Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was still strugeling for breath. Jas groned. The Heartless chucked her on the ground. Jas tryed to get up, but she was too weak. The heartless walked over to her, and summond another two heartless like it. "Were's my keyblades?" she asked herself, just managing to sit up. Then she suddenly got filled with energy. She jumped up of the ground. She started to think. What would happen if I had a really strong wepon to fight these guys?
Jas suddenly had a huge wepon in her hand. The voice sounded again through.. werever Jas was.. "Fight the Darkness!" it yelled. It was a female voice. "The voice sounds like it would be about.. a little older than Bon.." Said Jas, listening to the voice carfully, then looking at the huge doble bladed, doble sided sword. "Cool! I bet this wepon is kick a** too!" she said, lifting it in the air and charging at one of the heartless. "It's really light.." said Jas as she hit the heartless, killing it in one hit. Jas now had a smirk on her face. She charged at the other heartless, also killing it in one go, and the other aswell. "Wow, i hope I get to keep this!" said Jas, sticking the sword in the ground and then it felf like the whole place jolted. The sword disapeard into the the air. Then, the whole place lit up with light and images raced along the walls. Jas saw pictures, lot's of pictures. She saw one, it was a boy. He had blue eyes and black hair. The words 'Takeshi' went above the picture. Another picture came by. It was a girl. She had pink eye's and purple hair with white tips. The words 'Bon-Bon' went above the picture. The anothe picture came up. It was another boy. He had brown hair and brown eyes. The words 'Luca' went above the picture. Another image of another boy came up. He had silver hair and Blue eyes. The words 'Soji' went above the picture. Another image came. It was a girl. She had black hair and brown eyes. The words 'Sajine' went above the picture. Then another image came by. it was a girl. She was wearing a blue singlet and a white mini skirt. The words 'Unown name' came up, Then Jas was awake again.

Jas opened her eyes and saw a boy holding her in his arms. Her eye's widend, then she juped out of his arms and stood up strait. "Your Takeshi, right? Nice to meet you!" she said, putting her arm out to shake his hand. Jas had lost her memory.


New member
ooc: sorry guys I've be mega magic busy.

Stich head the lound crash on the SSS, he quickly ran to the other side of the ship and found Soji, laying there.
"Soji!" Yelled Stich as she ran to his side.

Bon-Bon was locked up in the dungon, The Beast heard her calling out for Soji and put her there. I don't care if I'm locked up in here, I just hope that Soji is okay. Bon-Bon sat in the coner of her cell and pulled out Soji's heart. It felt okay but Bon-Bon could not help but to worry. Bon-Bon knew she could easly brake out of the cell. But she want her friends to rest in the castle where its safe.
Bon-Bon plased Soji's heart back into her pocket and stood up she looked around the dungon. Then She heard something, Bon-Bon quickly turn and saw some one or saome thing in a black clok be hind her.
Bon-Bon quickly jumpped back and pulled out her Keyblade.
"Now Now don't be too hasty, I only want to talk." Said The Black Clok person.
Bon-Bon still kept her guard up.
"You wish to be strong enough to portect the one close to your heart." Said the Black Colth.
Bon-Bon just looked away.
"You can, you just have to exsipt the power thats there." Said Black Clok
Bon-Bon looked over to the black coth man.
"You can portect Soji, you can help him." Said Black Clok
Bon-Bon tilted her head.
The Black Cloth person disappear and reappear in front of Bon-Bon. The person held one of its hand over Bon-Bon heart. Bon-Bon flet a slight pain in her heart and then quickly backed away.
"Do not fight the darkness it is apart of you just, exsipt it." Said Black Clok as it disappear.
Bon-Bon took a deep braeth, the Black Clok person is gone and Bon-Bon feels okay. Bon-Bon sat back down in a coner, her eyes changed to a red color and then changed back to a pink color.

Stich carried Soji back out infront of the SSS where Takeshi and Jas is at. "Castle, Castle we can rest!" Said Stich to everyone.


New member
ooc: sorry guys I've be mega magic busy.

Stich head the lound crash on the SSS, he quickly ran to the other side of the ship and found Soji, laying there.
"Soji!" Yelled Stich as she ran to his side.

Bon-Bon was locked up in the dungon, The Beast heard her calling out for Soji and put her there. I don't care if I'm locked up in here, I just hope that Soji is okay. Bon-Bon sat in the coner of her cell and pulled out Soji's heart. It felt okay but Bon-Bon could not help but to worry. Bon-Bon knew she could easly brake out of the cell. But she want her friends to rest in the castle where its safe.
Bon-Bon plased Soji's heart back into her pocket and stood up she looked around the dungon. Then She heard something, Bon-Bon quickly turn and saw some one or saome thing in a black clok be hind her.
Bon-Bon quickly jumpped back and pulled out her Keyblade.
"Now Now don't be too hasty, I only want to talk." Said The Black Clok person.
Bon-Bon still kept her guard up.
"You wish to be strong enough to portect the one close to your heart." Said the Black Colth.
Bon-Bon just looked away.
"You can, you just have to exsipt the power thats there." Said Black Clok
Bon-Bon looked over to the black coth man.
"You can portect Soji, you can help him." Said Black Clok
Bon-Bon tilted her head.
The Black Cloth person disappear and reappear in front of Bon-Bon. The person held one of its hand over Bon-Bon heart. Bon-Bon flet a slight pain in her heart and then quickly backed away.
"Do not fight the darkness it is apart of you just, exsipt it." Said Black Clok as it disappear.
Bon-Bon took a deep braeth, the Black Clok person is gone and Bon-Bon feels okay. Bon-Bon sat back down in a coner, her eyes changed to a red color and then changed back to a pink color.

Stich carried Soji back out infront of the SSS where Takeshi and Jas is at. "Castle, Castle we can rest!" Said Stich to everyone.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji shuddered. Something was carrying him. He moaned slightly, "Bon-Bon...?" Then he felt something that wasn't quite right. There were four hands that were carrying him. Two people? Wait... What is that? These aren't human hands... Soji peaked one of his eyes open and then closed it again. He must have suffered some head trama from his fall. It looked like there was a small blue creature carrying him. He groaned and thought back to what he had been through.

Joxis, Balrung, Sephiroth and Kratos are dead... I suppose I have accomplished my only goal in life. I've killed my brother. What am I to do now? He felt a draining sensation. He had never thought of what he'd do after killing Kratos. In this brief moment of weakness he felt it. It was an odd connection. Not to Bon-Bon. To someone else. It was something he recognized from his childhood. He thought about it slowly. Could it be possible...? I don't see why not... I escaped the attack. Maybe he did too... Daraku?

OOC: Soji and the other White Demons before Kratos's betrayal:
From left to right, Soji, Kratos, Menai, and Daraku. Soji, Menai and Daraku are wearing the standard uniforms for their school. Kratos is already stationed at Hell's Gate which excuses his black clothing.
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New member
Stich heard Soji Said something, "Soji?" Grunted Stich as he carried Soji off to the castle.
Stich got super strangth on his side, good thing too Soji was havey.

The Beast had taken Bon-Bon out of the dungen and into a nice bed room. "You and Your friends my have this room and the one next to it, that is all they can have." Said The Beast as he left the room. Bon-Bon sighed and flopped on the bed.
Bon-Bon was still worry about Soji and also what that guy in the black colk did to her. Bon-Bon placed her hand over her heart and sat up. Bon-Bon looked around the room it was big. Bon-Bopn was getting bored and left the room to the main lobby of the Castle. Its taken too long for them to get here, I need to go out and get them...


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at Takeshi strangley. "What do you mean? I only saw you on a picture and your name went above it. I'v never met you in my life!" Explaind Jas. The keyblades was sudenly in Jas's hands. Jas looked at it. "What the- What's with the big keys?" She asked Takeshi, looking at the keyblades. She shook her head. "I really havent met you before.." she said.

Jas walked over to one of the chairs and sat down on it. Then she saw somone come through the door of the ship. It was the girl she saw the picture of, the girl that had 'unown name' above the picture. "Who are you? asked Jas, standing up. "What's your name? Tell me!" said the girl. "How old are you?" Jas asked, not replying. "I'm eighteen, now, tell me you name!" comanded the girl, walking closer to Jas. "I'm Jas, who are you?" Jas asked politly. "I'm Dark jem- I mean, Agrona" Said the girl. "Your Jas, hey..?" Said Agrona. Agrona ran up to Jas and pulled her up by the T-shirt collar. "How are you, kiddo?" asked Agrona, leting go of Jas and hugging her. "What are you doing?" asked Jas, trying to push Agrona of her. "I'm not suprised you don't remember me, you were only like.. two or somthing.. and we were at Radiant Garden wich was a long time ago" said Agrona as she stoped hugging Jas. Agrona spoted Takeshi over in the hall. "Who's he?" asked Agrona. "His names Takeshi.. He said that weve met before.. but i don't remember him" said Jas. Agrona backed away from Jas, then looked at her in the eye's. She waved her hand in frount of Jas's face. "Stop, what are you doing?" asked Jas, grabing Agrona's hand. "I'm seeing if your alright! Last time I went to Twilight Town, you and Takeshi were playing nicley, you and Takeshi were about.. three.. How could you-- Oh.. Those IDIOTS! What did they do to my little sister?" asked Agrona. Jas had a shocked look on her face. "Sister?" she asked. "Hey.. what's Twilight Town and Radiant Garden?" asked Jas. "Don't worrie about that.." said Agrona, grabing Jas's arm and walking over to Takeshi. "Hey, sweetie. Do you know what happend to Jas?" Agrona asked Takeshi, leanng down to him.

OOC: This is what Agrona look's like stuff/.jpg
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji felt his power swimming back into his grip. It could no longer escape him. White Demons generally regenerated quickly because of the stress they normally had to go through. Millions of years of evolution and fighting demons meant that those who could regenerate the quickest were the most likely to survive and thus live on to breed. Because of this, most White Demons had a very high regeneration rate.

Soji got up slowly, feeling slightly dizzy, but steadied himself. He walked slowly over to Jas and the others. He had heard there conversation. Jas had never really gotten a chance to be friendly with Soji. Soji was always leaving because of his own agenda. That would have to change. He would have to be there for the group. Soji leaned on the side of the ship slightly and stopped to breathe. That small walk had been hard. He looked back at the blue creature that had been carrying him and said, "This will only take a moment..." Then he looked at Agrona and muttered, "I could see her if it is something mental. I can see into her mind..." He winced slightly. He was still in a great deal of pain but he thought he should be able to use the Henji if he was needed.


New member
Stich walked up to Soji, "Bon-Bon got castle to rest for us." Said Stich to Soji.
Stich was wondering why no one thought about the castle to rest in.

Bon-Bon was walking though the woods, then she got to the clearing where the SSS landed. Bon-Bon saw Jas and Takeshi, they look like something happen. Bon-Bon walk past them, she was looking for Stich. She found him along with Soji.
"Bon-Bon!" Said Stich as he ran up to Bon-Bon and Hugged her.
Bon-Bon smiled and looked over at Soji. It looked like he wasn't doing good. Bon-Bon was about to call out his name but then she remeber the pormise with Beast she made. It look like they all could use a rest in the castle, Bon-Bon walked up behind Soji and hugged him from behind.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"One thing, don't call me sweetie. Secondly, she just likewent weirrd anmd evil all of a sudden, then she collapsed. She just woke up and now she says she doesnt know me." Takeshi replied.

He walked over to Jas and asked "Are you sure you don't remember me? I am your boyfriend you know."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas stared at Takeshi. "I'm sure i'v never in my life met you.." she said, looking down. Agrona turned around and saw Soji. "Who are you?" she asked. Jas also looked around. "Hello, i'm Jas" said Jas, waving. Agrona looked at Jas, then Takeshi. "Do you know this guy?" asked Agrona. Jas realised that when Agrona talked, she always sounded grumpy. "Why do sound so grumpy?" she asked Agrona. "I'm- I'm from the darkness.. but I fought the darkness and saved myself.. I'm still trying to get my real tone of voice.. They called me Dark Jem there because when they took me from home, I had a little gem neakalace.. I was only seven.." Agrona explained. "Oh.. I'm Agrona.. I'm not surprised you don't remember me either, I came to Twilight Town one day to visit and you and Jas were playing nicley.. and sorry for calling you sweetie, just that you were adorable when you were three! You used to love it when I called you sweetie!" Agrona said to Takeshi with a smile, patting him on the head.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas saw Bon-Bon walking away. "Hello, I'm Jas!" Called Jas, standing up and walking to Bon-Bon. Agrona looked at Jas, then stood up and walked after her. Agrona looked back at Takeshi. "You coming?" she asked, looking forward and walking with Jas.

OOC: ZOMG! A short post!


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Agrona walked up next to Bon-Bon. "I'm Agrona, Jas's eighteen year old big sis.. she's lost her memory and say's she's never met Takeshi, you, that boy behind us or me.. So I don't know how to help her.." Agrona explained to Bon-Bon. "What are you talking about?" asked Jas, walking up next to Bon-Bon.

OOC: Teh shortness is bad :,(


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji turned after feeling the hug. He had been too injured to turn quick enough and Bon-Bon had already headed back for the castle. A second later, Jas took off after her. Soji winced slightly, but managed to make it halfway to Bon-Bon before collapsing. A tear falling from his eye, he began pulling himself. He knew he wouldn't have enough strength, but he couldn't just let her go. Not into the castle. He knew what was in the castle and he knew what it meant for her and others.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas herd somthing fall behind her, so she looked around. "The boy named Soji just colapsed!" she said, starting to run back to Soji. Agrona grabed Jas by the sholder. "Stop.. you go to the castle, i'll go help him" said Agrona, making sure Jas kept walking behind Bon-Bon, glancing around at Agrona every once in a while.

Agrona walked up to Soji. "You okay?" she asked, grabing his hands and pulling him off the ground. She put his arm over her sholder and started to help him walk. She then looked at him. "Do you know anything about this castle?" she asked him, walking back up to Bon-Bon.


New member
Bon-Bon took one of Soji arms and place it on her shoulders, Bon-Bon was trying to help Jas carry Soji's wight. Bon-Bon sighed and looked at Stich who was walking beside her.
"Ohana, no can talk, promise." Said Stich to Jas.
Bon-Bon looked over at Soji, Hnag in there Soji, once we get to the castel you can rest...
"Ohana, you okay?" Said Stich as he looked at Bon-Bon with worry.
Bon-Bon just nodded and kept walking towards the castle.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi caught up with the others and saw Bon-bon and Agrona carring Soji. He ran past them and caught up with Jas. "I guess if you don't remember, we'll just have to become friends again." Takeshi muttered to himself.

"So, I'm Takeshi, nice meetin you, again." he said to Jas.


New member
Bon-Bon arrived at the castle gates and saw The Beast waitting for her at the front door.
Bon-Bon sighed and placed Soji's arm back around Argona. Bon-Bon looked down at Stich, Stich nodded.
Bon-Bon walked up to the beast, "Next time tell me when your going to leave. I thought you ran away from your promise." Said The Beast to Bon-Bon
Bon-Bon looked back at everyone and gave them a wave to come in.

"Now remeber they can only use the two rooms on the 2nd floor." Said The beast as he entered the castle.
Bon-Bon nodded and walked into the castle.
"Rooms we can use on 2nd floor." Said Stich to the others as he began to walk into the castle.