Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto was staring at Soji, this sanin is his ninja rank. He saw two in action already, but something about this guy was rather strange. Even Naruto had his doubts about people, at any moment he could take them all out, but he chose not too. Man something about that guy just makes me shake, but not cower, I wonder what Sasuke thinks about this Soji...what am i saying!? Sasuke isn't even on my level, so of course we have no problems. Naruto stretched his arms outwards holding the tree branch in his hands he kept it above himself to keep dry. "I should have gotten some ramen before leaving." said Naruto pretty irritated as he hadn't done this earlier.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji walked calmly up to Gaara. He walked behind him for a moment before he couldn't resist speaking. "Just so you know, Sabaku no Gaara, my eyes can tell me what you're thinking, also. Not very pleasant thoughts. What are you now? Sixteen? I thought you had changed ever since your little conflict with blondie back there. Not to mention you refer to yourself as a Jounin. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but weren't you made the Kazekage?" Soji walked idly behind him, checking on Tripod to make sure she was alright. She was still breathing and appeared to be fairly warm. Soji sighed and then looked up, keeping the warming flame near her as he walked.

OOC: Just some info for you guys who aren't Narutards. Gaara is not a Jounin, he's Kazekage of Sunagakure (At least if you're the sixteen year old Gaara, which Naruto is sixteen in this one so I assume you are.) Also, Gaara isn't as dark and mysterious anymore. In fact, he has become closer to his brother and sister and it a kind and good Kazekage. Also, Naruto has seen at least three Sannin fight because he watched the three-way Sannin battle.

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Hinata giggled that naruto, always thinking about ramen.
"well naruto i packed cup ramen ffor you" she said with a blush.
She shivered as she felt Soji glance at her.He and Gaara scared her. Gaara because you could never tell what he would do. And Soji because she couldnt read him... heck she could read her father, and he was the ice king!!

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara continued on up ahead through the seemingly endless brush. After a while Gaara became annoyed.

"Sand Pillar Jutsu!" he screamed. He was suddenly rocketed into the sky by a huge sand tower that had erupted from the ground. He looked onward. He could make out a village to the east. He told the others what he saw.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked down at Tripod with a kind smile. "It's ok. You're not a weakling it's just the damned weather of this infernal country. You're not used to it." Soji shifted her slightly, moving her closer to both the little fire and his own body. He wanted to make sure that she was comfortable. "You don't have to walk unless you want to. I'm just trying to make sure you don't get too cold out here."

Soji was then hit with something that troubled him. A sort of feeling from behind him. He turned his red eyes on a small girl and frowned. It was the first time he had really looked at her. He looked her up and down for a moment and then his eyes came to rest on the symbol on her jacket. His red eyes widened and he looked up into hers. "You're a Hyuuga, then? There's nothing to fear of me." Soji closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them, they were almost completely white. Not exactly like the Hyuuga's but very close to it. "See? My father was half Hyuuga. I know that much."

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Hinata stoped stood there with her mouth agaped. HALF a hyuuga!? but there are no records! Does he know the taijutsu? Are we related? If hes half a hyuuga that must mean hes loyal to konoha, right!? she couldn't handle the new information rushing through her head, so she did what she does best.... she fainted.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji nodded at Gaara and put his arm out at Hinata. Instantly, a swirl of bandages flew off of his arm and wrapped around her. With a tug, he pulled her to his back and tied it on. She rested there like a bug in a cacoon except her head was sticking out. Soji flipped his hood inside out and tossed it over her head to keep dry. Man, what am I? A baby-sitter? I'm glad I didn't tell her that I was half Uchiha too...

Soji looked down at Tripod and smiled again. "I'm not too kind to you, Tri. I just do what I can. I have no other purpose in life and so I travel with you." Soji tightened the bandages that held the two girls in place and kept walking. Some would have thought this was a struggle for him, but his soul projected over his body, invisible, and reinforced his strength. This was one of the special abilities of his Henji. It allowed him to project his spirit at will and even though his body was fairly weak, it could be made emmensly strong with the application of the strength of his soul.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: >_> what the best of both worlds!?....god we will go down so fast if we fought you -_-"

Naruto remembered little about the fight three years ago, between Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochiamaru. Reflecting back on his experieces, Sanin were tough, but not gods. Having the power to take down a kage no doubt, but destroying one another was pointless. Man whats with this guy, he's half hyuuga too? The next thing you'll hear him say is that he has the sharingan like Sasuke's. Naruto was also eager to see this village, the ninja would have probably mastered new jutsu he hadn't seen before. "So when are we getting their anyway?" said Naruto a little impatient.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: half Hyuuga, and half Uchiha...hey wait a minute, i'll get to you later.

Sasuke had been quiet for sometime. He had been thinking of his brother when he heard Soji tell Hinata of part of his lineage. 'Half a hyuuga huh, that explains why he could read moves so well.' He walked over to where Gaara was. Hearing about the village, he wanted to get out of this rain. He also wanted to be around someone who could actually be useful. 'Not sayying that Naruto's not useful, just that he's not the most reliable at times.' He glanced back quickly at said foxboy before looking ahead.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca had been a little more focused on his actions then those of his comrades. The rain finaly trickled down, coming to a hualt. A dim low beam of sunlight shot over the valley, iiluminating the horizon. It was almost nightfall and they had not even made it half way to the border probably. Maybe i was too harsh on them he thought to himself. They are a few years younger then me after all he kept looking forward, not stopping to look back to check if the group was still behind him, but knowing they were. He had been quiet for some time now, concentrating on his past more so then the future. Naruto reminded him so much of himself at that age. But he seemed to be more 'put together' then Luca had been at that age. It was odd for a kid of that age to be so hyped about going into an unknown area where the chances of death were extremly high, specialy for someone of his rank. Another thing that had struck him as odd was the fact that he was, according to the guidelines, too low a rank to take on a mission such as this. But for some reason, the hokage had felt compelled to place him on the team, same for sasuke and Hinata. He would have figured that he would have at least been teamed up with jounin ranked nin for a mission such as this.

His movement was quiet, and his thoughts kept to himself. A sad look developed on his face, a look that came over him whenever he thought about how much pain he had went through, but how much he had accomplished as well. He was happy with his life, despite his look." Naruto" he spoke up not even bothering to look back" Gaara has a point, we just left konoha not even half a day ago." He pulled his mask up over his mouth covering his smile" But i admire your want to find the village already, that is something we share"
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The King Of Bandits
Luca looked back, noticing Soji carrying Hinata. He looked up at the sky and saw not a rain cloud in site, only several dark ones, darkned by the soon coming night. He thought about things for a minute. He still didn't trust the other two who had joined the group for he knew them not, He barely even trusted gaara. The only people he could rely on fully for this mission was his original team. even if he didn't know them very well, he had files on all of them and knew pretty much who they were. slowly he turned to soji" Here, i'll take Hinata. Wouldn't want her to wake up and see the person who cuased her to faint." he grabbed the bandages, ripping them off with ease somehow and letting the little girl fall into his arms" Sorry about the inconvience." He thought to himself for a second. If she woke up and saw any other face then those of the people on her team she might freak out. The sky in the distance was turning dark, night was begining to fall." My team, when we cross the border we will set up a camp and rest for the night. You two, its up to you where you stop, after all im not responisible for you. But you are more then welcomed to stay with us."

Luca seemed almost diffrent to himself now then he had been at the begining of the mission. He had been thinking about how maybe he had been a little to hard on them, judging them before he even really knew them, ignoring the fact that only a few years ago he had been in their shoes and had been the same way. Now he had came to terms with those things. Established a sense of trust with the three, now four, on his team. The border came with midnight. It felt relieving to finaly be on their way, to Luca at least.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara looked around and noticed that something was just not right about where they were. The leaves of the trees rustled and groaned as if moved by the wind, but there wasn't even a breeze.

Could it be more nin from the other villages? Or are they rogues? Gaara thought to himself. "Prepare yourself Jounin," he said to Luca. Gaara also prepared himself for an attack. He would have to be on his game now because one of their company was out of the picture. He looked around and the nin attacked.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji retracted the bandages back around his body and then shot them out again. He roped Hinata and pulled her back gently. "You don't understand who she is, do you?" Soji lifted her slightly and brushed back her hair. Her forehead was clean and unblemished. "Don't you see? She's part of the Head Family. I can't let you carry her. Not to mention, you should have more important things in mind." Soji wrapped her gently, ensuring the comfort a Head Family deserved. He looked up at Luca with his cold, red eyes and said, "Besides, you don't want to suffer the concequences of damaging her."

Turning away from the matter, Soji smiled at Tripod. "You are correct. I have not seen you move that way before. It is quite impressive." And then he lowered his tone to put his voice just between him and Tripod. "I don't think we are liked among these people. Funny though, we weren't the ones to start the attack, yet we are blamed for it. Konoha has become unhospitable for outsiders it seems. Even outsiders with the blood of some of their most noble families." Soji straightened his head, in thought. Tripod was a good girl and he trusted her, but part of him thought she was getting in over her head. There are some fights even a Sanin can't compete with.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara loked back at the others and saw Soji and Luca talking about something and taking Hinata from each other...

"Morons," he said," Should be more concerned about the mission, but no. All they care about is that weakling. We sould just leave her. She is to weak. She will only hinder us." Gaara noticed that Sasuke was coming up to him. "What d you want?"