Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


The King Of Bandits
Luca sat in front of the map in the control room, staring at it as if somehow he would find his answer." come on dammit... where would he go?" he had almost fallen asleep a few times, cuasing the lights to flicker again everytime he shut his eyes for an extended period of time. All the worlds were begining to look the same. There wasn't one that stood out among the others. Zabec sat on the outerrim of the map, farthest from any other world then any of the rest. It was as if it was getting farther from the others everyday. His back against the hard metal of the chair, the cold air radiating from the vent above his head. A shiver went down his spine, cuasing him to look around for a blanket for a moment." Oh yeah" he whispered" control room.. Of course there is no blanket here" glaring down at the controls for the heating and air, he noticed it was on one of the hottest settings they had, yet still it was putting out cold air." Dam ship.. It's falling to pieces if you ask me, but at least it gets us around." Looking back to the navigation map, he yawned, begining to stare at it again, his eyes examining every little detail of every world.

As his eyes slowly started to drift shut he could feel the inevitable coming. Grabbing his keyblade, he placed it on his hand, cutting it wide open. his eyes shot open, trying to constrain the scream he wished to let out. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a roll of medical tape which he had been keeping incase he had to wrap one of his burns again. Slowly he cleaned his wound, and wrapped it. He was wide awake now. he brought his eyes back to the navigation bored, wide open now. He began once again examining the navigation screen and sighed".. Come on.... where are you..?


New member
Bon-Bon was trying to sing but her lips were moving and no sound ame out. Bon-Bon looked down out of saddness. Bon-Bon just shoock her head and held the crystile tight.
"H-Heaven..bliss..the earth.." Sang Bon-Bon. the crystile started to glow but it went dim.
"Almost" Whisppered Bon-Bon to her self.

Bon-Bon looked up to see Soji fighting with his borther, Bon-Bon closed her eyes and began to sing. The crystile glow with a bright light. The more Bon-Bon sang the more powerful her voice sound. The Crystile's light began to shine brighter and brighter.
Bon-Bon kept her eyes closed and kept singing, the crystile begaon to formed into something, it was Soji's heart. Bon-Bon stopped and Soji's new heart fell into her hand gently.

"I did it, I revivied a heart." Said Bon-Bon as she held the gem close to her heart. I love him!


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Hello" she said to Takeshi with a smile. "Do you know why you fainted?" she asked, the smile going away and turning into a confused look. Jas shook her head. "Y'know.. never mind" she told him, turning around and grabing the other stick in her hand, breaking it open and puting it under Bon-Bon's nose, not sure if it would work. C'mon Bon, wake up..

Jas waited and saw that Bon-Bon wasent waking up. "It was worth a try.." she said, shruging and turning to Takeshi. "Hmm, i'll try again" she said, putting it back under Bon-Bon's nose.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"I gotta stop passing out for no reason. It's getting kinda annoying." Takeshi said. He took a deep breath and looked down at the bed. He stood up and walked over to Jas and put his arm around her.

Then he looked down at it...

It was jet black from his fingers all the way up to a little short of his elbow. He looked back up and then back down at it, just to make sure he was still seeing properly. He was. He looked back up and at Bon-bon.

"You better get her up quick, cause I think that Somethings wron woth my mana." He said to Jas.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"She's not waking up.." Jas said with caution. She looked at Takeshi's arm around her then noticed that it was black from his fingers to about his elbow. "What the- What happend to your ar- oh.. the mana!" she said, trying to wake Bon-Bon up once more. "Wake up Bon!" she said, lifting up Bon-Bon's arm of the bed then droping it on the bed again. Wake up, Bon!


New member
ooc: Bye Dara-kun and I'll wait

Bon-Bon couldn't keep it togather so her body fanited away along with Soji's heart still in her hand. Bon-Bon woke up in one of the sick bay's bed. "EW, what's that smell!." Said Bon-Bon as she fell out of bed.
Bon-Bon's body ach all over, her hair has changed back to its normal color of purple and her eyes changed back to its pink color. "Ow, what happen while I was out?" Said Bon-Bon as she sit up.
Bon-Bon look down at her hand and she still had Soji's stone in her hand and also that crystile.
Bon-Bon sighed.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Bon! Look! Takeshi's got this stupid darkness taking over him!" Jas said to Bon-Bon in hurry, grabing Takeshi's arm and puting it near Bon-Bon. "How do we stop it?" she asked. Jas then looked at Takeshi and hugged him tightley. I don't wanna lose him to the darkness!
Jas kissed Takeshi on the cheak. "I love you.." she said to him.


New member
Bon-Bon vison was getting blurry, "Well, I can always use Vamp Kiss." Said Bon-Bon as she rubbed her eyes.
"It will take away some of the dark mana and put it in my body." Said Bon-Bon as she put the objects she held into her pokect.
"The Dark Mana will hurt me greatly, but I'll do anything for my friends." Said Bon-Bon as she shook her head trying to keep it togather.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at Takeshi, then Bon-Bon. "Okay.. just.. don't kill yourself.." said Jas, taking a step back from Takeshi and letting Bon-Bon have space to do the spell. Jas cluched her hands together and saw the dark mana starting to go up Takeshi's arm once more. Jas bit her lip. She looked at her feet then at Takeshi. "..Don't you die eather" she said, reaching out her hand and grabing Takeshi's hand.


New member
Bon-Bon looked over at Jas, "Please don't get any ideas about this." Said Bon-Bon as she grabed Takeshi and pulled his face closer to hers. "Vamp Kiss." Said Bon-Bon as she kissed Takeshi on the lips. Bon-Bon's demon seed began to glow in a dark arura.

The was a wave of pain that hit Bon-Bon's body but she still kept her grip on Takeshi. Bon-Bon could feel the Dark Mana entering her body. But soon the arua around her demon seed began to fade and her pain was begining to go away.
What going the dark mana flow is being redireted to some thing else...

Bon-Bon stopped the kiss and stood up with Takeshi in her arms, she placed Takeshi on the bed next to her. "He should be okay he just need some rest." Said Bon-Bon as she sat on another bed. It felt like it was Soji's heart that took it away..... even when he's not here he's still portecting me...
Bon-Bon sighed and smiled alittle, Stich walked in and saw Bon-Bon up, "Ohana!" Yelled Stich as he jumpped into Bon-Bon lap. "Aw, Stich I missed you too." Said Bon-Bon as sjhe pet Stich.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at Takeshi on the bed. "I thought you would be the one needing rest" she said, turning to Bon-Bon with a smile. "Strange how thing's work.. isnt it? Like, your spells and stuff..". Jas was just talking until a white portal came out of nowere and a hand grabed her and pulled her in. "NO! NOT AGAIN!" Jas cried, getting draged by the tshirt in with no control.

Jas was now at a diferent world. She was on a bed asleep.
"Jas.. Jas.. wake up.." Jas herd a voice that made her wake up. "Jas, how are you? Were's Sajine?" The person was a little blury to Jas, but she knew that voice. "Mum?" she said, siting up on the bed and her mother becoming clearer. "I'v been good, but why did you have to bring me here? I was with my friends!" Jas replyed with anoyance. "Jas, I know you were with your friends.. and I also know you love Takeshi.." Said Jas's mother. Jas blushed when her mother said she loved Takeshi. "Mum! You imbarresed me!" said Jas, covering her face because other people were looking at her. Her mother laughed. "I know you do though.. Come and have somthing to eat. Were going to our home now, including your father!" said Jas's mother. "Dad's okay! Yeah! Lets go home!" said Jas.
What about my friends.. what are they going to do? I'm gone and there proberbly worried.. And if Takeshi wake's up and i'm gone.. how will he react?


New member
Bon-Bon tryed to run and grabed Jas but her body was to tired she fell and could only look as Jas got pulled though the portal.
"Jas!" Yelled Bon-Bon as the portal closed.
"Oh-no, I lost her....and I can't get up." Said Bon-Bon as she tryed to stand up only to fall.
"Ohana, what do now?" Said Stich as he ran to Bon-Bon side.
"Try to see if anyone else is on the ship?" Said Bon-Bon to Stich.

Stich ran out of sick bay and into the main room, "Luca? Luca?" Yelled Stich as he fantically looked around.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: I've come back. Duh. xD

Soji was on his feet. Pain was surging through his body, but he would let it distract him. Now, it really did come down to life and death. The other Prime Evils were nothing but child's play compared to the one he faced now. Kratos was the only master of the Henji. No one compared to him. Kratos had been able to use his Tainted Henji from birth. That had never been heard of before. It was why Kratos had been stationed to guard the Gate of Hell. It was believed that his exceptional control of his Henji would enable him to remain so close to Hell without corrupting him. As it turned out, this was wrong. Kratos was corrupted to the point of attempting to destroy Heaven itself. When he entered Heaven, though, his body was ravaged and he was shot across the galaxy. It took him several years to recover, but he became much stronger from it. Especially his soul.

This was the true hidden ability behind the Henji. It wasn't its enhancing controls nor was it the talent with manipulation of both space and mind. It was the control the user had over their soul. The soul is a very strange object. It is both emmensly powerful and amazingly weak at the very same time. The principle around the Henji's control of the soul uses both aspects. The user has the ability to shape and control their soul. With this control, they can stretch and bend their soul, making it a deadly object. When two Henjis clash, the results are often terrible. Just minor contact between two souls could have cataclysmic reactions. When two Henjis fight, it is forcefull and damaging. Attacks can result in explosions much larger than any bomb. Still, with the destructiveness of soul also comes its protection. Henji users often train for years, expanding their soul and making it stronger and bigger. Advanced users will have souls that create a protective film over their body. Kratos had the largest ever known in history.

As the lines spread across the two demon's bodies, both of them knew who would win. Soji was already injured and he was weaker. Soji's only hope had been his Primary Form. Now, even Kratos had it. This thought sparked something in Soji's mind though. There was something else. Something he had discovered. It was a white form and it had been stronger than the Primary Form... How could he have forgotten? It was the form that Bon-Bon had opened for him when she accepted him. His Pure Form. Soji smirked to himself. This reaction brought a strange look from his elder brother. Kratos, annoyed said, "I hope you aren't loosing your head, Soji. I wouldn't want to waste such a good opponent."

Soji didn't answer, the lines across his body were retracting, despite the fact that Kratos's were growing. In fact, Kratos's body was almost pure black. Five horns had begun to grow from his head and large, glossy, black wings had already grown to mamoth proportions. Kratos smiled coldly as he felt the power erupt around him. A pure black aura raced out of him, forming a deadly wave around his body. Soji, on the other hand, was back to normal. The lines and everything were gone from his body. Instead, bandages had begun to tightly wrap themselves around any of his exposed skin. Seconds before his entire face was wrapped up, a huge burst of white energy and light showed that his eyes had erupted into some strange white form. Amazing white wings burst forth, tearing through the bandages to be free from his back. Gold chains formed around his arms and hung down from his wrists. Blue symbols must have appeared on his skin because blue light was shining through the bandages. The lights began to swirl and dance, moving across his skin. And powerful white aura formed around his body, just as large as Kratos's black one. Kratos merely stared, startled, this soon passed and the battle began.


New member
Bon-Bon was trying to keep her slef awake, but soon her tireness cought her. "..soji..." Whisppered Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes.

Bon-Bon was asleep, she need the rest for her body and spirit. While she was sleeping she was having a dream. It was back when she was 3 and living in the Snowy Village.
"Mama, can I go outside and play!" Said Little Bon as she ran up to a womon sitting at a table fiddling with something.
The women face was well covered up by her bangs, "Ah, my little one going to play in the snow garden?" Said the women as she looked down at Bon with a smile.
The woman voice sound the same as the ice crystile's voice.
"Yes Mama, I want to see the flowers." Said little Bon as she nodded with exitment.
"Okay, but when you come back I'll have a gift for you."Said Bon's mother.

The sence swiched to Little Bon standing in a snowy filed. Light colored flowers were in bloomed around her. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, the sun rays refiled of the snow on the ground crating a lovly rainbow. Little Bon was danceing around in the Flowers singing a song, as Bon sang snow began to fall but only around her.
There was this sound of foot steps behind her, Bon turn to see it was her mother staring at her with shoock in her eyes, her mother had Ice Crystile Bons in her hands.
"I'm sorry Mama, but every time I sind this happens." Said Bon as she ran up to her mother.
Tears starts to flow from her eyes, Bon's mother fell to her knees and hugged Bon tightly.
"I'm sorry my little Yuki. If only you were born as a normal woudn't have to suffre for what's going to happen to you." Said Bon's Mother as she still hold Bon.
"Mama...why are you crying...are you hurt...did my singing made you cry......what is it?" Said little Bon.
Bon's mother looked her oin the eyes, "Some time in the furitre you will have to s-" Said Bon's mother before being cut off.

There was this flash of light, Bon was now in a firey town, it looks like it been attack by a monster. Little Bon was covered in blood and cuts. Bon looked down in front of her there was a body of a dying demon reaching out to Bon, "I-I'm....sor-sorry....yuki." Siad the demon before it died.

"MOTHER!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she jurked out of her sleep. Bon-Bon looked around, her body was still tried ut she could move. Bon-Bon placed one of her hands over her face. "What's going to happen to the voices, what was my mom trying to tell me?" Said Bon-Bon to herself.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi opened his eyes again a few minutes after Bon-bon had saved him and Jas had disappeared. he lifted his haed a little, and turned it to Bon-bons bed. He saw her leaying there, with her eyes open, and he looked around the room for Jas. He didn't see her, but he could sense a large rift of energy just a few feet infront of his bed. He looked around somemore and didn't see Jas.

"Where'd Jas go?" He asked, directing his question over to Bon-bon.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was walking with her mother and father to there new house in a little vilage. "This is were you live?" asked Jas, looking around her at all the children running around and the teenagers having wooden sword fights like she used to at Twilight Town. "Yes Jas, this is were we live. It's very peacfull and i'm sure youll make some friends while your here" said Jas's father, looking around also. "I hope you know I can't stay for long, i'v got a journy to do with my friends" said Jas, looking at her mother and father then looking at her feet. "Jas, you can go meet some other thirteen year olds while we go and make dinner if you want" said Jas's mother, turning to Jas and pointing to a group of teens. Jas sighed. "Okay" she said, walking towards the group, then when her mother and father were in the house, Jas ran to a bench and sat down. I wonder what there doing now? Is Takeshi okay? Has Bon found a way to get to me? Is Luca going good with that shadow that scratched him?
While Jas was thinking with her eyes shut, somone taped her on the sholder.
"Huh? Oh, hello" said Jas, opening her eyes and seeing some a group of girls there, standing over her. They were about sixteen. "Hello? Geez, have you ever seen a group of troble makers?" asked a girl, looking at the others and laughing. "Yeah, looks like i'm looking at some troble makers now. Please leave so we don't get into a fight. I'm sure i'm stronger than you" said Jas, getting up of the bench and pushing through them, heading to a little pond. "Hey! Get back here!" said another girl, grabing Jas by the tshirt and pulling her back. "We want to have a fight with you! Whatever wepon you have" said another girl. There was only five of them, Jas knew she could take 'em down. "Okay, were's the battle arena?" asked Jas. "It's over there" said the last girl in the group, pointing to it. "I'll meet you there!" said Jas, hitting the girld hand of her and walking the the arena.

Jas and the girl that wanted to fight were in the battle arena. Jas didnt have her keyblades out yet, but the girl had a woodn sword. "THREE, TWO, ONE.. GO!" said another girl at edge of the battle arena. "Are you ready for this?" asked Jas, putting her hands out and the keyblades were there. For a minute everyone looked at Jas, including her oponent. Jas herd them wispering "She's one of the mighty keyblade masters! How can she lose?". Jas fluffed her hair alittle. "C'mon, scared?" she taunted. "Uhh.. ehh.. yeah!" said the oponent. Jas jumped at her and choped the girls sword in half. "C'mon!" said Jas, pointing her hand at the girl and making gushes of water go on her. "Take that!" said Jas, putting her hand on her hip. The girl went to hit Jas but Jas doged, shooting hard water balls at her. The girl fell over, a broken sword and soaking wet. All of a sudden, the girls of the group ran over to Jas asking " Do you wanna be in our group? Do you wanna be the leader?". "No! First you come and be compleatt idiots, then you ask me to be your leader? No way!" said Jas, running to her house happely and going inside. "
"Did you join any groups?" asked Jas's dad. "Na, they just didnt suit me.." said Jas with a smile and sitting down on a seat.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was watching tv when her mother asked a question. "Jas, would you want to stay the night?" she asked. Jas turned to her. "Mum, i can't! I have to get back to my journy!" Jas jumped of her seat and looked at her mum and dad. "I gotta go, were is this world so I can come back after all this is finished?" Jas asked her father, because he had always travled a knew were worlds were by looking at his map. "Were at a world called Mera, It's our new home" said Jas's father. Jas ran and huged her mother, and her mother kissed her on the for-head. "Don't go crashin' into any metiors, Jas" said Jas's mother. Jas backed off and ran to her father and huged him, he also kissed Jas on the for-head.
"Bye mum, bye dad!" called Jas, as she ran out the door. Then Jas stoped. "Mum, how did i get here?" Jas asked, looking at her mother. "A man down the road has some sort of power to make portals, go to him. His shop name is 'Travle by Portal'" said her father. "Okay, i'll go to him" said Jas.

Jas was running down the road untill she found the shop. She walked in. "Hello, i'm looking to get transported to the last ship I was in" said Jas. "Okay, little lady, I'll transport you right away... Thats if you pay.." said the man, streaching out his hand for some money. Jas handed him ten dollars. The man mummbled somthing. "Now.." said the man, putting out his hand and a portal suddnly there. Jas walked into it.

The next thing Jas knew, she was on the ground in the main area of the ship. "What the-" she said, getting up and seeing Luca. "Hi Luca" she said, walking over to him, puting her hand on his sholder, but her hand went right throught him. "WHAT THE F***?!" she yelled, jumping back away from him. "What just happend?" she said, looking around, only to see the portal starting to close. Jas ran for it and jumped through. She was suddnly back at Mera.

Jas looked at the man. "You didnt take me to the ship! You took me to a.. well, i dun know what it was.. but it wasnt the ship!" she explaind to the man, getting up off the ground. "I said 'Thats if you pay!" said the man. "How much is it?" asked Jas. "Thirty dollars" he said. "fine, fine.." said Jas, getting out her wallet and giving the man thirty dollars. He made another portal, and Jas walked through.

Jas came into the ship again. "Luca!" she said, running over to him and actully hugging him this time. "Yes!" she then ran into the sick bay to see Bon-Bon on the ground and Takeshi on the bed, awake. Jas ran to him and hugged him. "Yes! It's realy you!" she said, then she stood up straight and helped Bon-Bon up. They must think i'm crazy now
Jas slaped her head. "Hello" she said casully.