<div class='quotetop'>(Zayne)</div><div class='quotemain'>W00t!I should have though of that.....Damnit.....But would'nt Rosie O donald win by eating them?
0(skull head one - DJ) skull is too tough to swallow.
1(Kabuki mask guy - Main Drummer) will put a curse of rosies lips and make them not work the way they should
2(pig mask - Bass) will cut rosies giant stomach open.
3(Pinnochio - Percussion) will crucify rosie...somehow
4(Jester - Guitar) will slit rosies throat and wrists
5(pinhead - keyboards)will puncture rosies head when she tries to eat him
6(Clown - percussion) will eat rosies head before rosie can get to his
7(Metalface - guitar) will cut off rosies arms and legs
8(ghoul/leatherface - vocals) will eat everything.
I rest my case.
0(skull head one - DJ) skull is too tough to swallow.
1(Kabuki mask guy - Main Drummer) will put a curse of rosies lips and make them not work the way they should
2(pig mask - Bass) will cut rosies giant stomach open.
3(Pinnochio - Percussion) will crucify rosie...somehow
4(Jester - Guitar) will slit rosies throat and wrists
5(pinhead - keyboards)will puncture rosies head when she tries to eat him
6(Clown - percussion) will eat rosies head before rosie can get to his
7(Metalface - guitar) will cut off rosies arms and legs
8(ghoul/leatherface - vocals) will eat everything.
I rest my case.