Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


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Bon-Bon was in the Hotbaths area, "It's in here I know it is." Said Bon-Bon as she loooked into each Hot bath she went passed.
At the fianl one she found it, it was the keyhole but it was deep under water. "Here I go!" Said Bon-bon as she dived in.
The Water was boilong hot, but Bon-Bon swimed closer and closer to then bottom.

There she was at the depths of the tub, and there was the keyhole glowing showing that there was hope, Bon-Bon quickly pulled out her Keyblade and stuk it in the Keyhole, the was a loud click the Keyhole disapper with pules of energy that was so stroung that it threw Bon-bon out of the water.

Bon-Bon coughed and wheezed, "Misson complete." Coughed Bon-Bon. But as soon as she got her breath back Heartless appered right in front of her.
I lock this world... they sould be gone!


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji smiled and hugged Bon-Bon momentarily. "Incase I don't make it. I've decided there's more at stake than my personal vandetta." He spread his hands again. He rose them up to the building as his eyes turned a glowing red. "OPRESSIVE DARKNESS!" The building was filled with a sphere of darkness at its heart. A wall of black energy moved out from the building, obliterating only the Heartless. He knew he had overtaxed himself a little. He was still recovering from his stunt in Hell. Bon-Bon had only recovered a tiny bit of his energy. He kneeled down slightly and muttered to Bon-Bon with a strained smile, "After you, m'lady."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: You guy's are too fast at posting!

Jas was walking around trying to find Takeshi and Luca
'Were are they?' she asked herself as she looked around, then she looked around her and five heartless about as big as her were standing there. 'Ok, another fight...' she groned as she put out her palm. 'Watery Grave!' she yelled, as one of the Heartless got all roted and melted into the ground. 'MUHAHA!' yelled Jas as she pointed at another heartless. 'You wanna piece of me?' she asked, cheakely. 'Watery grave!' she said with a smile, but this time, she hit two of the heartless. She watched as they shribled and melted into the ground. 'It realy IS a watery grave, isent it?' she said to one of the two heartless left. The heartless leaped at her and she blocked. 'All that training with Takeshi realy payed off...' she said as the heartless fell back on the ground, and got strait up again. 'Two Blade Skie's!' she yelled as she jumped and landed both her feet on her two keyblade's, on foot on one and the other foot on the other. She started hovering around, hiting the heartless with the keyblade's. 'Wow, I never knew lerning this on the SSS would end up being so fun!' she yelled as she nocked one of the heartless over then took one of her keyblade's and choped it in half. 'And now YOUR all alone!' she said as she pointed to the last heartless. she jumped of the keyblades and landed on the ground, dojing all the heartless's atack's. 'Charge!' she yelled as she pointed at the last heartless. the keyblade's hit the heartless and killed it, then came back to Jas and floted next to her hands. 'Well, that's over...' she said as she walked up the stair's and started searching for her friends again. Then she herd a click from the hottub aria. 'Well, this place is finaly ok' she said with relife. 'Now, were are my fav friends?' she yelled so the whole hotel could hear.
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New member
"Mega magic thanks Soji, but aren't you getting tired." Said Bon-Bon as she held Soji's hand, "I have more mana crystiles that can heal you, if you want them?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked up to him.
Bon-Bon began to blushed as she looked into his eyes, "B-B-B-but that is if you want them." Said Bon-Bon as she grew frantic, "Um, sorry." Said Bon-Bon as she clamed her self down.
"Um...come on we need to find my friends, i need to tell them I locked the planets heart." Said Bon-Bon as she ran off.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was startled by her. Had she just blushed at him? He was filled with an almost rejuvinating happiness as he stood. No one had ever blushed at him. He assumed blushing was a good response. Or mabye he just had something on his face? Either way, he took off after her with a little spring in his step.


The King Of Bandits
OOC: ** Is right outside the hotel** XD

Luca watched the number of heartless begin to increase rapidly. There just seemed to be no end in sight, and while his strength had increased greatly, his endurance was on it's edge. he found himself looking for breath once again the wind was blowing heavily again" another sand storm?" he whispered to himself looking at all the heartless forming around him, staring up at him. he was speachless. From out of the corner of his eye he spotted one flying out at him and the others begining to follow, he prepared to use the last of his energy and jumped, smashing down, creating another crater, this one 3 times as big as the last one, and brining a corner of the hotel down with him, a bright light rising up once again " Polesca!" Luca was pushing all of the last of his energy out on this one, the glass doors at the front of the hotel shattered, cuasing the light to sink in, filling the entire hotel with a bright unbearible light, cuasing the heartless that had congergated outside to disapate and the new ones that were appearing to be destroyed as well." This is it i guess.. this better do it.." Luca found himself rushing through the heartless and suddenly being blown into the building with a flash of light, the last of his energy. The entire town seemed to light up with this attack as he landed on the ground of the hotel lobby, sitting up and looking back, hoping the heartless had stopped coming.

The few seconds he sat there seemed like forever in his mind. It was like waiting on christmas morning to open presents. His mind was fuzzy with the buzz of being out of energy for the first time in human form in a while. it felt rather nice even though he knew that the chances of him actualy having defeated the heartless were slim to none. He was out of energy but his physical strength was still on him, if worst came to worst, he would fight them on his own strength with his keyblade. He didn't want it to come to that. the area seemed clear for a moment as he opened his eyes and looked around. a black ooze began pouring from what seemed like the sky, like a dark rain , forming into a blob in the middle of the street in front of the hotel. a faint voice was heard in the distance.. now where are my fav friends?..
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji followed close behind Bon-Bon, unsure of anything else to do. The others hated him for what he was. Only Bon-Bon seemed to understand what he was and respected him for that. He vowed to protect her with his life. It didn't matter if he loved her or not. Anyone who accepted him for what he was found a special place in his dark heart. Because Soji, had never known what acceptance was.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Guy's? Bon-Bon, Takeshi, Luca or even Soji?!? Is anyone here?' said Jas as she walked down the hall, , looking in all the room's,not knowing Bon-Bon and Soji were looking for her. 'There proberbly not even here! They've proberbly gone to the ship by now...' she said with a grone. 'Were is the ship?' she said as she looked out the window's of every room, looking for the ship. 'Were is it?' she mumbled. 'It's over there!' she said, as she standed on her keyblade's, ready to go out the window. 'Hmm, the sand storm has calmed down a bit now..' she said as she climed out the window and started heading for the ship on her keyblade's.
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New member
Bon-Bon looked back at Soji, "Don't worry I'll portect you, as long as I'm still here I'll protect." Said Bon-Bon as she looked back in front of her.
They both reached the second floor soon enough to see Jas jump out the window, "JAS, I know things are bad but don't kill your self!" Said Bon-bon as she ran to the window only to see Jas landing safely on the ground.
Bon-Bon jumped out the window and landed gently on the ground, she ran after Jas calling her name. "Jas, have you seen Luca and Takeshi?" Said Bon-bon as she cought up with Jas.


The King Of Bandits
Luca watched in horror as the black ooze in the middle of the street out front kept growing larger. he was alone as well. He had figured if he went to the hotel he might find someone to help him but he had yet to find one. " Just a little longer.." He whispered to himself, remembering why he was staying alive" I have to find someone...i cant die yet.." It echoed in his mind while the blob of black formed into a person. all of it shrinking and forming to every little bone. When the final touches seemed to be applied the person was staning, as plain as day in the middle of the street, wearing a cloak and smiling as they took off the hood. a voice seemed to stick to Luca's mind when he saw the face and it spoke finaly"..Hello" Luca stumbled back to the ground as soon as he recognized the face of the individual in front of him. It was impossible. Could his brother really...

The figure spoke again" dont be so surprised my twin, the entire world back home is like me now..filled with darkness. No one cares about you and the stupid royal family anymore... we are run by the darkness now.." Luca crawled backwards in shock. It couldn't be true. he just wouldn't believe it. He was going on his physical strength now, jumping off the ground and racing towards his brother" You bastard!! i wont believe it...there is no way father would ever let that happen!"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji laughed at Bon-Bon's comment before he too jumped out of the window. Several bandages rose and caught him since he wasn't as limber as Bon-Bon was. "Where are we going?" He asked as his facial features returned to their normal, handsome state. His teeth had sunk back to normal, so had his claws and now his eyes were bright blue again.


New member
"We need to start up the ship bef-" Said Bon-Bon before she smelled Luca sent.
"Luca, is off that way," Said Bon-Bon pointing down an ally way. "But that other sent is with him too, Soji I need you to check it out for me, I need to start up the ship... I 'm the only one who can do it." Said Bon-Bon as she stopped to look at Soji.
"Here," Said Bon-Bon as she handed Soji a red crystile, "Use this on Luca if he's hurt and use some on yourself, I can tell that your hurt, thanks Soji." Said Bon-Bon as she began to walkbackward then soon turned around running to the ship.


The King Of Bandits
Luca watched as his brother swung his sword at him, almost catching him but cutting the seem of his shirt, cuasing the right half of it to hang down below his waste, revealing the marks of the royal family on his home world, the tatoo's glowing becuase of luca being so low on his energy." Even if you all are crazy, there is simply no way he would let that happen back home!" Luca felt an impact on his back, his brother had hit him. he dropped his keyblade in shock and quickly formed two energy balls in his hands, the attack he had been building up his strength for" Razgragen" He barely got out as he slammed his fist together right before they hit his brother, creating the massive energy ball he had been hoping for" goodbye brother"

His brothers eyes widned, the ball of energy by all means should not have been possible to make, but then again most of it was based on pure strength of the human who formed it. " I underestimated you twin.." Luca's hands pressed the ball inside the cloaked boy, his twin brother, ignoring all of the armor he had been wearing under it. just like in a text book, It pierced the armor, the cloak, and the skin. Luca was kicked off the boy, flying against a wall and standing up, still bleeding from hsi hands and now exhuasted" ...I still have something to live for brother..i feel no pity for you" Luca watched as the energy inside his brother swelled up, peering through his skin and finaly cutting through everything. The razgragren was forced inside the opponent and then went crazy after it went inside, cutting all ther inner organs, the valves of the heart especialy." good bye brother.."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked down at the crystal and by the time he looked back up at her, his features were back to their more beast-like qualities. He would do anything for Bon-Bon. If this mission kills him, so be it.

Soji turned and ran with great speed, ignoring his injuries. His only thought was of completing his missing. A couple minutes later he was back at the hotel and there was Luca facing some odd creature. Soji stood properly and extended his claws slightly. "How ya doing Luca? Surprised to see me?"


New member
Bon-Bon rushed inside the ship, "Takeshi! Are you in here?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around, "Crap he's not here!"
Bon-Bon quickly move to the main deck, "SSS, began stat up!" Said Bon-Bon to the main CPU.
"Waring, engiens are over heated!" Said the CPU.
"Man, I left it out to long," Said Bon-Bon as she rushed to the secret door, Bon-Bon quickly jumped do into the engien room leaving the doop wide open behind her.


The King Of Bandits
Luca watched what used to be his brother fall to the ground and slowly fade away. he suddenly noticed soji standing there. He glanced at him for a second before closing his eyes" ...not fact im kinda glad i finaly found someone...i been out here for hours fighting these things and finaly, after they are all gone one of you shows up" He smiled and luaghed a bit" lets get back to the ship kinda tired" he ripped off the dangeling part of his shirt and wrapped it around his hand, the marks of the royal family still glowing on his face and the rest of his body. He was a bit surprised to see soji, though he was a bit disapointed he had fought the entire battle alone, he had come to terms with himself. at least now he knew he was strong enough to defend the others if he had too.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
"That was a good fight." Soji commented. "You've become stronger." Soji handed him the red crystal, assuming he'd know what to do. Soji turned and resorted to all fours for extra speed. "Come on! It's this way!" Soji flew across the landscape and was soon at the ship, but he saw there were some problems. He reverted his appearance and rushed into the ship. He dropped down into the compartment and set off to find Bon-Bon.


The King Of Bandits
Jing slowly walked onto the ship, using the crystal and feeling much better now, feeling rather refreshed as well. his marks were dulling to a tiny glimmer now, still visible seeing as how they were tatoo's. He had gotten them against his will, but had to get them since he was in the family. he looked down, not caring that his shirt was hanging completly below his waist now, he ripped the rest of it off and turned it into a sling for his arm, it was still broken, but only heart about half as bad now. He placed it in the sling sighed, finaly taking the strain off of it. he thought about the rest of his friends. there were two girls and three guys." Takeshi probably likes jas...and she probably likes him..Bon Bon and soji seem to be a bit closer now, they probably stopped that stupid game and told eachother how they felt" He closed his eyes" maybe i'm just not meant to have someone.. i mean i have already been ripped away from two people in my life..and i have lost my chance with either of the ones im around the most maybe im just suppose to be this way"

Luca's face sunk as he sat on his bed" Life sucks for me huh.." a slight grin crossed his face" but at least the rest of them have someone huh.." he stared at the ground thinking about his future. how could it be that in the four worlds he has been too.. one has been an animal world.. and the others, well everyone he met just really couldn't stay with him for some reason. he started to whisper something to himself, putting himself down" ..i guess i was just lying to myself back there...i dont have anyone to find...i have already lost them all" His face sunk, staring at the floor now" i am meant to be alone" His bigger brothers words to him, before luca had killed him had been somewhat of a put down" ..Look at you.. you have nothing that anyone wont ever find one could ever love you" Luca recalled his twin brother saying something of the same caliber before he died as well".. you have killed half of your own family... no one could ever love you..."

"...maybe .." His face was totaly gone now as a tear rolled down his face, reality finaly setting in and his mindset changing. He didn't live to protect anyone anymore, he had been living to find someone, he had been living for something he could never find. his mind was in total confusion now as he sat with his head on top of his knees. He didn't know what to do for the first time in his life..

"..They were right..."
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New member
It was hotter than Hell, down in the wires of the ship. The deeper Bon-Bon carlwed the more she felt like she was reaching the gates of hell.
Fianlly Bon-Bon reached the door to the engiene room but it was red hot from the buid up of heat inside. "I don't have room to cast any of my Ice spells." Said Bon-Bon as she tryed to wiggle free from the wires all around her. Bon-Bon finally reach out her hands grabed the boiling hot hands of the door, Bon-Bon let out a loud yell while pulling the door open.
The Door fianlly swung open letting a blast of Hot air out in Bon-Bon face. Bon-Bon's hands were burned from when she open the door, but she didn't care all she wanted to do was cool off the ship.

Bon-Bon entered the room, the engine was white hot from the heat, it was like a rageing inferno in there. Bon-Bon stood directly in front of the engine, "I hope this work... Icy Blizzard!" Said Bon-Bon as she held out her hands to the Engine. But nonthing happen, "The burn on my hands.... can't cast my hand spells!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at her hands.

I can always try using my voice.... That always porduce coolness...
Bon-Bon took a deep breath and began to sing, she begon to sing with her heart. A icy cool arua went though her body and though out the ship. I t began to snow though out the ship, the snow soon turned into a Blizzard. As Bon-Bon sang the bizzard quickly cooled off the Engine.