The Arena

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Heh, this should be fun.

Rayex did a few handsigns as RPGirl reversed his attack as he was anticpating. The kunai knives were traveling at him with incredible momentum. As they struck his body, a log appeared in the place of it. It fell from the sky leaving her with a look of confusion no doubt. From behind her A voice was heard, it was cold with content and malevolence.

"Let see you heal from this!"

Rayex lodged on of his cross blades into her back viciously. His silver eyes had the pertruding look of avarice as he slowly began to twist his fist. Blood began to emerge from her body and some grafted onto Rayex's body. He licked it at the sight of it coming onto his face. Abruptly, he receeded the blade and delivered a furious kick to RPGirl's neck, aiming for her vital spot in her neck. Rayex could only watch as she fell to the ground in a pool of her own blood. Keeping his eyes peeled Rayex gazed at the others that were left, he kept his eyes peeled for any attempt to suprise him


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji appeared out of nowhere and caught RPGirl, his bright blue eyes glaring up at Rayex before calling, "Did you forget your lack of flight?" Soji turned away before he could watch Rayex fall out of the sky and set RPGirl down. Soji removed his sleeve as to give his hand complete space for movement. He pressed his hand to her forehead and closed his eyes. Instantly, his body was filled with her pain as he drained her wounds away. Soji's natural abilities with flesh, blood and bones allowed him to completely heal RPGirl with little effort.

OOC: Since I don't really have an enemy yet, it isn't a very long post. Sorreh.


New member
RPGirl awoke "Damn, i let my garud down, nut now I'm pissed!" Said RPGirl her poe pole turn into a mana gun. She aimed at Rayex heart, "Take this; Flash Bang Mana!" Said RPGirl as she pulled the trigger. An huge amout of pure mana energy blasted out of RPGirl's Gun and hit Rayex.
"Got ya!"
RPGirl quickly trun back to Soji, "Thanks,Bon-Bon told me what you did for her... this thanks for her." Said RPGirl as her Gun change back in to a pole. "Soothing Falls!" Said RPGirl as some snow fell on Soji.
The pain that Soji absorbed quickly faded away. RPGirl jumped into the bleachers and waited for Rayex next attack.
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One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Name: Maximus "Dread" Trepidation

Age: Unknown


Unlike most things, Maximus is composed of shadows. Physical attacks will not hurt him, nor most magic. Blood does not run through his veins, but rather the shadows themselves. So, upon attacking him, the weapons will pass right through.

Weilding two Kodachi's, Yin and Yang, he is easily equipped for defensive needs. Yet, only participating on the defense, his offensive abilities lack strikes. Basing his moves more on "stealth" kills, or rather FEAR itself, he is tends to vanish.


Shadow Manipulation: Can control opponent's shadows to turn and attack the opponent without the enemy knowing. Since the shadows are embedded into the ground, the only way to remove them is to not have a shadow. This is only achieved at Night, or rather noon.

Exoverse: Controlling the shaodws themselves, he manipulates them to transport him and the target to the exoverse, the place where fear is made. Once there, the enemy sees his deepest fears, thus becoming stunned by them. Maximus thus has a easy chance to finish off his opponent. A stunning killing move.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's eyes left their brilliant blue behind to be replaced by a dispassionate red. Soji waved his hand in front of him and a massive amount of heat left his body, melting all the snow around him.

Soji extended a long, white blade of tough bone from his right palm while his left hand hovered, open-palmed over the melted snow. "Aoi: Thousands Strangle." Soji sent Aoi energy into the water, which sprang into animated life. Thousands of hands made of water flew from the large puddle, all swarming around RPGirl, hoping to remove her life.

Soji threw out his left arm and a twin bone blade emerged from his palm. Soji sneered at the assailed RPGirl before rushing forward, blades in front and ready to strike at any part of RPGirl that dared to get in his way.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Darkness, a thing which can make the most unafraid man have chills sweep down his spine. It can strike fear into the hearts of many, or even be used as a power source by some. Whatever the case, the shadows and the dark are those of the greatest power. It could be controlled by light, or even overcome it with nsurpassable numbers. Darkness is the key to survival and those who master it are the most spectacular of beings....

The light began to set and the shadows began to stretch across the dirt filled ground of the colliseum. The clashing of blades, and the flapping of the clothes were all visible in the shadow form as the opponents began to fight for their lives. As the sun casted more of a dark essence onto the field, a shift in the winds could be felt through the air. Soon, the buildings casted off shadows all into a central point, defying the laws of the sun. In the middle of this point began a small distortion of sorts. First, the shadows began to morph into a being on the ground. The curves and ripples clearly showed this being as a "fighter". Next, the shadows began to form a three dimensional object from the sillouete of the person. In due time it began to emerge as a person. The hands rose from the ground and out of it crawled Maximus.

Standing at a good 5'10", Maximus looked around at the opponents. Glancing down below him, he could tell the transport was complete. Instead of showing as an object, he appeared to just stand there...without a shadow. As he gazed back up, he began to speak in a cold harsh voice, "What are your fears people of this colliseum? Because, soon enough, they will become real..."

OOC:Sorry, short. Have nothing to work with.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
As the blast impacted Rayex in the chest he flew into the wall creating massive whole. It was nothing death defying as he lay rested in the hole for sometime breathing hurendously. Smoke was whirling around the massive whole in the wall. When it cleared Rayex was standing watching all of them with his silver eyes. RPGiirl's blood stained Rayex's right eye changing the pigment to scarlet. He smiled as a blood lust look appeared on his face. He could read Soji's emotion and tell that he was no ordinary human and quite resourceful as he resurrected RPGirl. With that much knowledge, it was suicide to go after him when he didn't show kindness.

"I know when attack and when not too..."

Uttering those words, Rayex put his hands together in a sign and cloud of smoke enshrouded him. When it cleared he was gone, such a basic technique left much to be desired. In doing so reappeared 15 feet away from RPGirl whom was in the bleechers staring in the direction that he was attacked. Most likely she planned on finishing him off, that wasn't going to happen apparently. He pointed his dual cross blades at her from the distance. Though Rayex, possed no special abilities like the rest of them, he could only watch and analyze various techniques for weak points and counter them with his jutsu and battle tactics.

"Lets end this shall we...?"


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Name:Vixti Viko
Weapons:Handgun for long ranges, Steel Tonfa and Leather fighting gloves for close range, Three Sectional Staff and Kusarigama for medium Range.
Abilities: Vixti can control the weapons with a magical force(He can make them smaller, stronger, bigger, ect.). Part of this, and his most used form when fighting, is putting spikes on his gloves when doing hand to hand combat. Magic, knives and daggars, and medium to long range weapons pass right through him instead of hurting him(Meaning he is immune to to non phisical attacks)
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Reposting since this post was ignored earlier. I have taken RPGirl casting a spell on me as a challenge, so I'm attacking her. Yes, it's short but unfortunately, pure fighting requires short posts so you opponent can make moves.

Soji's eyes left their brilliant blue behind to be replaced by a dispassionate red. Soji waved his hand in front of him and a massive amount of heat left his body, melting all the snow around him.

Soji extended a long, white blade of tough bone from his right palm while his left hand hovered, open-palmed over the melted snow. "Aoi: Thousands Strangle." Soji sent Aoi energy into the water, which sprang into animated life. Thousands of hands made of water flew from the large puddle, all swarming around RPGirl, hoping to remove her life.

Soji threw out his left arm and a twin bone blade emerged from his palm. Soji sneered at the assailed RPGirl before rushing forward, blades in front and ready to strike at any part of RPGirl that dared to get in his way.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"Mist eh? You'll have to think before you try something like this again..."

Rayex watched as the mist began to shower the arena. Mist was of course consisting water vapor. Yet at the sametime included a malicious poison that could prove fatal. Rayex ripped off a large piece from his robe and leaped backwards. He fastened it around his face, this would help to lessen the inhalement of the toxic substance. The toxins within the mist would prove to be quite flammable when exposed to flame. An idea popped up in Rayex's head, To ignite the entire arena in a blaze of fire with the spreading mist! He engaged in a number of different handsigns and completed them as the mist was approaching him.

"Fire style, Dancing Dragon Flame jutsu!"

In such a feat, a massive dragon convereged of flame spewed from Rayex's mouth combusting the toxic mist causing a massive explosion around RPGirl and where ever else the mist spread. Rayex watch as the explosion spread and the smoke emmiting from it. That wasn't enough to satify him as he stood staring at the desolation.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji saw the water begin to swirl around him and saw it as the perfect advantage. He sprang from the water on a giant, floating stone. His Kurogane techniques were strong enough to allow him to integrate it with his Enkai techniques. He hovered above the water to make sure his rock would continue to float. He then made the "Sun" Kanji and aimed a technique into the water.

"Aoi-Kurenai: Boiling Seas"

Soji released a huge amount of energy that pounded into the ground at the bottom of the water, breaking open a powerful heat emmiting fissure. The water's temperature rose rapidly till the point that it was a complete and deadly bowl of boiling water. Soji hid, protected by his flight on the stone.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Taking a step forward on the hardened sand, a darkened color emitted off the heel of his boot as the foot touched with the sand. It stayed there, spreading out before reconnecting with his body. This process seemed to repeat over and over again with each passing step. Yet, time after time, the blobs seemed to have gotten less noticable as it became more intone with the grains of the earth. After reaching about five steps, Maximus stopped and viewed the onslaught of opponents again. The water seemed to be intelligent, but he stopped at a far enough range where he was unaffected. As he continued to watch, he started to move his hands from the sides of his body and into the front. Having his arms outstretched before him, he quickly turned his forearms to the inside so one was on top of another. Still looking in front, he slowly pulled his arms away from each other, not to go off path of the opposite arm. Finally, when his fingers touched, a small burst of dark clouds could be seen from the distance, emitting off of his hands. In less than 10 seconds, the clouds vanished and within each hand stood Yin & Yang, his two kodachi's. Slowly putting his arms back down to the side, he began to take the eerie steps towards the center of the arena again, carefully viewing the opponents. This time, the blobs weren't even noticeable, like they were apart of him now....

The sun showed brightly behind him, but no shadow was emitting off of him. Instead, shadows of the other buildings began to move when he moved. Touching where he touched. It was as though he was controlling the shadows himself. In no due time, he stopped yet again, but this time to speak once more so everyone could hear him. Opening his mouth, he let out a small cough and then spoke before the opponents in a loud, rasp voice...

"So, this is where everyone is? Does anyone want to even challenge death itself? I take it as a no because you all are busy fighting amongst yourselves, thinking you are stronger than everyone. Instead of attacking each other, why not combine your futile efforts and attack me? It could actually make me break a sweat," he shouted to everyone so that they could hear him. His face was still tangled in his darkened scarf. One noticable thing was that his hands started to grip Yin & Yang even tighter. Stretching his arms so that they were perpindicular to his body, he let out when final burst of speech, "Well, what do you say? Or do I have to take each of you down one by one?"

OOC: Still a tad short, but whatever.
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New member
"Damn, I hate the smell of boiling fox!" Said RPGirl as she leaped into the air trying not to get cooked alive.
"Ice Dragon's Stare!" Shouted RPGirl as she looked down.
RPGirl eyes suddenly turn white, all the water bellow her, in the arena trun to ice.
"What next?" Said RPGirl as she softly land on the, noe iced ground.
"Nice yen, yang." Siad RPGirl to the new opponet.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Short posts are better in a fighting RP, SV. If you make your post too long it will just be stupid. That's the thing about fighting RPs. It's the only type of RP where short, sweet posts are acceptable.

Soji jumped down to the ice and landed gently. He pressed his hands to the ice and began to mutter. "Aoi: Mind Manipulation" Several shockwaves flew from his finger tips and Soji lifted his hands from the ice. He raised a hand towards RPGirl and a giant replication of his hand rose, made of ice. He snapped his hand at RPGirl, and the ice hand swiped at her.

Soji raised his other hand and another ice hand joined the fray. Suddenly, more and more hands of ice rose from the surface of the frozen lake. They all began snapping at RPGirl with lethal force. All Soji had to do was image what his ice puppets were supposed to accomplished and they moved according to his will.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex stared up as water was falling from the sky and pouring into the arena. A massive wave to dowse the flames which they indeed did. Pushing chakra to his feet, he leaped into the air avoiding certain drowning. Below his new opponent Soji had already taken measures to heat the water below. He watched simply as another foe had approached the battlefield ushering in a request of an all out assualt. A look of seriousness appeared across his face, sensing his energy within was far greater than his own. This only happened to excite him even more. Looking now at the surface, it became iced over by RPGirl whom was merely wasting energy.

"Interesting, one with cunning such as myself really does exist..."

Whispering these thoughts, Rayex landed in the bleecher with his eyes fixated on his foe. Dieing wasn't an option for Rayex at this point in time. He had yet to suffer a serious formality that had proven to be fatal. Still we was watching everyone with focused eyes. In a gaze of smoke once more, he appeared on the iced arena floor staring at the opponent whom had spoke just moments ago. He stood gazing into his cold eyes reading his emotions, to his suprise he couldn't find a trace within his eyes at all. To fight one such as unfeeling as this one, Rayex would have to adjust to that state void of emotion. At that moment he abandoned his true emotions and set them aside to enage his new foe. No sense wasting his energy any further. Rayex drew is family blade and pointed it at his opponent, chakra flowed into the blade as it rest at his side.

"So your not one to be taken lightly...I too indulge in that sentiment."

Rayex did a few handsigns and then stood valiantly to fight.