

New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((Hey, GM, didn't Fetyu fracture his foot?))

Brock walked over to Cali and put his arm over her. His arm that wasn't bleeding of course. He looked back at Luca. He was asleep. It was no surprise to Brock that all the activity they had done the day before was overwhelming for Luca. Brock has faced worse activities and injuries in football. That was why he was still able to keep up his normal routine, even with his arm which was already bleeding and he made it worse by breaking down a rock wall, and his knuckles on which the skin had been torn off from punching that rock. He looked at Fetyu. He seemed to have a broken foot but Brock didn't bring it up, seeing as how he was standing. He looked at Cali. She was as beautiful as ever. Flawless. She wasn't harmed, not at all.

Brock looked up. The sun wasn't even up and it was warm. That meant that later on in mid-day, it would be really hot. Then it hit Brock. The acadamy didn't have any hot days recently. It was snowing. Either they were out for more than a day which was unlikely, or, they were more than a couple of miles from the acadamy. He looked at Luca in disgust. It was the first day and he was harmed more than he could handle. They would have to keep this up for the next few days obviously. Luca would die before they reached the acadamy at this rate. Brock was not going to carry anyone, especially Luca. He had tried to help him before, but no. Brock then remembered the car keys. He took them out of his pocket and looked. He still couldn't make out to what car they belonged to. He stuffed them back in his pocket and tried to join the group in conversation. "So what were you guys talking about?"


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"we just finished. Tommorow, I'm gonna go look for the car, while you stay here." Fetyu went to sleep.

((sorry for short. Yes I have a foot thing, but he repositioned it, badly. Second, he's gonne meet Tsukasa's character while car hunting, aight?))

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Skillet walked aimlessly through the city. He didn't see much of anything and he didn't care. His team was all gone. He would now be unable to graduate. He had failed himself. He had told himself that he would graduate. He had told himself that he would be the first of his clan to graduate, but now he would fail. Skillet walked aimlessly through the city. He didn't see much of anything and he didn't care.

((I posted the two sentences at the beginning ang the end to make more emphasis on those sentences))


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself coming slowly to the reality of the real world once again. He awoke this time ignoring the pain, forgetting to even put his shirt on. He thought of the entire situation, seeing everyone talking on the other side of the oasis. Would they even notice if he disappeared? What if he just stood up and walked off right now?

By now his slowly awaking mind had convinced his body that they wouldn't care, he was only a burden on them anyway. So slowly he stood to his feet, slinking away behind a rock only a few feet behind him. From here he realized that he was for the most part recovered. Besides being hungry. He took a sip from a separate pool of water, one the behind the rock, hidden from the rest of the group. He sighed quietly to himself, realizing he had forgotten his shirt on the ground. All that Luca could focus on right now was getting as far away from the group as possible. Maybe it would be possible for him to just die alone, yea it would hurt Cali... but only for an instant. Then she would have only Brock. She wouldn't have to care about hurting anyone becuase there would be no one there to hurt.

The path which he took headed back towards the city of Spirana, The darkened night sky now completely faded away. He looked back only once, seeing that he was not being followed, and seeing that he was not able to see anyone. He was positive he would be able to pass the test at the beginning, however then he found himself injured, and constantly protecting the team. Now that he couldn't do anything however he was useless. There was something wrong with him, something which had voided his passage to graduating the test in his own mind. He didn't deserve to pass if he couldn't function alone in the world, after all that's where he would end up being after he graduated. The city was close now, and in the distance it was obvious that no one was following him still. That was good. It meant he had left them unnoticed, meaning they wouldn't notice that he was even gone most likely. He was happy that he had taken his burden away from the team and placed it on his own shoulders. The pain in his leg was burning now. But he didn't care.

Pushing onward, Luca found himself once again wondering the barren streets of spirana searching for his death. He didn't want to just give up and allow himself to be killed. He wanted to either prove that he was capable of defending himself, or die. As he walked he slowly began noticing how much different everything looked in the morning. Their were no sounds, only those of a few wounded rebels crying out in pain, obviously wounded by the creatures which had attacked the group. He could see nothing, only bright morning sunshine, and bloody alley ways. In the distance he could see a white flag hanging from a building, a red cross on it's cloth." Could it be a hos..." he closed his mouth, running towards the entrance of the building at full force. only stopping when he noticed a figure walking towards him. It was a kid like himself. He thought for a minute that it could be another person from the academy, but then decided that since he had no team he wasn't from the academy. All he could think to say as he drew closer to the man was one thing" You look familiar.....have i saw you somewhere before?" Luca kept his hands at his side, knowing that it might well have been an enemy."... You wouldn't happen to be .. I know this sounds stupid... but are you from... The academy?"

Luca stood there with a blank look on his face, all alone surrounded by nothing but destruction, blood, and this mysterious face which he felt as though he had saw somewhere before. His leg hurt like hell, but he kept a straight face, awaiting an answer from the man.



New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock was angry at Fetyu's remark. He wasn't going to gve him the keys. Brock was the oldest and the only one with his lisence. He took his arm off Cali and walked away. He walked to the spring but as he walked by Luca, he saw something strange. Luca wasn't there. Brock smiled. "He's finally cracked." He knew things would go more smoothly without Luca. He wasn't the person to wish death upon someone, but after his past with Luca he didn't care whether Luca died or lived. He tok a drink from the spring and an idea popped into his mind. He moved to the center of the oasis and carefully and quietly picked up the map. He looked at it and thought. He looked at the key in his pocket. He stuck both the map and the key back in his pocket. He wasn't planning on running off. Especially not without Cali. But he had an idea. He made sure no one was watching and then made foot prints in the sand leading to Spirana. "GUYS! Luca's gone! He even took the map with him! And i fouind these footprints leading back into Spirana. Luca probably went back. Fetyu, i suggest you go back into the city looking for him. Me and Cali will go off in the other direction looking for the car. We'll drive it back here and pick you guys up. Sound good?"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock smiled at the naive Fetyu. He put an arm around Cali and took the map out of his pocket. He then turned and started walking into the nothingness of the desert. They had been walking for sometime. It was hot and the sun was now fully up, telling Brock that it was probably mid-day. He looked at Cali who was walking beside him. She looked so scared. So worried. "Its ok, they'll be fine and we'll be fine." After that the trip remained pretty silent. After about an hour or so, Brock spoke up again. "There isn't a city within 50 miles of the oasis. We've traveled for about two hours now. We are probably going about 5 miles an hour, so we've traveled the ten out of the fifty." Brock took his arm off Cali. FOr an hour he had kept it on her. He was sweaty and he didn't want her to get sweaty too. He then started thinking. What happens to them after they graduate. Well Brock knew he was going to play college football and then maybe play for the NFL with a woman by his side everywhere he goes. He hoped that woman would be Cali. He remembered last year. Walking down the hall with his arm around Cali's waist with Chad and the rest of the guys following close behind. He remembered all those times Chad had been a third wheel. Funny but annoying. It then occured to him the reason him and Cali might have broken up. Chad was always with them. And Brock hung around Chad more than he did Cali sometimes. Brock then remembered the worst moment of his life. The Break-Up. He was at football practice. He was thinking over how he felt about Cali. She came to the field after that. Brock couldn't remember the rest. It all seemed like a blur. Who broke up with who? He couldn't remember. After minutes of trying to figure it out, he spoke up again. "Cali...what happened between us? Who broke up with who and why?"


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((if Luca dies… I’ll kill him, lol. And Riku… I would call that an evil plot, lol))

Cali was about to agree with Fetyu on his plan when Brock approached so she just nodded silently. The last thing she wanted was for him to find out about what they were going to do. But her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Fetyu telling Brock about the plan. That was not good at all and she noticed his angry expression, just like she had expected. Cali sighed, now she was sure that he would find a way to go and find the car by himself; that was so typically him.

She was so lost in thought that she lost track of the conversation and she only woke up when she heard Brock saying those dreadful words… Luca was missing. She looked at the place where he had been lying and her heart skipped a bit. What she most feared had happened, he was gone. Cali’s first thought was to run and try to find him. The feeling of loss was so strong that she didn’t even care about the others; the only thing she wanted was to find Luca even if she had to go by herself. He was weak and wounded and there were dangerous people and beasts out there. She couldn’t stand the thought of him alone. There was only one thing that kept her from running away; it was the fact that she knew she wouldn’t be able to help him. Not by herself anyway, their only chance was the car, as soon as they found it the sooner they would go after Luca. She didn’t even pay attention to what Brock was saying to Fetyu nor did she care, she had only one thought in her mind.

“We need to find Luca!” she murmured to herself as she walked with Brock. She was scared and worried and tired but she had a fierce determination. One thing she was sure about was that she wouldn’t go back to school without Luca. She was so deep in thought that she was completely caught by surprise when Brock talked; and what he said was even more surprising. What had happened to them? She pondered about it for a second. She still remembered clearly when it had happened. Brock was at football practice and there they were, Chad and all his friends. She hated to bring back those memories so she took a while to answer. Finally she took a deep breath.

“Well, you know… I think it had to happen, it wasn’t meant to be. I mean… maybe it would have worked out for a little longer but… I’m not sure.” she paused unsure of what to say, she didn’t want to hurt him “There was Chad and your friends… I think they might have come between us but, really… we were always more friends than anything else, I guess.” She knew she was not being completely honest there was something else she wasn’t saying. There was something else that had made them grow apart. There was Luca. Now that she thought about it, maybe he had been the main reason. Over time she had become attached to him… maybe a little too much, even though only now she was starting to realize it. Yet she kept those thoughts to herself as she kept walking in silence.


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself staring into the eyes of the mystery man, wondering thoughts dancing in his mind. What if the man was from the academy, after all he did kind of seem to be Luca's age.

Suddenly There was a familiar voice behind himself. Luca turned to meet the glance of Fetyu. " Hey Luca... Hey ..Person" That was all that had time to escape Fetyu's mouth before Luca broke into a dead sprint down the alley way to his left. There was something about him that had compelled him to run. Wanting to make it on his own maybe, or maybe just sheer impulse. Whatever it was he was running, and his leg was in pain. The simple movement of his leg was killing him. He was starting to think that maybe he should have stayed with the rest of the group, maybe he should have stayed with Cali. After all even if he wasn't able to talk to her, he would have at least been able to listen to what she said and look at her every once in a while. He had said a whole sentence since being injured, if that much. Right now he was running more on adrenaline as he bolted down various ally wars here and there, hoping only to elude his pursuer if he still had one.

There was a dead end, a door at the opposite side of it. All Luca could do was stand there looking at the locked door in front of him then turn around. The lighting here seemed to be dimmer then everywhere else for some reason. All he could think about was listening for foot steps. He heard nothing. Complete silence. There was no one near him at all, he was alone once again. From behind him he felt someone grab him and begin choking him, causing him to drop to the ground moments later, losing consciousness yet again. The last thing he saw was a tall man in a black outfit, standing in the door war, the academy symbol on his shoulder. Then Luca was pulled inside the door way, and the door was yet again locked.

When finally he did come to, he was on a laying face down in a city street, the sound of a helicopter exiting in the distance. All he could think about was what had just happened to him. As Luca looked around, he noticed a difference in the buildings, these were being lived in, and the small amount of people living here told him that it was a friendly area. Apparently he had been dumped in a village, and all he could concentrate on was the map laying beside him, his location marked on it. 45 miles east of spirana, alone. The village of Zumew. In the distance he could see the remains of yet another destroyed city, this village must have been made up of the survivors of whatever had happened.

Cali. Thats all his mind was saying to him now. Cali, Must get back to Cali at all cost.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"Wow...that boy has issues. Seriously, always trying to kill himself, or something wierd. Anti social guy..." Fetyu relized the other person was still there. "So, nevermind my stupid friend, who is you?"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock didn't want to agree with Cali. Chad was his best friend. Could he really be the problem? Brock dropped it. He was determined to get back with Cali soon. That is if Luca doesn't get in the way. Brock clenched his hand into a fist and kept walking. He turned around to see if he could still see the city or the oasis. Nope. They must have traveled for more than 20 miles. 5 more and they'd be between Spirana and the next city, whatever it was. Brock realized that since he took his arm off Cali, he kept a bit of a distance from her. That wasn't the smartest thing considering their conditions. Brock took out the map. Moving his arm was starting to hurt him again. Perhaps he was doing it too much. He looked at the map and estimated where they were. He then heard a familiar sound. A sound he had heard at the oasis. A copter. He looked up and saw a copter lowering a car to the ground. The car was old and crappy. It had a lot of dents and looked like it was built in the 70s. But one thing seemed to stick out. The big emblem of the acadamy stuck right on the car door. Suddenly, Brock heard a voice from the copter. It was the instructor saying, "This car isn't the best but it has many necessities for your journey." The copter took off leaving the car with Brock and Cali.

Brock ran into the car and pulled the keys out of his pocket. He put them in the egnition and started the car. Worked like a charm. He turned on the AC since he was sweating his ass off. It didn't turn on. He tried opening the window. It was one of those old fashion windows where you need to turn the crank to open and close it. He turned the crank and the window went down and stopped. It opened 2 inches and stopped. That was as far as it went. Brock couldn't believe how crappy the car was! He turned on the radio. Nothing. He got out and looked at the overall condition of the car. The car seated 5 people. It would get them where they needed to go, then they'd probably need to change the engine. Brock opened the trunk. Guns, swords, food, water, everything was in that trunk. He smiled and closed it. He sat back in the driver seat and closed the door. He waited for Cali to get in. He looked at the milage on the car. It had over 200,000 miles on it. Brock knew it would break down. When Cali got in, he put the car on drive and made a U turn back to Spirana. He didn't exactly want to go back for Fetyu and Luca---especially not Luca---buthe knew he had to. He glanced over at Cali as he drove. His heart almost tore right there on the spot. He realized now more than ever, he wanted to get back together with Cali. He was scared. Scared they might die in Spirana and never get back together. He drove without speaking. Brock had an expression on his face that he only had a few times. Sadness. Complete sadness.


The King Of Bandits
Zumew was a small village on the outskirts of the remnants of the city of Zumew. It was obviously a refuge camp for survivors from the city, whatever had happened must have been catastrophic. Luca had seen a similar sight somewhere before however. Spirana. When he had glanced back at spirana while standing at the oasis, it had looked relatively the same. Destroyed, as if a terrible battle had occurred there. Now Luca was standing outside of yet another destroyed city. Was this what the headmaster had meant by things had changed? Was every city like this? So many questions were racing through Lucas mind at this very moment, he had completely zoned out of reality, only paying attention to his thoughts.

Beside him stood a young child, staring at the clothes which Luca wore. They were ripped and torn at certain places, blood stained quite a bit of his pants. All he could think about as he snapped back into reality was getting back to Cali. He remembered seeing Fetyu, moments before being knocked out once again. Why had he ran from Fetyu? Had he really been so desperate to get away from the group that he was running at the sight of anyone who came in contact with him? Now he was alone. Alone surrounded by total strangers. Slowly he began walking, checking his location again on the map. Finding the direction to spirana. Suddenly he realized that they would most likely be gone by the time he got back, leaving no traces of where they went next. Luca stopped walking, and sat down.

Across the street Luca spotted a familiar face. Someone who he had seen with Brock quite a few times in his stay at the academy. Chad. That smug look on his face as he paraded around in the sidewalk with the rest of his team following him. There was just something about the way he was being followed that said he had no idea where he was going. The 6 behind him were walking slowly, checking out the scenery as they went. Luca ducked down an alley way, watching to see where they were going, after all if they were walking, maybe one of the followers would have some idea on how to get back to the school. It was just a matter of getting time away from Chad. Luca knew how Chad would be if he saw him. Asking where Brock was, how he was doing, asking where they were going next. Asking too many damn questions in Luca's opinion. He would rather avoid the intrusion.

Finally he got his chance, when the group sat down at a table on the side of the street, Chad turned and said something to the rest of the group, and then walked away with two of his football meat head buddies. Quickly Luca approached the remaining few, seeing only one face he felt comfortable around, Sarah Niec. Luca had previously had a few classes with her. they hadn't really talked much, but he got the feeling that in this desperate situation she wouldn't care about the past. " I'm amazed to see anyone from the academy, ... Btw you guys wouldn't happen to have a clue how far we are away from the school would you?" Luca wasn't to smooth about slipping in questions.

" We are just as lost as you are Luca" Sarah blurted out in her usual tone" But... Chad and The other two jocks went to look for a guy that supposedly has a map of the entire area around here for about 500 miles. We are kind of hoping that The academy is within 500 miles of here... or at least a city we know is within 500 miles of here.." Luca came to a realization that if he didn't get his hands on that map before Chad and the other idiots did, then he would never find his way back, and mostly never find his team again. Knowing this he bolted off in the other direction, only stopping when his leg began hurting him and he sat down in one of the chairs.

" You know Luca... i took some advanced medical classes at the academy... Your leg looks really bad judging by the blood all over your pants. Why don't you let me take a look at it?" Sarah was smiling at him, in that weird way she had always smiled at him.

" Sure ....Sarah.. if you think you can do anything" Luca sighed, knowing if he denied her the chance to look at his wound and help him, he would probably be forced to allow her to see it anyway. So in the long run, he put on a fake smile, pulling up his pant leg, knowing she would be able to help him.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((RDSL nice car, nothing works, LOL. But it does fit the whole spirit of Spirana, I love it.))

Cali could tell that Brock was upset with her answer; she just wanted to turn back time. She was cursing herself for talking; maybe it would have been better if she hadn’t answer at all. But she couldn’t change what had happened. But at least she hadn’t said anything about Luca; that would have made things far worse.

They had been walking for a long time when a helicopter lowered a car in front of them. She just stared in shock… she was so furious. If they had dropped the car earlier, in the oasis they wouldn’t have lost Luca, they’d be all together. What kind of stupid game was this?

The car isn’t the best? She thought furiously… it was the worse thing she had ever seen but, well it’d work for the purpose. She got in the car anxious to get back to Spirana and see if Luca was okay. It was killing her not knowing anything about him; and there was Fetyu as well, she hoped he was fine. Brock drove in silence and, as much as she wanted to talk to him, she remained silent as well. She could tell he was sad and whatever she’d say would probably make him feel worse. She’d do anything to see him happy but she didn’t know what she could do. She gazed at him for a long while until she finally gathered the courage to say something.

“How is your arm?” she asked quietly “It looks terrible. We need to find some medical treatment for you and… well for you and Luca”


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock was kind of startled when Cali spoke up. Brock's arm hurt like hell but he just shrugged at Cali. He kept his eyes on the road. He found that he kept glancing at her. It was then that he remembered the lyrics to a song his mom had liked before she got into her accident. It talked about how the guy would always love the girl no matter what. He thought of her all the time. Brock felt like that guy. He couldn't take his mind off Cali. He took the map and handed it to Cali. "Hold onto this." Brock didn't say a word after that. He then thought of Chad and the rest of his team. Were they ok? Were they also in a town like Spirana? Brock wanted to make sure his friends were alright.

Soon, Spirana got into view. Brock was heading for the oasis but then turned. He went around the oasis and around the city. Luca was probably close to the oasis so Brock didn't want to meet up with him right away. He glanced at Cali and saw she was puzzled. "We need an engine before we meet back up with the group. I saw a parking lot around the other side of Spirana." Brock got to the parking lot and got out. He opened the door for Cali and handed her a gun from the trunk. Just incase. He took a wrench from the trunk and opened the hood of another car. He tried his best taking out the engine. It took a while. But finally, and without being attacked, he got it out. He then started taking out the engine of the car they were using. Brock's dad was a mechanic and Brock was trying to remember how his dad had changed engines of cars. Soon, the new engine was in the car. Brock took the wrench and the gun and threw them back in the trunk. He got back in the car and waited for Cali to get in. He drove around knowing he couldn't put off seeing Luca any longer. He drove through the quiet city until he saw Fetyu and a kid he didn't know. He figured the kid was alos from the acadamy so he got out and opened the back door for them. "Fetyu and whoever you are, get inside! And wheres that little bastard?" Brock didn't wait for an answer and just got back in the driver's seat. He waited for the two guys to get in, then he turned the car to go back into the city in search of Luca. When all of a sudden, Brock felt the car shake. Then, he heard a roar he had become very well aquainted with the night before. Then, he saw it. The beast was once again, right before his eyes. He made a U turn and drove at 120 away from Spirana. He didn't care about Luca. If he died, so be it. But Brock wasn't going to die. He drove until the roars of the beast were no longer heard and Spirana was out of sight. He let out a big breath and slowed down the car. He looked back at Fetyu and the other boy through the rear view mirror. "And you are?"


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself strewn out across 2 chairs, Sarah stitching up his wound, wrapping it with medical tape." There you go, you should be ok now Luca" Sarah stared at him intently, as if she was expecting Luca to hug her or something. She always had been a bit too clingy when it came to boys.

"Umm, thanks Sarah. I think im gonna get going now, i have to get that dam map before Chad and the other dimwits get it." Luca said as he stood up, embracing his leg fully now. It felt ok. Sarah sank back in her chair, let down somehow by the fact that Luca had merely thanked her. Luca bolted away, running as fast as he could down the street. He was so hungry, all he could think about was getting that map however, then he would focus on finding the others.

He turned sharply, noticing Chad standing in front of a big statue in the middle of a far away courtyard. He was not in anyway searching for the map. Apparently he was doing what guys like him did best in this situation, pretending to look for the map while the others sat around somewhere else. He would probably end up going back to the team and telling them that he was not able to find the map. In reality he had not even tried. Beside Luca was a sales stall, an old man about 73 standing behind it, tons of maps and letters hung from the stall and lay on the table" Can i help you young man?" The man was stiff, and seemingly startled by the fact that he had a customer. Luca spoke up kind of loud, but quiet at the same time, speaking softly so the man could hear him, but no one else could.

" I'm looking for a map, that displays the area around here for 500 miles. I heard someone around here has one." Luca couldn't help but laugh at what he was asking, he couldn't believe he was actually asking a salesmen about that map. It was probably fake anyway." Ahh" the man said as Luca leaned in" You mean the Rikesterl map. Yes thats what you mean, though you would never be able to talk that old hag up there into giving it to you. That is if she still lives there at all." The man coughed and motioned Luca to come back into the mans hut" We must not speak of this in public, come back here lad." Luca continued on backward, scuttling his way back to the back of the shed and sitting down in a chair. The man pulled a sting as the blinds to Luca's left shot open and the man began to speak once again.

Out side the window lay a vast scenery of landscape. There was a big drop off right next to the window, and a huge ravine in between the side of the house, and the ruins of the city. The darkness seemed to stretch farther and farther as Luca looked down listening to what the man said." Long ago there were reports of a woman who lived in the remains of the city, searching for the remains of her husband, searching through what was left in the rubble of the armies wake. It was said that she lived eternally in the top of the Longmen building, that big building over there in the center of the town, the one that sticks up past everything else." The man pointed to a large building in the center of the ruins of the large city of Zumew." Last i heard she was still living there, but the only remains of her husband she ever found was his most prized possession. The Rikesterl Map. Her husband had been a cartographer, someone who makes maps for a living. His finest and most detailed map ever map was the Rikesterl Map. It tells of every detail, every hill, road, city, and village between here and the Large city of Rikesterl. That is over 500 miles to the north. It is said that that old hag still lives in the Longmen building, but i don't see how she could survive over this long a period of time, for i heard that story when i was a boy."

The man sat back and sighed" the map is real, but if you want to find it, there is no way you will be able to do that alone. First you would have to cross the bridge into the ruins of the city. Thats easy, however there are evil things in that city, i wouldn't dare step foot in it, especially at night. If your going in there, then you are going to need more then your fists and your feet."

Luca got up and stared at the old man, knowing he was about to embark on a suicide mission alone" You have no idea who i am old man...I can't leave here without that map... i can't... find her.... without it..." Luca stumbled outside of the hut, the old man hot on his heels" Thats fine with me, you can just die like the rest of the youngsters who have went in there in search of that thing!! I warned you!!" Luca broke into a run, knowing that under the circumstances he probably wouldn't make it out alive. Then again, if he didn't find the map he would probably not be able to find Cali and the rest of his group. He didn't want to be stranded out here alone forever.

So without thinking Luca began running across the bridge, catching Chad watching him out of the corner of his eye. All he could think to do was smile, and keep on running.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
((Please tell me the group with Chad is joining?))

Fetyu saw Brock in the car. "Well the dumbass jock did something BESIDES hurt himself. Bravo. What's it got?" Fetyu walked to the back, opening the trunk. He then saw weponry. "OK, Brock, You should gt a medal. I'm gonna go crazy on the next guy who attacks us." He latched a sword to his belt, which already had 3 on it for some absurd reason, holstered a pistol, and put a rifle on his shoulder. And he put a few clips for the gun in his pocket. Then he fell over. "OH MY GOD! Carrying way too much...." He put 2 swords in the car and several clips. "Much lighter.... By the way, this guy is on our team now, do not argue."


The King Of Bandits
There was something about the way that it seemed every window Luca passed was broken, that made him feel uneasy about things. He had been walking for a few hours now. As he glared at the sky he noticed an orange tint in it. It would be dark soon. The old man had warned him about going into the city at night, the things that happened there were horrible. Thats the vibe he had been getting from the geezer. " I'm not afraid of anything" Luca said to himself. He just kept thinking about what he would find in the city. He wasn't even close to getting near the longmen building yet, he was still so far off. Looking back however, he noticed that he could no longer see the main street he had turned off of. A fog was covering his prior path. There would be no way to find his way back til morning, even then it would be hard to remember exactly which way he came from. There was a low rumbling sound, it was a very familiar sound. Luca was unarmed, that was bad for him. The sound seemed to be right on top of him, which meant that his attackers were most likely several blocks away. Feeding on the remains of some corpse no doubt.

A high building, thats all he was looking for. Any tall building. He needed shelter for the night. He was so hungry. It had been nearly 2 days now since he had any food at all, and his last drink of water was at the oasis. He had a knack for getting into tight situations like this. Luca allowed himself to lean against a glass pane which had not been broken. It was odd. Amidst all this chaos, this tiny pane of glass had found a way to survive. If that was possible, then anything was possible. Suddenly it broke, sending Luca tumbling into the buildings main hallway. It was obviously an apartment building, at least it had been several years ago. The stairs seemed to stretch almost into the heavens above. Luca was not able to see an end to them, so he began climbing them, knowing it must be a tall building since he was not able to see the roof. He just kept climbing the stairs until he reached the top at last. Looking out over the many smaller buildings he could see the light of the village in the distance, it was so far away already. Had he really came that far from civilization already? It just seemed so intriguing that he was able to capture a glimpse of this spectacular starlit night in all this destruction.

The sound of the humming had all but died now. Faded off into the distance, gone now. He could hear nothing but the simple sounds of the night, half the sky dark blue, and half of it black speckled with stars amidst it's darkened back drop. It was beautiful. In this moment Luca thought of nothing but his life, Cali. He thought of how much he actually missed not being able to see her. How she was probably happy with Brock by now. After all she had never really showed any signs of liking Luca, so what right did he have to assume that she liked him at all?

She was probably cuddling up close to him right about now, being all happy together with him. Luca really didn't know if he wanted to find Cali again at this moment. He pictured her being so happy with Brock, they had probably found the car by now, and they were probably driving with the rest of the team, her head on his shoulder, peaceful. Where was Luca in all of this? sitting on a rooftop in the ruins of a forsaken city. A city destroyed by hate. He was so lonely at this moment, and for the first time in his life he just wanted to be with someone.... anyone. He just wanted someone sitting there beside him telling him that everything was going to be ok. They would make it back home in one piece. Everything would be fine. But no, here he was, abandon again, left to fend for himself again. He was alone, as he had been all his life. Just when it had seemed like things were getting better..... they weren't. He was alone, wishing for someone to be with, in the ruins of hate. He was so lonely.... He always would be. As was the life of Luca, the child with no parents, the child who had been taken in by the headmaster. Luca, the loner that no one liked.

The thought of Cali happy with Brock kept playing over and over again in his mind, each time making him sadder and sadder. He truly was.... a mess.
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High Prophet of Blue
Aug 4, 2006
In my own little world where I rule over all
Name: Sev Thane
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Dorm #: 9
Martial courses: Kung Fu
Appearance: Tan baggy cargo pants, plain white t-shirt, chain belt with a "personal bullet" hanging on the side. Madium-long black hair.
Fear: Finding his abusive father.

Sev stood in the shadows of an alley way. Looking over at the saddening face of Luca. He remembered he was an old friend of his. They used to do alot together. He felt some sadness in him at the depressed character standing before him. Sev stepped out of the darkened alley. He sighs. "Hello Luca." He said keeping his head and eyes pointed to the ground as if he felt giulty about something. "It's been a while..."
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