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  1. RPGirl

    What do you hate

    I hate getting up early in the moring, even more when i'm haveing a good dream:whatever
  2. RPGirl

    What kind of pokemon are you?

    :laugh i know it's a crazy qestion but what pokemon you would choose to be and why? I'll make a great Mew, i'm playful, don't do anything unless i'm in the mood to do it and i love to explore new things. Plus Mew is mega magic cute:p
  3. RPGirl

    Spyro the Dragon

    After Spyro the dragon 1-3 the Spyro games after that was just crapy. Is it just me or did anyone else notice this?:huh
  4. RPGirl

    Mega magic me

    I just got on level 2 and I want to level up i'm borad:happy So anybody out there that's levels1-3 and might even 4.... *take a deep breath* I MEGA MAGIC CHALLENGE YOU! :P
  5. RPGirl

    Flame of Hope

    What is the flame of hope? Is it the fire that dragons breath? Or is it the fire that burns deep down inside every living thing? Or is it just a mear dream? ;)
  6. RPGirl

    Quite There

    It's like stale bread well......... I like it more than stale bread I'm not all human is that bad? I'm not all demon is that good? Not quite all there so I make a place for me......... That's all :unsure
  7. RPGirl

    The World

    I am lost in a world a world with temtation I am trap in a world a world with lemation :happy
  8. RPGirl


    All is one, one is all Why does mankind toll away knowing soon they will die? Is it because they want the whole world to know their death :D
  9. RPGirl

    Mega Magic Hi

    Hi everyone i'm new here so tell me anything about this web PM me if you want to chat;)
  10. RPGirl

    Truble a Head