Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Most of the guys wanted it to be started on the weekend so they could post and all, but you took too long. You might have to wait until this upcoming weekend before you'll get a response.


New member
Meanwhile in an alleyway of Traverse town Bon-Bon was hideing out.
"Phew, I think I lost them..."Said Bon-Bon as she walked out the alleyway.
"what is this place..... so many people." She said as she look around.
Bon-Bon pulled out her weapon, "What happen back there, those black creatures chased me to this wold.... and when i pulled out my weapon... it turned into this strange thing..... it has a cold feel to it.." Said Bon-Bon as she hold up her keyblade.
Suddenly she heard a sound behind her, it was a moogle.
"Will you please move, kupo, you're in my way." Said the Moogle behide her.
Bon-Bon quickly moved out the way, it seemed the Moogle was heading for the beach. So Bon-Bon put away her weapon and fallowed the Moogle.
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The King Of Bandits
ooc: sorry i was kinda busy but im back now.

Luca sat quietly down on a small wooden bench, tired from practicing with his sword all day. Practice had become the young boys life ever since his father left for his last buisness trip. He had not talked to his friends , nor anyone for that matter, for quite a while. There had been nothing really to talk about or do all summer. He gazed out at the setting sun in the distance, dipping low over the water in the horizon, leaving an orangish arura streaking out over the entire beach. " i wonder how all the others are. Are they as bored as i am?" He spoke softly, deep in thought now about things. Often he had found himself staring at the ground thinking, in a total daze. suddenly a cold breeze brushed past the boy, sending a shiver down his spine. Something was not right. It had been a day just like any other. Full of practice, thinking, and boredum. But there was something diffrent about this evening in particular."..and i wonder, if they are feeling the same way I am..." With the wind starting to blow a little faster, and the setting sun in the distance, Luca rushed off down the beach on the way ot his home.

Not noticing anything else besides the constant feeling of sand under his shoes, he looked up and spotted his friends. " i guess i might as well, its not like i have anything better to do." with this thought in mind, Luca trotted down the beache towards his friends. this would be the first encounter with them he had had in weeks.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji put his sunglasses back on despite the darkness of Traverse Town. It was an eternal cold night and he had business here. He pulled his hood of coal over his face. It blended in with the darkness around him and hid his appearance completely. Behind the glasses, his eyes swirled from a brilliant blue to a dead, blood red. The red glowed as its natural affinity for nightvision aided Soji.
The darkness no longer bothered him. The heredity of his demonic eyes displayed the slightest detail; the slightest hair resting on a fly's back. He walked slowly and with determination. With only a second to spare he vanished into the deep shadows of a doorway as a figure ran into the alleyway. Soji remained completely hidden as the figure caught her breath. She appeared to have been running from something. She was joined by a miniscule figure with a high pitched voice.
Soji watched the figure push past the girl and walk down the alleyway towards him and his hiding spot. It was obviously a moogle and hardly worth the flicker of a glance from Soji. It came forward and then stopped slightly as it aligned with Soji on the paved road. It seemed to have sensed him but ignored what it felt. Its pause was over and the small one was gone. Seconds later, the girl passed also.
Soji, as agile as a cat and twice as stealthy, climbed into the sliver of the girl's shadow. In the dark, her shadow was as everything else was, but Soji still managed to find the sliver that belonged to the girl. He aligned himself with it, blending in perfectly. Using his demonic eyes he matched the girls motion and perfected the step. He was one with her shadow. Though a 3-D object, even if the girl had turned around all she would have been able to make out was her own shadow. Thus was part of the magic of Soji's Cloak of Midnight. It was one of the few things he had saved from the destruction of his world.


New member
Bon-Bon is now at the beach. There she spotted Luca, Jas and Takeshi.
"Those boys look friendly maybe they can help me." Thought Bon-Bon
She waved bye to the Moogle.
"What a strange girl, kupo" said the Moogle as he walked off.
"Hey, any of you guys can tell me where i'm at?" Said Bon-Bon as she walk towards Luca, Jas and Takeshi.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Ummm you're in Twilight Town, did you fall on your head or something, there's nothing around here for like 200 miles. Or atleast that's what the mayor says." Takeshi said to the girl.
"Anyway Jas, i think i'll go to, I haven't battled anyone all day, even Luca. I've been here all day. Do you want to come with us?" He asked the girl.


The King Of Bandits
Luca smiled, staying seated in the sand quietly listening to the conversation at hand between his friends and the new girl. he quickly cut in where the other girl seemed to stop talking at." how she got here doesnt really matter, just the fact that she is here is good. i dont think i have met a new person in ages in twilight town." he stretched out his hand and smiled again" I'm Luca, pleasure to meet you" He set his sword down, letting it fall softly into the sand and relieve luca of his extra burden at the moment. Meeting someone new is something that didnt happen too often in this town. Nothing for miles around the town, so there wasnt a place really where anyone could come from. The distant sun still sat above the horizon just barely, the orange rays now seeming to jump off the waters surface. Luca spoke up yet again only seconds after his last outburst" hey ...did you say something about fighting Jas? that sounds fun right about now...i have been aching for a fight all summer with someone i could actualy contend with. The training dummy just doesnt cut it anymore if you know what i mean."

Luca picked up his sword and cut through the air with its sparkling blade, another thing he had been doing this summer was cleaning his weapon each night. He wiped it down each night, and made sure to get any particules of anything that might have stuck around from anywhere during the day, wether it be dirt, mud, or even just regular water. Twilight town glistened in the rays of the still setting sun, just barely over the horizon now. It was now that the real life of Twilight town came out. After all, it wasnt called twilight town for no reason.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji listened, hidden in the shadow of the girl. Remarkably, the girl's shadow fell into the middle of the group and yet none of them noticed him there. This did give Soji the advantage of his eyes though. There's something special about a demon's eyes. In fact, most demons use them for their wicked deeds. Soji, on the other hand had trained his eyes for more tasteful talents.

A demon can naturally use its eyes for seduction. This requires the victom and the demon to have eye connection. After that, 99% of humans are putty to a demon's hand. There's always that strongwilled 1% though and that's where the other half of the seduction comes in. The voice of a demon contributes to a victom who can resist. Demonic voice is also better because the demon doesn't need eye contact. Also, there's less chance that the human's mind will break against the voice because it allows for a gentle entry whereas the eyes force entry into the human's mind. The best can use a perfect combination of eyes and voice to gain entry to the controls of a human's mind with ease and little damage. Soji was one of the best.

He had also trained his eyes to become a special gateway between minds. By looking into the eyes of a human, he forges a powerful mind meld that allows him to see into the thoughts and ideas of any human. The only problem of this is it acts as a double-edged sword, leaving Soji just as open to the human. This is where Soji's sunglasses come in. He can establish a link without any reprecussions to himself as long as he wears any form of sunglasses. The reasoning behind this is simple. Think of a transmition signal. It is emmited from one end, passed through a filter and sent to the other end. This already makes the signal not as strong as it was when it left. But, the human eyes act as a mirror to Soji's mind meld, meaning that his transmition signal is bouncing back at him. Thanks to the sunglasses, by the time it hits his eyes, it is too weak to allow any more viewing than his latest dream.
Now that you understand a little more about the demon's eyes, you will understand how he was able to see into Bon-Bon's thoughts. Thoughts about a person he used to know. RPGirl, eh? What an interresting turn of events. What does that make this human then? A servant? A student? Perhaps her child... I think it's time to make my presence known. The lack of observation these humans show is sickening.

Soji stepped out of the shadow, becoming completely visible in the bright light of Twilight Town. His great black cloak hid his figure and face from the others. Nothing could be seen of his skin save the lower of his face up to his mouth. Soji shook himself to make sure the cloak had removed the shadow from him completely. There was nothing more imbarrasing for an evil genius than walking around with more shadow than you have a right to have.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca's eyes quickly turned to the figure emerging from what seemed like out of nowhere. it shook viiolently as if shaking something off. The figure wore a dark black cloak, no skin could be seen at all. Luca tapped Takeshi on the shoulder and pointed towards the figure, not letting a single word slip from his mouth as he stood in mystery. Only breaths of the cool air as he stared at the cloaked being. Luca grabbed his sword quickly and placed it on his back, in a state of panic, almost fear. Something that didnt come easily to Luca. He placed one hand on his weapon, a measure of precuation, saftey for himself. At the moment, he stopped tapping his friend on the shoulder, and kept staring towards the being, looking just over Bon Bon's shoulders, past the side of her head to make it seem as if he was looking at her instead of the cloaked man. It was at this instant that another cold chill was sent down his spine, tingeling all the way down his back and to his knees, cuasing them to shake for a minute before he regained control of himself. There was something odd about the moment, something was obviously wrong.

Luca had always been the one of the group who had done all the talking, and always been the one who had feared nothing and acted before he thought. But lately he had been acting strange, saying few words to any in the last few months, training and cleaning his weapon, taking notice of every little thing, and being more cuatious then ever before. Something in him kept telling him to watch his back when nothing had ever been there. He had no reason to fear anything, and all through his training he had put every ounce of his heart and soul into his sword, but now, at the moment when he found himself fearing for his saftey and fearing for the saftey of others, he froze. What if he failed? What if he was overreacting and hurt someone innocent in the process? What if ...he was wrong...He had stopped trusting his insincts, second guessing every move he made. Obviously, in the tense feelings of the moment, something was wrong.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
(Sorry I havent been posting for a while,My stupid sister is allways on + i don't really know whats going on)

"Ok Takeshi,Let's fight!" *Jas & Takeshi walk of to go and fight*

while fighting..

"Boy, have you gotten harder to fight!" said Jas strugelying to do better then Takeshi "You wont let me get in a hit!"

after the fight...

"That was one hard fight" said Jas rubbing her arm "You have been training latly, havent you?". "Let's go see what Luca and Bon Bon's doing, huh?They have to be doing something interesting" said Jas when they were geting closer to the aria Luca & Bon Bon were in."So, what have you been doing lately?Have you found anything interesting?Seen anything interesting?"...

Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
"Stupid kids and there games," says Heero on his way to work. "****, I'm late again." "Where the hell have you been," said Mr.Kurada. Heero stands there silently, again in his sad lonlines as the night soon aproaches. Again no customers where is everyboody ****.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
The bare part of Soji's mouth that was visible opened. A slight sneer was contorted in his face as he said, "Ah. So one of the team has noticed me? This is an interresting development."
Soji's voice was cold and hard. The deepness of it was hypnotysing to the weak-minded. Just the whim of his voice could perplex and confuse. Of course, this happened when Soji talked, even if he wasn't channeling any power for seduction. Normally, this wouldn't effect other demons, but humans would feel the effects slightly. It could take weeks to years for a human to become use and resistant to a demon's unaided voice.
Soji extended his hand, the cloak falling away to reveal a very well kept set of digits. He opened his palm upwards and collected energy into it. Seconds later, a brilliantly complected sword lay on his hand. The blade appeared to be of sheer diamond, while the hilt was a firey red constructed of sold ruby. Along the bottom of the hilt was a small orb of obsidion. The purpose of the orb was for channeling magic. Swords such as these were used to practice enchanting weapons by mages, because they were perfect for enchanting. The obsidion base could hold whatever enchantment you wanted without having to strain the magic over the entire sword.
"A sword for your insight, boy?"


The King Of Bandits
At this point, Luca knew he was making the right choice. Jas had returned with takeshi from fighting, and Bon Bon still stood in front of him. Somthing in the Figures appearance made Luca feel as though he had seen the cloaked figure many times before. He was in no mood to let anyone get hurt, or to let anyone hurt twilight town. when he saw the sword appear in the beings hand, he knew quickly that something was very wrong. Pulling out his sword he began to rush towards the cloaked one, Blindly rushing into something which in the end could turn out to be totaly wrong. The odds of him being right were very slim, and the odds of him getting into big trouble if he was wrong were very high. He had no idea what had gotten into him. Suddenly he had found his sword drawn while he rushed towards someone who he did not know, and was ready to attack it. He kept running, the whole distance between them. when Luca finaly arrived he smiled, and lept into the air The being reminded him of something he had seen in a dream once. He smiled " Dont hurt my town..." With that Luca swung quickly and harshly with his first strike at the being.

After realizing what he had done he could do nothing but smile, thinking he had done the right thing, and hoping that his friends might draw quickly into the fight he had started, backing him up.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji wasn't alarmed by the boy's reaction. With elegance, he slipped the amazing sword into his cloak and drew back his sleeves. To Soji, the eternity it took the boy to reach him was amusing. His red eyes swirled behind his glasses as he watched the boy approach.
Quickly, what he saw was transformed into understandable data. His sunglasses started displaying information about the boy:

Heart Rate: 27 above normal
Brain Pattern: Low
Strength Analysis: 34
Skill Analysis: 10
Will Analysis: 1
Speed Analysis: 25

Soji smiled at the information. The boy was fairly average for the people of this town with the exception of an increased strength analysis. It was obvious the boy was rushing blindly, acting on instinct and the sudden drop in his brain pattern supported this. It was a shame that he had almost no skill in Will Arts. This boy would be simple.
Soji stepped to the side with ease and placed two fingers out. As the boy's slash came around Soji stopped it with the fingers. As Soji held the sword back, the boy, too, was held in the air. With a flick of his wrist, Soji tossed the sword and the boy backwards.
"It is obvious your time has not come. You are not ready for the adventure ahead."
Soji pulled the sword he had in his cloak back out. In his other hand appeared a small stone. He pressed the stone against the hilt of the sword and it sunk in. Instantly, the diamond blade began to shime with an amazing luster. Soji turned the blade down and then thrust it to the hilt into the ground. The ruby hilt glowed with the power of the new stone set into it. "This is Diamond Eye. The sword has been infused with a special augmentation. This augmentation relies on the power of your heart. The stronger your heart, the stronger the blade. Whoever can lift this sword from the sand is the only one ready for the power it holds. None of you are ready yet."
Soji threw his cloak around him, concealing his skin completely again. He said not a word more. He only stood there and waited for their next move.


The King Of Bandits
Luca slammed full force into the a nearby building, knocking the wind out of him and knocking a few bricks off the building. He lay there thinking about where he had went wrong and trying to regain himself. he coughed up a bit of blood and quickly spit it out, wiping off his mouth to clean any remaining morcels of his blood. " damit" he managed to get out as he tried to pull himself up off the ground, obviously badly hurt from the attack. Luca smiled while picking up his sword and readying for another attack." you didnt think i would go down that easily did you?" Managing to pull a smile and luaghing a little bit before losing balance and almost collapsing again. His mind was full of intentions now, rage had passed when he smacked against the wall, now he was going on his last wind. It had been a long day of training today, He had not had any strength left really when he had found his friends, even less now that he had been struck. Luca had never met anyone, or anything, or this caliber before.

He screamed feircly, charging towards his opponent for a second time, blood running down his arm and dripping off his wrist from his cut on his shoulder. the gash only furthered his reasons for making a second pass. Luca raised his sword once again, this time he had came up on the cloaked being quicker then before. He felt as though something in him had compelled him to move quicker. Jumping and finaly swing his sword, he stopped yelling, thinking he had made contact with his target.


New member
Bon-Bon suddenly snap out of her day dream.
"Wow, people around here love to fight." Said Bon-Bon to her self.
At that moment Bon-Bon sinced something. "Someone or some thing was looking though my mind....but who?" thought Bon-Bon.
The waves of the beach cought Bon-Bon's attention, Bon-Bon began to slip into another day dream as she looked up in to the sky.
The light from the sun made the jewl on her head glimer.
"What a nice place... thought Bon-Bon "I hope the human plant won't find me here."
But at that moment something inside Bon-Bon told her to look behind her, she quickly turn to see that odd dark figure drapped in a dark robe. Something about this person was not right, "was he the one who read my mind?" thought Bon-Bon. She began to slowly back away from Takeshi, Lusa and the drak figure. "He's from the Human Plant." Said Bon-Bon as she slowly backed off.
But before she could run she hared a strange but fermilar sound; KUPO, KUPO, KUPO!
It was that Moogle from before, and he was being chased by a group of black creatures with yellow glowing eyes.
"THOSE ARE THE SAME THINGS THAT CHASED ME HERE!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she pointed deractly at the black creatures.
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