A cry from the heart. Intresting question, though I find some of these responces a bit one sided, but nevertheless right in a way. When a heart cry's, it is letting out feelings from deep within itself. Sometimes it is a cry of pain. Other times, it is of hate, jealousy, or sorrow. All of these are true.
But the cry of joy, the cry of deep consuming love, can also come from the heart. The heart is the center of oneself and is connected to the soul, therefore what you feel and what you believe comes from within your heart. If you are experiancing and agonizing pain, your heart cries out. If a loved one dies suddenly, your heart cries out. If you are betrayed by someone you trust, your heart cries out.
And if your most wonderous dreams are fufilled, it is far more then crying out, if is a sheer bellow that can be heard in the heavens, when a heart cries out for joy. When a profession of deep intamite love is revealed, the heart cries out. When a the life of a beloved is saved, the heart cries out. And when you realise that you are not alone, and that someone cares in your darkest hour, your heart, cries out.
That is my interpretation, of the cry of the heart.
As for your recent question RPG, I have an answer for you.
True love is only experianced by the faithful, and by the honest, and the trustworthy and true of heart. I'm not talking about sexual love, I'm talking about the kind of love that would make you lay down your life for the person that was extendid that love. And rejoice in it, for you would know that despite all efforts of something to destroy what you care about most, you could stop it. To be able to make a difference no matter what! My friends , I hope that one day, I may be able to give my life for a loved one, so that I may experiance the greatest joy in the world. To be willing to give your life, is love. And love, is the only thing of worth in this world. For thousands of years people have searched, and only a few have found it. Unconditional care, about someone, is true love, willingness, to end your life to save theirs, is true love. And why we love? To experiance what that is like, to be loved back.