Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls

Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
The time has passed."Thank you Magus for the power of ninjutsu and the magic summoning abilities." "Child I have taght you nothing compared to your true powers, sadly you must leave to continue your life."
"I have a question were you the voice that talked to me then?" "No he you will soon meet good day Hahha." In that moment Heero had fallen in Nature's "Heart."
" So your the friend Magus talked about?!" "What of it?" Even though Heero knew that this woman was nature's fruit one of the Dream Blader's. "Stop with this procrastination let's end this" "Question why do thou hate Keybladers?" " You were hired to kill me not talk" " Quick to the point I see! Let's Dance FOOL!" Heero jumped to evade her attack and throwing a shuriken without thinking cutting only vines trees and some of the surroundings. "Missed child oh and call me "Lust"
"Did I really miss my target?" said Heero with a quizzical sound. Heero quickly doged all of the attacks with out fault. The only problem was the moisture and the heat. Let me end this now. Without hesitation Heero called out,"nrub" and the terain quickly burned down. "What?!" "You see I know alot about your style that Keyblade in particular is powered by the environment and now it is useless." With that Heero pulled out his gun and shooting it to the heart burning up the in organs at a medium speed."Die slowly and remember me; Good Day!" With that Heero disappeared.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stood, arms crossed in the doorway to the controls. He had heard all of Bon-Bon's thoughts. How? He didn't know. For some reason he could read thoughts when he let his mind go. It wandered the halls of the ship, spying in on anything to be heard. He thought it was wrong to pry into other's minds but he didn't have a choice. Soji looked up just in time to see Bon-Bon slip into a secret compartment.

Soji, panicing, thought Bon-Bon had fallen through a hole in the ship. He rushed forward, forgetting he was still unstable on his feet. Soji tripped and fell, face first through the hole. He hit the ground with a painful thud and he nearly blacked out again. Images swam through his head though, images of Bon-Bon. There were other parts with the images though. Feelings, emotions. He was going through the memories he obtained from her in another life. A darker life.


New member
Bon-Bon slowly creeped though the wirihg of the ship, suddenlly she heard a thud sound behind her. "What was that?" Said Bon-Bon as she quickly turn around, "It's just my mind playing tricks." She said trying to clam her self, Bon-Bon just moved forward crawlong over wires.
Bon-Bon finally reached the main computer hub, Bon-Bon pulled up and holigraphic keybord in front of her, "SSS, begin self scaning of self for vireus." Commanded Bon-Bon to the computer.
Bon-Bon's fingers travled at a high speed checking every file and space on the comupter hardware to see for any infection, "ah,ha... that's how Gyki got in, he hacked into my ship's mainframe......that SOB." Said Bon-Bon as she put up strouger fire wall.
With that done Bon-Bon was now complete, Bon-Bon quickly hurry to the top before anyone could find her missing.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Wow,what a birthday..."said Jas,sitting on a chair felling misreble."I got an erley present that i don't feel like having"She said,looking at her keyblade.She herd a thud and got up."What was that?"she said,running towards were she herd it.She saw Soji."Hey,are you ok?"she said to Soji,while he was laying on the ground."Do you want me to help you up?"she said,putting out a hand then pulling it back." are the guy that destroid Twilight Town!"She said with a sort of weird voice."But you helped my friend Luca..."she said putting out her hand again."uhhh,welcome to the.."she looked around,"welcome to the SSS!"

Jas had helped Soji up."So,what do you like to do?"She said, just standing there looking at him."I like to play..Liked to play with Takeshi and Luca intill you destroid Twilight Town"she said disapointedley."And whats your name?"she asked him.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared at Jas, perplexed. "My name is Soji Tsuwano. As for this place known as Twilight Town... I'm not sure what happened. I guess it's true that I destroyed it..." Soji, shamed looked at his feet. "I saw myself in images, destroying it. But that must have been years and years ago! I had scars on my hands, and black clothes. Now, I have no scars and dressed in complete white. And this orb... I'm not sure what it is though." Soji looked himself over. It was true. When he awoke for what felt like the first time in Halloween Town, he was drapped in white with the orb on his chest. He hadn't had any memory of the past.

Soji still avoided Jas's eyes. "I'm sorry about your friend. I can't fully remember it, but I think I might have caused a lot of the damage. At least I can reverse it." Soji looked at his hands again. "How did I do that? Where would such a power come from if I never knew I had it? Or maybe I did have it... In the past." Where had his memory gone? Why couldn't he remember any of these events? Here was a girl who claimed that he destroyed Twilight Town when he himself had images of doing it. What had happened to his memory?

OOC: This is what Soji looks like now with his white clothes:


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"umm,Soji,You only destroid Twilight Town yesterday!"said Jas to Soji."You must of lost your memory or somthing and you proberbley healed like alway's"she said looking away."The visions or image's you see are true" she said,fastly turning her head to him."Ill try and help you get your memory back..well,back in Twilight Town..."Jas thought that if she told to much she might acsedantely make Soji have to much memory,and he might kill her."In Twilight town,you nearly killed my friend Luca,and then when me and my friends ran to Bon-Bon's ship that were in present,you took every body's hearts and formed them into a monster to kill the core of Twilight Town,when we left i looked out the window and saw all this lava go every were and you must of took twilight town's heart because twilight town just...vanished".Oh no,you told him everything you new!He might turn evil now...


New member
Bon-Bon pop out of the Scecret door and looked up, there was Jas and Soji talking right above her. yikes!, Bon-Bon snuck away unotice by Jas and Soji, Bon-Bon entered her room, "SSS, stop program 07." Said Bon-Bon as she walked in, the lovely snowy vally soon disapper and changed back into Bon-Bon's room. "Hmm, I wonder where Takeshi is..... we should almost be st Hallow Bation soon." Said Bon-Bon as she looked around her room. Bon-Bon soon left her room heading for the main deck.
Looking though the main window she saw the world Hallow Bation, "OH MY GODS, Hallow Bation has those cretures swarming all over it!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she point out the main Window to a world covered in a dark like cloud.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC:Roxasfan has mised out on 3 pages!

Jas herd Bon-Bon cry out that creuture's were in Hollow bastion."Bon-Bon,We cant land there than!"Said Jas running to the window and looking down at Hollow Bastion."Soji,Heartless freak's!"She pointed out the window to hollow bastion.Jas looked around the room and couldent find Takeshi."Were's Takeshi?"she asked herself.Jas started running around the ship trying to find Takeshi.Eventuly,she found him,sitting down at the table.He hasent said enything for a howl day! Jas relised that Takeshi didnt say anything for a howl day,she was woried.How much had he loved Twilight town?He hasent said anything for one day and he still aint moving... she thought."Comeone Takeshi,Talk!"Jas walked of to Bon-Bon."Takeshi won't talk!"she said,sort of like a complain."I'm going to go see Luca.Tell him whats hapening and tell him to prepare himself if they have a crash landing and the heartless atack"

Jas was in the sick bay talking to Luca."Takeshi won't talk,and Hollow Bastion is full of heartless!"she said."Hopefully we can kill all the heartless"


New member
"AW, HELL!" Said Bon-Bon as she rush to the main deck, "SSS, SOUND THE ATTACK ALARM!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she grabed the ships control. There was a loud buzzing sound that rang though out the ship, Bon-Bon took control of the ship and turn it around, but as they ran away from Hallow Bation a few Heartless ship fallowed.
"Jas, Soji, ANYBODY I need you to control the weapons of the ship while i drive!" Said Bon-Bon as she pointed to the contorls beside her.
"Just press the red button when you get one in your sights!"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sat there until his name was called. His memories were reconnecting. For some reason, he remained unchanged. His mind and body remained that of light instead of reverting to darkness. Although, he could feel his dark powers returning, he felt no dark emotions nor dark desires. His mind remained that of someone who wanted peace and good. But why? Why wouldn't his mind return to what it was? What was different from when he was in Twilight Town?

Soji moved his hand over his chest and felt the gentle warmth of the gem on his chest. The gem looked remarkably like the Heart of Twilight Town. Suddenly, Soji realised what the gem was. It must have been the Heart of Twilight Town. It infused with his body for some reason. It must be why he forgot the darkness as the only thing he knew and it must be why he wasn't in darkness right now. So, I didn't destroy Twilight Town afterall. There was good in me even then. I wasn't always evil. Soji smiled to himself. He now knew what he had to do. These people he hurt so much were in his charge now. He would protect them at all costs.

Soji stood up and ran to the window. Outside, thousands of Heartless covered the world. Soji knew what he had to do. He had a new power up his sleeve. Or rather, on his chest. He turned to Jas and Bon-Bon and asked, "How do I get outside the ship?"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas ran over to the buttons and standed there,aming for the heartless ships."Wow,i feel exited more then worried!"said Jas as she fiered at one of the ships."Whow!"Jas fell over as one of the heartless ships shot at them."Now i'm just angry!"said Jas as she got back up and started shooting the heartless ship's crazely.One by one the ship's were going down,faling through space like piece's of junk."Let's do this thing!"said Jas angrely as she shot another of the ships down.Jas looked around and saw out one of the window's that the heartless ships were comeing around them to.Some were firering at the walls,trying to brake them and some were dinting the SSS by hitting it."I'm not sure we can make it!!"Screamed Jas


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC:Jas's dad was a traveler.

"WE HAVE TO LAND!!"screamed Jas as she got knocked down again."Were is the map?!?I can probebley find a diferent world to go to!"she said,geting of the grond and looking for a map."How can i be so stupid?"She said to herself,reaching in her pocket and getting out a map her dad drew of all the worlds."Here Bon-Bon,a map go to the closest world!"she said


New member
"It says the closest world is...............HELL NO I'M NOT GOING THERE!" Said Bon-Bon as she reads the map while trying to get the ship stable.
"Crud, we got no chosie." Said Bon-Bon with gref
The SSS quiclky spun out of control, crash landing on the world of the Lion King.
ooc: we have alot of room for the bad guys, also we need to be animals on Lion King planet
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"We HAVE to land there!Or we will die!"Said Jas,worried about geting knocked out of the sky by heartless."Land Bon-Bon!Land now!"yelled Jas."Soji,how are you going with those guns?"said Jas.Jas got up and walked to Takeshi."Hello?Takeshi,Heartless ship's are atacking us and we have to land..."Jas fell over again,but this time she rolled back and hit her head hard on the ground and got knocked out.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC it's not too late, u can join, u''ll just start out somewhere else like on the Lion king world
And Sorry guys, I have been Swamped with da homework

Takeshi had been knocked out when the intruders had first entered the ship however many days ago it happened. He woke up to the ships landing, which wasn't a very good one, he bashed his head when the ship rocked one more time after he stood up. "OWWwww." he said while looking around. His vision was still a little blurred, but he could just make out the words on a sign that read "STICK BAY"

He tried to walk to the door, but stumbled and fell down. He looked at his feet to find that, HE HAD FOUR OF THEM. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" He screamed, shanking the ship a little. He tried to walk agian and managed to make it to the door. He walked around the ship looking for the others, but didn't find any of them.

Takeshi stumbled out of the ship, still not used to his new legs, and saw everyone standing around, Soji was there too, "What's he doing here?!?" He asked.


New member
"He came here," Said a purple fox, with pick demonic eyes, bon-bon's tied around each ear and 3 tails.
"the crashed knocked me all th way back there into sick bay.... ow." Said the fox as she rubbed her head as she walked out the ship.
"Ah, Takeshi you're up, you had me and Jas scared...... this is all your frist time on this world isn't it?" Said the fox to every one outside.
"Aw my poor SSS!" Said the fox as she looked back at the ship.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca had been listening to jas speak about what he missed, bringing him up to date on everything up until they crashed. " Why does everything always have to hurt.." Luca glanced down at the small piece of metal stick into his side. He quickly pulled it out and covered the wound with his shirt. He wasn't going to let his friends down again. Suddenly he fell to the ground, seconds later he awoke again. Something felt diffrent. He looked around, feeling something waving behind him. He spun around quickly and realized there was nothing behind him. Feeling the thing behind him again he quickly jumped around. He felt the waving thing yet again, This time he turned around and glanced back at what looked like a tail. Luca's eyes widened, a dark fur covered body, dark brown fur all the way back to the thing sticking off his body, his tail. " What the hell is going on.." He rubbed his eyes and quickly took a look at his surroundings, dense forest all around him with an exit nearby, leading out into an large open plane. This place seemed oddly familiar to him somehow. He had never been anywhere but twilight town..and wherever he was born at, which was obviously not here. Also looking around, he saw none of his friends, Nor any animals for that matter. Slowly, began walking, losing his balanced as he learned to walk on his new four legs. " This is going to take some getting used to.." He whispered to himself before venturing out onto the plan, Leaving the think forest behind him.

There was obviously nothing around here that he would be able to get help from. No other animals, no other people, nothing. In the distance there was a giant rock sticking out of the ground, It's shape was odd, As if formed by some sort of god or something. There was something wrong about this world, But he had not met anything or anyone for that matter, bad yet. The walk out on the plains was rather soft, cushioning his feet paws with every step he took. It was much smoother then the forest terrain had been. A sweet breeze was blowing across the grass, relaxing Luca from the tension he had been feeling only seconds before. There was something odd about this world, seeing no animals or people for miles was not right. The relaxing setting was enough to make anyone want to live here however, which only furthered the odd reality of the situation.

"I wonder where everyone is at..I wonder if they are ok"

His voice trailed off, as it had so many other times before. A the large rock in the distance growing larger as he proceeded closer to it. Soon the reason presented it's self, Showing him exactly why nothing was here. Near the rokc there were many skeletons of diffrent animals. Everything from a giraffe, to a hyena. To top all the blood curtelling facts that lay before him, Atop the rock in the center of all the death lay a group of animals, Obviously the ones who had done all of the killing. As far as Luca was considered, he should stay where he was at. Behind a rock, just outside the field of bones and dead animals.