The Arena

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: The clones are still falling <.< they'll just land on the water xD.

As the kunai knifed bounced off of the shield and into the water flowing from the ground, Exile didn't expect to get help amplifying his plan. "Wow, she really doesn't think, screw that barrier crap, it just makes you weak if you can't rely on your own skills." said Exile pretty pissed. A clone was beside him on Dimitri's back, and they began to do handsigns at the same time. Blue chakra rushed into their hand as it was building up rapidly. "You fool your using that move!?" yelled Dimitri angrily. "You'll kill them all in one shot!" Both replications of Exile stared at Dimitri and jumped off his back.

The clones landed on the water and revealed that hey had wire connected to their kunai. As they channeled chakra into it corresponed with the paper parchments connected to the kunai and exploded in a radical blue flame of electricity. The arena was becoming the reckage for titans. The clones began to disappear from the after shock meant as a recoil to shatter Soji's barrier. They each smiled before the disappered as the chain reactions weakened the barrier also covering it with water.

The two Falling Exiles began to grab the others corresponding chakra filled hand and swing each other counter-clockwise. After doing it about the maximum of three time they created a whip like manuever airborn which was new to Exile. The ball of energy grew even larger in his hands as he assimilated the energy from his clones in the chakra transfer. He was approaching Soji's invisible barrier made visible by water, "Yakuza Chidori!" cried Exile as he slammed his fist into the barrier watching it travel through water down to the ground shocking RPGirl and cracking Soji's barrier. "C'mon! Break already damnit!" yelled Exile as blood began to trickle from his hand. It was slow reaching through, finally yielding as it shatterd, and slammed into Soji's chest! "Now die!" said Exile unleashing the final recoil of his attack.


New member
RPGirl felt the full power of the shock, she jumpped out of the ground. "Okay, I won't do that again." Said RPGirl trying to keep herself togather. "Foxxy Healing." Said RPGirl as she press her plam to her chest. The wounds she receved healed.
"Poe Starw." Said RPGirl as she held up a starw like weapon to her lips.

RPGirl aimed the starw at Soji and Exile. "Bubbles of Sleep!" Said RPGirl as she blew into her starw. Blue bubbles shot out of the the straw right at Soji and Exile.
With these kind of bubbles they effect all your sinces, its even worser if you have a sixth since. These bubbles effect the enemy even if they're not popped.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: I'm going to start making Soji use techniques from Naruto. Oh and just so you know, Soji is a water/earth user. >D

Soji rolled to the side. Suddenly, the little sight that he had went haywire. Frowning slightly, Soji pressed his hands to the water, floating on top as chakra kept him above it and muttered, "Suiton: Goshokuzame no Jutsu!" The water flashed a swirled and from a small portion of it, five sharks made of chakra formed. Soji spoke to them in some language that was unintellagible and they took off with rapid speed. Two of them flew off to devour Exile who was weaker in water while the other three swam off after RPGirl, who was stronger in water. The good thing about chakra sharks is that they're indestructable as long as they're in water. To be safe though, Soji made several more handsigns and muttered, "Kirigakure no Jutsu! Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!" Suddenly a huge mist exploded from the water, covering the area thickly and becoming the perfect hiding place for Soji and a few friends he had brought into existance.


New member
RPGirl was lost in a sea of mist, she knew that there was sharks swarning around her. "Poe Shild" Said RPGirl as she held up her shiled. The bubbles were still around her just incase Soji try to attack her. "Electric Dragon's charge" Said RPGirl as she charged her shild up with an eletric current.
A shark lunged at RPGirl, she held up her shild and let the shark bite down on it. The Shartk was cooked alive as the eletric current shocked it.

RPGirl grabed her shild and charged it again, She took out 5 sharks by doing this. "All I have to do is wait." Said RPGirl as she keeped her Eletric Shild up.

OOC: acturlly that's all she can do, until I think of something good XD


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji laughed as he watched the sharks reform through the mist. They were merely chakra infused water. This time, though, there were fifteen sharks. Three more for every shark that was killed. The dead sharks had absorbed the energy it took to kill them and converted it into chakra for the water. Soji let out a whistle that echoed around the arena, keepingh is position safe from detection. The sharks on the otherhand, recognized this signal. Instantly, ten dove underwater and five lept into the air. The five came crashing into RPGirl's shield, but the ten below swarmed up and bit deeply into her feet and legs, grabbing her and dragging her under, where the bubbles couldn't follow. Soji felt fifteen more sharks form from the ones killed by RPGirl's shield. With a splash, they dove underwater to help the others with RPGirl.


New member
RPGirl was being dragged down into the abiss of the Water.
Okay, think..think...I got it

"Fire Dragon's Heat." Said RPGirl as he body temp. rised.
Her body temp. rosed so high that the sharks around her and the water around her evapored. The mist that filled the arena disappear.

RPGirl body temp return to normal, She stood in the middle of the arena. "Whew, didn't think that would come in handy." Said RPGirl as she wipped the sweat from her brow.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Mist is already evaporated. xD

Soji and his wood clones happened to be behind RPGirl when she decided to evaporate the water. Instantly, Soji yelled, "Shikumi no Jutsu!" In a flash of blood, a kunai landed directly into RPGirl's forehead. Soji watched her body fall to the ground and smiled. She wouldn't be able to regain her ability to move for a while. So, Soji made several more handsigns and cried, "Sanjū Kekkai: Dorōdōmu no Jutsu!" Instantly, a large wall of wood rose around RPGirl's body, followed by a bigger wall of water that was followed by an even bigger wall of stone. The walls would repair themselves upon taking damage and it was impossible to break through all three walls with one attack. The defense was perfect except for the fact that to repair the walls, it took chakra from Soji. At least the water and wood walls took little chakra. It was the stone one that was the hardest to control.

OOC: You can't use a clone to dodge the technique I used to "kill" you. You aren't actually dead. It's the Death Foreseeing Technique. What it does is it paralyzes the victom by forcing them to see their own death. No only does it render them immovable for a few minutes, it is likely to hinder them for quite a while afterwards also.


New member
RPGirl was in the darkness, she then saw the real tree of mana andsaw some one who looked like her self. The person gave her body to revieve the tree along with two other girl. RPGirl woked up find her self in a box like contaner, "I've been in worse." Said RPGirl as she pulled the knife from her head. RPGirl walked over to the wall of wood and punched it.
the wall she punched shader, but then rebilud it self, "Okay, this is the worse." Said RPGirl.

Just before the wall repared it self RPGirl saw another wall, one made out of water. "Okay i'm trapped in a box with three walls..I say three becaouse Soji knows my streanth." Said RPGirl to her self.
RPGirl looked at the ground underneth her, "I don't think he's controling this." Said RPGirl with a foxxy smile.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: The attack didn't really put a knife into her forehead. She just thought it did. Also, it didn't knock her out. It just stunned her.
Def of attack: "This jutsu is much like the Temporary Paralysis Technique, but paralyzes the foe by showing them a vision of their own gruesome death. In addition to the paralysis, the enemy is overwhelmed with fear, and will no doubt suffer severe mental stress. The opponent is unlikely to be in a decent fighting condition for quite some time afterwards."

IC: Soji smiled as he pressed his hands to the stone wall. Instantly, huge amounts of energy was drained from RPGirl's body. The stone wall acted as a great leech to whatever was inside. He knew his defence wasn't complete, but he had been running low on power. The energy he just stole from RPGirl was more than enough to complete his trap. He pressed his hands to the ground and cried, "Doton: Doryū Jōheki no Jutsu! Suiton: Takitsubo no Jutsu!" Suddenly, the three walls and the ground below them were raised higher and higher as a platue. All around them was a dead drop to the ground. Next, Soji saw his second Jutsu take effect. Water began to leak out from the walls as a great spring was formed from the center of the wood wall. The water spilled over the sides of the raised platform, creating a powerful waterfall. No doubt, RPGirl would be soaked inside of her prison. There's no escape from this... Even if she tried to dig out, she'd be digging forever. Not to mention, I'm draining so much energy from her she won't be able to gather enough strength to dig out...


New member
RPGirl was about to dig out but she lost alot of energy to started digging. RPGirl called for her Poe Starw, she blew a bubble. RPGirl stuck her head into the bubble.
"Fainlly some air." Said RPGirl as gaspped. "I don't care what they say training with mermaides doesn't mean you can breath uder water." Said RPGirl as she looked around.
Okay, think this thing is sucking out my energy, good think mana is one of those hard to suck out energy, which leaves me with some time to try to get out of here.

RPGirl grabed her Poe Pole (it changed back), "Poe Drill" Said RPGirl as she pointed a drill at one of the walls. Okay at the speed this thing fix itself that should give me a good time to get the hell outta here.
RPGirl was able to drill a hole that she soon escaped out of, but as soon she she got out she fell from a death drop. "Wind Dragon's wings!" Said RPGirl as wings grew out of her back. "Whew, that was close." Said RPGirl as she popped the bubble around her head.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji smiled as she burst out. He was surprised that a drill had managed to get through the stone wall. This didn't stop him from making sure RPGirl wouldn't survive. "Shichūrō no Jutsu!" A huge, thick wooden cage erupted around RPGirl. She was trapped and the cage was falling to the ground. Her drill would have no effect on this wood. It was far too hard. Soji knew the impact with the earth would kill her so, making several more handsigns he sighed out, bored, "Doton: Yomi Numa no Jutsu!" Below RPGirl's cage, a huge swampland erupted. Soji watch the cage fall into the swampland with a great plomp. Soji jumped down onto the cage, knowing the impact with the swamp would have stunned RPGirl if not knocked her out. As Soji landed, he felt the cage begining to sink into the swamp. It didn't look like RPGirl had very long to live.


New member
RPGirl couldn't move it seemed that the shock from the landing stuned her but only for a second. "Son of a-" Said RPGirl as she sank into the muck of the swamp.
RPGirl closed her eyes and coctraded, RPGirl changed into her Sprie Form (That form were RPGirl is this big fox). RPGirl squezed thought the bars of the cage and swam to the surfface.
RPGirl jummped out of the swamp and shook the Muck from her fur, "I like being in this form better." Said RPGirl as she turn to Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji laughed and yelled, "Don't think you're getting away that easily! Suiton: Mizuame Nabara no Jutsu!" Soji filled his lungs and then spit out a huge amount of some super sticky substance that prevented all movement. What made it worse for RPGirl was the fact she now had fur. Not only was it impossible for her to move, but now it was painful. Soji laughed, "Come on! I haven't even used any offessive technqiues!" Soji called his wood clones to him. From a small bag on his side he pulled out dozens of what appeared to be small tags. Soji began sticking them all over the clones. Soji nodded at the clones and they nodded back. Jumping into the air, they landed on RPGirl, sticking to her due to the syrup. Soji then swung several wires around RPGirl and the clones. "Now, if you move too much or escape the syrup on the ground, the clones will instantly explode, taking you with them."


New member
"Damn!" Said RPGirl as she stood still.
I could try water, but that wouldn't stop the expltion.
I could try fire, no that'll make thing worse..... I know!

"Flash Freeze!" Said RPGirl as her body temp. dropped to -100.
Everything that touched RPGirl frozed soilded. RPGirl broked away from everthing before the taggs went off. RPGirl shook the ice from her fur. "And that's why I like the cold so much." Said RPGirl as she looked at Soji with her tail bushed up.
RPGirl's body temp. return to normal.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Damn, left in the dust again, i think i remember being devoured by a shark(s) XD. Whats with all the sheilds >_>? Be creative and counter or dodge creatively with some damage at least, it makes it seem we can't kill anyone if you've noticed how long this has lasted xD.

Exile could see the sharks coming, placing his hands together a cloud of smoke appeared before him. The sharks could taste nothing but what appeared to be a wood encased log. "Dimitri!!!" yelled Exile as he was falling from the sky. The loyal dragon swooped down and caught Exile before he slammed mercilessly into the reckage. "Stop being so careless you idiot." said Dimitri in a disrespectfull tone. They watched the battle between the two below for quite a while waiting for a moment to jump in. "What type of plan do you have this time genious." said Dimitri. "Shut up and let me think you idiot." said Exile rubbing his head.

Clones are useless, speed is uselss, even my Yakuza chidori blew up in my face...great, two other things i could try. Exile stood up on Dimitri's back and ripped off his ceremonial robe. He watched as it fell from the sky like a feather, looking over at his shoulder on his right arm, the henji symbol painted in his sensei's blood. "The shukiri geke, i've yet to try it, so why not now?" said Exile with a smile. "Your truely are a fool, do you know what will happen if your chakra comes in contact with someone elses!?" said Dimitri in a serious tone. "So what, my mother had this irregularity and so do I, thing is, i've learned to controll it..." said Exile as the mark resembled that of a windmill.

The shukiri geke began to swirl and it illuminated a yellow color. marks began to pour from his arm and into his eyes. The marks flooded his eyes, morphing his sharingan into a golden elegant color. This has never been done before, but he was the first to attempt a feat. "For Misha Kunokai!" cried Exile as leaped off of the dragons back and replicated as series of clones. The Marks covered their entire bodies, now morphing into a solid yellow based color. His chakra became visible and they all did handsigns at the same time. "Secret jutsu! Chakra Haze!" said all of the replications as yellow chakra filled the shattered Arena. They each split up and raced through the haze, some concealed in the debri and other within the earth.


New member
ooc: Sorry Yon-kun, it was running out of Ideas.

"Poe Whip: Gale Winds!" Said RPGirl as she summoned her Poe weapon.
RPGirl began to swind the whip aroung her body. Soon the wind began to pick up then a herrican like wind struke the rummble fill arena.
Bits and pices of the arena became wepons of RPGirl as they swriled arounf in the wind at high speed.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
The clones began to move through the flying rubble with the greatest of ease. "This is a cakewalk." said Exile's replications with a smile. They moved close around RPGirl as she was whirling with debri circling her. Like daggers, one by one they flew at her with kunai on their wrist slicing here in a devastating fashion. They were playing with her so to speak, each coming in and out drawing blood from her body even though it was minor. "I bet your getting pissed...too bad." said the Exile replications.

They began to whip out scrolls and do handsigns between their hands. "Thunder style! Lightining surge jutsu!" cried the clones as the lot of them began to rupture into lightning itself. They began to vanish and one by pass through RPGirl's body like lightning bolts. Each one of them disappeared as they impacted her body. "No one has ever survived this, i can penetrate you sheild attempts with no problems." said the clones as they kept coming until the original was left holding electrified chakra in his hand. "Its not strong as the last, but still, Chidori!" cried Exile as he slammed his fist into RPGirl's heart. That much intensity at one time would shut down her central nervous system leaving her circulatory system to cease. "Nice knowing you....i guess."


New member
M-Mana's...light. RPGirl fell to the ground motionless
The wind she created faded away. Some Time passed as RPGirl laded there then, a bright light shine over her body, she was being rvived.

RPGirl eyes open, "Oh yeah, I'm back." Said RPGirl as the light faded.

"Poe Hammer Cosmic hit!" Said RPGirl as she summoned her Poe Hammer and leaps up. RPGirl came crashing down on Exile with her hammer.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: They aren't shields, they're walls and it's a signature move thank you.

Soji jumped to the side, laughing at the two of them. A thought had just occured to him. He could level this whole place with a relative ease. Making several handsigns, Soji cries, "Shichūka no Jutsu!" From his body, nine wood clones form, shaking away the daze as they become animate. Soji nodded to the clones and they spread out around the arena. Making more handsigns, Soji places his hands to the ground. "Sanjū Rashōmon no Jutsu!" From the ground, three huge demonic doors arose, forming a tight triangle around Soji, sealing him in from the outside. On the outside, each clone yelled, "Jibaku no Jutsu!" Instantly, each clone erupted with a huge explosion strong enough to erase an entire forest from the globe.