Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx was in a little shock about the whole girlfriend thing. It made him remember something. A long time ago. Takeshi's mom and him were talking. He told her how much he loved her and how they would be together forever. But when he refused to kill his son, they also killed his wife. He snapped out of his flashback when he heard some screaming down stairs. "We should go," he said to Jas, Sajine, and Takeshi. He ran down the stairs and saw Agrona being attacked by Rio. He was shocked. They were going out and they were acting so wierd. Then he realized what had happened. It was one of two things, a) the boy has issues with the darkness. Styx really hoped that was the reason because if it wasn't, that meant that b) The Chasers had found out he drifted into light and were out to get him. But then he was both relieved and worried when he heard Agrona say "Get out of him, darkness! His not yours anymore!" He ran up to them and called out to the darkness. "Darkness! I'm the one you want! Leave the boy be!" Styx was then surrounded by a mist of darkness. I think its working, he thought. Then he realized he would be separated from his boy again. From Takeshi. "I love you son," he said quietly, but not too quietly that no one could hear. The dark mist lifted him up and entered his body. Styx then changed form. He looked like this:

Styx then fell to the ground. The light coming from the window got on him. He burned. He screamed out in pain. His voice changed it was deeper now. It sent a chill down even his own spine. The darkness took him. He was now a puppet to it. And Fenrir was gone. But then, something happened. A bird came flying out of almost no where. The shadow of the bird touched Styx. The shadow was then sucked under Styx's body. The bird fell to the ground and disappeared. Styx stole its shadow. He quickly ran out of the castle. Ran as fast as he could. Staying in the darkness because the light burned him. Then he noticed.....his legs were gone. We was gliding over everything. He screamed back at the castle, so loudly. "TAKESHI!!!!! I WILL COME BACK!!!!!" Styx then glided away. Far away. Separated once again from his boy.

ooc: Styx's new appearance is the appearance of a dude in a very awesome book called Peter and the Shadow Thieves. I based everything on the new Styx based on this character. Anyone read the book? It was the only book i acctually finished XD
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Rio was now just siting there with Agrona looking down at him from above. Jas was watching him dazed and Sajine was down on he knees waving her hand in front of his face after they had got down to Agrona and Rio. Then Jas turned to look at Takeshi, and then she ran up to him. "You okay? It was strange what just happend to your father.." she said to him, he voice with a wondering tone. She then bit her bottom lip. Poor Takeshi.. he just met his father and now his fathers gone.. lets hope he dosn't feel to bad about this..

Agrona looked at her hands to see that they were red from slaping Rio over and over. She then got on her knees and hugged him. "..Rio.." she moned.

While this was happening, Rio was in some sort of world.. everything was light exept for black stuff that was scatterd around the floor. Rio looked at his hands to see they had steel on them before noticing he had steel on his feet.. and all over his body. He gasped. "What is this?" he tryed to say, but he couldn't hear his voice. "What..? Were am I?" he once more tryed to say, then he herd somthing.. they were foot steps, and they keeped geting louder.. somthing or somone was coming towards him...


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx wandered around a dark town. It was late so the sun wasn't up here. he had ran for a while until he could escape. As he walked, he saw a payphone. It started to ring. He hestitated but he went to go pick it up. "Hello?" he said. "Hello Styx," said a voice. "Don't speak just listen." Styx got angry. "No! You know what? I'm done with listening to people! Thats the reason i got separated from Takeshi and my wife died!" "That was your own fault, Styx. Now listen. I can help you get back to normal. I know what you are and how you can change back. But first, it might be in your best interest to turn around." Styx turned around and saw a small box. He went and picked it up then returned to the phone. "Open it." said the voice. Styx opened it and was shocked with what he saw in it. "Do you know what this is, Styx?" "Its a.....a nuclear bomb" replied Styx. "Yes. Now i want you to take this bomb and to attactch it to a world. Two idiots are fighting there. This bomb has the power to destroy a whole world. Now turn to your left." Styx turned and saw a portal. Next to the portal was a man with a phone up to his ear. "Hello Styx" he said in the same voice as the person on the phone. "Now come on.....we've got a world to destroy." Styx didn't ask any questions. He just followed the guy into the portal. On the other side, Styx found himself in a bedroom. But the bedroom was huge! Giant sized! And there were two ladies fighting on top of the bed. "Now Styx, are you ready?"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx saw the man appear up on the bed. He saw the portal that appeared and the girl that tried to go through it. He saw the man take one of the ladies and leave. But that wasn't what Styx was staring at. It wasn't at the bomb either. It was at the man who brought him there. Now that they were in the light---which, surprisingly, didn't hurt Styx in this world---he could see the man's face. He was an old man. About 70 or so, but that wasn't why Styx was staring either. It was because the man looked so familiar. "I'm ready." said Styx to the man. " go strap the bomb right under the bed." said the old man. Styx was hesitant, but he decided to go and put the bomb over there. He set it up under the bed as the old man said, "Now connect those two wires and close the glass lid." Styx did so and then a little clock on the bomb turned on. "Its set to a minute so we'd better go." said Styx. "Yea..."said the man. "About that. You see...i really needed Jazz outta the way for my plan to work. She has interfered a lot in the past. Now she left with that man so i need to get her elsewhere. Bon-Bon up there is a menace and also a keyblader.....she needs to be out of the picture too." "A keyblader?" asked Styx. "But most importantly," said the man ignoring Styx's question. "I need you out of the way, Styx." "What?!?!?" said Styx. The man backed away slowly and disappeared in a portal. Styx looked around quickly and panted. He felt very dizzy and confused. He got very scared all of a sudden. He fainted as the bomb went beep and went down from 1:00, to :59, to :58 and kept going down every second.
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
"Look! I'm sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me! If i touch someones shadow, they disappear. I don't want that to happen to you. That's why i ran away from my boy, Takeshi, i did't want him to die."



New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Rio looked around, just to see more light with dark stuff scatterd around. "I have to move.. I have to get away... somones coming..." he tryed to say before running to the left of him, before hearing more footsteps, but louder. Rio grunted and ran to his right. He then sighed as he heard more footsteps. "..whats happining..?" he tryed to say. He then fell on his knees, giving up, and waiting.. waiting for whoever was coming to come...

Rio heard somone talking to him.. it was an awfully familar voice. "It can't be you? Why are you here?.." he said. He could hear himself. "A-" he went to say before geting interupted by a girl, it was Agrona.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
"You need to be going?!?!?! A bomb is strapped to the bottom of that bed that will make this whole planet explode in twenty seconds!!!!!" Styx screamed back at the girl. "Don't you think we should at least save it before we just leave?!?!?!?"



New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx quickly glanced around looking for a way to shut it off. "I'm not exactly sure but we have to find a way!" 14....13......12......Then it occured to Styx. 10......He started running over to where the bomb was. 9........he kept running. 8.......he made it. 7........he ripped the bomb off from where it was strapped. 6.......he ran it back over to where the girl was. 5..........he placed it directly in the light. 4.........its shadow stretched out in front of Styx. 3..........Styx moved over to the shadow. 2.........Styx lept on the shadow. 1..........the shadow of the bomb disappeared under Styx. The bomb then slowly disappeared. Then, a light appeared at where Styx's stomach would be. The light got bigger, and bigger, until suddenly....KABOOM. The bomb exploded and the whole room filled with light. Styx went flying up. He then changed form once again. but he wasn't a nobody, he wasn't whatever he was just now either. He came down looking like this: guys/Madness_snow___by_heise.jpg . He was back to normal. He fell to the ground and passed out slowly.


New member
Bon-Bon was trown back do to the Shock of the blast, Bon-Bon slowly looked up to see if the stranger was all right. Her vison was blur but from what she sees; the stranger passed out.
Bon-Bon passed out, and laied there on the ground motionless. Dark Clok appered next to Bon-Bon's Body. "Good, the Blast didn't kill this one...We still need her." Siad Dark Clok as he lefted Bon-Bon up by her callors.

Dark Clok gave her a good look, "Hm, she still not there yet." Said Dark Clok as he opened a Dark Poratal. Dark Clok tossed Bon-Bon into the portal and then disappered along with the portal.

Bon-Bon woke up when she felt a slight breeze on her face. As she opend her eyes she noticed that she was in the sand of a beach. Bon-Bon sat up and looked out at the sea. "Wow, this it noice." Siad Bon-Bon as she looked around. "I'm on an Island." Siad Bon-Bon as she looked out at sea.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx woke up and the girl was gone. He stood up and realized, his legs were back! He looked at his hands, they were normal too. He ran over and looked in the mirror. He looked just like he did befre he got turned into a nobody. He had forgotten how he looked because of how long he had a different body.....and that awful hood that he never once removed from his head! But seeing his body made him realize why that old man looked so familiar...he looked just like him. Styx then remembered he had to get out of there. He was prepared to give takeshi the biggest hug of his life. He stuck up his hand, but nothing happened. No portal appeared. He then thought of something. When he was a shadow thief, he wasn't burned by the light. He looked around and just found out, there wasn't light, the room was just bright. He then looked out the window and saw, the sun wasn't up, neither was the moon. All he saw was space. That made him realize that the window must be a world exit. He climbed up to the bed. When he was younger, he knew how to glide....he hoped he still knew how to. He jumped off the bed and glided all the way to the table under the window. He made it. He jumped out the window and teleported.

On the other side, Styx found himslef on sand. There were beautiful trees and a beautiful ocean. Styx was devastated. He had no idea where he was or where Takeshi was. he sat down on the sand and just closed his eyes.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Yeah I'm fine." Takeshi said, sitting down on the floor and staring at the spot where his father had disappeared from. How could he already leave when we had just met?... he thought to himself. Awww well, I'm sure I'll find him again sometime, I'll just have to keep my eyes open. Takeshi stood up, not taking his eyes off of the spot where he had last seen his father. He longed for him to come back, for him to stay along side him to make up for all the time that was lost between them.

Takeshi had been staring at the spot for a couple minutes when he noticed that tears were sliding down his cheeks. He wipe them away quickly, then turned around and sat back on the floor.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Agrona..? Why are you here?" Rio asked Agrona. "I'm not.. I'm just your light.. bundeld up into the one you most care for..." she replyed in a heavenly voice. "But your here.. and I bet I can touch you.. wha..?" he said, trying to touch Agronas foot, but his hand went right through her. "No.. no.. why is this happening..? Is this like a torture.. to make me go back into darkness?" he said. "No.. I'm just showing you what could happen if your light dissapers-" she was saying, before Rio butted in. "I won't go back to darkness! I'll stay in light!" yelled Rio, cofedentley. "Liar.. you watch.. you'll go into darkness.. and you'll lose Agrona.. and you'll fade.. fade away into nothingness.. and you'll never escape.." she said, fading away.

Rio suddenly woke up, breathing heavily. He then noticed Agrona.. and he hugged her tight. "Rio? RIO!! Woo hoo! You woke up!" said Agrona, before hearing Rio chanting somthing to himself. He was chanting "I'll never fade, I'll never fade, I'll never fade.." over and over. "Rio..?" said Agrona, pushing away from Rio to look at him to try to see what was wrong, but he just grabed her, and held her tighter than before. "Hey!" said Agorna. "Is thins because I slaped you?" she said to him. Rio than paused for a couple of seconds.. the continued with hugging Agrona and chanting. Rio.. whats gotten into you... Agrona thought.

Jas looked at Agrona and Rio, and saw Agrona trying to get away from him. "HEY! RIO! LET GO OF HER!!" she yelled, before running down the stairs to them. "Slipery water!" she said, casting it onto Rio's hands. Agrona then walked three meters away from Rio. "If you keep doing this, THIS is coming off and in a nearby bin!" said Agrona, pointing to her engagment ring. Rio looked up at her and burst into tears. "NOOO!!" he screamed. "Please..?" he said, looking at her with big eyes. "Snap outta this and it won't happen!" she said, walking out of the castle. Rio sniffled, and coverd his face, trying to stop crying.
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx opened his eyes and looked out at the sea. THe ocean waves calmed him. His heart rate was brought down and he relaxed. He stood up and started walking to a little hole in a tree. He walked in and found a little sort of on-land grotto. AT the very back there was a mysterious door. Styx wanted to open it, but there was no knob. He then decided to just walk out. He did and encountered many heartless. He brought out Fenrir and dealt some away. Unfortunately, he hadn't seen one creep up behind him and attack. Styx fell to the ground as the heartless started surrounding him.