Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi ran after Bon-bon. He followed her down the beach, and across almost all of Twilight Town, until at last they came to the forest before the mayor's Mansion.
He could feel the pull of the dark things on his heart. He turned around and took out some of the ones that were following them.

"You know this is private property?" He said to Bon-bon, still holding off the Dark things so that they could get to Bon-bon's "ship"
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi ran to the ship after he heard Bon-bon. Not worrying about the dark creatures anymore, he rushed into the ship and shut the door. His heart pumping and in pain he slumped down on the floor.

He then realized something. "WE FORGOT LUCA!!!" he said in shock, how could they forget him? He rushed back out into the forest and back to the alley where they had been.
He saw Luca laying there, completly ignored by the Dark Creatures.

Takeshi picked up Luca and started to run back to the ship.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Are you ok?"asked Jas,looking scared by all the heartless."In,Bon-Bon!"
Jas sat,waiting to leave while looking at her keyblades"Yeah,Keyblade master..."Said Jas to herself

OOC:We are all trying to post at one time...
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New member
Bon-Bon walked on and started the ship "SSS READY TO GO!" Said Bon-bon as she press the buttons.
The SSS hovered in the air for awhaile and then shot of into space like a bullet.
"SSS, auto-polit!" Said Bon-Bon to the ship's computer.
Bon-Bon walked up to Takeshi, "Place Luca in the sick bay, its down the hall to the right..... when you want to talk come back here."
Bon-Bon stare out into space.....did i ran away agian or helped my friends?

OOC: what about Heero?
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked back out the window and looked at Twilight Town get destroyed from there."There goes my home,The place i grew up in,By a evil perso..Or watever it is.There's no chance I could get revenge on that ***hole"Jas said to Bon-Bon.Jas started sobing."My family,My mother,my father & my little sister,destroyed,died or terned into heartless..."Jas looked at Bon-Bon.she was staring out the window,thinking about something..."Whats in your mind,Bon-Bon?and erleyer i asked you were you used to live befor Twilight Town,You said you would tell everything in the ship...Were did you used to live?"
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New member
Bon-Bon begain to feel really tired, "how could they servie on that world with out mana." Said Bon-Bon as she wipped off some sweat, Bon-Bon notice Jas looking at her "i'll be right back i need to get something" Said Bon-Bon as she head for her room. In Bon-Bon's room she grab a bag, inside the bag was a mana crystile of water.
Bon-Bon came back into the room where Jas is eatting the mana crystle, with each bite she began to feel like her old self.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked anyoed."Bon-Bon,I'm just asking were did you used to live before Twilight Town!"she said getting up and walking to Bon-Bon."I have asked you two time's and you dident anserw me..So what's the ansew?".


New member
Bon-Bon grew silent "......i can't tell because i lived nowhere..... i was always like this traveling from world to world..." Said Bon-Bon as she backed away from Jas.
It's best she and the other doesn't know about me....Gyki might hurt them
Bon-Bon just looked away from Jas holding the Deamon seed that is inmbeated on her head.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Ok,that's all i wanted to know,You must of got lonley when you were traveling around in this ship all of your life,hey?"She said walking away to look back at Twilight Town through the window."Or was it more like 'Yay,no family,no friends!just me,i get every thing to myself!'sort of thing"Said Jas feeling sorry for Bon-Bon."You know,I feel sorry for you.all the things you went through.Come sit down and tell me how many time's you broke-down or something."she said with a giggle at the end,but still with tears in her eye's."I hope we can be friends for a loonnngg time,And i wonder if we will end up going to a new world to live there"She said.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi came back from the stick bay. "Luca's in there, Damn he doesn't even know what's happening, he's probably dreaming about ice cream or somethin." He said trying to lift the mood. It didn't work, so he went and stood by the window looking out for a long time. It was silent, and he spent the time Remembering all the years that he had lived there, which was all his life.

Finally, after a long time Takeshi said something. "We will find a way to get Twilight Town, our town, back, I swear this." He then sat down beside Jas and Bon-bon and didn't say anythingelse for a long time.

OOC we should tink of where we want to go next, where do u guys wanna go?


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC:How about...hmmm.Hollow Bastion?

Jas looked at Takeshi."I hope we do get back to twilight town..."She said,that was mostley all she herd Takeshi talk about,since she was so sad and down,she was thinking of all the thing she had done in her home-town."My birthday is comeing up soon,youknow?I'll be turning 14..."she said to the both of them looking down at her feet,trying to hide the tear's of her 13th birthday with her mother,farther & her little sister."I'm going to go and look at Luca for a while.."She said,hopeing when he wakes up,she'll be there to see him.

When she was in the sick bay:

"Luca,Luca?"she said,nuging Luca,trying to wake him up,let him no that now he was safe."Luca, long you have been resting and now it is time to wake.". All of a sudden,the ship must of got hit or something.Jas fell back on her butt and hit her head."Oww,what was that?"she asked herself.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Heero can escape the old fashion way; He can just wake up in another place.

Soji laughed as buildings broke away from reality. His giant Heartless removed them with ease. A huge wave of energy flew from its mouth and half the city was raised. People were screaming and running only to become Heartless. Those unfortunate enough to run into Soji though, they became nothing. Soji killed them mercilessly, one by one. This was the path he was meant for. To be the destroyer, the servant of darkness, the spite of life. He had found his calling.

Soji wasn't surprised to see the ship with the people he tried to make friends with leave. He smiled as it flew off into space. At least I know Bon-Bon escaped this. She may care nothing for me, but I must guard her at the cost of my life. I can't let Gyki get to her. If she falls, one of the last hopes for the demons could be lost forever.

Soji made a symbol with his heads and yelled, "Kurogane-Kurenai: Earthen River!" Soji swung his hand into the ground were it let out a massive wave of heat. Almost instantly, six tons of rock was turned into molten earth. Soji drew the liquid up out of the ground in one long wave. He clapped his hands together and this lava became a giant wave that rushed down on Twilight Town. People, buildings, Heartless, nothing stood in the wave of the lava blast. Everything was completely obliterated and left in ruin.

Soji straightened his his cloak as his red eyes scanned the area. There in the center of Twilight Town, a bright light was glowing. Soji reeled back from it, his darkness adapted heart confused. Then, several Heartless came scurrying from just outside the blast range. Soji's eyes widened as he realised what the object must be. He ran and and was instantly there, his speed amplified by his Secondary Form. The Heartless came rushing from all directions. Soji looked down, ashamed with himself. What have I done? I've only become what my brother wanted. (Cue "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park. xD)

Soji's eyes grew dark and the blades in his palms grew longer than ever. He spun about as the first Heartless came, slicing them cleanly in half. The other Heartless ignored this and kept coming. Everyone that came too close to the brilliant jewel that was the World's Heart were destroyed. I will protect this world. Maybe it isn't too late. Soji fought and fought. Every Heartless fell. Blades flying, he put the two points through the last Heartless's body and ripped it in half. Soji stood there, panting, injured. I can't go on. There's something wrong with my Heart... But I can't let this world fall because of a foolish thing such as death.

Soji turned to the brilliant spinning orb. Without thinking, he reached out and grabbed it. Instantly, Twilight Town vanished from existance, reset into the orb in Soji's hand. Soji's eyes went completely white. The light flooded his body and heart. Chains of memories were obliterated as Soji lost everything he knew. He closed his eyes and feel into a coma-like sleep. He could no longer feel; he couldn't feel himself being drawn away to another world.


New member
OOC: I GOT AN IDEA, lets go to an Hot Bath planet

Bon-Bon was about to expale to them about other worlds and mana, until the ship hit some thing, "What the hell?" Said Bon-Bon as she rush to the main deck. Bon-Bon looked out the main window. "oh we're heading for a metor storm!" Said Bon-Bon as she swich the SSS but on mainual control, "SSS start monuvers 3L45T!" Said Bon-Bon to the Main Computer. The Ship weved and dived dougeing the on coming metors. "I know this is dangurse but we can hide from our enemies in this metor storm." Said Bon-Bon as she switch the ship back into Auto.
"Now its time for me to tell you about the other worlds out there.... if your're ready to lestion just give me the okay.." Said Bon-Bon as she trun to Takeshi.
But in the back of her mind, Why whould Soji do that..... i healed his wounds for him.... is this how he repays me?

Bon-Bon was surpired to see Luca up, "Are you okay, i found you badly hurt and falling out of a biluding." Said Bon-Bon with a smile. Bon-Bon was glad to see her friends were okay but soon her smile trun into sadness. "Look, Twilight town... is gone."
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The King Of Bandits
OOC: T_T sorry i have been gone for so long. My school started up recently and it has been hectic for me, not to mention moving makes everything harder as well.

Luca looked down at his arms. They were shorter then they had been before. All around him were palm trees, a beach as long as the eye could see, and the ocean, coming in and swooshing itself back out." i...Home?" Quickly he jerked his head up, he had been dreaming. Slowly he opened his eyes. whispering things before they were fully open..Takeshi,Bon Bon..." He stopped thinking about the other one. What was it like to be the person who had luca's best intrest at the moment. His head swirled with emotions before he finaly opened his eyes"...Jas.." Luca looked all around him. There standing before him were the his three friends."..Where are we?" His words were straight to the point. His surrounding was diffrent from anything he had seen before but it seemed oddly familiar. Staring out the window he heard the words that shattered his dreams.." Look, Twilight no more.." There was nothing more too it. His mom and dad. All his other friends. They were all just...gone...and Luca had done absolutly nothing to stop it. His face turned dead. All his emotions suddenly vanished from it. He was angry. Not just at the fact of losing his friends and family, But more so that he had done nothing about it." I..dont get it. How could this be true. Everything we did in that town...everyone we loved..everyone who had come to know us and everything we have ever done. Was it all just..for nothing?" Luca slowly turned from the window of the ship, not knowing how to react.

Luca thought about everything he had ever done. He thought about what he should have done, How much he failed. He had failed all the people back home, and for that him and his friends payed dearly. Suddenly his thoughts turn to that odd character whom had attacked him before hand." How could this have happened? Why...would it have happened?" Luca had not been born in twilight town, but he had lived there most of his life, which by his standards made him a citizen of the town. His thoughts suddenly switched back over to his life before he came to twilight town, and he suddenly collapsed again.

" where am i..." He heard his voice, it was faint, like a distant version of himself calling out. " i..."

He saw his mother and father, all the friends he had there when he was younger. But he still could not make out where it was. he could not put a location on it. " come on Luca! Lets go play on the big rock by the ocean. I heard theres a monster that lives under it.!" Three year old Luca smiled looking at his friends" alright..i bet we can beat the monster though" The smiles of the small children were shining, in that little kiddish way. They all looked so happy together. Suddenly there was a flash of light, and Luca was standing before a happy young couple...Dead. They both lay there, dead from their wounds. A harsh sight for a young boy of 3 " Mommy...Daddy.." Blood stained the room, scattered all around from the attacker obviously. Another flash of light. Another scene. " My names takeshi whats yours?" Young Luca glanced over at the girl, a very much shyer version of Jas. Luca stretched his hand and smiled" My name's Luca, Nice too meet you takeshi. And you too Jas"

Quickly Luca awoke, laying on the floor of the ship. He grunted and sighed in pain, His wounds still aching. Healed..but aching. He squinted his eyes up towards the ceiling not knowing where he was at" ...Jas.." Luca closed his eyes and took in a deep sigh of relief" ..Takeshi..Im glad i met you two" Luca opened his eyes and smiled looking at all of them and stopping on Jas with a smile on his face."..Lets go get who ever destroyed our home guys, Were gonna get the bastard who did this."
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"We will, Luca." He said, remembering the day he met Luca. After introducing himself he showed Luca around with Jas, they went and got some sea-salt ice cream. He remembered Jas dropping her icecream on herself, then going home. Takeshi then went to the beach and played there for the rest of the day.

"And I'm glad I met you too." He then let Luca go back to sleep and went back out to where Jas and Bon-bon were sitting. "So where are you from again, Bon-bon?"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Jing is the first one to get rep from me. He has good sentence fluency and he puts effort and time into writing his posts.

Soji awoke, sitting in an alley. For a few seconds, he saw himself in black clothes that covered his entire body. Then that image faded from his mind as though it was a long forgotten memory. Instead, he saw that he was reined in white clothes that greatly contrasted with the dark cloak he had thought he had been wearing. Soji noticed in the middle of his chest was a large, inset jewel. It was a brilliant looking object that stirred a fragment in Soji's memory. Twilight Town... The Heart of Twilight Town...

Soji shook himself. Something wasn't right. He had never heard of such a thing as Twilight Town and certainly not the heart of it. How could he have the Heart of a thing he'd never seen? Something still didn't feel right. It was the air of this world. He didn't recognize it. The darkness was peircing and he stood out against it like a sore thumb. His white hair, white clothes and bright blue eyes almost made him look like he was glowing.

Soji looked down at his hands and saw for a second or two, deep scars on his palms as though they had been cut open many times before. Then the scars were gone. What is this halucination? Why am I seeing what isn't real? What is going on? Images kept flashing in Soji's mind. Images that were seen with eyes that weren't his blinded him as they tried to connect each other, but failed. Soon they slowed down and then stopped occuring altogether.

Soji closed his eyes, tired from how his mind was being tortured by unreal passages through time. He slipped into a deep dream. He was standing there, horns claws and blades from his palms. Dark thoughts were running through his mind as he slayed person after person. Finally, he levelled an entire city with a wave of molten lava. And there, in the center was a gem... The same gem on his...

Soji awoke startled. He shook the bad dream off. That's not who I am. I may not know who I am, but I am not evil... Soji reached down and touched the gem on his chest, it glowed for a moment and then settled back down to a brilliant shimmer. It couldn't be true... I am not and never have been evil... Soji sat there for minutes until he was scared out of his wits by a great, "Welcome to Halloween Town!"

OOC: This is Soji's new appearance after being warped by Twilight Town's Heart.