Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


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"Okay, this might be long, so after i'm done talking you guys can go rest in your room that are down the hall," Said Bon-Bon as she lean agisnt a wall. "Me, i have been travleing like this for a long time... So were to start..." Said Bon-Bon as she scartch her head. "SSS, hoilgram of this galaxice!" Said Bon-Bon. The lights in the room grew dim. In the middle of the room a hoilgram pop up. "Okay, you may know this now but there are tons of other worlds out there, but right now it seem some kinda force want to distroy the worlds....... there is one good news, what ever that force is, it seems it can only travel to worlds in this galaxice, bad news..... the same goes for us, i though out my hyper drive by trying to escape from them the frist time." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed out on the hoilgram. "Next, the Galatix travel laws... every wander of the galaxice need to know them, the most important one is NEVER tell inhabitents of another world that you are FROM another world, unless you are on Avler.... but that's some thing diffrent. If you want to know more about the Galatix laws ask the computer in your room..." Said Bon-Bon as she began to pace the floor. "What else.... OH, mana.... Some planets might use energy called mana, if you want to know more about mana just ask me... if you want to I can teach you some mana magic... well thats all." Said Bon-Bon as the hoilgram disapper and the lights grew back to normal.

"I leave you all here to talk, if you want me i'll be in my room... just come on in." Said Bon-Bon as she walked down the hall into her room. Bon-Bon left her door halfway open by acssident. "SSS, my room, run program 07." Said Bon-Bon to the computer. Bon-Bon's room suddenly turn into a snow filled vally, the snow sparkled in the sun, it was like magic, the snow fell so softly that it was so peacful. "sigh, i need to relax.... i bet there shock about this...." Said Bon-Bon as she walked out into the middle of the snow felled vally. The snow seem to remind Bon-Bon of her childhood growing up in a snow vally village of happiness. "i miss this so much." Said Bon-Bon as she flop down in the snow. Bon-Bon looked up to the gray clouds floting above her, the snow fell on her like fathers from an angle's wings. Bon-Bon grew relax and began to sing a song from her childhood.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca stumbled into his room, Deeply startled by the event which had taken place while he was unconcious. What troubled him even more so was the lingering thoughts of his dream. This ship for some reason seemed so familiar like so many other things. Luca picked up his newly gained weapon, the keyblade. carefully looking it over, admiring each piece of it. He would have to master his new weapon before any further battles might sneak up on the group. He was not strong enough to defend his home..but he would be strong enough to defend his friends. His joints ached terrible, but not training would mean that he would never improve any further from his further state. Luca picked up his keyblade and smiled."..Time to train.." He walked quickly over to the computer and quickly was able to find the sequence " mode engaged warning.." The computer sqwaked ferociously before changing to a a forest scenary. Luca sat quietly, awaiting his enemies attacks and readying himself for them. The leaves around him rustled "This is virtual reality...and im not in a real forest or even a real battle, in fact i dont even think my room was this big, But this feeling i have is so realistic. I feel as though im being stalked by my very enemy right now." Luca kept his cool and stayed in the bush he was in." I found you.." A voice whispered before slashing at Luca, leaving him able to barely dodge the attack. His eyes widened

"This is amazing. I didn't even sense him there"

Luca swung his blade and sliced his opponent in half, the data disapearing into the sky as his foes fell. Luca took a deep breath. "This might be more then i can handle right now."

Before he could say anything else, the next attacker showed himself and hit Luca with a direct attack, knocking him to the ground and rendering him surprised for a moment. Luca jumped off the ground and on to his feet where he had been before "This computer is pretty good. I think i am gonna have to stop in a moment" He heard a quick yell and terminated the program, fearing for his safety. Training session ended, enemies deleted.. Luca's eyes stayed wide open. A computer who knew that attack when Luca himself could not even master it. He fell back onto his bed and sighed "...Locu nexus Philigan.. The rain of a thousand swordsmen.." How Luca had come across the move he did not know. He had been able to do the minor technique since he was a young boy, but never able to preform the advanced move. He fell back against the wall behind his bed and began thinking. He had almost lost his friends back there. " Takeshi, Bon Bon,..." Luca hesitated again before saying anything else. "..Jas.."

For some reason, lately he had been acting weird whenever she came around. Even he didn't know why. there was just something about her. It wasnt bad..But Luca had no idea what was going on."..AHH! " Luca grabbed his head as a sharp pain filled it and began to swirl around throughout his mind."...whats....wrong with me!!! AHH!!" his shout filled the ship as he grabbed his head and began holding it tightly, hopeing the pain would go away.


New member
Bon-Bon laid in the snow just singing her tune, suddenlly she heard Luca yelling, Bon-Bon quickly jumped up "What in the world is going on?!" Said Bon-Bon as she rushed for her door.
At that moment Bon-Bon noticed something.... the door was closed "What wasn't this open?" Said Bon-Bon looking at the door.
Bon-Bon quickly trun around and there in front of her was Gyki! "Gyki, how the hell did you know i was here?" Said Bon-Bon as she slowly reached for her Keyblade.
"Bon-Bon you know i can track you by that deamon seed." Said Gyki in a smooth voice.
"GET THE HELL OFF MY SHIP!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she charged at Gyki with her Keyblade.
Gyki smoothly douge Bon-Bon's attack, "What happen to your Poe Pole?" Asked Gyki. "My....Poe...What happen, it sould have change back!?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at her Keyblade. Gyki vanshed and reapper in front of Bon-Bon and grabed her by the neck. Bon-Bon struggle to get free, "Didn't I tell you that getting mixed up in there affers are troubble for you." Said Gyki as he send as electric shock though his arm into Bon-Bon's body. Bon-Bon let out an blood curtling scream along with Luca.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"huh?Luca?Bon-Bon?Jas rushed to Luca's room."Luca!Whats wrong?"She went and sat on his bed."Are you ok?"She started touching his head were he had been holding it.She saw some new bruses on his arms too."I don't know what happend to your head but i know that you have been bashed up by something!".Jas looked furious because she let her friend get hurt again.She dident know that he had been traning,so she was running around the whole ship looking for someone and she came past Bon-Bon's room and opened the door."huh?"She had saw the reaper."Huyay!"she said stabing the reaper,but that dident work and the reaper turned on her."Help Bon-Bon!TAKESHI!LUCA!" .The reaper grabed her by the neck and was strangeling her to death.It she didnt get help asap,she would die.
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New member
"Bon-Bon how many years has it been since you left the village?" Asked Gyki as he held up Bon-Bon.
"SCREW YOU, why can't you poeple from the plant, leave me alone!" Said Bon-Bon as she kicked her legs.
"my, my, you have gotten stronger usely that shock whould paralize you." Said Gyki as his grip be came stronger.
"I-It...been .....12...years....!" yelled Bon-Bon.
Gyki dropped Bon-Bon in the snow, Bon-Bon gasped for air as her pink eyes slowly filled with fear, "are....are you take me to the human plant..?" Said Bon-Bon as she held back her tears.
Gyki bined down to Bon-Bon's level and grabed her face, Bon-Bon's pink demonic eyes met with his, "Those eye are only butaiful unless they have fear and hopelessness in them." Said Gyki as he smiled.
Bon-Bon's eyes over flowed with tear, "please just leave me alone..... i just want to be free..." Cryed Bon-Bon. "I can't because i love you, but not the other you..oh, no... this you, the one that only wishes for death." Said Gyki as he threw Bon-Bon's face in the snow. "But that look in your eye is not like the first time i met you.... lets try and get that back.." Said Gyki as he pased around Bon-Bon as a loin does there pray, "You remember back then don't you..... well how about your MOTHER..?" Said Gyki as he laughed.
Bon-Bon's eyes grew large as her heart beat quicken, Bon-Bon slowly curl up into a ball, "I.....I..killed was all my falt..." Said Bon-Bon as her eyes grew dim.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas eventuly ripped the hands from her neck and ran to Luca and Takeshi." get out.......of this horred ship..."Said Jas with a crockey voice.She started looking around and all of a sudden,someone with a black trench coat and hood over head about as tall as her was next to her,with a small button in hand."HEY!oww,who...are you..?*cough*"."who do you THINK I am?" said a familer voice,the person looked at her and she saw who it was."Yob?!?Owww*cough* what are you doing here?".The boy took of the trench coat and he dident look evil."I am not evil anymore,I escaped there plans and now I have gone back to the good side!"Said Yob "But i still am strong,I will go help your friend Bon-Bon,I have been following your every move and now will go help your friend.".The boy walked of into the room,they herd fighting and all kinds of different stuff."I wonder whats happening?"said Jas,she walked over to the door and saw it,Bon-Bon geting choked by a male and Yob trying to knock down the male choking Bon-Bon.This is all a nightmare,I never met Yob,I never met Bon-Bon,And twilight Town dident get destroid! she thought,she didnt want to be a keyblader or anything like that,she just wanted to be at Twilight Town with Luca and Takeshi playing,fighting with there swords.More or Leasted,She wanted to be home...


New member
Gyki notice a boy trying to attack him, "not now" said Gyki as waved his hand.
At that moment a field formed around Gyki and Bon-Bon, "now where were we?" Said Gyki.
"i wish i was free..... i..i wish i was dead." Said Bon-Bon in a trance like tone.
Gyki and Bon-Bon's conversation can still be heard. "That is what i was waiting to hear," Said Gyki with delight. "now tell me those three words i want to hear." Whisper Gyki in Bon-Bon's ear.
"I.....I love you." Said Bon-Bon as she covered her face. "Lovely..... next time i will take you to the plant..." Said Gyki as he disappear. The field around Bon-Bon had disappear too, but Bon-Bon remain curled up with her hands over her eyes. The only thought in her mind was..I'm dead....I'm dead....I'm dead... as the snow slowly falls down.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was standing and then he wasn't. He was on the ground, kneeling and clutching his chest. Something was wrong. Pain was in him. In his Heart. He could feel pain that wasn't his. "Say, kid. Are you alright? I was just joking..." Soji lashed out against the creature, knocking him back. Finding his voice for the first time, he yelled, "She needs help! She's in pain!" He continued to clutch his Heart. For the second time, images flashed through his mind except non of these images had him in them. There were of a girl. Memories that could never be his. Again he yelled, "Bon-Bon needs my help!"

Drawing knowledge from places he couldn't comprehend, Soji made the symbol of the swan. He vanished before he knew it leaving only two black feathers behind. Everything swirled around him. He couldn't see. He couldn't smell. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't feel. Everything he knew had abandoned him. Everything was wrong. Everything was chaos. Everything was horrible. And slowly, everything was becoming right. His senses returned to him. He gasped for air as he fell to the ground, still clutching his heart. Except, it wasn't only ground he fell on. There was snow here. It was cold, almost the way he used to feel...

Soji shook himself. Now wasn't the time. Someone he knows or might have known was in danger. He looked up and there was a girl, laying shamed on the ground with others around her. Soji staggered to his feet and ran towards them. He blindly knocked someone as he yelled, eyes closed, "Which one of you is Bon-Bon? I must know why I am called to this place!"


The King Of Bandits
Luca held his head tighter, squeezing his arms over his skull trying to make the pain stop. The pain just kept coming however. There just seemed to be no end in site for the poor boy. He had done everything to try and stop the harsh and continuos throbbing in his brain. He closed his eyes, seeing more images of the past and of the mysterious place. He quickly snapped back to reality this time, before he passed out. At the moment he was lost in the pure caos that was going on on the ship. His sudden pains, twilight town being destroyed, the current situation with Bon Bon. Luca tried to stand up so he could go try and help Bon Bon but his legs wouldn't permit him, he tried to stand but failed, falling back on the bed behind him, his legs quickly gave out everytime he tried to stand up."...I have to help .." Luca collapsed on the floor, trying to pull his way into the room." ..There has got to be something i can do..." His head pain grew worse and worse as he neared the door to his room, whatever was wrong was getting worse. He lay strewn out on the floor now, holding himself up by his elbows and clutching his head."..Make it stop...Damit!! MAKE IT STOP!!" Luca looked down at his keyblade, looking for any possible escape from the pain. Cutting himself in the end would hurt him, but would take his mind off the now harshening pain in his head"...Please...someone...anyone...just make it stop.." He held his eyes closed tigh and clenched his fists.

" i going to die.."

His first thought was to make himself pass out, rendering him unconcious again, putting more strain on jas and takeshi, that option was out. He could end his own life.. but then someone would take the guilt and probably end up killing themselves in the end. Not to mention je jad to figure out what was going on with him everytime he brought up Jas. Option c would be to cut somewhere on himself deeply, as to take the mental strain off his mind and enable him to move again, the only problem with that was that if he wounded the wrong place he could make it worse possibly without making it better in the first place. Luca saw no other way out at the moment. He was stuck with it. All he could do was scream and complain, yelling about how much it hurt and yelling for someone to make it stop. He was under enough mental stress as it is, the pounding pain was not making anything better. He lay on the floor, only supported by his elbows and shoulders, trying to hold his head and make the pain stop while he kept trying to make his wat to Bon Bon to try and help her."...I'm coming Bon Bon.." At that moment, he collapsed yet again. He pushed himself to hard, just like he always had. His body was finaly starting to tell him something, even though he was totaly ignorant of it.

" somebody..Please...make it stop..."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas got to her sence's and ran to Luca."Luca"She said,crying for a reson she did not know."Luca,Luca!"she started trying to drag the 16 year old boy to Takeshi and Bon-Bon to get help for him,but he was too heavey and she couldet move him.

She ran to Bon-Bon and told her to come help,but she was in her own little world,looking very sad...she ran through the ship,looking for Takeshi."TAKESHI!QUICK!!LUCA IS IN TROBLE!!".Jas ran,urging Takeshi to follow her to Luca.She ran to Luca and bent over him."Your going to be alright!If you do die,I will miss you so very badley Luca.So don't give up!"She said confedentley.

Luca will die eventuly,I know it.But i have to try to help him.Now,where's a First-aid kit?Jas started scaning the room,Luca was still screaming out his complaint's of pain,but she continued scaning."Yes!"she had found a white box with a red plus on it.she ran for it and got all the stuff out: A bandage, Some cream, some band-aids and a bottle medicen.She got the bandage and tryed to wrap it around his head.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was waiting. Waiting for an answer from the girl or one of the others running around this place. He couldn't see. He felt like he was blind. Maybe blind and invisible... Then Soji opened his eyes and the bright snow all around he made him squint. Not far away was some form of portal that lead to a metal hall. Something wasn't right here. Soji looked up and saw a giant sky, raining down snow, but even as he looked he could see a ceiling through the hologram. Was this where I meant to transport myself? This can't be right. Here, nothing is real. It's all lies.

Soji was snapped out of his misery when a yell rang out, "TAKESHI!QUICK!!LUCA IS IN TROBLE!!". Images were again stirred in his heart. An image of a boy appeared. Do I know this Luca? If I do, and he is in trouble, I must help. But what can I do? Again more flashbacks as only mean links of memory came to him while chains and chains remained broken. He grabbed his head with one hand as though to support it and winced until the images stopped. He stared down at his hands who seem to give him the answer. He had to help Luca and he might be the only one who could.

Soji struggled to his feet again. Walking was strange. He could remember doing it before but it was almost as though he forgot how to. He steadied himself and made his way to the odd portal. He stepped through and ran into a metal wall. Gathering himself again, he made to the source of the yell. Again, another portal and he was through. A girl was kneeling over a bandaged boy. Soji walked forward clumsily and pushed the girl out of the way. He held a hand over the boy's head and began muttering. Connections of lightning passed between Soji's fingertips and the boy's head. "Your pain is yours no more. Your pain is my pain. Your wounds are yours no more. Your wounds are my wounds." The bolts intensified and the bandages flew off the boy before burning up. The bolts seemed to target the areas that were in need of most attention first before moving on to the lesser injuries. Soji noticed that quite a few of the bolts were entering the boy's head even though there was no external injuries.

The pain was becoming unbareable. The problem with this method of healing was that the healer absorbed all the pain the wounded was suffering from instantly. This could amplify the pain thousands of times. Many healers die from over exhaustion rather than the wounds they obtain from the healing. Soji could feel the pain destroying his mind. It wouldn't be long until his blacked-out when his mind told him that was enough. He tried to hold on for as long as he could. Finally, the last few stray bolts of lightning finished their job and receeded into Soji's hand. Soji was covered in wounds and injuries and the pain kept coming, mostly from his head. Soji tried to stand but only managed to crawl to the door before collapsing and leaving the world for the sanctuary of his own mind.


New member
Bon-Bon just sat there in her snowy room, racing though her memories. Mother, she knew my real name ..... it whould have been better if they took me that day..... mother, you whould still be alive. Bon-Bon was still curled up with her hands over her face.
Suddenlly Bon-Bon remeber something, voices of long ago "What's your name?" I don't know... nobody has called my name for a long time .... i forgot "How about Bon-Bon... you know for those round things in you hair... they look like the candy.." Bon-Bon.... i like it... "I'll wait for you... even if you run away i'll wait for you... because i know you'll come back" Those were the frist words that made me fall in love with him....Lanheart i'm coming and I know you're waiting for me Bon-Bon quickly snap out of it. She shook her head try to get herself togather, "That's why i'm travleing... to find my Lanheart.." Said Bon-Bon as she got up. Bon-Bon suddenly notice the comtion going on the ship, she quickly rushed to Luca's room. In Luca's room she found Jas tending to Luca and Soji on the floor, she reached out to Soji trying to sooth his pain but in the back of her mind she wonder, How did he get up here..... is he going to kill us?
Bon-Bon lift up Soji, "Jas, I'll take Luca to sick bay, i got some things there to help them." Said Bon-Bon as she carry Soji and Luca to Sick Bay.
Damn you Gyki next time we meet i'm going to enjoy ripping out your throut!
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Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
Right, now what do I do. The only thing I can possibly do actually is cast teleport. So be it if I must, "Teleport!"
Where am I? Why do I feel like this? Who is behind all of this? Can this be a grand dream? Is this how I shall begin my journey? In the darkness? In my light? My hate? " Wrong child."
"Stop putting me in this state!!" "Wrong this s the end of time; Well at least your end of time" "Yeah right" "Don't fool yourself child; I am the cancer of this place. Your not dead your magic just ****ed up sadly."
"What the hell" " You shall train with me for a few years" the man said with a smirk like voice. "My name is Magus , so how are you?" "I'm pissed and you?" said Heero in a sarcastic way. " The workout consists of 10 years worth work in a short time of 2 human days.



New member
Bon-Bon placed Soji and Luca on two of the beds, "SSS, run scans on beds 1-2" Said Bon-Bon to the main computer.
As the medic computer scans Luca and Soji for what cause them to collapse, Bon-Bon begans to sort out her thoughts, Strange how Soji got on this ship but what's even stranger is how Gyki got on.... i had the Main computer run scans of it self looking for Gyki's DNA any where. When we get on a world i need to tune up my SSS..... and Lanheart...dammit I should have ask Gyki about him.... I hope Takeshi and Jas are okay.... they might start asking question about me..... I could always erase there minds.... but .... no I can never do that..... that's what Gyki wants me to do....... and my Poe Pole why hasn't it turn back to normal..... is it true what Gyki said, because i got mix up with there affers....... i need to stop thinking like this.... the main thing i need to do is freeze my heart...


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stirred in the bed. A voice was ringing in his mind. He couldn't place where it was coming from. It definitely wasn't his own voice. It was a girl's voice. Bon-bon's voice. It rang as though worried about the events of the present. Or maybe the past. He was going to ignore it, but his name was in there. Whoever this was, they knew him. Strange how Soji got on this ship but what's even stranger is how Gyki got on.... i had the Main computer run scans of it self looking for Gyki's DNA any where. When we get on a world i need to tune up my SSS..... and Lanheart...dammit I should have ask Gyki about him.... I hope Takeshi and Jas are okay.... they might start asking question about me..... I could always erase there minds.... but .... no I can never do that..... that's what Gyki wants me to do....... and my Poe Pole why hasn't it turn back to normal..... is it true what Gyki said, because i got mix up with there affers....... i need to stop thinking like this.... the main thing i need to do is freeze my heart...

Soji turned over, his eyes closed. Not because he wanted them to remain close, because he couldn't open them. It was as if lead weights had fallen on his head and contricted his vision. "No... You mustn't close your heart... Closing your heart means closing your reality. It means closing off those you love. Like I did..." Soji drifted off. He didn't really know what he was talking about. It just came out of him naturally, as though another side of him was there talking. A memory of a person that used to be.

He couldn't really remember it, but then again, he felt like he could. A sad, lonelyness. The feeling that no one wanted you around. The feeling that no matter what you did, you could never know anything but the sorrow that was constantly on you. Soji shiverred. He knew this feeling well even though he wasn't sure why. Three words kept repeating themselves in his mind. Three words that he felt were his motto. "I am alone."


The King Of Bandits
Luca awoke to find himself yet again in the medical bed, a fresh bandage wrapped tightly around his head. "ugh..What happened?" He rubbed his eyes, hoping there would be someone there to answer his question. Waking up alone after something happened to you always made you feel worse then you already were. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting to know if he was still on the ship or not. So much had happened to him in such a short period of time. He opened his eyes and looked down at his body, the place where all the wounds and injuries had been, They were all missing for some reason."..Whats going on!?" His voice cut out on him for a minute."..this must be some kind of dream." He kept thinking back to the moment before he had blacked out ..If you do die...i will miss you so very badly.. he had not heard any tone in the voice, and his vision had blurred so he could not make out who it was. There was something diffrent about it though, it had no tone yet somehow it was one of the only things he had actualy heard in the situation besides the yelling and foot steps of others. Soon after that he had passed out. Looking over he spotted a a stranger. Memories of a blurred thing standing before him popped up in his mind now. He felt as if he had met this person before, but in his mind he knew that he had never met the man in his life.

So many things were left a mystery so far. The man from twilight town who fought luca, tilight town being destroyed, the creatures which appeared shortly before Luca fell to what he thought would be his death. The cold dark look of the ship around him seemed to be very uninviting. He knew he was still on Bon Bon's ship however. " Jas?" He whispered opening his eyes fully remembering the last person he had seen before his vision blurred and the odd figure appeared telling him he would be missed if he died. He took in a deep breath and let it out quickly after. Luca quoted the last thing he remembered before he thought he was about to die...

"...If you do die Luca... i will miss you so very much.."


New member
Bon-Bon was shock to see Soji and Luca awake, "Ah, crap they heard me!" Said Bon-Bon as she quickly truned around.
Then the SSS Meadical Scan was done, the hoilgraphic computer apper in front of her, "Okay.... it looks like Soji is suffering from an unknow element??? and Luca....unknown???" Said Bon-Bon as she read the computer.
"That's it i'm landing this thing.... i need to restalk on meds." Said Bon-Bon as she walked out the sick bay.
Bon-Bon stop in the door way, "I don't know if you guys can hear this but.... love is pain.... too much pain for my heart..... heh heh who needs love....." Said Bon-Bon as she wlaked out.
Bon-Bon went up to the main deck and began to push a serise of buttons, swicthing the ship from auto to manual, "SSS, what's the nearset world to land on?" Asked Bon-Bon to the computer.
"Hallow Baston." the computer reply.
Bon-Bon to control of the ship and headed for Hallow Baston.
It's better to cut it off quickly so it can cause less pain..... just remeber Bon-Bon love only your self..... I should know this for how long I been running.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji smiled on the bed. She sounds just like me... Then he frowned. How could he know that? He's never known what it means to love. He'd never known what it meant to be in pain. Emotional pain anyways. What did this mean? He had no memory of anything like this, but he felt strongly that he had. What's going on with my head? What happened to me?

Soji heard the boy's voice next to him. He wasn't surprised that the boy recovered so quickly. Soji had taken most of the burden for the boy. There was still the mystery of how he knew what to do. He couldn't really remember ever doing something like that before, but the power just came to him. How many more mysteries would uncover themselves in a past that he could not remember? He wasn't sure but he knew he had to be prepared. He thought back to the dark images he had seen. Could that really have been him? At first he was positive it wasn't, but now he wasn't sure.

Soji finally ripped his eyes open to see the coldness of a medical bay around him. The boy was laying next to him with bandages having been replaced. He was awake, so Soji sat up and hopped off the bed. "It's ok... I took care of you... You should be fine now." He rubbed the wound on his shoulder. It was the same wound that the image showed him putting on the boy. Was this proof that he caused all the damage? No. It could just be coincidence. He could heal wounds, maybe he could profesize also...
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New member
Bon-Bon is now leading the ship to Hallow Bastion, "SSS, you know the rest of the way right?" Asked Bon-Bon to the CPU
"Yes Ma'm" Reply the CPU as it swicth to auto.
"When I get there i need to buy somemore tools, since my Poe Pole wont turn back to normal, medical supply and food." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at her keyblade.
Bon-Bon began to think about what Soji told her, How can he know what i went though for 12 years... the people I love betryed, I killed my own mother... and I let Lanheart suffer and slip into the darkness..... i'm worhtless... some time I think i'm just trying to atone before the plant captrue me..... hell,I don't know what to think any more.
Bon-Bon just fiddle with her Keyblade for awhile, suddenly she remeber something, "Oh yeah, today is the the day that i scan the Main CPU for viruse....I got pleny time before we land." Said Bon-Bon as she looked out the main window.
Bon-Bon walked down the middle hall and open a secret door under her, "this should lead to it." Said Bon-Bon as she jump down the door leaving it closed behinde her.
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