Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


New member
ooc: Sorry about that, with all the fast posting I kinds got @.@; dizzy

Tripod looked at Naruto, "Thank you." Said Tripod in a low tone. Tripod ran back over to were Soji was, "Um, I looks like maybe we can join them." Said Tripod as she looked up to Soji.
Tripod then looked back at the group of Ninja, "Sorry, about this fight but if that boy didin't hit me, I would have not hit him back, but anyways our bisniess with the newly discovered village is ours alone." Said Tripod as she looked over at Soji.
"But its raining perrty hard, do you think that we can find aplace to wait out the storm, maybe we can talk more there.... maybe." Said Tripod as she wipped the rian from her face.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke replyed to Naruto's daggers with his own. "I only attacked him to help Gaara. Don't talk to me about recklessness, as you had some in the past if we remember." Sasuke smiled as he knew naruto's childishness would get the better of him. 'He can be as mature in battle as he wants to, he''s still naruto when it comes down to it.' He thought about it and then sweatdropped, relizing that that's a bad thing.


The King Of Bandits
Luca sighed seeing as they obviously did not understand the point about getting out of the country by nightfall. " Listen. We dont have time to waste, we have to cross the border by nightfall, orders from the hokage." It was just like no one got it. Luca had been a little skeptical about this mission, but he still understood the importance of being on time everywhere you went on a mission." We have to keep moving and we are not even more then a mile from konoha so setting up camp or something would be useless. A little rain never hurt anyone but we will take a vote" Luca still had the deathly stare in his eyes" Who wants to stop and try and wait out the rain, which has no end in sight as of right now? And you two" He looked over at naruto and sasuke slowly" As i told you before, i wont hesitate to put a stop to anyone who hinders the mission, so put your childish attitudes behind you for a moment and take and pay attention to the situation at hand"
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto turned to Luca as the rain was coming down. It reminded him of when he used to sit outside on the swings alone in the past. His head popped up, with enthusiasm, to stop now and let enemies beat them to the new village...yeah right! "Luca sensei, i say we go even in the rain. My ninja way is to become Hokage, which means I'm not going to submit to some drizzle!" yelled Naruto proudly. He didn't realized how much he resembled his idleol, growing quite alot in just three years, still the same at heart. he jumped up in the trees and drew two kunai knives and sliced som branches with thick leaves. "I don't know about the rest of you, but i know for sure that i can keep going. Here Hinata." said Naruto handing the primitive umbrella over her head.


New member
"Okay fine, we can go." Said Tripod as she shiver from the cold, Tripod love the rain but not when she in it. "B-b-but...I ..I...ah, ah, ah.." Said Tripod before she snezzed.
Tripod Eye color turn to red, "Heck if I let the rain beat me!" Yelled Tripod in a rowdy voice. "Come on lets go!." Said Tripod as she marched ahead.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: Gaara lloking for approval? that's amazingly out of character. whatever...

Sasuke looked over at Gaara's dome. "Nice work, as long as it doesn't try to kill us." He looked over at Luca, who seemed to think he was one who could stop all of them on his own. 'I hope this guy has health insurancce when he tries it.' "I'm good with whatever, as long as it gets us put pf this runt we've seem to put ourselves in." He sighed, thinking about the waste of time that just happened.


The King Of Bandits
Luca sighed. How had he gotten stuck with all these little arogant punks?" you all seem to underestimate me" he said as he continued to walk on down the path" after all though...i wasn't in charge of this mission becuase the mission, I was put in charge of this mission becuase of the people who were going on it originaly. Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke. I am here to make sure you dont die, but i will not even puase if worse comes to worse. I will take you down if need be. Anything to get the mission done and bring you home safely.. Please keep that in mind when thinking about your next actions." His back turned towards the rest of them, he continued on. There was so little they all knew about him and yet they wished to fight when he was around. It was obvious that he did not have the respect of all these little arogant fools yet." you all seem to tempered today" He said with a smile staring ahead" dont stress yourselves with little quarles you have about other people, it will only make your life worse in the end." he luaghed a little bit" and as for the rest of you i dont care, just dont hinder our mission and we wont have a problem."
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto had to sit and listen to them argue and he held his head with a faint sigh. Man and i thought me and Sasuke had issues. The rain was coming down like the sky was weeping. The amount of water was rather annoying as it doused Naruto, but he endured showing no signs of wavering. "Lets keep moving everyone, the sooner we get there the better." said Naruto trying to encourage them.


The King Of Bandits
" You seem to misunderstand" he said looking at the girl" I dont wish to control you, only accomplish my mission. No matter what." Luca was irrated about the things that had went wrong so far in the mission. If things didn't turn around they really might end up failing the mission. He noticed the three still had not asked him a question. That was good. It meant that they were actualy either thinkg of a question or didn't care. HE thought about his past life, all the things that had went wrong. Judging by his past, he was not at all qualified to be in the position he was in yet. But he was. Growing up without any parents (which makes him a naruto character cuase he doesnt have parents XD) was a tough life. Also he could side with naruto a little bit, he had always been shunned by his class and teachers as well. This is the only reason he had taken any intrest at all in this mission, to see the boy who had grown up just like he had. He snapped back to reality, realizing it was still raining and everyone was on their edge apparently. Missions always brought out the worst in people. Luca looked over at naruto, trying to encourage the rest of them. an all too familiar path Naruto. He thought, thinking of many missions where he had been the only one trying to encourage everyone else. In the distance there was a break in the clouds. The rain would probably stop in an hour or so.
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New member
Tripod looked back and saw Soji trailing back, Tripod walked back to were Soji was and remand by his side. The cold winds of the rain went though Tripod, "Jez, this is bad." Wisppered Tripod as she shivered.
Tripod was thinking about what happen to her in the ice cave, the cold seems to make her snezze alot. Tripod looked back up at Luca who was in the lead. "So, do you know anything about this New Village?" Said Tripod trying to take her mind off her chills.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Damn sorry I had to leave during a fight. I wish I could have helped out more. Also, Pirate, stabbing Soji with shuriken wouldn't work seeing as his bandages protect him just like Gaara's sand does, also his skin detaches from his body to make the bandages so it wouldn't really hurt him at all.

IC: Soji stood idly back, bored with it all. This Gaara kid was more pathetic than he had thought. The kind completely failed to use the gift Soji gave him. Maybe he should have given the One-Tail to a worthier canidate. But how could he have known? The kid was still in his mother when Soji sealed it. He sighed slightly, moving behind Tripod and glaring at Luca. He didn't really have a mind of his own; he just listened to whatever Tripod told him to do. She provided a purpose for his life and he fulfilled it. He had almost as many techniques as the Third at his disposal and quite a few he learned from Orochimaru. To be honest, he knew almost every single technique ever devised and he had devised a lot of techniques of his own. He was the only one who could produce the proper power level to create bandages made of his own flesh. His control over his blood, he tought to himself also. Yet, his control over his bones was a natural ability. Apparently he was part of some wiped out clan called the Kaguyas and these types had the ability to shift and shape their bone at will. He stood there, behind this fortress of a person he called, "Tri" and glared at the others, untrusting.


New member
Tripod was getting colder with each step, If there's one thing I'm weak aganist it's the cold...
Tripod looked up at Soji and then look out in front, Tripod held her nose she felt that she was going to snezze.
"Soji, I...I...uh-oh..." Said Tripod before she snezzed three times in a row, her eyes flashed a multi-color of red, blue and pink before she fainted.
Snezzeing too many times at once couses a lot of strane on her mind.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stopped, worried and looked down at her. He frowned and bent over her, feeling his forhead. Without hesitating, Soji wrapped some of his bandages around her body and then tied her to his own body. Taking the cloak, he put it over both of them, allowing his own body heat to help warm her. His eyes flashed red as his weak body was instantly inforced by the will of his own spirit. He stood up and lit a black flame inside his hand. He placed the flame near her, but made sure it didn't touch her. Even though the black flame wouldn't burn anything, it could still give her scaldings if it touched her.

Ignoring the looks of the others he began to walk again as though nothing had happened. He steadied himself with on hand while the other made sure the flame kept going for her. It's not any of their business. We're just here to see about getting Tri home. If they've got a problem with that, I'll take on the Nine-Tail and the One-Tail if I have to. Besides, I know how to seal both of their powers in if I have to. That's a little talent I owe Orochimaru. That man may have his faults but that's not saying he isn't useful.

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Hinata blushed as she always does as she accepted the make shift umbrella and muttered an inaudiable thank you to naruto.
Static was high in this group...she never liked arguments being the passive person that she is. Whats worse is that her jonin leader basically called them a burden. but the way his eyes move and look painfull when he talks about anything personal, he just wants to hide it. "almost like Naruto" she murmured
The two partners were a whole thing entirly. She felt like a bug next to them.
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Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara continued on ahead of the group. He did not like to be in groups. Makes a bigger target, and to lower himself to associate with mere mortals, Gaara would rather die. "Soji thinks he is all big and bad. Thinks he is the top dog. He fails to realize I was not giving that fight everything I got. The weakling will die by my hand someday!" Gaara thought to himself.