Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas had an angry look on her face. She was sitting on a chair with her arms and legs crossed. She was mumbling all diferent kinds of things. Suddly Jas was picked up by a hand, it was a sort of ghost spirt thing! Jas screamed, then tried to hit it. She still didnt know who it was. "Let go of me!" she said, still trying to hit the thing.

Eventully, it took her into a far away place from the ship and castle. The thing put her on the ground. "So.. Why did you kill me? I only wanted to be with you.." said the voice. Jas was tied to a tree, trying to get off. "I killed you because... because..." said Jas in reply. The thing put it's hand on its head and sighed. "So you killed me for nothing then, Jas?" asked the thing. Jas looked at her feet, then at the thing. "Whatever you do, I won't leave Takeshi for you, Rio!" yelled Jas, looking at the figur of now known Rio. "Okay, Jas! We'll fight to see what happens! If I lose you get to wlk away, Takeshi stays with you for however long you want.. but if you lose, I get to have you and Takeshi dies!" said Rio's ghost figure thing with an evil grin and turning into solid to fight. Jas sighed. "Okay.." she said, her head down. Suddnly the ropes broke and Jas was about to hit the ground when a weird Fabric caut her. "Lets fight!" said Rio, pulling out a very long sword. Jas saw how sharp and long it was and backed away a bit. Rio put shields around the fighting aria. Jas clicked her fingers and her keyblades were now in her hands. She combined them to make them stronger.

Jas jumped at Rio and Rio jumped at Jas. They were hitting there wepons together with efort. They rised higher and into the air. The were still banging there wepons together when Jas let her go of her keyblade because her hand was acing. "NO!" yelled Jas, she jumped to the ground and rolled, reaching for the keyblade. then she felf a sudden pain in her back, she looked down to her somic and saw somthing shining with silver and red dripping down it. Jas not long after that had blood coming from her mouth and from her nose. Jas fell to the ground face first, her head hitting the handle of the keyblade, leaving a cut in her cheak. Rio walked over and pulled his sword out of Jas. "Don't mess with the best!" taunted Rio. Jas put her hand out and said wit blood drizling out of her mouth. "The fight isent over untill i'v given up..". Rio looked at her with a mocking face. Rio sighed. Suddenly, Jas jumped up, her keyblade in her hand with blood on the handle. Jas swang her arm at Rio, only to collaps shortly after. She had now lost four cups of blood from her body, the blood still coming out of her mouth, nose and stomic. "i-i lo-ve y-ou- T-ake-shi.." she said with the last of her breth, the Jas got the strenth and put her hand in her pocket. By now, Rio was running towards the ship to kill Takeshi. Jas grabed the potion from her pocket and drank it. She suddenly felt heaps better and ran to the ship to protect Takeshi. "Your not getting me or him!" she yelled out of nowwere.


New member
Bon-Bon and Stich had come down and told Moris what happen, "Hmm, so there are others." Said Maries as she looked up at Bon-Bon.
"Yes, we just came here to rest." Said Bon-Bon as she looked around.
"Well, I'm afresd you can't rest here. The Master will be foursie to see poeple here." Said Mories to Bon-Bon.
"But my friends really need to rest...... Let me talk to your master." Said Bon-Bon as she stood up.
"WHAT?! Oh no, no, no. The master will..." Said Mories before an idea popped into his head.

"Well, Maybe. Just stay here I'll get him." Said Mories as she exited the room.
"Ohana, sure for this." Grunted Stich as she looked at Bon-Bon.
"I'm not even sure my self." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Stich.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was running as fast as her legs could carry her. She was doging tree's, bushes and plants. "Gotta get to the ship!" she said, jumping over a little bush. Then she spotted somthing going through the forest aswell.. it was Rio's ghost, and he was about ten meters away. He looked more behind Jas then infrount of her. Jas then saw the ship, she jumped over another bush, but she got caught on it. "C'mon.. c'mon.." she said, pulling her foot out and running towards the ship once more.

Jas came to the ship and ran inside. She ran to the sick bay, then ran to Takeshi. "I have to keep you safe from Rio.." she said, bringing out her keyblade and dividing it into two again. ".. So i'll fight" she said, then Jas herd Rio walking into the sick bay. Jas looked around and saw him. He had his long sword in hand
and he was solid. "I'v come to do my job.." he said, bringing his sword up ubove his head, then he made it into a ghost sword. He spen the sword around, it wasnt breaking anything. Then he put in through Takeshi, not hurting him. Jas sneaked around behind Rio, hiding and wondering why he didnt see her. Rio was about to make the sword also solid while it was in Takeshi, but Jas jumped out of her hiding spot and put her arms out with keyblades in hand, then she clamed them together on Rio's ribs, hearing snaping and breaking noises, then the keyblades formed together once more, hiting Rio in the heart. "Don't mess with my friends or you'll get your a** kicked" said Jas, pulling her keyblade out of Rio, and pushing him to the ground.

Jas looked at her keyblade, then unformed them. She saw the blood on them. "Eww, gross!" she complaind, using her water powers to clean them off.
Jas lent down and searched Rio's pockets. She found a potion. "Conveniant?" she asked Takeshi, giving him the potion.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas sighed. "He still dosent know about Rio?" she asked herself. Then she looked at Rio fading away into the air. First his sword, then his legs, then his body then his head.. then he was gone like he wasnt ever actully there. Jas started to feel sorry for him.. He was just a normal fourteen year old that saved me one day.. he was inecent.. we were actully starting to be good friends.. then.. the kiss.. that changed everything.. he went evil and tryed to get me..

Jas looked at Takeshi. "Sleep is what I need also.. but I can't sleep! Not knowing if Bon's safe or not and what just happend! How can I sleep?" she complained. Jas walked over to Takeshi and kissed him on the cheak. "We were normal kids one day.. and that day is long gone.." she said, turning and walking out of the sick bay, down the hall and out the ship.

Jas was walking, not realy giving a care in the world were or what she was heading for.. She was just.. walking. Then, suddnly, a flash went through Jas's mind. "Another image.." she said. While she was walking, she had been seeing flashes of people and Heartless going through her mind, yet she didn't care for that, either. "People.. people I don't know and do know are flashing through my mind.. but I don't care.. they can't hert me..." she said, still walking around a world she had never been to. Suddenly, another flash came through her mind, a flash that she had already seen.. a flash.. of somthing she hated more than anything.. then it flashed again, but it didnt leave straigt away, it stayed longr then left. Then it went again. then again, the next time, it stayed. Jas saw it.. it was.. it was an image of.. Soji..? Then Jas rememberd, the image still there in her mind. She hated the person that destroid Twilight Town.. but.. then the image started to change.. it changed into a person she knew most of her life..Takeshi..
Jas's eyes then turned red, then her clothes changed, then her hair went pure black.. she was going evil..


New member
Bon-Bon was pacing the floor as Stich was watching her. Then she hard big foot steps coming down the stairs, Bon-Bon and Stich paniced and hid behind a couch like chiar in the room.

Mories entered the room along with this huge hulking beat, but it's eyes seem sorta sad. "What do you have to show me, I only see darkness." Growled the beast.
"Y-yes sir, um, if we can have some light." Said Mories as he looked around for Bon-Bon.

The fire place behind Bon-Bon suddenly came on, which caused Bon-Bon to jump up. The Beast glared at Bon-Bon, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!??" Roared the beast.
Bon-Bon didn't flinched or show no sighs of fear, Real cool, man.
"Um, S-sir. Me and my friends. Have landed on this world to rest...Is it okay if we rest here?" Asked Bon-Bon as she kness saked.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi woke up again and got out of bed, then headed for his room so he could get something out of his stash that he had gotten from Bon-bon's gramp's hotel. He got a bag of chips, then stepped back out of his room and started walking to the star room. He was almost there when he saw Jas standing in the hallway a little ways down.
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New member
"Look, I will not have a gourp of kids running around my castle." Said The beast as he turn his back.
"Look, if your so bent on not trying to be a beast then stop acting like it!" Yelled Bon-Bon with her hands on her hips.

"What..did...she...say.." Said the besat as he began to grlow with anger.
Stich and Mories were standing in a corner trying not to get in the way.
"Look, what if I strike a barken with you." Said Bon-Bon trying to hurry the convertion.
"Bargin?....what do ypu have to offer to me." Said The beast as he turn to Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon looked down trying to think, "Look, my friends are important to me. And I don't think I have that much to offer........ME, I offer me!" Said Bon-Bon as she glared at the beast.

"Ha, you!" Chuggled the beast as he looked away from Bon-Bon.
"I'm a voice of the element and I can sing for you. I can be your little nightegale." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down out of sham.
"Ohana." Granted Stich with worry.
"Fine they can stay, but you AND ONLY YOU are aloud to go into the west wing." Said the Beast as he left the room.

Bon-Bon looked over to Stich, "Stich go tell the others that I found a place to stay." Said Bon-Bon as she glanced over to Mories.
Stich left the castle and headed for the ship.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Umm, Jas wasent colapsed on the ground.. she was walking around outside the ship. She then turned evil.

Jas was looking at herself. "Whats this? I'm turning evil?" she said. Jas felt her hair, it was long, yet had spikes. It was also pure black. She looked at her arms. She was wearing a black and purple singlet that had been riped. She saw that she had also had a mini skirt with shorts under that was also black. She had big black boot's that went up to her knees. Then, suddenly a trench coat went on her. "Nice clothes.." she said with an evil tone. Jas pulled the hood of the trench coat on and ziped up the trench coat. She now suddenly had the erge to kill the boy that she now hated more that anything. The boy named Takeshi..

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: sorry, i was stll kinda asleep when i posted that. I'll edit it.

Takeshi ran up to Jas and hugged her tightly. He then noticed her clothes were different than they were when he saw her from down the hallway.

"What the h***? How'd you change your clothes so quickly? But they are pretty cool." He said


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas turned around to him. Her eyes deep red. "Hello.. Takeshi.." she said, putting her hands out and a black keyblade went in one hand, a red in the other. She stood up straight. "Thank's for the complement.. they are.. nice for an evil girl.. arn't they?" she said, putting her keyblades in the air and letting them float. A purple ball of energy was generating from them. Jas let her arms flop to her sides. "I suddenly have the erge to kill you.." she said, jumping in the air and grabing the keyblades. She closed her eye's and hit the purple ball of energy at Takeshi. It was about a meter tall and a meter wide. "Jas opend her eye's once more, staring eviley at Takeshi then charging at him, keyblades in frount of her.


New member
Stich arrived at the ship just in time to see Jas charge at Takeshi. Stich tackled Takeshi to dodge Jas attack. "Tackeshi, Jas diffrent!" Granted Stich as he look at Takeshi.

Bon-Bon was in the beast chamber, "Since you're my liitle nightengale, I only want you to sing when I say. So that means no talking at all." Said The Beast as he looked at Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon just gave him a glare.
"Looks, like your keeping your pormise now, huh." Said The beast in a chukle.
Bon-Bon sighed and left the room.
I wonder if Stich got them yet.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"What the H***?!?!? What happened to you?!" Takeshi said as the ball of energy flew past him. He pushed Stitch off him and stood back up. Reluctantly, he summond Azure and got ready for a fight.

"I don't want to do it, but I'll kill you if I have to!" He said to Jas.

Once again his body started to turn black, only this time it was much faster. In less than three seconds it had completely covered his body. His eyes turned crimson, and his keyblade shattered into four. Two joined with eachother, and the other two did the same. A dark aura encircled him, and his keyblades shot up into the air about two feet above his haed.

"Look Jas, no hands!" He said as his keyblades hacked away at Jas.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji faced his demonic brother. He could see a hint of fear in Kratos's eyes. This new form of Soji's was unknown to Kratos. In reality, Kratos could never achieve the form Soji was in now. When he erased Soji's world from existance, he also erased a fragment of his heart. This particular fragment allowed for love to form. Without it, the Pure Form could never be achieved and neither could the White Henji. Kratos would never be able to match Soji because of it. Despite the fact that Soji's heart was full of hate, he could still love which allowed him to open this form. Kratos was left with only his Primary Form. Still, Soji was drained from his fight against the other three Prime Evils, leaving him at a disadvantage.

Kratos spread his huge wings, his dark aura rippling around him. Soji followed him, spreading his four someone larger wings. His own white aura crashed into Kratos's. A rainbow of sparks rippled off of it and the ground around it exploded. At the same time, Soji and Kratos lept into the air. Underneath them, the world split in half and huge waves of light and dark energy warped in all directions. Below them, the halves of the world continue to break apart as the corrosive energy shatters it slowly. It's a good thing Bon-Bon wasn't down there... This could be dangerous...

In actual time, a Henji Battle would only take a matter of seconds to complete. This is because it is so fast. A secondary form user can go at least three times the speed of light as his base speed. This particular fight took only eight seconds to complete and the fighters were impossible to see, leaving only the remants of their attacks behind them. I will try to dictate what happened properly and accurately, though the essence of this fight still remains a great mystery as it resulted in the destruction of five worlds and the victor still does not disclose its exact events. This is how it went:

The two moved in on each other with great speed, their auras pushing wildly against them. In the end, the darker aura won out and they were both forced into a small world closeby. The world instantly shattered from existance. Soji knew instantly that he was outmatched. His was too far gone from his fight and Kratos saw this instantly. Two, huge energy-like waves sliced through Soji's aura, leaving huge gashes in his chest and part of his face. He looked up at Kratos, knowing this was a fatal attack. His chest was wide open, his rib cage and heart split.

No... I have to live... For Bon-Bon...


New member
Bon-Bon was walking though the grand hallway when she heard what seem to be Soji's voice ecoing though her head. Bon-Bon quickly Pulled out his heart that Soji gave her, The Energy I usely feel from it it seems can't mea!

Bon-Bon fell to her kness holding Soji's heart close to her heart.
"Soji, don't die!" Said Bon-Bon as she held the stone close.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked down as the wound gushed blood. For a moment, he could feel a connection. He was with Bon-Bon for maybe a fraction of a second. Something had changed though. The wound had started to heal rapidly, the spilled blood flowing back into his body. In amazement he felt a huge rush of energy. Suddenly, his feathered wings vanished to be replaced by six huge purple wings that seemed to be made of pure energy.

Violet energy began to form around him, taking on a flame formation. It must have been very hot. Still purplexed, he watched more purple energy formed in front of him, taking on the formation of chains that seemed very close to the ones he had worn on his arms. He had no idea what was going on, but he thought it was something good for him. His brother had only time to ask, "Violet eyes...?" And then Soji was gone.

His powerful energy erased several worlds as he passed them, rushing at Kratos. He didn't have time to count how many. It felt like three had collapsed in on themselves. Kratos reacted in slow motion. This was very surprising for Soji. Kratos should have been moving at least fifty times the speed of light. What was going on? How could he be going this fast?

Nevertheless, Kratos only managed to move to the side a mere second before Soji flew past where he had been. Soji almost laughed when his own violet aura seemed to eat up Kratos's dark aura. Obviously, something had happened to him. He had never heard of such a thing before. Almost instantly, he was behind Kratos, his chains wrapped around him. For maybe a second, Soji thought he saw sorrow and fear in Kratos's eyes. Then, Kratos was nothing more than fragments as Soji's violet chains tore him apart.

Almost instantly, everything returned to a normal speed. This was because Soji's strange new form was gone. He had been reverted to four white wings, with a simple white aura. There were no chains except for the ones on his wrists. He was in despirate need of some place to rest. Whatever he had just used, had drained him dramatically. Not too far away, there was a world. It appeared to have a castle on it. Not bothering to check if it was friendly, Soji set off for it, before his white aura should vanish and he be left in the vaccum of space unprotected.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was geting hit by Takeshi's keyblades for a while, the she started blocking them with her keyblades. Jas put her hands in the air and her keyblades went with her hands. The keyblades suddenly turned into five times there original size. Jas saw a dark aura go around Takeshi, then she knew that hiting him would probebly be no use, so she then changed what she was doing. She also put a dark aura on herself. "How will we do this?" asked Jas, charging at Takeshi and making her keyblades five times there size once more. She was bashing at Takeshi's aura with all her strenth. She suddenly backed off from Takeshi and colapsed on the ground. She was blacked out from there on. Her aura left her and her keyblades also. Then, her heart started to stop beating..

OOC: Jas in her evil form:
Evil clothes> stuff/EvilJass_0002.jpg
Trench coat> stuff/EvilJass_0001.jpg

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi's regular self was still watching, from deep inside. He tried many times to take his body back over during the fight, but failed everytime. Then, as he saw Jas collapse onto the floor, he finally overcame the darkside.

His skin changed back to normal, and his eyes changed back to green. Azure morphed back to it's original form. He ran over to Jas and knelt down beside her, grabbing her into his arms.

"Are you alright?" he asked.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Jas is going through her mind in this post.

Jas was in darkness.. all around her was darkness. She Then saw light, it was only small, yet she could see it. "What is this place?" she asked herself. Jas got of the ground and focused on the light once more. "L-light.." she stutered. She started to walk towards the light, then a voice started talking to her. "Jas! You have to reach the light! Don't let the darkness overtake you! Don't let it overtake you like it over took me! Please, your my-" then the voice cut of. It was an older voice then Sajine, and younger then her mother. "Who was that?" asked Jas, taking the advise and breaking into a run towards the light. She was geting closer, closer. "Yes!" said Jas as her hand toched the light, but then Jas got pulled back again, by somthing very strong. She souldent move her arms or her legs. She couldent move any of her body. Jas closed her eyes, then opened them again to see a huge monster. It was holding her with it's hands. Jas saw the huge heartless simbol she had seen on all heartless on it's stomic. "H-hel-p me.. sombody.." Said Jas, strugeling for breath as the huge heartless cluched her tighter.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked down on the world and smiled. He had been here before. The Beast and him had a lot in common, even if they hardly ever got along. The Beast had never liked Soji's more merciful ways. Still, Soji was deathly tired and badly injured. He dove down quickly, his white aura protecting him from the friction. This didn't stop all of the heat though. Along his arms, the bandages covering his skin melted away, revealing a blindingly bright light. Blue shapes could be seen inside the light, moving around quickly.

Soji gripped his arms. He didn't have enough energy to replace the bandages and if he didn't close it up soon, his soul could escape from his body. Seeing a ship below him as he approached, he regonized it as the SSS. Wincing slightly, he released his Pure Form, returning back to a normal humanoid form. Of course, this meant no wings so he suddenly fell from the sky in a painful way. His back crashed into the hull of the SSS and then flopped him off, facefirst into the dirt.