The Arena


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's eyes dialated as he opened his hands. His disease was rapidly spreading and he was quickly loosing his sanity. "Blood Lust!" He cried, his hands open wide at the newly summoned libos. Instantly, the blood inside the libos began to boil and seconds later, the new libos exploded in a rain of blood. Using only the blood of the newly destroyed libos, Soji pulled them together and manipulated it, making a giant libos, stronger than the rest. A leader for all of his other blood libos. It looked like RPGirl was slowly running out of options.

OOC: Virus: 76%


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Your libos were just destroyed and turned into the giant libos.

Soji smiled, the insanty showing clearly what he was. He waved his hand and the libos were standing again, reflecting the insane smile on Soji's face. Soji pointed his hand up at RPGirl and the libos understood perfectly. Destroy her without mercy.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
"You can't hide from them RPGirl... These libos are special... Not only can they smell you... They can sense where your power is. Because it is that power that originally created them!" Soji swung out his hand again and the giant Libos ripped through the tree, snapping its jaws like mad at RPGirl. "Not only that, they have a little help from me..."


New member
"That's Fine" Said RPGirl as she changed back into her human form, "I got help too, I summon the grauden of Undien!" Said RPGirl as she summon the water Dragon.
The water Dragon apper right in front of the giant libos, RPGirl jumped on to the massive back of the dragon.
The water dragon swung it's tail knocking all of the blood libos to the ground, kill them. Then the water dragon fires rounds of poison water cannons at Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji laughed as his huge wall of bandages arose again, sending the water away from him. He didn't even have to direct the libos to reform themselves. They kept attacking like nothing had happened. Soji, himself, though had decided that this beast posed a more exciting kill than RPGirl did. He walked forward, his flesh and bone changing rapidly. Only a few seconds later, Soji was an exact replica of the grauden of Undien. Using his bone and flesh manipulation, Soji had changed his flesh and bone structure to perfectly match that of the dragon's. The only difference was, Soji retained his old powers and he was also far more intelligent thn the dragon was. While he stared into the dragon's eyes, his libos attacked with a powerful formation that slashed through the kneecaps of the dragon, making it lame.


New member
The dragon's anger build, "Easy now, foxxy healing!" Said RPGirl as she healed the dragons wounds. The dragon crushed the libos with it's tail, agian. The dragon soon turn to Soji, and swung it's massive tail at him, hopeing to cursh him under it's trumindus wight.
"Relese, Libos Summons!" Said RPGirl as one by one the libos began to disapper.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's insane laugh rang out around the arena as the tail fell on him. The wall of bandages arose just as before, but the dragon had made a fatal mistake. It had dared to attack Soji's physically. The bandages wove themselves around the dragon, become skin tight so that claws could not sever them. They continued to wind themselves higher and higher. Soji smiled as the bodies of the libos disappeared. He waved his hand and the blood libos reformed from the blood of the now gone bodies. RPGirl may have sent the dead libos's bodies away, but their blood now belonged to Soji. Soji then looked up again just as the bandages reached the point where they began to grab onto RPGirl.


New member
RPGirl felt the banage wrap around her leg, "Water Dragon, Hydro flame!" Said RPGirl to the dragon. The Dragon quickly trun to RPGirl, "I don't need to take orders from you." Said the dragon.
"What not this agian, look Undien said that you promised to do what ever I say!" Said RPGirl as she ripped away from the bangeds
"Still I don't care you have no power near, Undien!" Said the dragon as ripped away the bangeds too.
"Look you as a summon spirit you should do what i say!" Said RPGirl as she pull out her Poe pole.
"Look, all I'm saying is that you can't order a dragon at high class as me around!" Growled the dragon as he bared his fang.
"LOOK IF YOU WANT TO GO THEN IT'S ON!!" Yelled RPGirl as her Poe pole chagned into a hammer.
"BRING IT ON, LITTLE FOX!" Roared the dragon.
The dragon then tossed RPGirl high into the air, Hot blue flames shot out of the dragon's mouth aimed at Soji, "Cosmic Hit!" Said RPGirl as she came crashing down on Soji with her Poe Hammer.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Both attacks were diflected by Soji bandage barrier. All that came of it was the flesh-made bandages becoming a mass of melted gloop. It was this gloop that Soji used to then surround the great dragon with. Within seconds and before reaction, the dragon was incased in a powerful shell, ten times more solid than earth's own mantle. Not to mention it was far more versitile also. Soji opened a trademark hand, palm out at the trapped dragon while another mass of bandages kept the other girl at bay. "Chaotic Compression!" Soji muttered before closing his fist in a new fashion. Instead of forming a solid fist, Soji made his fingers point in at his palm instead of closing. As retold by the giant incasing that was the dragon, huge welts appeared in the layer of skin where amazingly large spikes had caved in with brutal force on the dragon. From the cones of these spikes, the dragon's blood now flowed out with flood-like velocity. The spikes had punctured deep into the dragon's body and now forced out most of its blood. As if it wasn't enough, Soji closed his fist completely, demolishing every bone in the dragon's body. There was no more life inside the great compressed shell. Only death. And I'm not talking about the dragon...

OOC: Insanity 87% (Remember, when it reaches 100% he is forced into his Primary Form. If that happens he won't be able to control who or what he kills.)


New member
RPGirl body disapper, "Relase: Dragon" Said RPGirl.
The dragon disapper before that attack could kill it.
The is getting harder........ i like it
RPGirl reapper, "Poe sword!" Said RPGirl as her Poe pole chagne into a huge sword.
RPGirl rushed towards Soji, "Ice dragon's Chill!" Said RPGirl as she shot a blast of frezzeing mana out of her hand dyrictly st Soji. Then swung her mighty sward at him, the sword was so stroung that it could cut though Soji's bagade defincess.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
A large section of sharpened rib cage burst from Soji's chest as she charged through. With a splatter of blood on Soji's face, he watched her ram right into the lethal spikes, her sword stopped by them. Soji retracted the ribs and delivered a kick marked with spiked bones that drove them like knives into RPGirl's chest. The kick sent her hurling back but Soji was already behind her, huge bone swords sticking out of his palms. She flew into him and he drove the swords into her back and out her already bleeding chest. He whispered gently in her ear as he made the bone swords curve around and permanently secure themselves in her chest, "Sorry, love. It's only business. You have to understand I have no intention of becoming the bottom of Darwin's expectations." Soji detached the bone swords from his palms now that they had become so hook-like. He jumped back and smiled at his work. The only way to remove those now would be either if Soji removed them himself or she split her own body in half.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji wasn't affected by the flames as they were blocked by his bandages again. He didn't need to breathe either. He had trapped more than enough air inside his bandage sphere to survive until the poison faded on the winds. Instead Soji focused on bringing RPGirl back. He could just resummon his own bones, but that would instantly kill her by ripping her in half. Instead he decided to use his reversion correction technique. He made the "Heaven" Kanji and closed his eyes. Instantly, RPGirl appeared inside the sphere, and Soji was kissing her. Instantly, light began to pass from his body into hers.

The basic principal of this reversion correction technique is that everyone deserves a second chance. This gives them that. It allowed Soji to save his soul by undoing the Dark Kiss he had given RPGirl by giving her a reverse kiss. But it also met Soji's intentions of bringing her to where he was without actually doing any harm to her. While he held the kiss, Soji opened his chest where bones and veins flew out of it, latching into RPGirl's body. He had connected himself with RPGirl, which would prevent any more running. On a side effect though, they both suffered the same fate as each other until a White Demon decided to remove the curse.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji reached out his hand and blocked the Poe-Pole. "Sadly, doing that would kill you and leave me injured quite badly. These connection not only connect our bodies but our souls, too. Since I don't want injury done to myself and if I wanted you dead, you already would be, we have a little situation here. By using the technique I did to get you here, I have connceted our bodies and souls. I can reverse this also, but I feel while we're like this it could benefit me to know more about you." Soji, then without warning looked directly into RPGirl's eyes. It was too late for reaction on RPGirl's part, he was already inside her mind. He was in a maze of amazing complexity that was the brain.


New member
RPGirl's eye went dim as she was suck into her mind, "NO, I can't look back!" Yelled RPGirl.
Her mind was amaze of black and white patterns.
A fox like creature apper in fornt of Soji.
"If you want to find out more about this girl, just look behind the gray door." the fox as she showed Soji to the door.
As walk ing though her mind, creatures waering masks seemed to pass by them.
"They are the nothing that protects her mind." Said the fox.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared down at the fox. He wasn't used to guides. Usually, minds didn't have them. As for the masked folks, he'd dealt with the likes of them before. His eyes dialated red and the masked ones were tossed aside if they got too close to him. Out in the real world, the same happened to his eyes as his concentration increased.