Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: Actually I have met my real parents but I can't remember them. If you read back on page around 20 i think, My original home was burned down and I was orphened in Twilight Town. I got adopted and lived my life, thinking that my adoption parents were my real ones.

IC: Takeshi stepped out of the room with the farys. He turned around to close the door, but just when he was about to, he spotted the man with the dark keyblade. The man pointed it at the red fary and asked "where are the keybladers?". At that moment Takeshi knew that something was wrong. He ran foward and grabbed Jas by the arm, then sprinted off with her. "Everyone run!" He yelled back to the others, hoping they would get away in time.


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx heard the boy yell run. He quickly jumpped out from where he was and stood in front of them. "That wouldn't be a very wise option, would it?" Styx said as he raised his keyblade up, pointing it at the children. "You're not going anywhere." Styx's chest was still steaming, and just made him look angrier than he really was. "Get ready keybladers......this is going to be your first---and last---REAL fight!"


New member
((SHE'S BACK AND SHE HAS HAIR OF PURPLE, Its Bon-Bon =D. Last time Bon-Bon was stranded on Toy Planet(Toy Story) facing off with Jazz, the voice of water.))

Bon-Bon quickly climpped the covers of the bed while dodging the water Whips of Jazz. Man, I can't believe this... Jazz Heart Has been taken by the darkness
Bon-Bon quickly truned back to block a Water whip. The water Wrapped around her Keyblade, Frozzen Heart, and tossed her Key Blade to the top of the bed.

"No fair, Jazz!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she climmed again, "All is fair in this War, Voice of Ice." Called out Jazz as she removed a Small pearl ear ring from her ear. "Hydro Bomb!" Called Out Jazz asshe threw the ear ring at Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon dodge in the nick of time but the blast sent Bon-Bon fling to the surface of the bed. Bon-Bon landed on the top with her Keyblade front of her, She grabed her Keyblade and turn to see Jazz hovered up and landed in front of her.

"Time for round two, Jazz." Said Bon-Bon as she jumpped back from Jazz.

Dark Jazz- But with a Blue Demon Seed in her left arm. ((TY RR-kun for Pic))
Frozzen Heart- ((TY RR-kun for the nice pic))
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Ooc: Sajine is Jas's sister; and so is Agrona while Rio is.. a long story..

Jas looked at the guy in the cloak. "Whats your problem?" she asked, jumping back from him with her new keyblade out in frount of her as a guarde. "Hmph, how would you know if we've done a real battel or not?" asked Sajine, walking up to the guy before being stoped by Agrona; while Rio walked up to him. "Get lost!" He said, moving his hands as if to shoo and animal. "I feel insulted.." said Sajine to Agrona, Agrona looking at her like she was her mother. Sajine looked away from her with an angry face.

"Right, you want to battle? Then lets battle!" said Jas, running up to the guy, going for a hit before being interupted by another man in a trench coat coming out of a dark portal and grabing her. He then stood up and turned to Sajine. "Hello again." he said to her.


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx flung the boy infront of him with a single hand.....then watched the girl being taken away by a guy that Styx didn't really recognize. "My problem is that i have a fountain to lock, and these will stop me" he pointed to the keyblades in their hands. He turned his head to Takeshi and froze. As his keyblade started to flicker out of his hands he called out, "Takeshi?" Then Styx realized his keyblade was flickering. He brought his head down and sobbed because he knew that now, he needed to do the one thing that made his heart scream out....


New member
Jazz shot a brage of Water Orbs at Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon dodged them by doing a cuple of back flips. "Don't think You can beat me Voice of Ice." Siad Jazz as a blage of water appered in Jazz hands.
"Heh, Ice will always freeze Ice cold in its tracks. Of course I can beat you." Siad Bon-Bon boatfuly as she held a tight grip on her Keyblade.

Bon-Bon quickly rushed forward towards Jazz and at the last moment Bon-Bon disappered and reappered behind Jazz with a down ward swing of her Keyblade. By that time Jazz already held out her Water Sword to block. "What?" Siad Bon-Bon as she heard the Sound of there weapons hitting each other.

"You're way to slow for me, Voice Of Ice!" Siad Jazz as she side slahsed Bon-Bon. Jazz was too fast, Bon-Bon was able to move out the way only to get a little cut on her side. Bon-Bon jumpped back away from Jazz and held her side. Crap... I didn't think Jazz is this good of a fighter.


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Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Rio rolled back to make sure he didn't take in to much damage. But he was suprised to see that the man who just pushed him with so much strength was now crying. "What the hell..?" he wisperd to himself.

The mand that grabed Jas had let go of her and nodded at Sajine before he jumped into another dark portal to leave. "What was that all about?" asked Jas; fixing up her t-shirt.

"Hmph." laughed Agrona, looking at the area of where the portal was. "Pathedic, he didn't even stay a minute to watch.. I bet he can't even fight.." she said with a smirk on her face. "What would you know?" asked Sajine; Agrona looking around at her with a now confused face. "Huh?" said Agrona. "Uhh.. nothing.." said Sajine, looking away from Agrona. "Right.." said Agrona, being interupted by Rio who was now geting of the ground while staring at the man in the coat that was crying.

The loser pretends his tough, when really his soft inside.. at least thats what I think... thoght Agrona.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Yeah, that's me." Takeshi said, "You want something?". He noticed that the boy had his head down. Then he saw that the guy was crying. "Woah, whats with you?" He asked. Takeshi then noticed that a man had stepped in through a portal, even though that man was already gone. "And who was that?" He asked, not directing his question at anyone in particular.
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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx looked up and wiped his face. He had never onced cried before. But now he had to cry.....he just HAD to. "Takeshi....." he said. He was about to take a step forward, but his keyblade started to fade so he stopped. With one last flicker of the keyblade, Styx looked straight into Takeshi's eyes and said, "Takeshi, i'm your father" and as a tear rolled down his cheek he said, "And i have to kill you"


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Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"HOLY CRAP!" yelled Jas, her eyes open wide. "Didn't see that coming.." said Agrona. "Don't kill him!" yelled Sajine. "Uhh.. wow.. thats.. strange.." said Rio, trying to fit in with the others. "Why do you have to kill him?! He didn't hurt you!" said Jas, jumping near Takeshi and geting in 'Takeshi's fathers' way of hiting Takeshi.


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Bon-Bon was slamed into the head bord of the bed leaving a crak where'd she hit. Bon-Bon fell to the bed coughing up blood. Jazz walked up to Bon-Bon and picked her up by her collor. "My my look how weak the Voice of Ice is." Siad Jazz tounfuly.

Bon-Bon grited her teeth as the demon seed on her head started to glow. "Never dought the power of Ice!" Yelled Bon-Bon as a burst of icy coldness flowed out of Bon-Bon's body. Jazz when flying back and was frozzen solied. Bon-Bon fell to the ground her body temp was -20. "Had to ...had to use 20%...of the demon seed." Coughed out Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon slowly stood to her feet woblly, "Don't think you can get rid of me that easly!" Yelled Jazz as she shaddered into piceses. the pices quickly melted into water and joined back into Jazz. "Water will always leave on." Siad Jazz as she held her sword with a tight grip. "Why don't you just evaborate!" Yelled out Bon-Bon as her wouds began to heal.


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx looked up and wiped his face again. "I guess you need to hear the whole story." he said with not a sad or understanding voice, but an evil one. "My name is Styx, i am the universe's only nobody with a heart. A nobody is the empty shell of someone once they have been turned into a heartless. I work for three people called 'The Chasers'. My job is to prepare for his arrival. The chasers have me running about doing whatever they wish. The last mission i had was to lock the fountain, but i can't do that without the Gem of the Souls. So i stole it from a castle far away. I also need to kill the keybladers. It was my first ever mission. Back when i was human and Takeshi was first born. They told me to kill him. I refused so the girl chaser turned me into a nobody, but she couldn't touch my heart, so i kept it. Then they burned down my home and separated me from Takeshi. I thought he had died. So did they. I didn't care about my life anymore, so it now belongs to them. They want me to kill the 5 keyblade weilders." Styx stopped as a Behemoth appeared in back of Takeshi. The heartess lifted his foot up high above him. "Look out!" said Styx as he pushed Takeshi out of the way. He then lept up and screamed "DON"T YOU HURT MY SON!" He then brought his keyblade down with all the power he had in him. The behemoth died. Styx's keyblade dissappeared from his hands. "No..." he said. "That was my keyblade, eternal darkness. You can only weild it if your heart is purely of darkness. I drifted too far away from it to save my son and so i exposed my heart to light." Just then, a keyblade with even more unimaginable power appeard in his hands. This keyblade resembled love, light, and a friend. Fenrir. "I'm sorry son" He said. "I don't want to lose you again." He put his keyblade down and ran up to Takeshi giving him a hug.


New member
Bon-Bon and Jazz's weapons clanged and clashed as they met each other during the battle. Bon-Bon jumpped back away from Jazz. We're too evenly matched....Damnit what should I do?

Bon-Bon blocked an attack from Jazz and was sent fling back into the head bord. Bon-Bon fell to the ground and staied there, This is it.... I can't beat her.... I should just....Wait, That Guy in the dark clok... he told me....Used the drakness don't let it control you... I got it now.

Bon-Bon tightly gripped her Keyblage, the ice on it started to turn dark in color, and the light that was shining from her Demons seed soon became clouded. "Fine...I'll let the darkness in....but.." Siad Bon-Bon as she slowly stood up, "I WILL NOT LET IT CONTROL ME!" Yelled out Bon-Bon as she let her Demons seed grow 50%.

Bon-Bon eyes were no longer Kind and pink they were Red and cold. "Jazz you're going to faded away now." Siad Bon-Bon coldly as she pointed her Keyblade at Jazz's heart.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas let go of Takeshi; and backing away from him a bit, smiling. "I guess you'll help us instead of 'leting us see what a true fight is' now, right?" Jas asked Takeshi's father. "Your strenth will help us for tough battle's.." said Agrona. "But.. if you turn on us at any time.. then I guess its all over for us." said Rio, geting lightly hit by Agrona. "Don't say that!" she said, with a 'what are you thinking' look. Rio smiled as somthing floted into his body, his eyes going red for one second, before changing back to there original color.

While the others were talking, Sajine was thinking about the man that came through the dark portal. It was the same man that helped her get to Jas, Takeshi, Agrona and Rio; for that she was greatfull.. but didn't show it in any way. "So... what are you thinking about?" asked Jas, inturupting Sajines thinking time. "Err.. uhh.. nothing.." replyed Sajine, looking up at Jas. "You would've had to be thinking of somthing! Your just sitting there." said Jas, looking at Sajine, starting to smile; then she laughed. "Haha.. I guess you were off in you own little world?" said Jas, starting to walk away. "Have a nice time there.. after all.. everything happinging on this world is confusing.." she said. "Yeah.. my own little world.. hehe.." wisperd Sajine to herself.

Rio sighed and turned to leave. "Can we go now?" he said, starting to walk to the exit again. "Theres nothing to stay for, anyway.." . Agrona, Jas and Sajine looked at him, faces blank. "What do you mean? Those to are having a nice 'father meets son' moment!" said Jas, just staring at Rio.


New member
Bon-Bon disappered, Jazz looked around, "What this thime I can't see her." Siad Jazz as she grited her teeth. Bon-Bon appered right infrom of her and thrushted her Key Blade into Jazz's heart. Jazz let out a painful scream and Bon-Bon just smiled.
Bon-Bon withdrew her KeyBlade and let Jazz fell to the ground, a dark mist faded from Jazz's body as she laied there. Bon-Bon eyes grew back to there soft and pinkness and the keyblade became its natural color again. "Well...nothing bad happen..I guess using the darkness isn't that bad." Siad Bon-Bon as she sighed.

At that momnet that guy in a dark Clock appered, "Heh, told ya." Siad Dark Clok as a dark portal opened behind him. Bon-Bon made her way to the dark Portal and looked back at Jazz. "Do not worry I'll take care of her." Siad Dark Clok. Bon-Bon nodded and entered the portal, the portal closed after her.

Dark Clok looked around and then apporched Jazz's body, Dark Clok held up a tiny intercom to his lips, "We have one voice of the element to pick up....The Human Plaent will be revived." Siad Dark Clok with a smiled.


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx looked up from Takeshi. "Don't worry," he said. "I wouldn't even dare of turning on you. And if my heart takes me away from light, you will see Fenrir turn black and slowly change form." He smiled when Jas said the thing about the "father son moment" "Well you all know me now.....who are all of you?" asked Styx


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
"Girlfriend?" asked Styx. "Son, this is all news to me, you being alive, being a keyblade weilder, now you have a grilfriend?!?!?! Lets slow down a bit. Give me details one step at a time from now on. As much as i don't want you to have a girlfriend just yet, you kind of just met me so i can't tell you not to go out with her." Styx then looked again at the motely crew. "Wait, there are suppose to be 5 keybladers, where are the others?


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Uhh.. well.. we don't really know.." replyed Jas, scratching the back of her head. "It's been a while since we saw them.." she said, looking at the rest of the group. "Oh, well.. they'll turn up sometime." said Sajine, looking at Styx.

Rio grew more impashent. "Can we please go? The more you talk, the more I get bored.." said Rio, tapping his feet together. "Shh, Rio! The more you talk, the more anyoing you get!" Agrona said to Rio. Rio looking ofended. "Well.. you can stay here and chat, but I'm outta here!" he said, running down the stairs and out the exit. "Lets hope he won't always be like this.." said Agrona, going after him slowly.

When Rio got outside, he sat over near one of the walls on the side of the castle. He was breathing heavily. "Strange.. I'm.. starting to feel.. better.. now that.. i'm out.. of there.." he said with a bit of relif. "Whats wrong with me? I feel this strange strenth.. and the urge to go on an atacking rampage to destroy everything light.." he breathed. "Rio? Rio, were are you?" Rio herd Agrona's voice say. He didn't reply, he wouldn't take the risk of replying, so he acted like he never herd her.. until she came around and found him crouched down near the side of the castle.

Agrona saw that Rio's eyes were also red, and he looked stresed. He was also sweting heavily over his forhead. "Rio..? Whats wro-" she was saying, before Rio swong his leg around to trip her, but she jumped to doge. Has he gone back to darkness? ..No.. he couldn't... could he..?

Rio then jumped up and started to atack Agrona, but her doging skills were amazing. "What has gotten into you?" she asked, grabing his hands and triping him. She then pushed him up against the wall and slaped him. "Get out of him, darkness! His not yours anymore!" she said, slaping Rio again.