Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"BON-BON, LUCA!WHAT HAS GOTEN INTO YOU!?!" Said Jas yelling to Bon-Bon & Luca "COME BAC....zomg"and then Jas realised "Come on Takeshi, you go help Luca, I'll go after Bon-Bon!" Jas ran the direction that Bon-Bon was running...

And sudenly two of the black creatures with yellow glowing eyes stoped and looked at Jas "I have been traind for this day"said Jas to herself "Now I can use my skill's on somone other then Takeshi" Jas careged her sword into one of the creatures & killed it "You wanna peice of me?"said Jas to one of the creatures "Do you want to get killed?Oh who cares!"Jas swong her sword right through the head & then leaped over it to get to bon-bon then suddenly,She was gone,out of Twilight Town, like she went through a inviseble portal

Shivering with fright Jas looked around her "were am I,and were are my friends?" Jas started to cry "Oh, what have I done now?!?"said Jas screaming "What have I done to deserve this?!?I just wanna go home to my friends,to my family..." Jas said while sobing.Jas looked around her surrondings, It was dark,the room was small, the room was only lit by one candel glowing as yellow as the creatures back at Twilight Towns eyes "boy,this is frieky"Said Jas rubbing her eyes "I have to get out of here!" She standed up "How in the world did i get here?". "Who are you?!?And what are you doing in my chamber?"said a voice that scared Jas a little bit,the voice sonded misreble "If you have come to kill me, please hurry up the proses"said the voice."Why would I kill an inicont person,well to me you sound inicont..."said Jas as she took a step back getting out her sword "can you show yourself,please?" said Jas,and at that moment a male came foward telling from Takeshi,he was about 14 to 15 "Now are you happy?"asked the male "Now that i have shown myself?" "That dosent make me happy,just makes me know that you can do no harm to me."said Jas as she started looking & touching the walls,hopeing to find a exit "so,im stuck in here forever?Well i don't think so."She had found an exit "Look,ummm, what do i call you?" "Call me...Yob,and what do i call you?" said Yob,"you call me Jas" said Jas "I'm going out this exit,you can come if you want", "YES,an exit out of here.I could of never found that!"said Yob "Anything to get out of here!".

"So,Yob, were do you come from?"Said Jas as they were walking through the exit "I come from Twilight Town"," I come from Twilight Town!"Said Yob"I had friends,Then i went to help my frind one day and found myself here all of a sudden." ,"I have friends too,I wonder what there doing now?" said Jas "I hope Luca,Bon-Bon Takeshi are ok"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
One second Soji was there, and then he was gone. As the boy came charging at him, he disappeared and his cloak ripped in two. The boy kept charging through the two halves of the cloak, nothing but attacking Soji on his mind. Suddenly, once the boy was through, the two halves rejoined and Soji appeared, smiling beneath his hood.

With one swift and stratigic move, Soji applied his two fingers directly into the seventh disk in the boy's vertebrae, perfectly on the boy's center of gravity. The effect of this move would cause an anomily in the boy's movements, effectively causing him to fall. Soji didn't wait to see what happened to the boy. A scream had caught his attention as the girl he had followed ran off. "Damn." He swore.

Soji flipped back the bottom of his cloak to reveal long, black pants. This allowed him to move faster. He charged towards the girl but was interrupted by a swarm of Heartless. He stopped as anger filled his mind. These were the same creatures that had obliterated his home; that had followed his brother.
Soji tossed back his hood and let his long white-blonde hair fall out. Even through the sunglasses, the sun was unusually bright to him due to the lack of seeing it.

Soji stared down at the Heartless with blue, cold eyes. They looked back at him with their blank, yellow eyes. An instant later, those eyes were nothing more than a swirl of black smoke. Then went the pair behind. Soji was killing them almost faster than sight would allow. If a human did look up they would swear that Soji's own bones were flying from his fingertips to assualt his foe.

In all technicalities, they would be seeing the truth. Soji tapped into his Bone Channeling known as Doruko, allowing him to turn his bones into weapons. Soji's face was compossed into a furious growl as he attempted to control the thing inside him. None of his family had ever transformed. It was against the White Demon's law. Considering though, Soji was no longer a White Demon.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Jas? Jas where are you?" Takeshi said when he realized that Jas had disappeared. "Luca! Jas is gone, and so is that Bon-Bon girl!" he yelled to Luca. He looked around and didn't see anything except a flash of silver light and realized that Luca was probably too caught up in battle to hear him. Takeshi rushed in to help his friend, thinking that he would go back and look for Jas afterward.

OOC: i was thinking about having my awakening sometime during the fight.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: I was wondering if we could make Soji's older brother, Kratos, one of the Prime Evils of this game. Kratos is much, much stronger than Soji and he can control the Heartless. Also, in a few RPs I've been in, my character is sometimes killed by Kratos as part of the storyline, while I continue as Kratos. Also, the sword Soji left in the ground is one of the key elements for defeating him. Soji's only weaknesses are the power of the heart and love. (Be warned though, if Soji excepts love, his transformations and abilities will become much stronger.)
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The King Of Bandits
Luca fell to the gorund, watching the being whom he had attacked get away. He looked at takeshi who was now coming towards him to help, he had heard what takeshi had yelled earlier, but been in too much pain to reply, he now lay on the ground rubbing his side and trying to stop the aching all over his body. he held out his hand and pushed a smile looking towards takeshi" ..i'll be fine man..go find Jas and that other girl." Luca quickly spotted black creatures coming up around him. and climbed barely to his feet, his entire arm covered in blood , his shoulder still bleeding, and his body acheing." Lets go find Jas man!" Luca sliced one of the creaturesm cutting it in half and then cut another one behind him. he begin running towards where Jas had been heading too" Takeshi come on man! Pull out your Sword and fight!" Luca swung quickly, cutting down his opponents in front of him and finaly breaking into a run towards where jas had been running.

It was weird, for some reason his body was telling him to press on and find his friend, even though he was injured, and seriously injured at that.There was something inside him telling him to push on and find Jas. So with blood still streaming down his arm and dripping off his wrist, and new blood begining to drip from his forehead, he kept running, tearing through any creatures hat came up in his way and looking for Jas. Finaly, as he looked back to signal takeshi to his where abouts, he stumbled over a rock, and fell into some kind of clear portal. he noticed a new design of scenery around him before he smashed into the ground and finaly blacked out.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi just stood there blankly not even hearing Luca's words. It was like his mind was in another place, and it was. Takeshi was falling into dakness, he fell for what seemed like hours to him and then he stopped. He was stand on what seemed to be the top of a tower, with darkness all around it. He took a step forward and the platform lit up. There were intracatly designed images on it's surface, and one of them oddly enough looked like him, Jas, and Luca. Three tables appeared around him, and he sat down not even looking at them and took the object that he had found earlier out of his pocklet and looked at it. He saw that it was a keychain that had a dice on the end of it.
Then the dark creatures from before showed up. Reaching for his sword, he found that it wasn't there. He looked around and saw a sword laying on one of the tables. He went over and picked it up and then got ready for a fight...


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas & Yob kept moving through the passage Jas had found. At this moment,Jas & Yob still have much to lern about each-other."So,We have been going for HOURS Jas!I think you found a trap,not a exit!" Said Yob "And havent we been past this marking before?","I did the best i could to get out,Yob!If you found the gap,I bet that you would go through it!"Said Jas "How about you give me something to mark were we are?A pen,pencil,cole?Any thing to wright with?" Jas was planing to wright numbers on the walls of the passage to mark were they were."I have keped this bit of rock with me ever since I was at Twilight Town,It's very preshes to me,My only memory of Twilight Town...Please be carefull when you wright with it,Jas" Said Yob "I realy hope & wish that we get out of here soon","You think there would be atleast SOMTHING that somone could use to get out of here,wouldent you?Like,what if somone of there kind fell in here,are they alowd to even get out when they fall in here,or come through a invisibal portal like i did?"Said Jas "Ok,the number '1' will go right here"Jas wrought on the left side wall of the passage a number one "wene we get down about 150 meter's,I will wright a '2'.Hopefully,we will get out of this reatarded place!I cant wait till i get to see Takeshi & Luca again.But something in my mind says that i should stay away from that Bon-bon girl, that she has troble on her hands..."

up to wene they wrought number '7' on a wall...

"Uh-oh"Said Jas "It's the number 1 i wrought!There must be a rock or button to push to open another passage or somth.."Then,right in the middle of Jas talking to Yob,They herd a door or something opening & at that exact second a blast of a very bright light flodded the hole passage way,blinding Jas & Yob "Wh..Whats happening Jas?"asked Yob "I cant see!Hey,Let go of me,HEY, NO!" then the light was gone,Jas looked around to were Yob was "YOB,WERE ARE YOU??"said Jas scaredly,then two hand's grasped Jas around the waist "LET GO OF ME,YOU ***!"said Jas,Trying to grab her sword but the hands were over her sword hilt,traping her sword "HEY,I SAID..." then,everything was black...


New member
Bon-Bon ran, she ran with all her might.
"I'm scared, I'm scared... I don't know what to do!" Those words kept racing though her mind.
But suddenly a voice shouted in her head "THE KEYBLADE... USED THE KEYBLADE!!!"
Bon-Bon stopped and pull out here new weapon, "Keyblade?.....Name.... Frozenheart..... that what came into my head..." Said Bon-Bon as she stare at the key.
"Kupo!Please help me!" Said the Moogle as he ran towards Bon-Bon.
An army af Heartless were charging at Bon-Bon, the Moogle hid behind Bon-Bon.
"I MUST FREEZE MY HEART!" Shouted Bon-Bon as she striked down with her keyblade.
A pure white light erupited from the keyblade, the light slashed though the Heartless army light as if they were paper. After the light disappated there were no Heratless left. There were framents of light falling like snow around Bon-Bon and a cool mist was around her.
"I....GOT TO KEEP IT TOGATHER!!....i can't run away now." Said Bon-Bon as she put away her Frozenheart. The Moogle behind her was very greatful and gave her a Kupo Nut, "My name is Moogi, use this Nut to get into Moogle Village." Said Moggi as he ran away.
Bon-Bon looked back in the deration of were she ran from, "I MUST GO BACK!" she thought.
She ran back to the boys as fast as she can.
But suddenly she fell into a dark hole, the hole closed up behinde her. As she began to flot down into the darkness she could her Jas voice screaming to let go..... "i wan't to help her. Then Jas voice stop... next she could hear Takeshi's heart beat......"this heart its his i know it, i want to help and save my friends".
Suddenly Bon-Bon landed on the ground.... "Why do i always end up in wild places?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around.
"that is because you have the deamon seed on your head" Said a voice out of the darkness
"I know that voice its.....its Gyki!" Said Bon-Bon as she fell to her knees
A male dressed in black and with white her with black hilghts stepped out of the darkness "Bon-Bon, Bon-Bon you know i will chace you till the end of the unavrese" Said Gyki
"Stay away i don't want to go back.... just leave me alone!" Said Bon-Bon.
"I thoght you want to stop running?" Said Gyki as he walked up to Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon was getting ready to put out her Frozenheart until Gyki Kissed her on the cheeck.
"" said Bon-Bon as she began to blush
"If you get tie up with these afers.... that deamon seed might become a problem." Said Gyki as he wisper into Bon-Bon's ear.
Bon-Bon stood up and ran away, "She can't stop running away... i won't let her" Said Gyki as he disapper into the darkness
Bon-Bon ran ferther into the darkness until she saw Jas floting down from above.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself floating in a dark abyss. Blood still stained his clothing, his wounds still open from the battle. If he didn't get help soon he might die. there was nothing holding him back from death but the memory of his last moments with his friends. He just wanted to be with them again. When Luca finaly hit the ground he opened his eyes. the darkness had faded away, and he was laying in a field now. tall grasses stood all around him, standing about 2 feet high and covering him as he lay on the ground. Staring upwards towards the sky he thought he saw a blinking star, but the next minute it was gone. Luca stood up and looked down at his hand. His sword which had been with him only moments ago was gone now, transformed into a key shaped sword. a small inscription lie on the end of the blade. Oathkeeper.

He began to pull himself up off of the hard ground, it seemed cold, almost frozen. When he finaly pulled himself up off the ground and was on his feet once again he glanced around at his surroundings. Nothing was familiar. He didnt recognize a single aspect of anything around him. He was laying in a field, covered with snow. there was field for miles around, nothing else."...I'm..all alone.." His head sunk towards the ground, reality finaly setting in. The chances of seeing his friends again now was slim to none. He kept looking around, looking into the distance hoping to find something that maybe could help him. Suddenly his eyes lite up when he spotted his only sign of hope, a bright light in the distance, A city. He began walking towards the light, hoping he would find his friends...or at least some clue to their whereabouts. Luca just couldn't stop wondering about his friends. were they all ok? would they be fine without him? ...Would they forget him..? He glanced down at the keyblade one more time and smiled. "..I'll find them again, I know i will." There was nothing more he could do at the moment. Just sit and think about them, hoping he would see them all again, And knowing they could survive without him. After all he had not spoke to them all summer, and they were his closest friends. Luca carried his new found weapon on his shoulder, walking towards the light and trying to make out what it was.

When at least Luca finaly stumbled into the beautiful little town, he found himself being welcomed by a small kid about 3 years younger then him. " Hi my name is Stex, and welcome to myssile Village." Luca shook Stex's hand and smiled" I'm .." Before Luca could say anything else Stex completed his sentence"...Luca. I know hwo you are. I read your mind when you first approached me. " Stex pointed to his eyes, being covered by a dark cloth" This village is known for it's very well trained mages, and it's amazing students. It's kind of like a academy/town thing. People Move here when something happens to their child, Usualy when their child goes blind. You will find that most of the children here are blind. Thats becuase this village takes them in after they first become handicapped and begins to teach them the ways of the Forez, The way of the blind ninja." Luca was astonished that something like this actualy existed." Come on" Stex continued" I'll show you the whole town."


New member
"What's going on?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked out in to the darkness.
Jas, Takeshi and Luca were lying on the ground in front of her.
"They're all... sleeping"Said Bon-Bon as she walked around the ciurcal they form.
Bon-Bon noticed something, Luca had a keyblade in his hand and other keyblades were slowly forming in Jas and Takeshi's hands....
"In there hand... the weapon they have is sorta like mine?" Said Bon-Bon.
"Deamon Seed 10%" Said Bon-Bon as the jewl on her head began to glow.
She placed her hand on each of there heads and closed her eyes ".....they're dreaming.." Said Bon-Bon as she slowly got up, "is this how they got there weapons.... but how did i got mine... it just appered in my hand...... is it because i am a vistor in this world." Said Bon-Bon as she sat down.
"I souldn't be saying this out loud... they might haer me..... but i can't stop myself" Thought Bon-Bon.
"Is it because i'm an AF demon or a half breed.... why?" Whispered Bon-Bon as she held her keyblade up.
"Frozenheart, can you tell me?" Asked Bon-Bon to her keyblade.
Suddenly Bon-Bon began to sink into the darkness, she shouted and screamed as she was slowly sucked into the darkness, Bon-Bon blacked out.
Bon-Bon woked up to find herself back on the beach, but Jas, Takeshi and Luca was no where to be found. "What was that place?" She said to herself while looking out onto the Sea.
"I have to find my new friend" Said Bon-Bon with determanation. Bon-Bon quickly ran back into Twilight town hopeing to find her freinds but behind her some Heartless fallow.

Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
The cops rushed abruptly." What the ****," said Heero. " Your under arest for massacre of Unit 7-B." The head cop grabbing Heero's arm nearly beraking it. Quickly grabbing his short Karayan knife Heero slashed off the cop's head."Get him," said the cop without even having the slightest remorse for the captain. Heero now having the most sinaccle grin on his face pulled out his broad sword. " Let me make a bloody horrowshow out of these veck," quoted Heero. "shut the hell up." At that very moment not even realizing Heero killed all the bloody cops. "Don't I know you," said the cop . "Your Father was Jin Relana?" "Yes?" Hehhe. "You Son of a *****," said Heero with a sedestic look on his horrorshow of a face. It was then Heero pulled out his father's Britva and then Heero's vendetta was almost finished. Then Heero pulled out a cancer and started smoking.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji calmly sat down and waited. The girl he had been following had left, but before that she unlocked part of her heart. This pleased Soji greatly. The girl was unlocking her potential. He had known he was following the right one. Bon-Bon, eh? Interresting. And she knows something of RPGirl? Even more interresting. It appears that I've found myself a rare jewel. I must hold on to it with my might. It will return to me with time.

Soji closed his eyes and made the crow symbol with his hands. Instantly, his mind was gone from his body and inside that of the sky. He looked down on Bon-Bon. Sure enough, the girl was returning to his location at a run. Perhaps she wasn't looking for him, but she would find him. It appeared his first impression with the others didn't go off well, but they survived the encounter. And Soji had managed to place the key in the ground. The enchantment on that sword would make the bearer emmensly strong. Still though, Soji could not feel its power. He had rejected his heart and all its emotions long ago. A cold shell is what he made himself and it became his lifestyle.

Soji released the crow formation and stood up. Bon-Bon was approaching. It didn't appear that she had seen him yet, nor the heartless following her. Soji ran at her at a speed much greater than hers. Soji's max speed based on his scanning scale was 980. So, in short, Soji could long leave the visible realm if he wished to injure himself. Instead, Soji rushed at Bon-Bon with an amazing force. Just before hitting her he vanished in the same way he vanished against Luca. A second later, he was inside the swarm of Heartless. Long collums of his bone jetted out from his palms, creating deadly looking blades. Soji slashed through many Heartless before he began to spin. His spinning increased rapidly to an amazing level of force. He spread out his arms as the Heartless were drawn into their doom. A mere minute later, every Heartless had been wiped out by Soji's twister technique. It may have been a bit essentric but it worked.

Soji retracted the blades back into his body and walked up to Bon-Bon, removing his sunglasses for the first time. He stared at her with his bright blue eyes before extending his hand. "My name is Soji Tsuwano. I know what you are. Don't worry; half of you is not alone."
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
(I just want to remined everyone that Jas is a girl!)

Suddenly,Jas's eye opend "Were am I?"Jas sat up & saw her friends laying there,sleeping..."Takeshi!?Luca!?How did they get here?"Jas yelled to herself"What are they doing here?What am I doing here?And were's that boy,Yob,gone?".Jas saw the 'keys' in her hands "What the **** are these?And whats in Lucas hand?And whats forming in Takeshi hand?Whats hapening?I know i'v allway's wanted to go on an edventure with Takeshi & Luca,But not ending up like this!"Suddenly,a big group of heartless,about 20 or 25,came into the room "Wake up Takeshi & Luca!Wake up!"Takeshi & Luca aventuly woke up and started fighting the heartless with Jas "Don't ask me were we are Guys!I have no idea!"said Jas to Takeshi & Luca "boy,holding these things up in the air is hard,My old,I MEAN, my sword is lighter then these!"All of a sudden,Jas got sucked into a black spot on the ground "HELP!I don't want to go to anouther place and leave you gu...." And then,She disepired into the black spot on the ground,and was gone.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi slashed through the dark form that were all around him, but they kept just reappearing. Soon the darkness was on top of him, he could feel the pull of it pulling him into the nothingness.
After a long time of falling, he saw a light below him. It rose to him and he saw that it was the keychain that he had found eariler. He caught it and it instantly turned into a weapon with a key like end. "Azura" he said "how do i know that name?" He pulled himself out of the darkness and found himself back on the beach.

OOC this is Azura
disregard the name on top.

Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
"Bloody Vesch," our naive friend qouted. "Well guess the military will be after me now." As a great man once quoted " If I die today so be it, If the world ends let it rain blood and tears. I shall face it with a horrorshow of a laugh." Damn I rembered I will now have fresh competition since some Keybladers are becoming military dogs. "Let it be." Maybe I should ask Takeshi what to do. I heard well with my telekinetic abilities Takeshi is also a keyblader.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Careful IBeatSephiroth. What you just did there is known as powerplaying and it is usually illegal in most RPs. It's not up to me to inforce this rule since it's Roxasfan's RP, but controlling other players like that is shaky ground. (At least she wasn't controlling what you were saying and such.)


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC:Sorry,I won't do it again.

Jas was falling through darkness,she tryed to grab hold of something to stop her from falling to far "huh?were is this place?"asked Jas to herself calmly,not that,to her,anything could get worse "Why am i falling?Why am i so calm?Why cant i stop being so calm?Takeshi,Luca,Why arent they here?Why am I here?Why do I feel like I have no terror in me,Why arent I scared?Why am i asking so many questions?*A familyar,young voive*"This place,You don't want to know.You are falling because there is no other way to get down in here.You are so calm because I cast a spell on you.who is Takeshi and Luca?Your here because I want you here.You don't have terror in you because I have cast a spell for that to and you are asking SO many questions because you want to have ansews,The thing is..." Jas suddenly hit some ground very hard and harshley."How fast was i falling"thought Jas. "Ok,You ansew questions,then?Well,How about this!Who are you?!?"She yelled "Who are you,AND,What am i doing HERE?!"

"Why should I tell you?"Said the voice "Why should I tell you,Jas?"
"How do you know my name?!?"Yelled Jas "You have a familyar voice!".Then all over 3 seconds,A boy about 14 to 15 came down "Hello,Jas!"Said the boy,Yob."YOB?!"asked Jas stunded "What happend to you?What did they do to you?"she asked."They have succed me into darkness,as simple as that!Now,you will have another spell cast on you,A one were you will forget all your friends,a one were you will forget everything about you,a one were you will also be suced into darkness and will have a new name,Jasixio!"eviley yelled the boy Yob "You will be the new leader of all the heartless!".Jas obviesly dident agree with that,and got very anoid with the boy "You know,That name is interesting...But i say no to it,and your plan!"Said Jas,as she went to stab the boy.Yob dodjed and went back into darkness..."That was weird,hopefully I can get out of here soon.Ok,dumb-dee bumb-dee do"Then she got sucked into a portal sort thing in the ground,this time,she dident yell or scream,she just let it take her.

The next thing she new,she was back in Twilight Town."HOME!?!OH MY GOD,I'M HOME!THROUGH ALL THAT MESS AND I'M HOME!!"she wasent happy though,she couldent find her friends and Heartless romed everywere"This isent what i expected...LET'S DO THIS THING!!"She got out her keyblade's and started swinging them everywere,trying to kill at least 100 of the heartless the heartless.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's ears stiffened with the arrival of a new life. One with a heart to weild the Keyblade. This human wasn't who he was searching for, but she could also be of use. She was also one of the ones who hadn't seen Soji other than a brutal machine. Maybe it was time to correct this impression. Soji focused his eyes on Bon-Bon again. "I am sorry half-demon. I must go investigate another human. Wait here. I will try to reunite your friends."

And then Soji was gone. Only a two white feathers fell from where he had been. A second later, he appeared in front of Jas with a loud crack. Apparently, the girl wasa fighting the Heartless. Soji closed his eyes and muttered, "Doruko: Bone Needle Rain."

Soon, Soji's entire body was covered with needles that were itching to get out of his skin. Soji opened his eyes and the needles flew out in all directions but Jas's. Every Heartless in the wake of a needle was destroyed and the needles still kept going. Just outside the ring of the Heartless, with every Heartless destroyed, the needles fell to the ground, motionless. That's when Soji heard the icy voice of his old friend. "My, my. Soji, I didn't expect to see you of all people here. And stopping my Heartless too? That was a mistake friend. You know I must eliminate you."

Soji turned his head to the cruel tones. There stood an old friend of his, Sephiroth. He hardly looked much different than Soji remembered him, though, there was a look in Sephiroth's eyes that Soji didn't much like. It appeared that this was a different Sephiroth. Same body, same mind, different person. Soji growled at his old friend, "Sephiroth, you fool! How far did you tamper into the darkness? If it is your mission to destroy me, then it must be mine to destroy you!"

Soji extended two long blades of bone from his palms and charged at Sephiroth. Soji's eyes dialated red as Sephiroth, too, began to join the fight.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Huh?"Jas was looking around her,all the heartless were dead..but how?Jas look'd in the direction of Soji "Who is he?And who's the dude he's fighting?"said Jas to herself "they both look weird,They both look like enemy's,but i won't get in the fight because,by the look's of things,there enemey's trying to kill each other.hmm,I wonder why...?"Jas looked around her,steping over the heartless,she walked slowley to the sea."I wonder what's out there,In that BIG world?Can I, one-day leave Twilight town and go to be one of the worlds hero's,saving the world,being as strong as that man over there?"Said Jas as she started to walk away from the sea,not taking any notice of anything but were she steped,making sure she dident go into any more portals.Little di she know that a swam of heartless were following her...