Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Agrona took Soji's weight, she was walking him to the castle. Agrona sighed. She got to the door of the castle and went in, she patted Soji lightly on the head. "You'll get your rest soon enough.." she said.

Jas was walking next to Takeshi and talking to him. "It's nice to meet you to, once again.. So, what do you like to do? Annnddd, why are we going into a big castle with a beast?" she asked, walking throught the castle gate, staring at the beast, wondering. "Why do you look like that?" Jas asked the beast.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas walked inside the castle. She looked at Bon-Bon up the stairs and saw Stich and her looking out the door. "Hmm, what is it guy's" She asked, looking back at the ship. Agrona walked up to Jas and looked at Bon-Bon still suporting Soji. "Hey, Bon-Bon, were's these rooms?" Agrona asked Bon-Bon.

Jas looked around the castle, still standing near Agrona like she was her mother. "Were are these rooms?" Jas also asked, running over to the stair case and going up to Bon-Bon and Stich. Agrona walked to Jas. "Will you stop running everywere?" she asked Jas.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at Agrona. "Why isent she talking?" Jas asked. "I don't think she's alowed to.. that beast has proberbly told her not to talk or somthing.. I dn know.." said Agrona, walking up the stairs to the second floor.

They were walking around untill they found the rooms, they walked in. "Okay.." said Jas, walking to a bed and laying down on a bed. Agrona took Soji to the closest bed and layed him down. Agrona walked out of the room and into the next room. She layed on a bed and put her feet up. "Ahh.." sighed Agrona, falling to sleep.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at Stich. "Hello" she said, walking over to Stich and patting him on the head. Jas looked around, since Agrona was in the other room, and Soji was asleep.. Jas looked around and started heading for the door. She walked out of the door and grabed the top of the door, climing up onto it, then jumping and grabing a stable chandelier. She climed onto it and then to the next one, then the next. Then she came to the end of the hallway. She jumped silently to the ground and sneaked into the big doors you see when you walk in. Jas went through the door. She saw it, a big, butifull room. "A ball room?" said Jas, climing up a pole and siting there. She bent and streched out her arms, then she launched herself of the pole, grabing a big chandelier in the middle of the room. She grabed it and pulled herself up onto it. She sat there, thinking why the boy named Takeshi cept saying they had met before.. Jas had never met him. Then the space Jas was sitting on broke, and Jas fell nd hit the ground.. then she got her memory back. She got of the ground and gasped as she herd footsteps outside the door. She quickly got her keyblades out. She put them together and hurled it up and onto the chandelier. Then she telaported to the keyblade. She was now on the chandelier. "Yes!" said Jas under her breath. Then noone came in. Jas wondered were woever she herd went.


New member
As Bon-Bon wonder deeper and deeper into the West Wing she saw sign of something went on a rampage though there, "What happen around here?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around, then she saw a painted Picture of a handsome young man, it looked like some one tore though it with claws. This must have been him before......

There was a sound behind Bon-Bon she quickly turn to see Black Clok run into a room, Bon-Bon followed. In this room was a buitful rose under some glass. "Wow, how pretty." Said Bon-Bon as she gazed at the rose. Suddenly it sounded like some one called her name, Bon-Bon quickly looked back to see Black Clok standing there. "The darkness is apart of you, exspit it." Said Black Clok.
At that moment Bon-Bon's vistion became blured and her heart was racing, "" Said Bon-Bon before she blacked out.

Bon-Bon awoke to see her self standing in front of the rose holding her Keyblade up as if she was going to distroy the rose, the room was even more trashed than it was before, "What just ha-" Said Bon-Bon before she was tackled by the besat from the side. Bon-Bon fell to the floor with the beast pinning her down. The Beast looked as though he was in a fight with some one and they almost killed him. "THAT'S IT YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS CAN'T STAY HERE!" Roared the beast.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas herd through the walls of the castle, "THATS IT YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS CAN'T STAY HERE!". Jas knew what she had to do. She jumped down and ran as fast as she could to the aera of were she herd the yell. She eventully got to the room that she herd the yell.

Jas saw Bon-Bon pinned to the ground by the beast. "What is wrong with you?!" Jas yelled, bringing out her keyblade and dividing it once more. "Don't hurt my friend! It's not like she did anything to you!" Yelled Jas, spining her keyblades in circles very fast, charging the up for an atack. "You wanna hurt my friend, you gotta go through me first!" she said with a smirk.

Agrona herd the yell also, she ran out of the room and into the one that Soji, Stich and Jas were in. She saw Jas was gone. "That girl!" she said angrely, punching her hand. She saw Stich. "Can you stay here and gaurd Soji, I gotta go!" said Agrona, running out of the room, down the stairs and out of the castle to find Takeshi. "Hey, there may be a battle againsed somthing.." she said to Takeshi. Agrona ran to the ship to see a boy laying in the drivers seat of the ship. "Hey, there may be a battle, c'mon!" she said, running out of the ship, past Takeshi, into the castle and up the stairs. She went into the west wing and ran to a room that had Jas standing outside of it, twirling her keyblades. Agrona herd Jas say that the Beast wouldent hurt Bon-Bon untill she went through her. Jas looked around. "Hey Agrona, i never knew I had a big sister!" she called, looking at Agrona. Agrona ran to behind Jas and got out her doble sided, doble bladed sword.. it was the one Jas had used to fight the heartless it her mind. Agrona walked into the room and put her wepon away, seeing it would kill the beast in one hit. So.. Agrona kicked the beasts hands and pushed him anway from Bon-Bon. "And you won't hurt anyone untill you go through me!" said Agrona, backing away from the beast.


New member
"Look she was the one who attacked me." Said The beast as he back down.
Bon-Bon sat up, "I did? b-but I?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the beast.
"Yes, you was trashing my room and was about to distory my rose, I told you to stop or esle I kick out your friends. But then you said, Those poeple are worthless to me, I am me and me alone." Said The beast as he looked at Bon-Bon

Bon-Bon was busy trying to remeber, but all she could remeber is that she blacked out. The Beast gave Bon-Bon a good look, "You..... you don't remeber." Said The beast as he looked at Bon-Bon with shocked.
"If I did anythinfg, I'm so sorry, please don't kick my friends out." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the beast.
The beast sighed, "Fine whatever they can stay. Just go back to your rooms." Said The Beast as he turned his back.
"Thank you." Said Bon-Bon as she quickly ran out of the room.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at Agrona, and Agrona noded. Jas put her keyblades away and they both ran away from the room and out of the west wing. "I'm not staying here, whatever happens" said Agrona, Jas was following close behind. "I got my memory back now!" said Jas. They were walking down the stairs untill Agrona stoped and turned to Jas. "Yes!" she said happely, picking up Jas easely because how strong she was. "Ahh" said Jas, trying to get Agrona to drop her. Agrona put her down and turned around. Jas and Agrona went out of the castle and to the ship.

Agrona and Jas are in Jas's room in the ship. They were talking about what happens when you go into the darkness. "You get really cool cloths that you desine yourself!" said Agrona, looking at her shoes with no backs on them. "What about the enviorment?" asked Jas. "Well, you get what normal people get, beds, food and all kind's of stuff.." Agrona replyed. "What happens when a baby is born in the realm of darkness by somone who is from the darkside?" asked Jas. "Well, i don't know, noone has ever liked eachother in the time i was in darkness.." replyed Agrona. Then a portal was sudenly infrount of Agrona, a hand came out and grabed her hand. Agroan pulled her hand back away. Then the person came out of the portal and the portal closed. It was a boy, he had a trench coat on and the hood was on his head. "What are you doing, Agrona? I came to pick you up from this place, you belong in darkness! Please, come back to me.. I need you.." said the boy. Agrona backed away and Jas got down in a corner to watch, to find out who this was. "i don't belong in the darkness! And I don't want to be with you anymore! Not while your in the darkness!" said Agrona. The boy pulled the hood of, Jas was looking at the boy from behind, so she couldnt see his face. "Agrona, please!" said the boy, trying to convince Agrona to go into darkness again. "Leave her alone!" said Jas, jumping out and running to Agrona, geting out her keyblades. Then Jas saw his face, a face she knew to well. Jas gasped, she said under her breath, "Rio..". Agrona looked at Jas. "Whats wrong?" she asked. "How did you know my name was Rio? Who are you?" asked the boy. "Your Rio! How did you get five years older? How?" asked Jas. Agrona looked at Jas. She knelt down and wispered in her ear. "Rio is my old boyfriend, he proposed to me in the darkness when I was about to leave the darkness, he's grown up with me.. how can you know him?" wispered Agrona. Jas wispered back what a boy named Rio had done to her, and how that Rio and this Rio looked alike.
The boy named Rio sighed. "Can I atleast come with you out of the darkness?" he asked. Jas looked at him with an angry look. Agrona had a smile on her face. "Yes.. if you promise to come out of darkness and stay out!" said Agrona. The boy named Rio noded, and Agrona and him kissed on the lips. Jas rolled her eyes and walked away, out to the castle. "Thats another person that'll take up our time.." said Jas, looking at Takeshi as she neared him. "Hey Takeshi" said Jas, walking up to him and hugging him. "I got my memory back, and I know I love you.." she said, hugging him tighter.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi was shocked by the statement Jas had made, but he felt the exact same way on the inside. "I... I love you too, Jas." he said, looking deeply into her eyes. He then hugged her tighter, and his lips grew closer to hers. He kissed her strait on the lips, making sure that it would last for as long as possibe. Finally he pulled away from her, and hugged her again.

"I love you..." He said, and let go of Jas.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas noded at him. She grabed his hands and held them. "I never want to let you go.. even in the worst of times.." she told Takeshi. Then she wondered about Sajine.. she had not found her yet..
Jas sighed and tilted her head down. "Sajine.." she said uner her breath. She closed her eyes and thought about what Sajine was doing at the time she was with her friends and there long lost sister..


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas opendher eyes, and let go of Takeshi's hands. She then saw somone on a balcony, then she saw it was Bon-Bon reasting her head on the balcony's rim. I woder what she's up to? Jas kissed Takeshi ok the cheak. "I'll be right back.. i'm going to check up on Bon.." Jas told Takeshi, walking into the castle.

Jas was walking up the stairs to the room Bon-Bon was in. She walked down the hall and saw a door. She walked in to see Bon-Bon resting her head on the balcony's rim, just how she had last seen her. "You okay?" she asked Bon-Bon, walking up to her and leaning over the balcony also.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji awoke to find himself next to the blue creature. He hadn't managed to prevent them from entering here. He knew this room. He had slept in it before. There was no way they were here just because the Beast was being nice. He stood slowly, most of his injuries healed, but he still felt stiff. He walked out to the balcony to find Bon-Bon standing there. He pushed a warm smile and came up behind her, putting his arms around her and looking out at the view. He kisses her gently on the neck and said softly, "How are you? You know I missed you a lot back on that planet, but I can feel something different about you..."


New member
Bon-Bon head shot up as she felt Soji's kissed, She smiled. Bon-Bon was about to turn around and say something, but then she remebers her promise to beast.
Bon-Bon just turn to Soji and hugged him tight.
I missed you too, I was so worry...... I wish I could say those words, but I must keep my promise for you and the pthers...

Bon-Bon just stayed there in Soji's arms, she felt the saftest there in his arm and the happiest.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at Soji and Bon-Bon and walked away. She walked out of the room.
Jas walked down the stairs and sat on the. Then she sighed. She was thinking.
Should I make an escape with my own ship? Or should I wait for everyone to get there rest and go in Bon-Bon's ship? Whatever happens, I need to go as soon as posible..

Jas sat thinking for a while, then she stood up because she had made her decision, she would make an escape by herself, asking if Takeshi, Agrona or the boy named Rio would come help. "Here we go.." she said, walking out of the castle and out to Takeshi.

"Umm.. Takeshi.. I'm going to leave this place to search for Sajine.. and was wondering if you would like to come?" said Jas, charging her keyblades. "When you wanna answer i'll be in the ship" she said, walking of to the ship.

Jas reached the ship and walked into her room. She saw Rio and Agrona talking about what they would do for there lives now that they were outside of the darkness on Jas's bed. Jas broke into there talking. "I'm leaving this place on my own ship to find Sajine, and I was wondering if you two would like to come?" said Jas. Agrona looked at Jas, then at Rio. "Rio can come to, right?" asked Agrona, standing up. Jas still wonderd about this boy named Rio, he looked exactly like the Rio she knew and his name was Rio.. Jas was wondering if they might of had a conection of some sort. Jas noded. "Yes.. he can come.." said Jas, staring at Rio, Rio geting a conserned face. "Is she alright?" Rio asked Agrona in a quiet voice. "No.. I don't think so, she's proberbly home sick" Agrona replyed. Jas turned around. "I'm not home sick!" she said, walking out of the ship.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi thought to himself for a moment before running after Jas. Do i want to go? What kind of a question is that? H*** yeah I want to go, but then again, searching for Kingdom Hearts seems a little more important than searching for someones sister.

He looked up for a moment. "Kingdom Hearts, where did that come from. I don't think I've ever head of that before. Oh well, who cares?" He went back to thinking. Well, we don't seem to be getting anywhere doing what were doing now, just hopping worlds. At this rate we'll never find Magnius and seal KH.

"Where the h*** is all this stuff coming from, I don't know anyone named Magnius!!" Takeshi looked up at the sky. "Mabey I should go, we might even find Kingdom Hearts and seal it for good. Or we could just get even more off track and end up no-where. All right, I'll take the chance I'm going."

Takeshi ran off after Jas. He found her in the ship with Agrona and someone who looked quite familiar. "I'm going." He said as he hugged Jas. He looked back at the boy Agrona was sitting next to and reckognized him. "What's he doing here, he almost killed me?!"


New member
Stich woked up, he looked around not to find anyone. Stich walked out ot see Bon-Bon hugging Soji. Bon-Bon saw Stich, he looked worry. Bon-Bon let go of Soji and ran over to Stich.
"Jas...Takeshi, gone." Said Stich with worry.
Bon-Bon's eyes widen, Hmm, that feeling I got. I was just a small feeling but...... are we drifting apart?
Bon-Bon walked over to Soji and tugged his clock as if to say we need to go.