

New member
Ed shorta shyed away from the girl but then smiled, "Um, Hi its nice to meet you." Siad Ed as she fiddle with her fingers. Ed looked at Cali, she was a very pretty person in Ed's eyes.
Then Ed looked over at Luca, she noticed how he's mood and action changed. Ed tilted her her as if there was questions buzzing aroun in her head. She then shook her head and sat back and waited for whatever is going on to happen.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu crashed into a wall near the back, his weapons and other material flew everywhere. He looked around, then picked his stuff up, then leaped into a seat in the back, near Luca and the others. "HEY! It's you again, from class! And your that wierd fox girl, and your this guys....girlfriend, right?" He smiled at the three. "Wassup, people? GOnna probably be a boring pep rally or something, hope you guys brought some entertainment." Fetyu laughed, and took out an mp3 player.


The King Of Bandits
Luca's look shot up" Girl...Girlfriend" HE became a little red all of a sudden" No Cali isn't my Girlfriend" he started to stumble again and looked toward the front" Oh look their about tot start, everybody be quiet"

The front of the theater was becoming very active now." If i could have your attention please, I know that there are still a lot of people coming in, but i really think we need to get started" The man speaking was the headmaster of the school, beside him were two other teachers, Mr. Clearson, and Mr. Larenx. " We have gathered you all here in order to test your abilities, This is a test. You will be working in teams of 7. Behind me you will see many names listed already, and many more still need to be written. Your objective during thing test is for you to find out on your own. This is a test of your problem solving ability, combined with your combat skills, and your leadership. Once all have reported to the theater we will begin the test." The man paused turning around to look at the board." Team one will be Luca spears, Brock, Fetyu Yujirdat, Treea Shinox, Mizu Hakamari, Ed Kitsume, And Cali Singles.. Once all the members of your team have arrived assemble near the front of the stage please." The man begin to read off the rest of the teams.

Luca was in shock, he only knew 1 of the members of his team personally, and had bumped into two others already today. He smiled knowing Cali was on his team, but became a bit skeptical about the rest of the team whom he didn't know.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock and his friends hadn't even sat down when they heard the announcement. They got up and went to the theater. They walked in just as the headmaster was saying the words: "This is a test. You will be working in teams of 7." Brock and his gang sat near the middle. As they passed the kids sitting in the back, they whistled at Cali and made a bunch of "L"s to every one else. Brock was the only one not doing the L's. THey sat down and heard the first team. "Damn...i'm not with any of you guys..." said Brock. "Well, you are with Cali, thats better than all three of us." said Antonio with a wink. Brock turned around to look at the rest of his group. What were the odds that he got stuck with all the people who were secluded from the rest of the group? He only knew 2 of them. Cali and Luca. He didn't like Luca at all and remembered making his first day they worst of his life. Cali on the other hand was loved by every boy in the school. Not a single boy didn't think she was the hottest at the school. Chad sighed and told Brock, "Well, you better go to the front with them...see ya around." Brock got up and moved towards the back. He took a seat next to Cali and looked at the group. He had gone out with Cali for about a month but they decided they should just be friends. He still had feelings for her and he could tell she still had some for him. "I guess we're a group. I'm Brock." He looked at Luca and frowned. He then turned around and looked at the stage to see what else the headmaster was going to say.


The King Of Bandits
Luca stood next to Cali and Ed, staring at the ground and waiting for the headmaster to speak. Brock had took up residence next to Cali as well. He couldn't stand Brock. He also knew that anytime Brock was around he probably didn't have a chance with Cali. Luca looked towards the stage with the headmaster on it after he had stopped announcing all the name's and the teams.

" Now, Your objective. As i said you will have to find that out for yourself, but when you start it will be very obvious what it is. All i am going to say is this, the world outside has become very dangerous since you all first arrived here. It is a very different world now. War ravages nearly every nation now, our secluded little school is the only thing that has been able to remain hidden from the rest of the world and it's problems. There are many area's around countries which are nearly abandon, taken up by gangs of thugs and homeless. In a minute you will all be asked to go to a room in the school where you will be alone with only your teammates." A teacher handed the a paper to the headmaster and walked back off stage. The headmaster continued" Ok, Team one will be heading to room 107."

Something sparked in Luca's mind as he heard the number. That was the number on the speed tech classes training room. After reading all the numbers the headmaster smiled and dismissed everyone" If you would all report to your rooms now, we will get everything started." All the kids began to head out the doors when the head master chimed in with one more thing" One last thing, and keep this in mind. Graduation is in a month, I will be expecting you all to be attending the ceremony."


New member
Ed just sighed as she was being pushed, "I'm just a normal Fox Girl." Siad Ed as she looked at Brock from the coner of her eyes. Ed wonder about the task at hand and what will be going on.

She was a bit exicted and worried about the Task, Some thing tells me that this task is going to be harder than puting a Dog in a tutu......why the blarg did I just think that?


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock walked with the group to room 107. He walked next to Cali and even thought about throwing an arm over her. He decided not to though. "So, Cali, how have you been doing?" he asked her. She smiled and said, "I've been doing good thanks." Brock smiled back at her. Once they all got into the room, Brock and Cali walked and took a seat next to each other. He looked at the rest of his teammates and frowned. He didn't know half of them and one of them he particularly hated. He then counted again. "Wait, there are only 5 of us...where are the other two?"


The King Of Bandits
Luca spoke up quickly" I'm not sure, Maybe you should use your muscles and break down the door to look for them, after all it's locked anyways"Luca looked back at the ground and sighed" If they are not here then i don't know." Luca kept staring at the ground, looking up only once to look at Cali sitting next to Brock for a moment. That site made him sick to his stomach. Such a nice girl. If only he had a chance." Oh and Cali, thanks for everything yesterday, I was extremely sick I don't know what i would have done without you."

Suddenly The door flew open, an instructor walked in and slammed it behind him yelling" Sit down and shut up you arrogant little fools." The man picked up his clip board and looked at it, checking off the names that were there." Where are the other two idiots?" when everyone didn't reply, he smiled, slamming his fist into the wall behind him, leaving an imprint" When I SAY SOMETHING I EXPECT YOU TO REPLY TO IT!" The man sighed and handed out a couple of black sashes" Your all going to be blindfolded as i was instructed to do. After that, take the pill which I'm about to hand you."

The man handed them each a pill and then took his place back in front of the now blindfolded kids." Now swallow the pill and get ready for the test.


The King Of Bandits
" Don't ask questions" The instructor said" It's not to kill you, there would be no point in that." Luca spoke up after taking the pill" Besides the headmaster told we would all be there for graduation in a month, so there wouldn't be a point in killing us all." The instructor hit Ed on the back extremely hard so as to force the pill down her throat." Now after the rest of you take it i will explain whats going on, so just hurry up and take it. after you take it open your mouth and prove you took it"

Cali, sitting next to Brock now, put the blindfold on though she wasn't one for much of this type of stuff. She looked over at Luca one last time then back to Brock before putting her blindfold on and taking the pill.
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock glared at Luca's remark about his muscles. He was about to say something when the instructor came in. Brock reluctantly put on his blindfold and was about to swallow the pill when he heard Ed's question. "Yea, is this a steroid or something?" he asked. He didn't wait for a response but just swallowed the pill.


The King Of Bandits
The instructor shot a glance at Fetyu and smiled" No smart ass it's not The Pill." The instructor then smiled, leaning on the door and sighing quickly" The pill you all just took is a high dose sleeping medication. In minutes you will all be asleep so no questions, just listen. The Exam your about to be sent out on is unlike any other exam the school has ever given. We have no idea what will happen. It is extremely dangerous out there so i will just say this, Stay on your guard at all times, if you are tired, allow half the group to rest while the other half watches out. But be aware that unlike any of the training situations here, you are against real people, in life or death situations. This is not a mere test, Your life depends on you passing this exam." The instructor noticed a few of them starting to look drowsy and stopped speaking." Good luck... everest knows your going to need it."

Luca felt alone in the complete dark, yet he knew that beyond the darkness were people, so he was not fully alone. He yawned slowly, fighting to stay asleep. Suddenly he collapsed on the floor, hitting it with a loud smacking sound. He knew that the others had no idea what had just happened seeing as how they were blindfolded and half asleep. he tried to look up and see Cali to ensure himself that she was ok, But he couldn't.

Before long he heard complete silence, and he too slipped off into the realm of slumber.


New member
Ed felt the pill working, she yawned with drowiness. she shook her head trying to fight the sleep, but it was no use. Ed heard aloud smake sound but was alittle too tired to care. She sat back in a desk.

In the darkness all she could thought about was how much her Mother and Father try to shut her away in the darkness. Then she fell into a deep sleep.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
YAY, my character at last. I'm sorry it took me so long. I wanted to join long ago.


Name: Cali Singles

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Dorm #: 18

Martial courses: Blocking Techniques

Appearance: Cali is kind of a gothic/punk girl. She is about 5'6 and her body is slender. She has dark black hair, tied up in a ponytail and small black eyes. She wears a tight black shirt and a pair of baggy black pants.

Fear: To be alone, she fears loneliness more than anything in the whole world.

Bio: Cali is the type of person who talks to everyone. She is always nice and out-going and it’s pretty easy to be friends with her. Yet no one really knows her, no one knows about her past; about everything she went through before she entered the Academy.

When she was only 5 years old she lost both her parents in a car crash and she was the only one to survive. That day changed her life forever, destroyed her dreams and all her hopes. For years she lived in the shadows not caring if she was dead or alive but then, when she entered the Academy, things started to change.

Cali perceived that there were other kids like her, lost and alone in the world, and she learned to accept her past. She learned to deal with her memories and recovered her hope and her dreams. She started to live her life day by day, cherishing the past, the good moments she lived with her family, without caring much about the future.


The King Of Bandits
The smiles of his comrades seemed to all but fade as he fell deeper into sleep. All he could think of was being alone. He was standing in a dark room, watching everything he had ever known be torn from him, seeing it all vanish before his eyes. It was frustrating to watch it all dissipate into thin air right in front of his face, knowing there was nothing he could do. Then suddenly came a view of the school, A group of his team members standing in a courtyard with what looked to be a coffin in the middle of it. There they all stood, the rest of the school in the distance, clad in black clothing. He could see the fox girl standing at the foot of his coffin, smiling. She turned and walked away as her smile seemed to sink. Next was Fetyu, The kid he never knew but somehow saw everyday. This kid left some cheesy saying, Luca couldn't quite make it out. Then he too, just as the fox girl had, turned and walked away his smile sinking. Brock was on the left side of the casket, standing there with his smirk look. But it too faded to a look of nearly no remorse.

At the head of the coffin was Cali. Standing in her normal outfit, staring down at the casket, a pair of dead flowers in her hands. She slowly walked around, her smile fading, and opened the casket. Inside lay the body of Luca himself. The sight scared him a little. What was it suppose to mean? Was it some kind of sign? Was it just another... dream? As the view seemed to zoom away from the area, Luca took notice that the buildings of the school were burning now, There were no kids around either. And in the center of it all, lay his lifeless body. As the view closed in on the face of his dead body it remained calm for a few seconds, closing in on his face, staring into one of his eyes. Suddenly the eye shot open, and all went dark.

Luca awoke in a dark, dank room, The black sash which had blinded him before was torn off and laying beside him now. He pulled himself up to his feet taking notice that no one was around. he picked up the sash, wrapping it around his arm, and walked towards what seemed to be a door. He slowly pushed it open, a dim light peeking through. The door met the wall as it opened to it's fullest, and revealed a brightly light, empty city street. The walls stained red in certain spots and pieces chipped away in others. He was no longer in the school, the exam had begun.