Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Boss got the ok from Jiraiya and he began to hop forward heading out of the clearing. Seems that things were beginning to get interesting with these wierd shinobi and their headbands. Naruto wasn't convinced with the whole unknown jutsu thing quite yet. Beginning to have his doubts on things as he often does he replaced it with a grin. Boss was moving at an average pace and he ran after him as he vanished into the woods heading for the nearby camp. Jiraiya disappeared in a cloud of smoke most likely scouting out new women to inspire his writing "Make Out Paradise" Just thinking about how Kakashi sensei reads it all the time left Naruto baffled.

Continuing their venture deeper into unknown territory, tension was making Naruto even more excited. Boss came to a halt and turned back, "We're here, proceed with caution." said Boss eyeing them all. Naruto leaped into a tree and peered into the camp, this one was massive! Shinobi were crawling everywhere, as if this was a last line of defense before reaching the actual village. "Do you guys see this. Its huge." whispered Naruto down to the rest of them. His excitement didn't contain the fact that he was sitting on a unstable branch that would inevitably crack.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked back. There was Tripod. His red eyes shown out of the darkness of his hood as he glared down at her. Making a sign, suddenly Tripod was surrounded by ten Sojis, forming a circle around her. They stood calmly, stiffly as though waiting. One of the Sojis stepped forward and spoke in an eerie voice that didn't match him. "What do you want, Tripod? Why have you followed me?" The Soji then stepped backward. The ring became fuzzy for a moment and then settled, a circle of dust forming as though a cyclone had momentarily passed through.


New member
Tripod just closed her eyes and ignored the Sojis, "I just came to say, if you're leaving then....bye....It was really fun traveling and fightting with you...sorry to have snap like that, its just that when I hear that man's name I tean to get alittle hot headed...well thats all." Said Tripod as she open her eyes.
"You know, you were the only one in the group that I really trusted....I guess it was bound to happen, all good thing comes to an end, I guess I'll take my own way to Avlear and if you want to you can take yours." Said Tripod as she slipped on her boots.

It was very rare to see Gray talk that long, the others seem to be shock as while to hear Gray talk that long expicaly to some one else. But all three of them are use to being hate and left behind, it happen to her so much, even her father did it to her.

Tripod then disappear and then reappear outside of the ring Soji made, "Good bye............Soji-sama." Said Tripod as she walked back up the path trying to catuch up with the others, a tear rolled down her cheeck, Damn you heart, I thought you said you didn't care much....
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji turned away and the copies of him vanished on the wind. He began to walk forward as he had done so many times before. Alone. It was how he was meant to be. For too long he had dwelled in the light. He had forgotten the power of the darkness in his heart. He smiled coldly as he passed on the path. He was far ahead of the others. And he had bypassed some sort of defense. In front of him loomed the great gates of some village.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
OOC: *Sigh* Here i go..

Kouta was walking down a trail now, a dusty one at that. He was wondering where everyone went. Last thing he remembered was him falling asleep, and then, somehow he ended up somewhere else. Who knows how he got there, but he was sorta hoping to at least find Luca, and that one girl to.

He sighed and kept staring down the trail, until he saw a burst of wind come fly right by him "What the?!" He formed a water shield around his body as the wind flew right past him, barley knocking his shield down. He let the shield down and saw the wind go fast and far. He wasn't to impressed, but wondered where it came from... He started to walk down the road again, now playing his guitar. Finally, after a few minutes of walking or so, he saw a person walking down the road. They looked sorta familiar, but he wanted to be sure. He began to walk faster now, still playing his guitar, but now forming a water trail of floating orbs behind him, just incase.

"Hey! You up there!!" He yelled. He didn't get a response from them. He yelled again, and still didn't get a response. He was getting a little irratated now, so he decided to get there attention by force. He began to play a small and quick tune as the orbs gathered at the tip of his guitar, and finally yelled "Water!" and he lifted the tip of his guitar, and threw the orbs at the person ahead. The person stopped, soaked in water, and turned around. It was girl, the same girl actually "Tripod!" He yelled as he waved!
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New member
Tripod continued to walk down the trial, "Wow, you whould of think by now I would have get use to this." Said Tripod as she wiped the tear from her eyes.
Tripod sighed and look at her surroundings, "Welp looks like I lost my way from everyone else...super." Said Tripod in a clam voice.

"Well, I can't look back now, I got to get home."Said Tripod as she began to walk. Tripod began to hear a guitar play, Hmm, nice... Then Tripod heared a splash, "That can't be good." Said Tripod as she jumpped up into the near by trees.

Tripod peered though the trees to find it was that guitar guy that she met last night and it seems that he pissed off some poeple. "I might have to jump in if he gets in over his head." Said Tripod as she looked on.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji came to the gates of the city and was instantly stopped by a swarm of ninja. Without waiting or warning they charged Soji. (From now on I'm just going to say my techniques in English since I don't like typing Japanese.) Soji quickly formed several symbols and muttered, "Press-Bind no Jutsu!" Several bandages shot from his arms and wrapped themselves around the ninja. Soji clapped his hands together and the bandages swung around to smash the heads of the ninja together. Two nin that had stayed out of the fight rushed forwards, their palms out at Soji and they proclaimed, "Stop! We didn't mean to attack! Just state who you are and what your business is here. Right now, it appears that we are in danger from other villages." Soji looked up at them and muttered, "My name is Kaguya Soji. I'm a Sanin of no village and my business here is of no importance. If you must know though, I am only here because there is nothing else to do at the moment." The two nin just stood there, dumbfounded at what to respond with. They hadn't actually expected him to answer, but instead smash their heads in.

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
OOC: who were the people who got drenched?

She felt wind behind her and saw that Soji and Tripod left. They were free to leave, they wernt bound by mission, but she couldn't help but feel a little...sad? She shook her head, she was to trusting...they were practicly strangers!but still...

'The we finally reached it according to Naruto...this is it, time to prove myself, to fight without fear, I am ready, but...

"ano...Luca-sensei, shouldn't we devise an attack plan?..."


The King Of Bandits
Luca looked down at hinata, the two that had been tagging along were gone now." You're correct Hinata." He stepped back leaning up against the tree trunk and peering down at the village" But we can't just charge in there, we will never survive with so many ninja walking around" He placed his hands on his side and sighed" Maybe if we can manage to catch them by surprise, and attack from diffrent angles." He glanced down at the small outpost, it had a lot of vulnerable areas." Ok.. Hinata and i will be attacking from the north eastern gate, we will have the hardets job seeing as how everyone's attention will be focused on us. We will attack first, then" He glanced over at Naruto" The rest of you will be attacking from the northwestern gate. Naruto, Use shadow clones to assist you since there are so many people. You will have the element of suprise since everyone will be focused on me and Hinata." His eyes drifted down towards the camp." There are not as many people as you would think in there, im sure many of them are clones or illusions. Hinata i will be expecting a lot out of you, i know you can do this sodont let me down. We have the most important job, just stick close to me."

He hopped down out of the tree" Positions everyone, and Naruto's team, dont jump the gun and attack until the attenton of the nin at the north western gate has been attracted by me and hinata." He turned, moving towards the front gate. It was a reckless plan, but he knew from the files, which was obviously very outdated, that his team could handle this. " Come on hinata" He lept off into the tree line, ignoring everything around him and focussing on the matter at hand. He would have to put his full attention on this situation, it was not just him fighting. Even though he knew she would be fine, he still had to watch hinata and make sure she stayed safe.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto nodded as a wide grin appeared across his face. Old nine-tails would have to assist him in this reckless plan, then again he could handle it on his own. He hopped on the ground and put his hands together styling his jutsu. "Kage bushin no jutsu." said naruto creating an army of replications. He stood ready to carry out their plan as Luca was heading for the northeast gate along with Hinata he and his clones began hopping through the trees to the otherside. A massive amount of them all with blue eyes stood in the trees watching the northeast and waiting for the needed distraction by Luca and Hinata.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Finally, the two guards regained their senses and nodded. They instantly saluted and the gates opened up behind them. Soji walked in calmly, hands in his pockets. For maybe a second, the place appeared as a grand and giant village, then his eyes adjusted, staring through the genjutsu. This "village" was nothing more than a pigstye. There was nothing here but poor and homeless people wallowing in mud. It became obvious what the village had done. This was just a diversion and a fairly well planned out diversion at that. The only way Soji had seen through the genjutsu is because his eyes naturally did it. Even with this ability it took too long to be a normal genjutsu. Most likely, those who were trying to get here wouldn't be able to see through it until they were actually inside. Soji turned back and exited through the gate. The fools were running around in the trees. Suddenly, there was a swarm of energy as hundreds of new bodies appeared. Those morons.... So their game this whole time was to try and destroy the Hidden Village? Konoha has truely become corrupted. I had though they were going to try to establish relations with them. Not start a war. If that's what they're doing, I've got to stop them. Soji tossed back his cloak and rushed off with a blinding speed. Almost instantly, he appeared in front of the lines of ninja. They stared at him, unsure until he said, "Shut up and stay behind me. I'm reinforcements."

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
OOC: Sorry for not posting in so lonng....lots of busyness...T_T
Gaara followed Naruto to the point that Luca had defined for them. This was a reckless plan and would only end in bloodshed. He knew it, Luca knew, everyone knew it, but no one was about to say it. Gaara walked up to Naruto.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked.


New member
ooc: Sorry about that Cat-sama

Tripod was soaking wet, when Tripod gets attack unexpectly she automaticly run to the nearset place to see who attack her. Tripod jump down from the trees right infront of the Guitar guy, "Why did you soak me?" Said Tripod in a clam voice as she looked at the Guitar guy.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's eyes scanned the area as the ninja behind him looked on in wonder. So, Naruto had used the Shadow Clone technique. It was a forbidden one because it spread out the remainder of the user's chakra to each of the clones. Soji knew this would effect Naruto, but the Nine-Tails would take up most of the slack. Soji smiled calmly. Gaara was with Naruto. This placed both of the demons at a perfect position. Luca and Hinata remained to the northwest. Their flanking manuver might have fooled the simple eyes of the ninja defending this fake village, but Soji's were too clever.

Soji turned his head back and called to the ninja behind him, "I need you to move most of your men to your northeast flank. I shouldn't need but ten here. The rest of you should be able to handle them easily. They'll just be coming at your with clones, so don't be afraid. Just release shuriken and kunai into the mass until they're all gone. They'll vanish on contact with such attacks."

Soji then turned himself towards where Luca and Hinata were. This shouldn't be too difficult. He knew all of Hinata's techniques and even a few she didn't know. Luca was a wildcard so far, but he had witnessed and learned a few of his techniques just while being with them. Soji also was extremely strong with Taijutsu due to his Henji. When Soji fought, he didn't even have to aim his attacks. His spirit would fly out and slam into the enemy's. As long as some part of his spirit stayed connected to his body he was fine.

OOC: Soji's spirit attacks are a lot like Shikamaru's shadow abilities. He can stretch and mold it for however long its actual size. The more Soji uses his Henji, the larger his spirit gets. Right now, his spirit is large enough to actually form a layer of spiritual energy around his body as both defense and offense.


New member
Tripod sighed, her clothes were soaking wet. She need to get them dry before the cold gets to her. "Oh well. See ya." Said Tripod as she walked back down the path. Tripod was near the village, she can since Soji, Luca and the others.
Tripod shivered in her wet clothes, don't sneeze, don't sneeze....

Tripod looked over into the forest and saw the groups of Narutos, Wonder what's going on?


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was tired of waiting. He had a large bit of men behind him. He smiled back at them a moment and then called to his northeast team. "All of you, pull out one shuriken and only one shuriken. Wait for me to tell you to throw them." They just stood there, confused. What could one shuriken each do? Soji, annoyed yelled, "Do it now!" In a rustle of panic each of them drew one shuriken and held it ready. Soji put his hand up and then swung it down. With a cry, all of them threw their shuriken.

Hurridly, Soji made several symbols with his hands and cried, "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Suddenly, there was an explosion of dust and from the cloud, millions of shuriken shot at Gaara and the Narutos. There would be no way for them to escape. The shuriken would have appeared so suddenly, they wouldn't know what to do. For Gaara and the real Naruto's sake, they better be at the back of the group, because it was a sure bet that virtually all of the clones would be wiped out instantly. Soji smirked as the shuriken cut through entire trees in their path through the forest where he knew Gaara and Naruto were hiding. Good luck, boys.


New member
Tripod srug the Narutos off, she looked back ahead to see thounds of shurikens coming at her. "Oh." Said Tripod as her Poe Hammer appear in her hand. Tripod gripped the Hammer with two hands and began to swing the hammer around. Tripod speed went up more and more as she twirled around with her Poe Hammer in hand. She spun so fast that that she created a strong wind of protection around her.

The shurikens bounced off the wind she crated, some of them disappear in a strange dust. Tripod began to slow down as the shuriken attack stopped. Tripod had come to a stop when the Hammer disappear. "Wow, I always see other people do that, didn't think it'll work." Said Tripod as she shook of her dizzness. Tripod jumpped into the tree that the Narutos were in, she clambed to the top of the tree and looked out.

Tripod saw the village and...Soji! Why is he attacking us?


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: WTF? Those attacks wouldn't even be close to where Tripod was. They were focused on the Narutos and Gaara. Last I saw you post you were closer to Luca and Hinata and just saw the Narutos.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: O_O oh my...this will end badly xD!

Naruto was fixated on the village waiting on Luca and Hinata to provide the needed distraction. Naruto created roughly a little more than the time when he fought Kimimaro, so they pretty much filled the trees in about a quarter of a mile radius. Gaara landed in the bunch of the clones, as he first arrived they began to fill him in on what to do. "When the shinobi pull all the way to the northwest, we launch a suprise attack on them." said Naruto in a low tone.

At about two minutes after Gaara's arrival he began to hear whirling shuriken coming towards him striking a unit of clones in an instant. Enemy nin already! The Naruto began to flee, but were rapidly being strucken down by shuriken. Gaara could at least defend him self with his sand shield while the real Naruto was most likey in the far branch of the clones. While they were being whipped out, a good bunch took refuge from sight until the attack subsided. Naruto was breathing deeply, I wasn't expecting to get attacked so quickly, who did it!? Only one-fourth of his overall clones escaped and they were shooken up a little from being caught off guard.

They began to clench their fist seriously for this instance. His face was growing with intensity, as his fangs grew in slowly which looked painful. His hair began to shoot up and red chakra dispersed shaking the forest from its unleashment. The eyes of Naruto and his remaining clones became that of the nine-tails burning with anger. They were left with only one option, that of the full scale assualt having crushed their original plan. Naruto knew he wasn't going to follow it through anyways, because something always happens to make it all worse. "I'm gonna kill you all!" screamed the Kyuubi influenced replicas as they stormed the village not waiting for Luca's signal.

Like wildfire, his clones began to dash from their hiding places and they poured into the village in a blind rage. Keeping about that of Sasuke's pace they began to fly past the ninja and strike them down. Looks like the plans changed and he provided the distraction from what he could see. They began to scream violently as they were striking down the enemy ninja, this mistake was reckless as soon enough his clones were disappearing. Argh! Damnit! It was soon that Naruto found himself along with about twenty of his clones left in a circle of the village's shinobi. They all drew their kunai knives and converged on Naruto all at once.