Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji nodded to her, unsure of why she wasn't speaking but he knew she had her reasons. He looked at the little blue creature apprehensively and followed Bon-Bon. He had no clue what was going on. He had only woken up not to long ago from a big fight with most of the Prime Evils. From what the blue thing said, Jas and Takashi had left them. He looked at Bon-Bon, not expecting a response, but asked, "What are we going to do? Have they abandoned our quest? I... I might know where Kingdom Hearts is..."


New member
Bon-Bon stopped in her tracks when she heard Soji said Kingdom Heart. "I..." Said Bon-Bon before she stopped her self. Bon-Bon continue to walk, she walked right into the west wing, The Beast was in his room, Bon-Bon knocked on the door and walked in.
"What do you want? Oh, wait you cannot speak." Said The Beast in a tuant like mood.
Bon-Bon looked straghit into the beast eyes.

It was quite for a quite awhile, "Fine, The pormise is here by over." Said The beast as he truned his back on Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon sighed, "Thank You for letting my friends to stay here." Said Bon-Bon as she smiled.
"Whatever, just don't be to quick to give your slef up. Just remeber there are always other ways to get the things you seek. You may go now." Said The Beast.

Bon-Bon left the west wing and into the main loddy, Bon-Bon looked back at Soji and hugged him tight. "Soji, I was so worried about you. But I'm so glad to see that you are okay." Said Bon-Bon as she smiled.
"Ik" Grunted Stich as he agreed with Bon-Bon.
"Well, alot Has happen since we was last togather, but we need to catch up with the others." Said Bon-Bon as she hurried out the main Doors, "Come on Soji." Said Bon-Bon as she waved to Soji.
For some reason, I'm not feeling like myself. I feel...dizzy. I can't think about that now, I need to get to the others.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at Takeshi. "Umm, i'll tell you outside.." she said, walking out of Bon-Bons ship and making her own. Kingdom Hearts... seal it!
Jas's eyes widend and she shook her head. "What the- What was that?" she asked herself, looking at the ship she had formed. "Oh well.. it dosn't matter.." she said, walking into the ship and over to the pilots seat. She sat down in the seat. Kingdom Hearts.. seal it with your friends!
Jas just smacked herself on the forhead this time. "Ouch!" she complained, rubbing her forhead.

Agrona and Rio looked at Takeshi. "Wait..? You'v also seen me before? WAIT!? I nearly killed you?! I would never do that!" said Rio, looking at Agrona strangley. Agrona shook her head and stood up. "I'll be outside with Jas, come as soon as you want.." said Agrona, walking out of Bon-Bons ship and outside to see another ship just sitting there with Jas sitting in it. "What?" said Agrona, walking inside the ship.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas herd what was going on outside, so she ran out of her ship. "Bon!" she cried, running over to Bon-Bon. "What happend, Stich? Did you see?" asked Jas, lifting Bon-Bons top half of her body off the ground and looking around the area.

Agrona saw Jas run out of the ship and then she ran after her. She saw Bon-Bons body on the ground, but Jas was holding the top half of Bon-Bons body up. So.. Agrona walked over and picked Bon-Bon up of the ground and steaded her. "I hope she'll wake up soon.. I'm not going to hold her forever.. were are the beds?" asked Agrona. "There in either ship.. but take her into the SSS" replyed Jas, geting of the ground and following Agrona, trying to help.

Agrona walked into the SSS with Jas following. "So.. uhh.. were's Bon-Bons room?" Agrona asked Jas, looking around the ship. "Down that hallway" Jas replyed. Agrona walked down the hallway and opend the door, she then layed Bon-Bon on her bed. Then she walked out again. Jas ran into Bon-Bons room and sat on her bed. "Bon.. when are you going to wake up?" Jas asked with a sigh.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji hugged her back tightly, glad to hear the sound of her voice. So she had made a deal with the Beast... It was a very foolish thing to do, but Soji wouldn't repremand her for it. Instead he listened to everything she was saying. It looked like their little group was in some big trouble. He let her lead the way, having not been in this castle for almost ten years. Soji kept feeling the change in Bon-Bon and it worried him. He didn't ask her about it. Sometimes you just let other people have some privacy. If Bon-Bon wanted him to know, she could always tell him.


New member
Bon-Bon lead Soji and Stich to the site were she landed. She saw Jas and her friends out side. Bon-Bon was about to yell out her name until something flashed pasted the coner of her eye. Bon-Bon turn to look, it was Black Clok but there was some one behind him, the person behind Black Clok stepped out from be hinde him.
That person was Bon-Bon!...but that Bon-Bon had black heair with white tips and firy red eyes, Bon-Bon rubbed her eyes, when she looked back up Black clok and that other Bon-Bon had disappeared.

"What's....going...on?" Said Bon-Bon before she colasped. "OHANA!" Yelled Stich as he ran to Bon-Bon's side. Bon-Bon laied there on the ground.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas nodded and walked out of the room. Bon needs rest.. I'll go outside and.. and do something..

Jas walked out of Bon-bons ship and sat on the ground. She then started playing with her hands. She started to hum. "Hey.. i wonder.." said Jas. She walked into her ship and got a note pad. She also got a pencil. She sat on the grass outside once more after that and started to write a song.

Jas had just finished the song and she started to hum it. She then memorized the song and started to sing it.

Agrona saw Jas with her eyes closed and her mouth was moving. "She's singing?" she asked herself, walking over to Jas without Jas knowing and she was listening.


New member
Stich looked at Bon-Bon, "Ohana." Sighed Stich as she sat by Bon-Bon's side.

Some time past and Bon-Bon finally open her eyes, she looked around to she that her room was trash, just like back in the castle, "What happen?" Said Bon-Bon to herself. "Stich?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around for him. Bon-Bon was sitting on the side of the bed with her keyblade out.
Then Bon-Bon found Stich laying in the middle of the room, he look like he was hurt badly and he was knocked out. "Stich!" Said Bon-Bon as she ran to Stich's side.

Bon-Bon lifted Stich to her lap, Stich's eyes shot open, "QURTA!" Yelled Stich as he scrached Bon-Bon face. Stich then jumpped back away from Bon-Bon growling. The cut on Bon-Bon's face was deep but not that deep.

Bon-Bon looked at Stich, "Stich what did I do, why did you call me...trator?" Said Bon-Bon as she placed a hand on cut cheeck. Stich stopped growling and looked at Bon-Bon with worry, "Ohana?" Grunted Stich.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Agrona smiled. "I think she made up the song.." she said, admiering Jas's singing voice. She crossed her arms. "Its the first time shes ever sung before.. but she's good at it?" she said, putting one of her hands on her cheak.

Jas herd Takeshi and Agrona and her eyes shot open. She looked at them and relised they were watching her sing. She then giggled nervesly. "Uhh.. hehe.. hi?" she said, covering her face with her hand, embaresed.

Agrona claped and walked up to Jas. "Can I have a read?" she asked Jas, but Jas pulled the note pad away and shut it. "Uhh.. n-no" said Jas, hugging the book. Agrona noded and walked away, then Rio walked over to her. "That wasnt you singing, was it?" asked Rio. Agrona shook her head and pointed at Jas. "Jas has made her own song" said Agrona with a smile.


New member
Stich looked around at the room, then he looked at Bon-Bon. "Foxxy heal" Said Bon-Bon as the scraches on her face disappeared.
"Stich, what did I do?" Asked Bon-Bon.
"Ohana, woked up, Stich was happy, but Ohana eyes were bad. Stich asked Ohana what matter. Ohana threw Stich." Said Stich as he pointed at the cracked window.
Bon-Bon listen with widen eyes, "Stich ran back to Ohana asking what is matter with Ohana... Ohana hit Stich with keyblade. Then Ohana and Stich foght...Stich lost, but then Ohana sat back down on side of bed and, then you came." Said Stich as he looked at Bon-Bon.

"But how could I, I would never hurt you Stich. I'm so sorry. What's going on with me." Said Bon-Bon as she looked away from Stich.
"" Said Stich as he cloasped.
"STICH!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she ran to Stich's side.
"He's badly hurt....and I did this too him." Said Bon-Bon as she healed Stich.
Bon-Bon looked around her room, widows were cracked her bed looked ripped apeart, her door had scraches on it, it looked like a war went on.
"I'm sorry Stich." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Stich.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas stood up and brushed of her pants. "My lyrics!.. and.. thanks for the complement" said Jas, hugging the book again" "Hmm.. I need to change" she said, seeing that she was still wearing the clothes she had worn when they first left Twilight Town in Bon-Bons ship. Jas started thinking about Twilight Town and a tear droped from her eye. She the wiped her face.. "I wanna put the past behind me, and take on whatever is coming.." she sang quietly from her song. Jas put her hand on her cheak. "Umm.. I'm gonna go to my mum and dads house.. they should have my clothes there.. I wanna get changed so.. see you latter if your not coming" she said to Takeshi, then walked to her ship and climbed in.
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New member
Bon-Bon laid Stich on one of the sick bay bed, "I'm sorry cosin." Said Bon-Bon as she petted Stich. Stich was resting but he still was badly hurt. "Ever since black clok did that thing to me, I've been blacking out. I wonder what's going on?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked down.

"Oh, I hope I don't hurt anymore of my friends, or even...Soji." Said Bon-Bon to herself. Bon-Bon walked back to her room it was still trashed, "I can belive I done this. Well I know I got the power to do it, but still." Said Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon walked over to her bed and sat on the side of her bed, "Well, when ever they want to go I'll go." Said Bon-Bon as she looked up over at her door, the door was covered in scraches and slash marks. Bon-Bon sighed.


The King Of Bandits
Luca had been sitting in his room this whole time, tired and exhuasted. He had fallen asleep a few times, but found himself being consumed by the darkness quickly, and woke up with more scratches on his body every time. He was begining to get a little worried about things. He had not seen his friends much, reguardless of being confined to the tiny little ship. However, He felt at ease for some reason. It was odd. Not seeing someone in a long time, then finally falling asleep a couple times, and now he felt comfortable?" Man ....this is so messed up... I dont even want to know what would happen if i stayed asleep for too long." he held his eyes open barely." If only i could use mana crystals... I would be able to get renenergized" he Looked into his pack, setting his sights on one of the crystals. His body had rejected the first crystal.. the second time around the symptoms might be a lot more sever. In worst case scenario he would use both the crystals in his pack, causing a massive amount of unstable effects on the body, which very well had a possibility of killing him. That was a risk he would have to take.

Luca placed his feet on the ground. Everything was quiet. Was something wrong? Had they even left the planet yet?

He glanced out side, seeing that there was still scenery there. They had not taken off yet. Extending his legs, the boy picked up his shoes and trotted to the door of his room, leaning on it and coughing a few times before he opened it and stepped out into the hallway. Across the hall were windows. He stopped for a minute, looking down at the bandages still on his legs, and feeling the half of his face that was still covered in bandages as well." Have we done all of this for nothing?" he was begining to question what exactly they were doing. He even had no idea. He knew the jas and takeshi's home had been destroyed, and that gave them a reason. But the question in his mind was why he was there with them."... Do i even do anything important?" he sighed, thinking about how much he got hurt, how much time he had spent in the medical bay, and how long he had had the bandages on. What was it all for as well?

" I really dont fit in here... By all means i should be dead by now... But i guess if they want me to stay... i'll stay..."


New member
Bon-Bon was sitting on the side of her bed that wasn't ripped apart, she was in a deep thought. Maybe I should leave the group, it seems that they'll be okay without me....

Suddenly Bon-Bon felt her heart skipped a beat, "Ah." Said Bon-Bon as she gripped her chest. Suddenly Black Clok appeared, "What do you want with me?" Said Bon-Bon as she glared at Black Clok. "My My, what a mess. You cage up your darkness to much. The more you do that, the more distrutive your dark side will be." Said Black Clok with a smirk.

Bon-Bon looked away from Black Clok, knowing what he said was true. "If you wish to find balance you must, set off on your own." Said Black Clok. Bon-Bon eyes widen, "No, I need my friends to help me to reach the light." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down. "Suit your self but soon, the one close to you. You will hurt him." Said Black Clok as he disappeared into a dark portal.

The drak portal stayed open, "I don't want to hurt Jas, Takeshi, Luca......and never want to hurt Soji." Sighed Bon-Bon, the pain in her chest disappear when she made up her mind. I'm going for it alone!
Bon-Bon stood up and walk towards the dark portal, she saw Luca walk past her door way and though the window she saw the others, "Just forget about me." Said Bon-Bon with a broken smile. Bon-Bon walked into the portal with her eyes closed and the portal closed behind her.

When Bon-Bon opened her eyes, she was a child's room, there was a bed, toy chest, desk and other kids stuff. But one thing about it, it was all massvie in size. There was some sudden movement under the bed, Bon-Bon wipped out her Keyblade, a man dressed like a cowboy stepped out from under the bed, "Whew, we all thought you were Jazz." Said the Cowboy as he walked up to Bon-Bon. "What, your a toy?!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the man. "Why yes, the names Woody. Welcome to Toy World." Said Woody as he held out his hand to shake.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was thinking, she was just sitting in the pilots seat stairing out the front window, barley blinking.. she was also swaying alittle. She had no idea that anyone had come into the ship, either. What are we all doing? Why are we all here, at this world? Why have we started a journey? Why.. why of all wepons.. do we use big keys? Why..? What are the answers? I wanna know.. I wanna get things straight! I wanna line up the pieces to this big, unown puzzle!
"WHO HAS THE ANSWERS!?!" Jas yelled out loud, trowing her arms out beside her and pointing her head up, the Ultima and Oblivian going into her hands. She looked at them. "..This is all your fault.. the journey started because of you.. what do you want us to do next?!" she said to the keyblades.. then it felt like time had froze.. and it did.. A figure walked from thin air while time had stoped, dressed in a trench coat with cloves. He had his hood up also. "Who are you?" asked Jas; the hooded figure coming closer to her, saying nothing. "Why arnt you talki-". "Be quiet!" broke in the hooded figure, yelling at Jas. Jas backed away a bit. The hooded figure pointed a finger at Jas, and Jas looked at the hooded figure like they were retarded. Then flames went around Jas, incaging her. "What are you doing?!" she asked the hooded figure. Jas watched the hooded figure nelt down on there knees. "Jas.. what are you doing? Your to unexpirienced for it! You'll die! I don't want you to die! Not now when I havn't met you that much.. i need to know my-". "SHUT UP WHOEVER YOU ARE AND LET ME OUT!" Jas broke in. "As you wish.. Jas.." said the hooded figure, going into thin air again and making time play once more. Jas saw the smoke floting around her. She then saw Takeshi. "Hi, when did you get in here?" she asked.
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New member
Bon-Bon was walking around with Woody getting a tour where she is, "Well, the Kid that look after us, his name is Andy. He takes real good care of us." Said Woody as he waved to some ation fegures. "Wow, this Andy sounds like a real nice kid." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the huge bed.

"Every thing was nice and all, until that girl called Jazz showed up. She uses these shadowy things to get us, then they still our hearts." Said Woody as he glanced over at Bon-Bon. "Wait.... does she have blue wavey hair and does she uses water to attack." Said Bon-Bon as her eyes widen. "Why...yes, yes she does." Said Woody as he stopped.
"That's Jazz the voice of water, but why would she attack you gys, she more of the type to do her nails. AND how can she use the heartless?!" Said Bon-Bon as she thunk.

Suddenly a doll came running up to Woody, "Woody, Woody those shoadow things are attacking!" Said the doll with panic in her eyes. No sooner she said that Heartless surrounded Bon-Bon, Woody and the doll. "You go hide under the bed I can take care of this!" Said Woody to Bon-Bon and the doll. The doll run towards the bed, "Your not fighting alone!" Said Bon-Bon as she pulled out her Keyblade.