Those IM Conversations


New member
Feb 7, 2006
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%">Me: like my icon?
Gabby: yessss
Me: yay
Gabby: YAOI!!!!
Gabby: burn that cd
Me: I will
Me: you wanted the 7 days song too, right?
Gabby: yea
Me: ok
Gabby: let me go seven days!
Gabby: mnow mnow mnow mnow mnow
Me: whal3 pen15
Gabby: oh god!
Me: lol
Gabby: crazy cactus/cat/murakiandtsuzuki lover/pervert
Me: weeee
Me: yay
Gabby: o lord...Touda! come here
Me: Touda gonna kill me
Gabby: yup
Me: yay
Gabby: after he and I have a little fun
Me: eww
Gabby: hahahaha
Me: Tim says he's pregnant
Gabby: wow. Congrats
Me: I found out that the new inu yasha song is called Come
Gabby: from the movie three
Me: the TV
Me: the series
Gabby: o
Gabby: lol
Me: hehe come
Gabby: o lord here she goes
Me: hahaha
Me: it's funny
Gabby: to some people
Me: to my little mind
Gabby: yes yes
Gabby: where are you?
Gabby: CACTUS!!!???
Me: in a bucket
Gabby: with a one cent sticker
Me: and it's taped together
Gabby: hows the cd coming along?
Me: I just can?t find the 3rd movie ending song
Gabby: ok. How about... in the moonlight. The song that shuichi sings to yuki in the ova
Me: ok
Gabby: giant flying squirrel!!!
Me: yay
Gabby: hen na koto!
Gabby: yo
Gabby: na no da!
Me: rawr
Gabby: zooooom
Me: sparkly! sparkly!
Gabby: pica pica shuichi shuichi
Me: nipples
Gabby: ...
Gabby: pen15
Me: whal3
Gabby: cactus
Me: sperm whale penis
Gabby: woah
Me: oh no
Gabby: gravitation
Me: tatsuha
Gabby: I?m cursing you
Me: is that what love and romance is supposed to be about
Gabby: *wriggle wriggle*
Me: tatsuha <3 ryuichi
Me: my honey ryuichi!
Me: *hugs TV*
Gabby: tatsuha san!
Me: you can call me yuki and ill call you ryuichi
Gabby: aren?t you going to continue?
Me: sure
Me: *rapes shuichi*
Gabby: joins in
Me: lol
Gabby: kicks tatsuha away and brings shuichi down
Me: *hunts down ryuichi*</span>


R9E1M: * throws pokeball at fox *
R9E1M: * knocks fox unconscious *
GrayFox777x: hi
R9E1M: so your regained conciousnous
R9E1M: i thought you were a gonner fox
GrayFox777x: nope
R9E1M: ( im playing pokemon )
R9E1M: we gotta defeat team rocket
GrayFox777x: pokechoo?
R9E1M: will you help me on my mystical journey
R9E1M: to capture that charizard thing ?
GrayFox777x: k
R9E1M: okay
R9E1M: what pokemon do you choose you need atleast 6
R9E1M: name some
R9E1M: otherwise your unfit to come with me and ill have to go alone and have greasy anal with rapechrisomon
GrayFox777x: XD
R9E1M: quick
GrayFox777x: so what? I pick pokemon?
R9E1M: COUGH charmander , bulbasaur , pikachu , gengar , wabafed and bulbasaur COUGH SPLUTTER
GrayFox777x: k
R9E1M: yes you choose pokemon
R9E1M: we need to defeat evil fox
R9E1M: and we need to confuse people with utter shit that we are talking about in pokemon chat
GrayFox777x: charmander , bulbasaur , pikachu , gengar , wobafet and blastoise... I guess
R9E1M: blastoise is teh shit
R9E1M: game over
R9E1M: we shall play again in like 4 or 5 years okay


New member
Feb 2, 2006
<span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="font-family:Arial">DfragmentD (2:05:58 AM): Vivi is totally in KH2
DfragmentD (2:06:04 AM): my life = has a purpose now
GrayFox777x (2:06:12 AM): >_>
DfragmentD (2:12:06 AM): Well hello Setzer
DfragmentD (2:12:07 AM): <_<
DfragmentD (2:12:15 AM): would youl ike some tea for your nigar radio
DfragmentD (2:12:24 AM): some tea for you nigars
GrayFox777x (2:12:28 AM): o_O
GrayFox777x (2:12:34 AM): lolollol
DfragmentD (2:12:59 AM): Hello thar setzer
GrayFox777x (2:13:10 AM): lol hay wat up setzer
DfragmentD (2:13:15 AM): hi stzar
DfragmentD is idle at 2:25:52 AM. </span>
Feb 7, 2006
betterdayz502 (6:55:15 PM): sup
ReDDevilx2112x (6:55:19 PM): hey
ReDDevilx2112x (6:55:24 PM): been a while
betterdayz502 (6:55:28 PM): yes
betterdayz502 (6:55:33 PM): *puts hand on pistol*
ReDDevilx2112x (6:55:40 PM): o_O
betterdayz502 (6:55:46 PM): what you doing around these parts
ReDDevilx2112x (6:55:51 PM): <_<
betterdayz502 (6:55:52 PM): I told you to never come back boy
ReDDevilx2112x (6:56:08 PM): *Waits for you to call me "nigger"*
betterdayz502 (6:56:24 PM): If you wern't my son you would be dead by now
ReDDevilx2112x (6:56:33 PM): *Still waiting*
betterdayz502 (6:56:43 PM): We don't like niggers around here
ReDDevilx2112x (6:57:01 PM): AW HELL NAW *shoots you 9 times and yet your still live*
ReDDevilx2112x (6:57:10 PM): *you
betterdayz502 (6:57:20 PM): *makes a cd and sells 10 million copys*
ReDDevilx2112x (6:57:27 PM): lol
ReDDevilx2112x (6:57:49 PM): *buys your POS video game*
betterdayz502 (6:58:03 PM): lol
ReDDevilx2112x (6:58:46 PM): Still dont got working online yet?
betterdayz502 (6:59:07 PM): nope
betterdayz502 (6:59:10 PM): stop trying
betterdayz502 (6:59:18 PM): I got rich and stop'd trying
betterdayz502 (6:59:30 PM): like 50 cent
betterdayz502 (6:59:32 PM): ZING
ReDDevilx2112x (6:59:40 PM): lol
ReDDevilx2112x (6:59:44 PM): Its Fiddy
betterdayz502 (6:59:55 PM): you play the new Tomb Raider?
ReDDevilx2112x (7:00:32 PM): the demo only
ReDDevilx2112x (7:00:36 PM): Its pretty good
betterdayz502 (7:00:38 PM): its a blasty right
betterdayz502 (7:00:53 PM): Im the only one who can walk in the hood and use the word blasty
ReDDevilx2112x (7:00:55 PM): The bullet time is cool, even though it blows
betterdayz502 (7:01:10 PM): wait wait wait
betterdayz502 (7:01:15 PM): theres bullet time
betterdayz502 (7:01:21 PM): *is half way through the game*
betterdayz502 (7:01:50 PM): I think you mean precision aim
betterdayz502 (7:02:00 PM): which doesn't slow down time
ReDDevilx2112x (7:04:33 PM): No
ReDDevilx2112x (7:04:37 PM): Theres bullet time
ReDDevilx2112x (7:04:43 PM): When you jump off an enemy
ReDDevilx2112x (7:04:49 PM): It sucks, but its cool
betterdayz502 (7:04:53 PM): you can jump off enimies
betterdayz502 (7:04:54 PM): 0_o
betterdayz502 (7:05:00 PM): I suck at life basically
ReDDevilx2112x (7:05:13 PM): Yeah, you jump off enemys and Lara does this cool back flip in slow mo while shooting
ReDDevilx2112x (7:05:29 PM): But you lose more life running up to the enemy so its usually not worth it
ReDDevilx2112x (7:05:39 PM): Its still fun to do sometimes
betterdayz502 (7:05:54 PM): Im half way through the game and haven't done that once
ReDDevilx2112x (7:05:59 PM): lmao
ReDDevilx2112x (7:06:00 PM): wow
ReDDevilx2112x (7:06:17 PM): Did you know you can roll into enemies to kick them into the air?
betterdayz502 (7:06:21 PM): nope
betterdayz502 (7:06:28 PM): im a far combat person
ReDDevilx2112x (7:06:39 PM): Did you know you could use the grapple hook to bring em in?
betterdayz502 (7:06:57 PM): your basically telling me im small right
ReDDevilx2112x (7:07:03 PM): Yes
betterdayz502 (7:07:10 PM): :'(
ReDDevilx2112x (7:13:32 PM): lol
ReDDevilx2112x (7:13:53 PM): I saw Silent Hill
betterdayz502 (7:13:57 PM): SHHHHH
betterdayz502 (7:14:02 PM): dont tell me nothin about it
ReDDevilx2112x (7:14:17 PM): OK
ReDDevilx2112x (7:14:21 PM): But in the end
ReDDevilx2112x (7:14:24 PM): they
betterdayz502 (7:14:30 PM): ......
ReDDevilx2112x (7:14:34 PM): *static*
betterdayz502 (7:14:39 PM): I will slit your neck
betterdayz502 (7:17:00 PM): thanks for the tips tho
ReDDevilx2112x (7:17:08 PM): lol
ReDDevilx2112x (7:17:14 PM): I cant belive you didnt know
betterdayz502 (7:17:14 PM): that you did on the demo and i didnt do on the real thing you jerk
ReDDevilx2112x (7:17:47 PM): Do you play the Silent Hill games?
betterdayz502 (7:17:53 PM): the 4th
ReDDevilx2112x (7:18:07 PM): I only played up tothe first Pyramid Head sighting in 2
betterdayz502 (7:18:08 PM): i got really far then got stuck and even FAQ's couldnt help me
ReDDevilx2112x (7:18:09 PM): and thats it
betterdayz502 (7:18:39 PM): Tomb Raider copied RE4 and has them button sequences
ReDDevilx2112x (7:18:58 PM): lol
ReDDevilx2112x (7:19:08 PM): It was around before RE4
betterdayz502 (7:19:18 PM): no
betterdayz502 (7:19:21 PM): the Lengends one
betterdayz502 (7:19:24 PM): legends*
ReDDevilx2112x (7:19:35 PM): I mean button sequences in cutscenes
ReDDevilx2112x (7:19:46 PM): I forgot who did it first, but it wasnt RE
ReDDevilx2112x (7:19:53 PM): they just popularized it
betterdayz502 (7:20:03 PM): yeah
betterdayz502 (7:20:10 PM): RE4 owns all other action games
ReDDevilx2112x (7:20:18 PM): Well
ReDDevilx2112x (7:20:21 PM): Except GTA
betterdayz502 (7:20:31 PM): nope
betterdayz502 (7:20:34 PM): it owns SA too
ReDDevilx2112x (7:20:37 PM): and Battlefield 2, but RE4 is still near the to
ReDDevilx2112x (7:20:38 PM): p
betterdayz502 (7:20:48 PM): it goes
ReDDevilx2112x (7:20:52 PM): and MGS3 is right behind 4
ReDDevilx2112x (7:20:55 PM): *re4
betterdayz502 (7:20:57 PM): RE4 then SA then Earthbound
ReDDevilx2112x (7:21:10 PM): ...Earthbound???
betterdayz502 (7:21:17 PM): yup
betterdayz502 (7:21:20 PM): you played right
betterdayz502 (7:21:26 PM): my favorite RPG ever
ReDDevilx2112x (7:21:36 PM): you said ACTION games
betterdayz502 (7:21:40 PM): oh
ReDDevilx2112x (7:21:46 PM): plus, Pokemon = best RPG
betterdayz502 (7:21:51 PM): then DMC 3:SE
ReDDevilx2112x (7:21:52 PM): oh yes
ReDDevilx2112x (7:22:07 PM): at least before they whored it out
betterdayz502 (7:22:07 PM): Earybound kills pokemon
ReDDevilx2112x (7:22:20 PM): now pokemon purple or what ever will be EXACTLY like Red
betterdayz502 (7:22:21 PM): and I had 120 hours on pokemon
ReDDevilx2112x (7:24:52 PM): God damnit where is rob
betterdayz502 (7:24:59 PM): dunno
betterdayz502 (7:25:03 PM): can i post this convo?
betterdayz502 (7:25:14 PM): just sign on the line
ReDDevilx2112x (7:25:33 PM): um
ReDDevilx2112x (7:25:35 PM): what?
ReDDevilx2112x (7:25:38 PM): Post why?
betterdayz502 (7:25:48 PM): cause it was funny
ReDDevilx2112x (7:25:54 PM): It was?
ReDDevilx2112x (7:25:56 PM): When?
betterdayz502 (7:26:11 PM): *puts gun to your head*
betterdayz502 (7:26:17 PM): your gonna sign nigga
ReDDevilx2112x (7:26:20 PM): Who are you, Jack Bauer?
betterdayz502 (7:26:27 PM): maybe....
betterdayz502 (7:26:32 PM): the name is bond
betterdayz502 (7:26:34 PM): james bond
ReDDevilx2112x (7:26:58 PM): Jack Bauer > > > > > James Bond (even though both are JBs)
betterdayz502 (7:27:06 PM): heee JB
betterdayz502 (7:27:08 PM): hehehe BJ
ReDDevilx2112x (7:27:23 PM): lmao
betterdayz502 (7:27:24 PM): sigh the line please
betterdayz502 (7:27:27 PM): PLEASE
ReDDevilx2112x (7:27:37 PM): Wait wait, im curious
ReDDevilx2112x (7:27:42 PM): What was so fuinny?
ReDDevilx2112x (7:27:42 PM): *funny
betterdayz502 (7:27:57 PM): i dunno lets see if other people think its funny
betterdayz502 (7:28:00 PM): your a funny guy
betterdayz502 (7:28:06 PM): your a big bag of fun
ReDDevilx2112x (7:28:12 PM): Specifically where
ReDDevilx2112x (7:28:15 PM): No, not that bag
ReDDevilx2112x (7:28:23 PM): Stop it
ReDDevilx2112x (7:28:24 PM): EW
ReDDevilx2112x (7:28:27 PM): THATS NASTY
betterdayz502 (7:28:33 PM): you like'd it tho
ReDDevilx2112x (7:28:42 PM): :-*
betterdayz502 (7:28:45 PM): =-O
betterdayz502 (7:28:52 PM): ^*insert there*
ReDDevilx2112x (7:29:01 PM): \_/ Now what was so funny!?
betterdayz502 (7:29:08 PM): ME
betterdayz502 (7:29:10 PM): okay
betterdayz502 (7:29:14 PM): im a comedian
betterdayz502 (7:29:20 PM): now sign the line
ReDDevilx2112x (7:29:33 PM): say where EXACTLY there was something funny, THEN I will sign
ReDDevilx2112x (7:29:37 PM): ;-)
betterdayz502 (7:29:52 PM): ReDDevilx2112x (6:57:01 PM): AW HELL NAW *shoots you 9 times and yet your still live*
ReDDevilx2112x (6:57:10 PM): *you
betterdayz502 (6:57:20 PM): *makes a cd and sells 10 million copys*
ReDDevilx2112x (6:57:27 PM): lol
betterdayz502 (7:29:57 PM): you pur lol so i win
betterdayz502 (7:30:00 PM): put*
ReDDevilx2112x (7:30:17 PM): Fine
ReDDevilx2112x (7:30:20 PM): But I wont sign
betterdayz502 (7:30:27 PM): @_@
betterdayz502 (7:30:35 PM): i g2g
betterdayz502 (7:30:36 PM): peace
ReDDevilx2112x (7:30:41 PM): You already have it
ReDDevilx2112x (7:30:45 PM): <----
betterdayz502 (7:30:58 PM): ill be back
ReDDevilx2112x (7:30:59 PM): Where are you posting this anyway
betterdayz502 (7:38:12 PM): novagamers
ReDDevilx2112x (7:38:23 PM): I HATE YOU!
ReDDevilx2112x (7:38:32 PM): No, im going to play Battlefield 2 now
betterdayz502 (7:38:49 PM): can i post it?
ReDDevilx2112x (7:38:56 PM): <-----------
betterdayz502 (7:39:00 PM): oh i get it


R9E1M: only look if ure in a loling mood#
betterdayz502: WTF
betterdayz502: why is the whole toilet brown!
R9E1M: :)
R9E1M: i do phat shits
R9E1M: i held it in the whole time we spoke
betterdayz502: your a nasty motha fucker
R9E1M: im going to leave one in your toilet when im 16
betterdayz502: XD
betterdayz502: you can do it in my backyard
R9E1M: ok
betterdayz502: your not shitting in my toilet