputation of fierce fighters. Only one with the blood of a Kunokai can even weild such a blade.

Kunai Knives: Mostly ninjas use these weapons on stealth based attacks. Rayex utilizes these when he has no other options left. They are sharp body piercing daggers that can be thrown for distance attacks and hand to hand combat, its both an incredible ally and deadly risk if you can't utilize it correctly.


Bushido Tan no Jutsu: This is Rayex's second most powerful thunder based jutsu. It channels his chakra into both hands and converts it into electricity. It is most gruesome when in contact with a foe wearing metal which in return serves as a conductor to further their destruction.

Thunder paralysis Jutsu: Channels static into weapons so when struck or in close contact with opponent they are left paralyzed for about 2mins giving the user time to dispose of the given target.

Hidden Flame Jutsu: Upon the initiation of this jutsu, fire travels underground and searches for a nearby heat source to engulf them in a sphere of flames. While trapped within the firey hell, they most likely die burning to death.

Substitution jutsu: basically a jutsu when performed replaces the user's body with an inanimate object such as a log upon an enemy's blow or strong enough force from contact of attack. It can teleport the user about 40 feet away from the sight of impact.

Lightning blaze no Jutsu: The most powerful thunder based jutsu Rayex knows. Chakra is manipulated into lightning which is then transferred to the ground, in combination with special wire, the lightning thus travels to the designated area near opponent electrifying everything in sight.

Dancing Dragon Flame Jutsu: Unleashes a massive amount of fire that takes the form of twin dragons. The Fire wraps around the given opponent and both Dragons then converge on a opponent burning them in a series of flames.

Gokagen teh no Jutsu: Shoots fire from his mouth in all different directions scattering over the battlefield. It shoots a mass of 36 fireballs at incredible speeds.

Bio: Don't feel this is neccessary for a free for all.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
((Time to add the detail so you guys have something to work with))

Looking around at such a vast and desolate area, surely anyone who stepped foot within this place stared death in the face. Stumbling into this arena of warriors was a sight to behold. Many spectator in the bleechers were roaring as they wanted to see someone die on the battlefield. To Rayex's dismay he had wandered onto the battlefield by accident and became locked in battle. Having no choice but to fight as he was locked within the confines of a gate he could only peer out of it as it slowly began to rise. Looking out at the desolate, blood stained arena he couldn't help but tremble somewhat. This wasn't his specialty when it came to combat, he was more freestyle and unpredictable. The gate rose to its peak and Rayex slowly stepped out of it to about 7 feet from it staring out at the crowd and then to his opponents.

"I'm ready to fight...don't disappoint me..."

Taking a moment to analyze the field, Rayex formulated a plan of attack. Though it would only prove effective to take into consideration the skill of his opponents. He unsheathed the blade from his back and stood prepared to fight. He braced himself and put his left leg forward with his corresponding arm. With the equivalence he put his blade to an arc position and awaited a reaction from his opponents. This stance was a traditional style via his family heritage, its useful when fighting unfamiliar opponents which set to adjust to their style of combat. Rayex braced himself for what would happen next, it was left to his opponents to do the rest.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Staring at the surroundings as the wind was blowing idle by. Rayex looked at one foe imparticular that had stepped outside the gate. He was bearing a blade, intricate in detail and seemed to be built for combat. It became clear that this man would be Rayex's first opponent. He then fixated his eyes on him and changed his stance to an offensive position. Walking towards him and then stopping ten feet from his presence as he stood waiting for signs of retalliation. A smirk of content appeared on Rayex's face as he gazed into his eyes and began to read his emotion sensing little fear and anxiety. This would be an interesting one is the thought that clouded Rayex's mind as he focused his attention to him.

"Whats your name?"


New member
AGE: 16,000(looks 16)
SEX: Female
RACE: unknown
WEAPON: Poe Pole
MAGIC: Mana magic and summons powers of dragons
BIO: Free spirted, stobborn, foxxy, and all around clever girl
wears a white long sleve jacket with a black belly t-shirt under neath, wears baggy jeans, fox leg boots, and wears a pare of go-go goggles on her head. have fox ears and fox tail.
INFO: A mother that is a goddess and a father thats a dragon, sister that hate her with every fiber of her being, a lover that is prince of the dragons, and is the blance of earth, her being the light while her sister that is the dark.

*teleports in* Woot! fun for battle!

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
While his focus was set to only one opponent at the given moment, Rayex didn't realize it immediatley that another person had entered the battlefield. When he finally became aware, the heat signature confirmed this. Rayex turned his head and gazed at his other opponent. This was turning out to be interesting seeing new faces meant new skills unfamiliar to him. Of what she was capable of was unknown to Rayex as of now. Yet it was interesting to see what both of them were capable of, his combat techniques were un matched on the battlefield.

"Opponents just keep popping up out of who is first."

Getting some good distance between both of them Rayex looked back and forth between the two of them with his blade by his side.


The King Of Bandits
Sadow smiled, whispering something under his breath and thrusting his sword into RPGirl from behind her and ripping it out, then quickly catching himself on the ground and moving into a more defensive position." those who strike first often die first as well..." Shadow couldn't help but luagh a little inside. His attack had been so obvious, and he had hurt his opponent as well. He could tell this was going to be a long grueling match between the four opponents, and any others that might pop up mid battle.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Hesitation didn't see to come natural as one of Rayex's opponents wasted little to know time summoning a storm of ice to rain down on them. The shards of flesh piercing ice fell from the sky rapidly. Rayex could see it in what seemed to be slow motion as he adjusted to the emotion wavelength of his opponent and dodged most of the ice shards while slashing others with his blade. She seemed to be a manipulator of magic, Rayex had hidden skill he had even unveiled yet as danced in the shower of ice shards. When it finally stopped he stood gazing contently at his responsive opponent.

"You want to see a real magic this!"

Rayex took a massive satchel of kunai from under his robe and whirled them into the air above his opponent. He threw another kunai directly at the satchel as it reached the peak above his opponents head. They broke apart and began to storm down on his opponent taking heed not to intentionally hit her. Surely at this point she had a confused subterfuge as to the purpose of his attack. Rayex then revealed invisible wire on the ends of his kunai and paper bombs attached to them written with symbols of thunder style bombs.

"What comes next will be shocking!"

Rayex transferred his chakra from the wire into the kunai setting off the paper bombs triggering a massive electric field! How his opponent would escape was up to her.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex saw the fire blast shaping the form of a dragon coming at him at an incredible speed. He jumped to his right rolling on the ground next to the wall of the arena. He didn't expect his trick to be blocked so easily. She seemed to posses incredible skills as the attack missed and headed for Shadow in the process. Rayex jumped up on the wall and looked out at both of them while doing a number of handsigns. He stood focusing his energy into both of his hands, his chakra was slowly being converted into lightning.

"Thunder style, Bushido tan no Jutsu!"

Rayex unsheathed the crossblades on his arms and the lightning traveled into the blades. They posed to be an excellent conductor so his energy could flow more efficiently. He jumped into the air above Shadow and slammed his blades together forcing the thunder based chakra from his blades and out into the open traveling down to shadow incredibly fast.

"Lets see you dodge two things at once!" said Rayex executing an unexcpected dual assualt on Shadow.


New member
"Okay" Said RPGirl as she looked at the attack coming straght at her.
RPGirl dug quickly in to the ground dougeing Rayex's attacks, "Earthquake!" Shouted RPGirl as the earth under her opponet's feet began to shake. The earthquake made many more holes for RPGirl, "Watery Grave!" Shouted RPGirl from under ground.
Thousands of Posion water orbs came blasting out of the holes she made aimed at Rayex.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Ijjimo approached the man who had stabbed the female who was in battle with another person. "Sup? You ready to get owned?" Takeshi got into his fighting stance. After a few moments he attacked, just barely missing his ooponents chest with his swipe, but getting him in the arm.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
As Rayex flew over shadows head and landed in the bleechers the earth began to tremor below his feet. Looking out at the battle field bubbles began to emerges and directed towards him. Taking only a 2 seconds Rayex began to race around the bleechers avoiding the bubbles and throwing kunai popping them and making sure not to touch its contents. Then the attack abruptly halted as the RPGirl was stabbed by Rayex's earlier opponent. Carelessness is how people died on the battlefield.

"Good, now i can get both of you at the same time!"

Pushing chakra to his feet, Rayex leaped up into the air. He then began to spin violently and kunai knives began to fly in the direction of both of them. Hurled at amazing speeds this would surely catch the both of them off guard being distracted by one another.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Name: Soji
Age: 16
Heritage: White Demon
Appearance :

Normal Form- White-blonde hair, fairly long. Bright blue eyes. A pale face and skin. Always wears his Cloak of Midnight (Pure black) to hide his appearance from others.
Secondary Form- Long white-blonde hair. Blood-red eyes with purple pupils. Same pale skin except long black lines now circle around his body. Teeth are carnivorous. Short claws replace his fingernails and an ominous aura surrounds him.
Primary Form- Body-length white-blond hair. Same Blood-red eyes except the purple pupil is shaped like a triangle. His skin is now pure black. His teeth are cruel fangs and large, black wings have erupted from his shoulder blades. Large horns now poke through his long hair and his claws have extended six inches.
Rare White Form- Basically the reverse of his Primary Form. Soji taps into his rejected heart for power. This form only really reveals itself when he is either, protecting someone he cares about or he is in contact with his own or someone else's heart.
Equipment/Weapon : Cloak of Midnight- A family heirloom that Soji stole before abandoning his post at Heaven's gate. The Cloak of Midnight allows Soji to pass to any point in the world he wishes. Due to being made of pure darkness, the cloak is virtually indestructable and will regenerate when damaged.
Book of Incane- A tiny book that Soji rarely uses. It was a gift from his older brother, Kratos, just before Kratos had abandoned his post at the Gate. The book was Soji's guide to awakening the dark powers of his race. Most of the time, Soji keeps it hidden safely on a chain.
Assorted bottles- Soji will often carry bottles of his victom's blood or bones. He uses these when he can't find the resourse in a battle, seeing as flesh, blood, and bones are his main weapons.
Abilities: Soji's true power comes from his body. He carries no weapon and uses the elements of his body along with the elements of the world to inflict damage on his enemies. Soji verbalizes his attacks so other RPers can understand what he's doing. Each of his attacks has two parts. The channeler and the command. The channeler refers to what Soji is channeling his energy into and the command refers to what he's commanding the energy to do. Commands could be nearly anything, but I will list the channels. (Some commands could be seen often though)
Kurenai - Fire Channeling
Kurogane - Earth Channeling
Aoi - Water Channeling
Enkai - Wind Channeling
Doruko - Bone Channeling
Kawa - Flesh Channeling
Chi - Blood Channeling
Mei - Dark Channeling
If Soji's sister comes into an RP, the light channeling is "Shiro".
Soji has several other abilities up his sleeve that come from his demon heratige, such as the Demonic Seduction- When Soji uses his eyes and voice as a pathway into the opposer's mind. This enables him almost complete control and the ability to be very convincing. It is trademark for his eyes to flood red when he activates this power and his voice to become emmensly deep.

Commonly Used Techniques:

Bone Blades: Doruko. Soji's most used ability. Soji manipulates the bones in his arms to become long blades that break through his palm and stay attached to his hands. Blades are extremely hard and durable.

Blackfire Blast: Kurenai. Soji's most used fire attack. Releases a large meteor of black flames that are fueled on emotions.

Earthen Fist: Kurogane. Capture Technique. Soji forces his hand into the ground where he creates a giant hand of stone that can burst forth from under Soji's opponent and drag their body underground.

Water Thrust: Aoi. Painfully forces every ounce of water from opponent's extremedies, temporarily making the arms and legs useless.

Kamahe: Enkai. Creates crushing winds that amplify gravity's effect on the target, thus able to fracture bones.

Bodily Protection: Kawa. Defensive Technique. Occuring naturally, Soji's flesh will rip from his body into strips of bandages that can harden and block virtually any attack.

Bandage Manipulation: Kawa. Soji can manipulate the flesh-bandages he creates so they act as extra arms, can shape themselves into weapons and can act as powerful destructive forces.

Blood Rage: Chi. Forces an amount of the victom's blood to be drawn out through their pores. Soji can then use this blood as a destructive weapon agains the victom, often either flushing the opponent's head with the blood or forcing the blood to clot in the opponent's throat.

Needle Surge: Doruko. Soji draws splinters of bone to the surface of his skin. These splinters change into sharp needles that Soji can launch in any direction off of any part of his body.

Fatal Techniques:

Heartmare Technique: Requires at least Secondary Form. User focuses Mei into his/her arm. Using Mei, the arm is transformed into a spiritual talon. Collecting amazing speed, the user thrusts the arm through the victom's chest, removing the heart.

Scything Solis: Requires at least Secondary Form. User draws huge shards of bone out of his/her own body. Gathering Doruko, the user manipulates the bones into thousands of sharp knives that will fly in all directions. (If you've seen the first Naruto Movie, this attack is similar to the effect kunai launching machine.)

Engaku Corruption: Requires Primary Form. Can kill most than one person. Repricussions force Soji out of his Primary Form. User releases full control of his body to the instincts of the Primary Form. Using these, the Primary Form will unleash all of the user's energy in one massive wave. Average power level for such being off the charts.

Massive Techniques:

Earthen River: Kurogane-Kurenai. User forces Kurenai energy into the ground, instantly melting over six tons of rock into manipulative molten earth. (By manipulative, I mean Soji can control what it does.)

Bone Forest: Doruko. User releases Doruko energy into his/her bones, causing duplicates of these bones to burst forth from the ground. Warning, bones grow in sharp spires so victoms should avoid being above one. Bones also act as the perfect hiding place, seeing as Soji can pass in and out of these bone "trees".

Blood Knauve: Chi. User forces Chi energy to recreate his/her blood, allowing the excess to be released, flooding the area around the user. This allows for other blood techniques to be used without being forced to be near victom.
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