Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Oh.. Umm.. What about Sajine? She's not a Keyblader.." said Jas, walking up to the old ladies with a misteriouse face. "Oh.. and I'll have.. Wisdom?" she said, looking at her clothes and seeing they were geting a bit smaller..

ooc: Sry for teh shortness..


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at her new clothes. "Woah.. these rock! Thanks!" said Jas, looking at her wisdom form clothes. "Don't they look cool?" asked Jas, showing Sajine her clothes.

"Cool.." Replyed Sajine, glaring at the clothes Jas had on.

Occ: This is a horible post.. but what do you expect when you got people typing all around you, peeps coughing and sneezing and a nerd that talks to loud? XD


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
(i don't know if i can join in right now, but i will anyway)

Meanwhile, as Jas and Sajine were thanking the old ladies, somewhere far away, something terrible was taking place. A shodowy character in a black cloak and hood, hurried about the hall of an enormous castle. His facial features couldn't be seen through the hood. He wore black gloves and boots to cover his hands and feet. In one of his gloved hands, he held a shining white gem. The castle was neither in light nor dark, and many thought it not to exist. The shadowy creature burst through the doors of an enormous room, locking the doors behind him tightly. He ran to the other side of the room and moved closely to the back wall. With his heart beating rapidly and the adrenaline rushing, he created a portal by simply sticking up his hand. Then with not even a word, he ran through the portal just as the two double doors behind him burst into flames

As soon as he passed through the portal, the hooded man found himself in the middle of crossroads. It was Dark out but he was able to make out the fields of keyblades all around him. He walked to the corner of the field and picked up his keyblade, Eternal Darkness. It looked just like another key he once saw...The Kingdom Key. The only difference was that this one was completely black. The keyblade had unimaginable power. Only those with a heart purely of darkness were able to weild it. He had used it many times before, but was still amazed at the power it posessed. He went back to the center of the cross roads and looked out to the distance. He saw three armored figures approaching, one with an unimaginable large key over his shoulder. He waited for the figures to come to him at the crossroads. When they approached, the one with the key said, "Well?" The hooded man threw up the gem he had been carrying and caught it. "Mission accomplished" he said. "He's coming" said the key holding person. "I know" replied the hooded man. "The fountain?" asked the armored person. "It'll be locked." said the hooded man. "There are those 5 kids" said the armored person. "A key locks and unlocks" replied the person in the hood. "What about Soji?" asked the armored person. The hooded figure snapped his fingers and about ten white creatures appeared. "Soji" he said to them. The white creatures disappeared at that moment, obviously after Soji. "What were those things?" asked one of the other 2 armored beings. "Why they are exactly what I am." replied the hooded figure. "Now, Styx," said the armored being with the key, "You remember what happened when Kratos released the heartless to the worlds, we don't want a repeat with Nobodies." "Ten isn't going to make a difference" said Styx. "And besides, look at you! You chase the keyblades like a dog chasing its tail! You steal, and banish them, and trap them in this world! If you had given Auron the keyblades in the first place, the worlds would be free of this mess!" "Thats not our concern now" said the armored person. "Our concern is to lock the fountain! We need not worry what befalls the other worlds in the process. Kratos will be punished for his ill behavior by his own demon species. And watch out. You of all people should know what will happen if you fail. Styx looked down and mumbled "i know"

The three armored people turned and walked down the near road...the road to Twilight. Styx took a left turn instead...down the road of Darkness. As he walked, all he could hear was the jingle jangle of the chain on his cloak.

(I just wanted to add my character in with a little bit of suspense. He is my character, but i won't give out all the information out right away. Nobody actually knows who he is or anything about him. BTW: Most of you are probably thinking the castle he's in is the one from're wrong. And the ppl he was talking to were the ones from the KH2 secret ending The story can now continue from where it left off. oh, and PS: i didn't read the entire thing because...its 83 pages! Can someone give me a short recap because i want to understand whats going on and participate.)
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
(you can join, we need to bring this RP back to life)

(Recap: Everyone (except you) started in twilight town, and we were all friends. then Twilight towngets destroyed by the heartless and we all get in Bon-bons ship and go to her city world. we get atacked and move on to the next planet. The pride lands, wer are all animals we seal the world and move onto the next one, repeat at next world. then Jas dissappears, comes back a little later, we go to the next world. (the one we were just on) Me and Jas split up with the others and come here.)

(Reiku you can join, just fill these out.)

History: (optional)
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
ooc:if we wanna keep it alive...we'll just have to continue w/o IBS, Jing, Daraku, and all the, RP girl and RF-Kun is enough for me!

Styx looked up at the stars above. By looking at the moon...he could tell he had been walking for about 3 hours now. As he walked he moved toward the field and started picking up keyblades to see if he could weild them. Metal chocobo, no. Fairy Harp...No, Ultima...No, Fenrir, no. It seemed that he could only weild his Eternal Darkness. He continued walking, then he finally stopped. In front of him, there was a wall, about 7 feet tall and 4 feet wide. In the center, there was a giant keyhole and above it, a spout that water could sprout from. "Fountain of the Souls!" He said, "Darken my soul! Make all my thoughts dark, make all i feel be darkness. Remove the smallest bit of light from my being!" He stuck out his keyblade and a beam of darkness shot out from the keyblade into the keyhole. Just then, a light blue liquid poured out of the spout and onto the floor infront of him. Without another word, he walked under it so the water hit his chest. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed as the blazing hot water shot out on his chest. Once the water stopped pouring out, he fell on his knees with pain. He knew he could go as far into the darkness as he wanted, for his keyblade would bounce him back, but for the first time ever in his life...he wished he was in the light. His chest had steam coming out of it and he panted loudly. After a few minutes of pain. He got up, and all he could think about was darkness. He made a portal for himself for he knew exactly where to find the "Keyblade Masters".


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Ooc: Hiya, time to let me try and get this RP up and running *cracks fingers*...

Jas looked around. "So, I guess its time to get a move on..?" she asked. "Wait a second, Jas.. before you head off.." said the fairy's. "You may want this" said the fairy in the blue dress, walking up to Jas and handing her a keychain with her family simbol on it. "What's this for?" asked Jas. "Your father came here one day, he always liked to explore, and he gave us this simbol and asked if we ever met you, give it to you" said the fariy in green. "Thanks.. I'll keep it with me" said Jas. The other fairys then walked up to her. "He also said it may come in use for you if you hook it onto something.." said the fairy in red. Jas looked at the keychain, and then at the keyblade. "Mabey it goes here!" she said, hooking it onto the back of one of her keyblades. The keyblade shone with light, then it changed into a different keyblade.. "The Hope Blade?" said Jas, looking at her new sword like keyblade. She then looked at it closley at the keyblade and noticed that some words were ingraved on one of the sides of the Keyblade. It said "Warrior or Keyblader, you will always be my little girl, Jas". "Hmm.. how did he..? Never mind.." she said, waving the fairys goodbye, and turning around to walk out of the room.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"

IC: "And this one's for you, Mr. Half Darkness." Said the green fairy, giving Takeshi a keychain that lokked like both the nobody and heartless signs crossed like an X. Takeshi took the keychain and clipped it to to his current one. The same thing happed as with Jas, only instead of a light aura it shone with a black one.

Takeshi looked down at his new keyblade. It was jet black, but when it was put in light it looked purple or dark blue. It had an open hilt, that looked like one you would find on a katana. The blade was straight a circular, and the key top was in the shape of the heartless insignia. The two humps were connected to the blade, and the pointed end was sticking outward.

"Really suiting for me, huh?" Takeshi asked, not happy but not dissappointed or angry. "How 'bout it Jas, you say we go to find the way to end the heartless?"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
ooc: lol. Yeah.. why? You don't like the way it sounds like her father used to be a keyblader, join the club; only member: Me o_O.

IC: "Yeah, lets roll." replyed Jas, continuing on out of the room. "Right, lets roll like a ball outa here!" said Sajine to Jas. "Uhh.. right.." replyed Jas, giving Sajine a wth look while opeing the doors leading out of the room with the fairys in it. "Have a nice journey!" said the fairys. "We will.." said Jas, smiling and leaving the room. Sajine turned around to the fairys as if to ask them a question; but instead, she just sighed and turnd back around to follow Jas.

As the two girls left the room, they saw Agrona and Rio standing near this guy called Saeki; and they were talking about heartless. "Are you ready to go?" asked Jas. " 'Cause we are." said Sajine, looking at her new clothes.
"-Were's Takeshi?" asked Agrona. "He's coming." said Jas and Sajine at the same time. Agrona laughed. "Okay, when he comes out we leave." said Rio, looking at the door. "Right.." said Jas, still not very comfterble around Rio.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx teleported to wat seemed to be a castle. He didn't know why he was there......he didn't see the keyblade weilders anywhere. But he heard some talking so he looked around a corner and found three fairies. He listened in to hear what they were saying. "Those were nice children" "Yes.....i really hope the stuff we gave them helps in their quest." That was enough for Styx. He now knew the keybladers were near. He took out his keyblade and faced the fairies as he pointed the keyblade forward. "Where are they?" he said, his chest still steaming from the Fountain. The fairies gasped and took cover. "Who?" asked the one in the red. "The keybladers!" said Styx with an evil tone in his mouth. Even though his head was covered by the hood and his facial expressions couldn't be seen, the red fairy felt his eyes land on her and just glare at her. "They're in the hallway" she said reluctantly. Styx put his keyblade down and walked to the hall. He stayed behind the corner so none of them could see him, but he could listen in on the conversation.

ooc: wat about takeshi.....has he ever met his father? or whoever Sajine is