The Arena

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: I fainted, i'm not dead though someone is going to be when i regain my composure xD! I have a twist to my rebirth, my second shot is coming at you at you two soon enough, for now i'm just using this time to get on my feet and not attack right away =|.

Laying there in the midst of a nothing filled wasteland, Exile lay nearly completely tapped. He had to use his chakra reserves if he hoped to press on any further. Nearly an entire half left yet to be used. Going down like a coward isn't happening in my book....not today. As he was barely moving he noticed a strange rift in reality before him. He figured this must have been a dream, gaving at it one entity flew out scarred horrifically. He stared at exile whom was in a worse condition than him. That gate closed, he was was left against a pile of rubble staring at Exile. "My will to battle is gone, I have no need for what remains...." said the stranger. "Then lend me your strength..." said Exile managing to sit next to him. The man smiled an put his hand on his head, all his remaining strength poured into Exile's body. He then killed over as his life aura faded. Thank you........Rayex.

Exile could stand and his chakra was flowing even more efficiently through his body. A fellow shinobi died on the field in his presence and his sacrifice will not be in vane. The solidified the sand into the gourd on his back and sat back down. He didn't feel like a second frontal assualt, that would be yet another waste of valuable strength. He pulled out a scroll from his back that he was carrying around the entire fight. My faithful companion Dimitri, i could sure use your help right about now. He stared absently at the scroll as the surroundings where motionless.


New member
RPGirl eyes flutter open, "Hey I feel better." Said RPGirl as she changed back to her human form. "Too bad though, the mana tree is gone... untill I summon another one but still I don't know if it will come." Said RPGirl as she looked around.

RPGirl saw Exile regan his energy, "uh-oh." Said RPGirl as she summoned her Poe Pole to her.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Exile stood feeling to flow of a fallen warrior's power run through his veins that seemed positively boundless. He had much more power this time around, he didn't show so much as even a smirk. Flexing power was what put him in his previous state the first time around. He sighed and stared at the scroll of dimitri, he knicked his finger and watched a good amount of blood spread. Time to summon you to aid me you crafty beast.

Exile got up and rolled the scroll out like a whip. Much like Sano Sensei always did when teaching him the summon technique. He rolled his thumb that stretched his blood across the scroll and he rolled the scroll back into his hands and began inititating the several handsigns from photographic memory. Upon the completion of the said signs, he placed the scroll on the barren ground and watched as the detailed increments rushed into the ground and a massive barret of smoke appeared. The dragon Dimitri flew from out of the smoke in a glorious outburst. "Not you again, why your able to summon is rather a nuisance." said Dimitri to Exile.

Exile sighed at this crafty dragon and jumped on his back. The soared high into the air, above the remains that once where the arena. "What exactly did you do to this place!?" said Dimitri staring down at the wasteland. "I don't want to talk about it...." said Exile on his back flying around airborn many altitudes upward.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sat there, muttering and annoyed. If they didn't hurry up and kill one of each other, Soji would have to step in and kill them both.


New member
RPGirl looked over to see Soji moving around, "Holy crap I'm in trubble." Siad RPGirl as she think.

An idea popped into her head, RPGirl ran out to the middle of the arena and took aim at Exile above her, "Poe Bow: Rapid Fire." Said RPGirl as she shot a barge of energy arrows at Exile. Meanwhile another dashed out, "Cherry Blossom Blizzard!" Said the other RPGirl and chunks of ice and flower petals shot out of her plam aimed at Soji. But while all this was happening another RPGirl was standing close to the arena door.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji yawned as the attack was diflected by an idle wall of bandages. She had to be kidding. She knew him better than to expect an attack like that to get through. What was she thinking? But, Soji already had his eye on the real RPGirl, standing next to the arena door. "So that's what you're doing...?"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sighed, disappointed as a film of bone traveled out from his body, pushing against the hand roughly and forming a sort of bubble. Soji stepped out of the side of the bubble and the bone sphere formed into a bone hand. The hand latched onto RPGirl's earth one and pounded it to the side as though this had been an arm wrestle. Soji looked back at RPGirl and muttered, "Surely you didn't want to hold hands all day?"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: >_> what bleachers? The entire place is rubble xD.

Dimitri began to dodge the attacks launched at him as he climb higher into the atmosphere. This rocks appeared to be moving rather slow compared to his evasive skills. He climbed in the clouds concealed from the both of them. "What now Exile, cowardice isn't your specialty." said Dimitri hovering in the clouds. He stood not saying anything. "I have always wanted to try out my attack i picked up from that sanin." said Exile thinking ill intentionally. "You've only tried that once, it fell apart before it was completed." said Dimitri with a keen eye and memory. "Yeah that was as a genin, but now i fell confident." said Exile standing up.

Exile made a motion that Dimitri read easily. He jumped off of his back and began to fall from the sky. The damp water molecules from the clouds grafted onto his body as he fell. Dimitri was flying close behind him as he fell from the sky. He was still in the clouds and put his fingers together once more, "Kage bushin no jutsu!" said Exile creating a massive replication of himself. As they broke through the clouds all of the coming towards the last one before the arena became visible. They all threw kunai which just like preciptation, rained from the sky on the reminence of the arena! The original Exile was on Dimitri's back watching the nearly limitless clones fall from the sky after their kunai to make it worse.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's eyes glared up at the falling attack. For a second, they flashed white and the knives and shuriken were thrown away from him as if they had hit an invisible barrier. Just a single flash of his Henji and he could take these down. What was the Arena coming to? He remember when it was grand and had grand warriors. Now, it was a bit of a let down.