Luca sat in front of the map in the control room, staring at it as if somehow he would find his answer." come on dammit... where would he go?" he had almost fallen asleep a few times, cuasing the lights to flicker again everytime he shut his eyes for an extended period of time. All the worlds were begining to look the same. There wasn't one that stood out among the others. Zabec sat on the outerrim of the map, farthest from any other world then any of the rest. It was as if it was getting farther from the others everyday. His back against the hard metal of the chair, the cold air radiating from the vent above his head. A shiver went down his spine, cuasing him to look around for a blanket for a moment." Oh yeah" he whispered" control room.. Of course there is no blanket here" glaring down at the controls for the heating and air, he noticed it was on one of the hottest settings they had, yet still it was putting out cold air." Dam ship.. It's falling to pieces if you ask me, but at least it gets us around." Looking back to the navigation map, he yawned, begining to stare at it again, his eyes examining every little detail of every world.
As his eyes slowly started to drift shut he could feel the inevitable coming. Grabbing his keyblade, he placed it on his hand, cutting it wide open. his eyes shot open, trying to constrain the scream he wished to let out. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a roll of medical tape which he had been keeping incase he had to wrap one of his burns again. Slowly he cleaned his wound, and wrapped it. He was wide awake now. he brought his eyes back to the navigation bored, wide open now. He began once again examining the navigation screen and sighed".. Come on.... where are you..?
As his eyes slowly started to drift shut he could feel the inevitable coming. Grabbing his keyblade, he placed it on his hand, cutting it wide open. his eyes shot open, trying to constrain the scream he wished to let out. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a roll of medical tape which he had been keeping incase he had to wrap one of his burns again. Slowly he cleaned his wound, and wrapped it. He was wide awake now. he brought his eyes back to the navigation bored, wide open now. He began once again examining the navigation screen and sighed".. Come on.... where are you..?