Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
The fathers left by Soji fell like fallen snow, who is this man and how does he know i'm a half-breed..... does he know i'm a AF demon? but before Bon-Bon could answer her own question, Heartless swarmed her.
"Dimond Storm!" Shouted Bon-Bon. Tons of shards of ice slice though the swarm of Haretless, leaving nouthing but a black mist disappating in the air.
I must find them, i shouldn't be useing my deamon seed to much but..
"Deamon Seed 10%" Said Bon-Bon as her jewl golwed
Bon-Bon sniffed the air...... "It's Jas, that's her sent!" Said Bon-Bon as she pointed in the direction of where Soji ran off to.
Bon-Bon quickly leaped high in to the air, and landed on a roof top. "Don't worry Jas... I'm coming!" Thought Bon-Bon as she jumped from roof top to roof top fallowing Jas sent.
But meanwhile in the shadows Gyki sits and watch... "Run my little fox, but enjoy your freedom soon you will be mine along with all that power.... but that Soji might be a promblem.." Said Gyki as he disapper into the shadows.

OOC: Is it alright if i add Gyki in here to add drama to Bon-Bon, because i'm going to have him tell all the secrets she's hiding.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca suddenly found himself laying in the allyway of a twilight town street. The familiar wall of a brick building across from him he had seen many times on his way to the beach. It was dark now, night had fallen on the town of twilight and darkness was setting in. Footsteps could be heard from all around Luca while he lay in pain, still bleeding from his wounds he had recieved no treatment on his wounds, and had lost a lot of blood. His last memories before waking up were of that town he had went to, being destroyed." did they all....die?" He glanced down at his right hand, the key shaped weapon still laying in his hands. The footsteps around him were growing closer by the second, something was obviously wrong, again..."damit.." he whispered as he jumped to his feet, just avoiding one of the heartless that had been rushing towards him. His body was full of pain and he was still losing blood, every second he ran was another droplet of blood pouring out of his arm. He began to swing his keyblade, cutting away at the seemingly countless amount of heartless. There was just no end. His only chance was to try and find someone to help him.

In his attempts to save himself he rushed inside the nearest building, a large twelve story building composed of rugged brick and cement. There was no one at the front counter." Hello! Is anyone here!?" Luca quickly ran towards the elevator, his only chance now was to go up seeing as how the heartless were blocking the door. He just kept running, hoping he could make it, and hoping there was a way out of this building which he had mistakenly went into.Luca watched the elevator doors close right behind him, the heartless still charging towards him. there was a tiny ding, then he felt himself began to move, for a few seconds it was peace. Silence. Just the calm sound of the elevator rising to the rooftop. Then all hell broke loose, the heartless began to form inside the small cart just as it reached the top. Luca rushed out quickly of the confined area, leaving a trail of his blood behind him. When he reached the edge, he realize he was done for. Sweat began to form on his face, he began shaking, and finaly collapsed.

His blood loss had been too severe, and his exhuastion was setting in. Training all day, then having all of this happen. He felt his feet give way to him, and his body begin to plumit off the side of the building. It was in this moment, With the wind rushing past his hair, his life signs slowly fading away, that he realized how much he had valued his friends. How much they had done too him. His eyes closed.. and slowly, but steadily, Luca began to fade. Falling towards the street below, dying.


New member
Bon-Bon suddenly stop
"I smell blood" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around.
Then she saw Luca falling from the bilding! "Oh my Gods LUCA!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she rushes to catch him. I not going to make it I got to use it agian!
"DEAMON SEED 20%" Yelled Bon-Bon as the jewl on her head glowed even brighter.
Bon-Bon speed increaded and her two long pony tails transformed into long, floppy, rabbit like ears.
Bon-Bon strached out her ears so she could catch Luca, she gently wrapped her ears around Luca cold body. oh my Gods his heart beat is slowing down!
Bon-Bon quickly grabed Luca with her arms, "hope this works, Life Giving Rains!" Shouted Bon-Bon as a small rain clouds apper over Luca's body.
Rain began to pour onto Luca's body, all of Luca's wounds were now healed.
Bon-Bon placed one of her ears to his chest, His heart rate is returning to normal.
Suddenlly armys of Heartless apper on the roof top where Bon-Bon ad Luca is at, Bon-Bon placed Luca beside her and draw out her Keyblade.
"Luca, i hope you wake up soon because i'm going to need help!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she faced of with the army of Heartless.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji slashed forward at Sephiroth who blocked with a flash of silver. Sephiroth pushed the sword forward and Soji was hurled back into the air. Soji did one spin and then landed on his feet and back on the attack. Soji rushed forward, vanished, then reappeared on Sephiroth's side going through a complex grid pattern with his attacks. Sephiroth managed to block most of them, but Soji made contact halfway through the grid, slashed a rather large gash in Sephiroth's side.

The One Winged Angel slashed with his enormous sword, forcing Soji to jump back to safety. Now it was Sephiroth's turn on the offense. He flashed in and out of the visible realm, using powerful slashing motions that Soji barely blocked. On the fourth pass, Soji undercut Sephiroth, sending the man into an odd spin that left him open for a rough kick in the chest. Soji backflipped away from Sephiroth as the man spun and hurtled back from the kick. Soji didn't waste a minute before rushing forward. If I can't defeat this fool, I will never stand a chance against my brother...

Black lines began to cross Soji's face as he rushed towards Sephiroth. His teeth became sharper as if they were that of a dog's, while the length of his white-blonde hair increased. If Soji were to scan himself at that moment he wouldn't be surprised to see that his power level had jumped from 1609 to 5870. Power pulsed in every cell of his body as he rushed at the recovering Sephiroth. Just as Sephiroth was looking up, Soji attacked in one fluid motion. With an uppercut-kick to the jaw, Soji sent Sephiroth spiralling through the air. Almost instantly, Soji vanished and reappeared above Sephiroth's back. His eyes dialated, finding the points he wanted to attack. With motion that made his arms a blur, Soji thrust the blades made of bone into the 87 points on Sephiroth's back. As the ground approached with alarming speed, Soji grabbed Sephiroth's head with his feet and pushed off of it right before hitting the ground, allowing him to land gently on his feet.

Soji retracted the bone blades back into his palm as his physical appearance returned to normal. His bright blue eyes stared back down at Sephiroth, who rolled over with a smile and a trickle of blood flowing from his mouth. Soji extended his hand to the fallen warrior who shook his up at Soji. "Sorry...My friend. I have...stumbled...too far...into...darkness." His breaths came short and weak. A black portal appeared below him and he slipped into it, the smile still on his face.

Soji turned from where his fallen friend had been and realized that everyone had left him yet again. Slightly annoyed, Soji wondered how many times he had to save someone before he could gain their trust.


New member
Bon-Bon is now battling the Heartless army while trying to portect Luca's body.
"Mega Magic Ice!" Shout Bon-Bon at a furry of ice cicles shot out of her keyblade. She hit most of the Heartless but twice as many reapper "Damn, what can I do?!" Said Bon-Bon as she swing her keyblade at more Heartless.
Luca, Takishi, Jas.... anybody I need help!
Suddenly Bon-Bon noticed the Hearless were beging to back off, she quickly turn around to were Luca laid and a swarm of Heartless was around him.
"NO!," Yelled Bon-Bon as she rushed over to Luca side. "Protect My friend!" Said Bon-Bon as she trust her hands forward.
At that moment Bon-Bon's keyblade began to glow and gave of a cool wave in her body. Wha? Suddenly a shock wave of coolness blasted from Bon-Bon's body, all the Heartless that were around her and Luca began to froze solid.
Now on the Roof top was ice sculptures of Heartless. "I did it i saved one of my friend." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to were Luca laid, but at that moment a sharp pain went though Bon-Bon's body, she sat next to were Luca is I..I can't move... it hurts.... I...used ...m-my ...deamon....seed t-too ...much.
There she sat beside Luca, garuding his body hopeing soon he will wake up.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's ears stiffened once again. Another life has returned. Soji looked up at the sky as rain began to fall. Something in the air spelled a problem. Soji once again closed his eyes and made the symbol of the crow. Yellow energy dance around his hand and eyelids. He saw what the sky saw.

Bon-Bon was standing over Luca, defending him from many foes. Ice flashed out from around her, removing many Heartless, but bringing many more. Another wave of ice came from her. To Soji's surprise, the surge registered at 2690 on his power scale. An amazing blast for someone like her. He must have been right in her being half demon. That would make her like him. Then Soji noticed something else. Bon-Bon appeared to be frozen herself. Not in the same way as the Heartless, but frozen with pain.

Soji made the symbol of the swan and vanished in a whisp of white feathers. Almost instantly, Soji reappeared where Bon-Bon was. The Heartless around him melted into puddles as he approached. He reached out a long, slender hand and clapsed it around the jewel she had. A wave of powerful pain surged on him and he closed his eyes. He focused on keeping up the flow out of the jewel. The pain was being diverted into him, releasing Bon-Bon from its hold. Seconds later, the reprecussion of her actions was finished and Soji staggered away.

Feeling his barriers weaken, Soji quickly moved his hood over his face. In another fluid motion, his sunglasses were back on his eyes. He sat down a few feet from the other two and closed his eyes. Green mist swirled around him as he began a small ritual to restore his natural defenses.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi was standing on the beach about half a mile from where Bon-bon and Jas were. there were heartless all around him, and they were closing in. He took out his keyblade and starting fighting his way back up the beach to where his friends were. "I have to help them," he said hearing the sounds of battle.
Takeshi was almost to where Jas and Bon-Bon were when he heard Bon-bon yell Luca's name. He picked up his pace, remembering the wound that he had seen on him eariler that day. Soon he was a few meters from them, he could see them no. No sooner than he had gotten there he felt a cold rush in his spine, he turned around to parry his foes attack, but was too late. Takeshi felt a himself falling to the sand, a gash in his back.


New member
OOC: If any one want to know the jewl is stuck on Bon-Bon's head

Bon-Bon came to that was....Soji.... how do i know his name now?
Bon-Bon grabbed Luca's body. "I smell blood!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked towards the beach. The Jewl on Bon-Bon's head had now dimed, looks like i'm on my own she jumpped from roof top to roof top hoping to find Takeshi or Jas.
But she soon stop, she looked over to her right there she saw Soji healing himself, as for thanks i'll heal your wounds but this will not recover your energy "Life Giving Rians" Said Bon-Bon as a cloud apper over Soji, all of Soji's wounds heal, see ya and Bon-Bon rushed over to the sent of blood.
There she found Takeshi in the sand surrowned by heartless, "LEVE HIM ALONE!" Shouted Bon-Bon as she slashed away the Heartless with Luca on her back.
Bon-Bon pull Takeshi out of the sand "my gosh he's hurt badly," Said Bon-Bon as she exsamined Takeshi. "This is my last healing spell, Life Giving Rain" Said Bon-Bon as she healed Takeshi. Bon-Bon laid Luca beside Takeshi, "Now what?" but as soon as she said that Heartless formed around her, Takeshi and Luca. "JAS, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Yelled out Bon-Bon each time she kills a Heartless.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi came to, his vision blurred. He looked to his left and saw Bon-bon fighting the heartless. He strained to pull himself up, but once he was up his energy had returned to him and his vision was cleared. He walked up to Bon-bon, standing beside her. "You take the left," He said "I'll get the right". Takeshi rushed to his right, hacking through the hertless, unnoticing the pain in his back, his eyes filled with rage.

OOC: Sorry it's short, that's kinda all i can do right now


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Did I mention that I give Rep to good RPers? You've got to be literate, have proper spelling and punctuation, and generally obey the rules of the RP.

Soji awoke, alarmed to see that his wounds had been healed. Who...? What else did they do to me? Soji checked to make sure his hood was still on and breathed easier. His face hadn't been seen. This was good. Whoever had healed him might have seen a glimer of his true form. That would spell the end for any friends he might find here. Humans tended to hate that which they couldn't understand. Soji had to be the most complex thing to ever walk the beach here.

Soji stood and sniffed the air. Sure enough, more signs of battle. Soji turned to Luca's body and waved his hand. Some sort of bandages flew from up his sleeve and made a shell around Luca, instantly hardening. Soji turned and broke into a run, following Bon-Bon. He knew everything about her now. When his hand connected with her skin, her memories flowed into him and it was undoubtful that his own flowed into her. He should have worn his sunglasses. They would have protected him from this.

Blades extended from his palms again, this time with a blue tint and a cold feel to them. Soji stared, purplexed at them. Ice...? How much of our attributes were transfered? Did I divert more than just her pain into me? Soji scanned himself with his red eyes. The results showed that part of him was infused with Bon-Bon. He didn't worry though. His immune system was rapidly flushing Bon-Bon's cells away. So it isn't permenant? This is good. I think it was only I who recieved part of the other. If she had recieved part of me, the effects could be damaging to her body. Perhaps the effects wore off as she was manipulating her bones or flesh. She would end up disfigured forever.

Soji jumped down into the fray of the battle. He was surprised that the sword he planted in the ground was so near. He slashed through several Heartless who shattered and splintered like ice. Again, his eyes trailed to the sword. There must be a way to use that to our advantage. If I could get someone to unlock the power of the sword, we could flush all the Heartless from this world... Soji's eyes shifted to Bon-Bon. Of course! If she has any form of relations to RPGirl, her heart must be of high quality. Not to mention, being a half-breed would give distinct advantages.

Soji cried out, "Lunar Dust Tornado" Once again, Soji began to spin rapidly with his blades out, but this time the Heartless didn't have to come in contact with the blades to be destroyed. The waves from his blades were so emmensly cold that the air froze in great waves of sharp ice that flew through the lines of Heartless. Nearly all the Heartless were destroyed by these sharp ice razors and any that were left got sucked into the votex of Soji's attack.

Soji slowed in his attack and retracted the blades. He looked up at Bon-Bon and said, "I need you to unlock your heart."


New member
"Yeah" said Bon-Bon as she ran down each ally way, " i got her sent she should be some where around here." Said Bon-Bon as she looked around. Suddenly Bon-Bon stop unlock my Bon-Bon's pick demonic eye soon felled with fear I can't unlock my herat.... too many bad memories... no i can't run away i must help my friend Bon-Bom just shook her head and began to run agian "this way, she's this way."
OOC: we should stop soon sicne the person who does Jas isn't here.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC:I'm really sorry,I never get to get on the comp latley!

All of a sudden,Jas got attaked by the heartles that were following her and fell to the ground."Hey!Get of me!"she said as she got back up and started slashing at them."Is that Takeshi?!"Said jas as she look'ed over and saw a male leaning againsed the wall.Jas started running to the male,the heartless keeped jumping at her."Takeshi!Takeshi!It's me!Jas!"
I'll won't make it to him with these heartless on me she thought.she stoped and started hitting the heartless and started running again."Takeshi,Luca & Bon-Bon are proberbly missing me,now"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked up to see no one was in sight of him. He had been talking to himself again. They left me again? I try and try to throw away my dark past for these people but they refuse to except me! Veins pulsed in Soji's forehead as he failed to restrain his anger. The weakened resistances he had from helping Bon-Bon left his inner form in a more powerful state than himself. He couldn't help it. As the rage built up in his thoughts, darkness built up in his heart. Those humans only used me! I was nothing but a tool to them. I'll show them what happens to people who don't use proper safety precautions when using tools.

Soji's eyes turned red, yet it wasn't the same red as he had entered into all those times before. This time, the pupil of the eye became a peircing purple that conflicted with the red. His ears drew back and became pointed while his teeth sharped. I am alone now. My brother was alone and he accepted the darkness. By accepting the darkness, he became emmensly powerful. Perhaps it is just my path to be the dark loner...

Soji felt powerful swirls of energy circle him. His hair length increased as the energy swirled it around. A single knob emerged from his forehead and seconds later, it was a full-bodied horn. Black lines crossed his body from a symbol that flashed on his forehead. When his body was covered with the lines, the symbol vanished. The tips of his fingers twisted and shaped themselves into long claws. In a matter of seconds, his power level jumped to 8930, matching that of his brother's.

Soji smiled his vampiric new smile down at the transformation. He had more power than he knew what to do with but the swirling mist around him gave him a good idea. Soji closed his eyes and aimed his open palms at Twilight Town. Instantly, hearts of the weaker began to leave their owns and come to Soji's summons. They flew together and compacted into an area just above the town. Hundreds of hearts were joining the mass of them over the town. Then, Soji became to shape and mold the hearts. A creature with giant claws on each of its ten arms appeared. Its hind legs were long and that of a werewolf's. The giant Heartless matched the size of the Clock Tower as it landed in the Sandlot of Twilight Town. Instantly, all the leftover hearts transformed into simple Heartless that rained down on all the people left in Twilight Town.
Soji's voice rang out through the world as he commanded his new Heartless. "This is a victory for us. The world's core is near, go and destroy it."


New member
"LOOK, there she is over there!" Said Bon-Bon as she pointed to a figure been chaced by Heartless. Bon-Bon began to run to Jas until she sinced something, this feeling i feel.... i since blood lust and pure hate and angery..... this is not good we need to go
Bon-Bon looked up and saw all of the the hearts of people slowly floting up above the town, "Jas, Takeshi we need to head for my ship fallow me!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she Called out to the two.
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Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
I guess by now the heartless have attacked those poor kids thought Heero. "Well now I guess I have to kill them when this is all over. I feel horrible that they were drawn into this horrorshow of a war." Damn........What the hell I feel weak......... It was then Heero was taken by the militia. "What the ****.........What the Hell is goin on." " Your the one the government wanted the "experiment" HAhaha," said this keyblader. "Your one of the God Bladers?!" "Correct."
"Let's end this charade and finish this!," said Heero. The mysterious key bearer brought a majestic Keyblade. At this point the battle began! Starting with Heero jumping and dodging all of the bearers attacks. "Goddamn bloody veck." "By the way my good friend shall call me the "Yearner" HaHa." It was then Heero brought his blade and started to take the offensive. The environmet was bleak cold and enwrapped in darkness except for those two. The battle was like an endless Waltz as if they knew each other's movements.
Heero knew he couldn't win sadly. "Dammit..." Yearner threw the key bade into Heero killing him.
"Get up Child." "Get UP!" Heero had entered a state of mind of which he had to make a choice. A voice shouted,"Choose your keyblade my child." "**** YOU. I am my own Swordsman I hated all Keybladers since I was born and when I die I do not want to be judged by your laws. " "So be it"
"I am ready for you Yearner," cried out Heero. He then pulled out two broadswords. "Let my supreme power reigneth on thou." Yearner started attacking but Heero evaded his attacks with ease. Heero created a double mirage around Yearner thus confusing him. Yearner tried slashing through all the mirages. From the darkness Heero came out puttin the sword across Yearner's neck. "Have you ever danced with the devil? Now you have." Yearner then died.

The one to th left is his and Ect/broad1-l.jpg
-Heero's new weapons


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas started running to Bon-Bon.Hey,what's that strange feeling heart!Jas started to feel like her heart was comeing out of her.She had just reached Bon-Bon."Am I ment to be a keyblade master?If I am ment to be one,I am hopeless at it" said Jas to Bon-Bon."Were is Takashi?"She looked around and saw him leaning againsed the wall."Takashi,COME!"She called.She saw that a big thing was in the sky.She looked at Bon-Bon,And thought for a moment."Bon-Bon,were did you used to live before you moved to Twilight Town?"she asked.

OOC:I don't feel like wrighting much more,sorry.