

New member
Ed looked at Luca, "But if we head to the center of the town can't we leave our self open to get attcked or something?" Siad Ed as she walked infront og the car to the others.

Ed was a little suprised that she spoke up like that, but she always Bulrt out questions that pops into her mind, well, more like the questions that really bother her. "I mean this might be a Abandon City, there might still be hostal forces here that can do harm to us." Siad Ed with a little worry. Ed kept her inocent face on as she talked, she do that so people want be so hard on her if she say something weird.


The King Of Bandits
" Well then maybe before we do anything we should get on to the top of a building and see if there are any landmarks around we recognize" Luca stopped, realizing he was playing the leader roll again. That was exactly what he was trying not to do."... But it's all up to you guys, I'm not the one in charge after all." Luca leaned back against the building and stared again at the ground waiting to hear what they were going to do next.

It seemed as if a thousand thoughts were zooming through his mind. The way she looked at him before Brock had gotten there. Did it mean something? No there was no way it could have meant anything. No one would ever fall for him, Luca Spears. She was happy with him most likely and they would probably end up back together before the test was over.

But hadn't she came over to take care of him last night? Maybe that meant something? No way. Just a friendly gesture, a good friend taking care of another good friend. Wait!!! what was that word? Friend? And good friend at that? Luca had always thought he had no friends, until now when he realized that either one, she did like him, or two he had a friend. The second seemed more believable to him.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((Cali didn’t got to see that? What a shame, I had plans, lol. It’s ok though))

Cali stood up and smiled as she saw Brock approaching as well. The two people she most cared about in the world were there and were fine. Things couldn’t possibly go wrong.

But then, without warning an argument had started between them. She couldn’t quite catch the reason but it was about something that had happened right after they arrived that place. She wanted to say something but she felt that, it would only get things worse. She knew Brock well enough, he liked things to be done his way and no one would stand in his way. And Luca wasn’t the type of guy who back away either so maybe it would be better to let them solve their quarrel. Even though their fighting was making her feel sad, that was the last thing she wanted, the last thing they needed.

Cali averted her eyes from them and saw the other girl and smiled at her wondering if she was alright. She was startled when she felt someone put an arm around her shoulders. She looked and smiled at Brock. He had been a part of her life for so long, she had always felt protected around him but somehow things had changed. She still cared a lot about them though and that would never change.

She was snapped back into reality by Luca’s words and smiled at him. He seemed to know exactly what they needed to do in such bad situation. She wish she had half of his capability to remain calm through anything.

Calli took a few steps forward, looking at the each member of the group.

“Luca’s right, we must move and find out where we are. Plus, the others must be somewhere lost in this place, hopefully we can find them and…” she paused to take a deep breath. “We must stick together no matter what and fighting amongst us won’t take us anywhere.” She smiled briefly at both Brock and Luca, hoping they got the message.


New member
Ed sighed, "I think I should just talk to my self for now on." Siad Ed to her self with a down look. Ed then rember why she was always taken lightly, She was short and looks like a child.

As Ed thought of this a Smile came across her face, as if she was in a deep daydream. She reather be childish than to have respoablity and deal with the real world. Ed then siged alittle with some saddness of the thought of her Perants.


The King Of Bandits
Luca had always been the type of person who preferred to stay in the shadows. Maybe that was the reason that Brock had made a point to expose him to the world and embarrass him when he first arrived at the school. So of course many people had begun to call him an Emo kid. Was he an Emo? Not by definition. sure he wore the clothes and tended to be rather shy around most people, but he was not by any means emotional. In fact if anything he was the total opposite. Things didn't really effect him as they had before. That was the reason he was able to remain so calm in the current situation. Because even when the world was caving in around him, it had little to no effect on him. He always stared at the ground and did the same thing over and over again. Thinking over the situation and staying focused on the objective. Planning out his next move and constantly keeping an eye out to make sure Cali was ok.

Maybe it was the fact that he had been abandoned by his family at the school, Maybe it was the fact that he spent so much time in seclusion. He knew what it was like to be alone, and to have no one. It was a bad feeling, something that no one should have to feel. His mindset had begun to tell him that no matter what he must make sure that none of his teammates ever became abandon, or ever had to feel alone.

Looking back to analyze what was going on, he remained in his stance against the wall, it seemed like for a moment time was standing still. the last thing he remembered was being drugged and falling asleep. Between the time he was drugged and the time he woke up it had at least been able to allow a whole day to pass at least for it was exactly the same time it was the day before. How many days exactly had passed he wasn't sure of. Weather it was one or two, it narrowed things down a little bit. It meant that by car it would take no longer then 2 days to get to their destination. Judging by that it was within the reach of returning home in a month, even if they stopped for 5 days and wasted time.

His guess of the surroundings was that of a war torn civilization, any hope of finding someone to talk to was out of the questions obviously. Judging from the dead bodies they had saw before, the people who were in charge here were in no mood to talk, or were in trouble of someone attacking their town and killing people in it. Luca preferred to go with the first one seeing as how this was a militarized culture now and nearly everyone carried a weapon most likely. All this just by seeing the dead bodies of a few people. They carried weapons on their sides, and from the looks of their clothing they were mere citizens.

Luca snapped himself out of his thinking process long enough to see brock standing with his arm around Cali, once again, he didn't care.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu popped into the convo. "As self proclaimed leader, I vote we start looking for someone who can help us find the school. I also make Luca my right hand man, since he's the only on here I know in any way." Fetyu pointed in a random direction. "THIS WAY!"
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock rolled his eyes and yelled at Fetyu, "Shut Up! As much as i really hate to say it, i think Luca might be right for once. The center of the city is a great place to start. But i think first we should try to find out where we are. But at the same time, we should stick together." Brock started walking still with his arm around Cali. He walked over to where the street sign had fallen on the car and he picked it up and looked at what it said: Now Leaving Spirana. "Guys, i think i know where we are. Some place called Spirana." Brock looked up at the buildings. It wasn't a small city, but it wasn't that large either. The highest building was 4 stories high. Brock started walking to where he thought was the center of the city, this time letting Cali go. He looked back to notice no one was following him. "Come on!" he said.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"HAHAHA, no. this doesn't look like a place where we should just barge into the center of the place making lots of noise. I suggest we go in quietly, or at least keep a lookout for anything dangerous." Fetyu hoped others would agree.


New member
Ed Followed the group, she hunged out in the back of the group. Way back, let just say she looked like a Chick following a group of worm and is ascared to pounce. Ed sighed and looked at the scence as they walked pasted it.

Ed still kept an eye on the group, she was far back, but she didn't want to be so far she'd get lost. Ed heard some of them calling this place Spirana. "Odd Name." Siad Ed to herself.


The King Of Bandits
Luca agreed with Fetyu for a moment" Fety you have a point, and as you pointed out, Brock, we know where we are now. However Fetyu, we still don't know where the hell Spirana is on the map. My best guess is that one of those building's up there will have a map in it, not to mention that if we are really going to be out here for a while, we need to find a shelter for tonight, along with some food. Our best bet would be in the center of the city. And while both me and Brock know it's dangerous, we are only thinking ahead to whats best for the team in the end." Luca sat down and drew a small diagram in the sand, his voice not changing much in tone." Judging by the time now, and how hungry i am, which isn't much, i would say it has only been about a day since we left the academy. Now by those calculations we can find out a whole list of other things"

Luca continued" Since it took no longer then a day to get us here, and considering that when we woke up there were no signs of anyone from the academy but us, i would say that we were here at least an hour before we woke up. That narrows it down to 23 hours away from the academy by car, seeing as how the academy has no means of air transport. That being said, i believe that we have plenty of time to get back within a month, it requires us to find a map however." Luca shut his eyes and scuffed out the diagram in the dirt, pointing towards the inner city" hate to say it but i actually agree with him on this one Fetyu. We have to go into the inner city." He looked at ground and sighed. Luca had actually done something smart for once. He had no clue how he knew all of that or how he had put it together. But somehow, he had.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock thought for a moment then grabbed a stick and dre a circle in the ground. He then place numbers all around the insider of the circle. He looked up to where the sun was to position the numbers just right. He then stuck the stick in the center of the circle and it cast a shadow over the #9 that brock had drawn. The others looked at him like he was crazy. "Its a sun dial. To know how much time has passed since we got here and how much time we have left. I assume that if Luca is right, then the time here is somewhere between 8 and 9. Apparantly, if i postitioned this right--which i probably did--the time is now 9 'o clock. Lets see...if it takes no more than 23 hours by a car averaging 60 miles an hour, then kids walking would take..." Brock tried to do the calculations in his head. he really wasn't that good at math. Or school for that matter. The only reason he knew that sun dial thing was because when he was little and first came to the acadamy, a teacher had tought them how to tell time and told them of all these different types of clocks. Brock remembered the sun dial especially because he had thought it was cool. "Well i'm not sure how long it would take by foot...but i think we should find food, shelter, and a map if there is one by 5:00 tonight. Then we should hit the hay so we can get up bright and early tomorrow to leave. Ok guys, we'll check back here frequently. Now everyone, follow me." Brock started walking towards the center of the city.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu listened to all this. "If it took 23 hours to get here by car going 60 miles an hour, and we could probably walk about 5 miles per hour....it would take 12 times the normal amount, 276 hours, which is 11 and a half days. If they're giving us a whole month, this is definilty gonna be harder than finding food and a map and walking. So everyone, keep on the lookout for anything dangerous." Fetyu began walking towards the city, only one thing on his mind, about how they said half the team should stay awake while the other half slept. "This is gonna be a pretty deangerous test..."


New member
Ed was fading in and out on what the others was saying, she was just following the group and daydreaming as she walked. All she heard was them talking about heading into the inner city. She really didn't care if she had to walk, all she really wanted to do was to explore the city.

But the Food and Water thing did popped up into her mind, "Maybe theres an abandon food shop in the inner city." Siad Ed to herself. Ed then sighed, Yeah there might be, but seeing how old this city is, the food proble spoil by now.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
So everyone, keep on the lookout for anything dangerous.

Fetyu’s words echoed in her mind as Cali looked around the abandoned city. Could it be possible that there was something really dangerous in that place?

She shivered slightly at the mere thought. Sure enough they had had martial courses and they were capable of protecting themselves but… this was not school anymore, this was the real world, a place they didn’t even know. And it didn’t look like things had been easy out of their school. Things looked pretty bad actually.

Cali looked over her shoulder and saw Ed walking alone behind them. She seemed to be a lonely girl, kind of like she had been before arriving the Academy. She waved at Ed and motioned her to join them. The closer they were together the better.

She couldn’t ignore the strange feeling growing inside of her… the feeling that they were being observed. It probably was just her imagination but… could it be possible that there was someone else there?

Cali tried to catch up with Luca who was right behind Brock, hoping that Ed would join them too. She had a feeling that the next days wouldn’t be easy for them and she’d rather be as close as possible to her friends in case that something bad happened.


New member
Ed noticed Cali waving at her, Ed tilted her head. Ah, she must have noticed me, she probley want me to come join them.... I better play dumb nad think that she's waving hi to me...

Ed wave Hi back at Cali with a cheerful smile and stay back behind the group. I'm just gonna stay back and watch them more. Its not like I'm needed in the group....I wish I was back in the dorms playing my Games....


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu looked around, noticing all together, except Ed. He let others pass him until he was towards the back. "Ed, c'mon. If anyone stays too far back, they might get lost or something. Haven't you ever seen a horror movie? The group goes in, but one stays back and BOOM! The deformed, ax carrying freak eats them." He pulled Ed forward.


New member
"WHAT?!" Siad Ed as she looked back at Fetyu. "I dun wanna be eatten by an Axe Man." Siad Ed. Ed join the back of the group and try to blend in. Which was kinda hard for her since she was wearing a Fox girl outfit.

But Ed didn't care, she had a little smile on her face as she walked along with them. She was still daydreaming.


The King Of Bandits
Luca sighed for a minute. He actually had to give Brock some credit. If it wasn't for him then they really wouldn't have known what time it was. Luca had just been making an educated guess based on positions of the sun and shadows of buildings. Maybe Brock wasn't just another football idiot. Whatever the case he had made Luca's life a living hell the first day of school, and no matter how smart he was that wouldn't change anything. Luca took a deep breath and kept walking forward. He was right behind Brock now, he didn't brother to make any insults at the moment. By now he had realized that all the fighting probably didn't make a good impression on Cali, not to mention that him and brock had to be together for at least another 10 days.

The things which Brock had said were all correct. The things Luca had said were all correct, But he had no idea of taking any pride from it. He had no interest in being the smart kid in charge of everything. He decided that maybe for now it was best to pretend to be stupid when it came to logic.

They were nearing a gate now, the gate sign read "Upper Spirana" they had nearly reached the center of the inner city. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye Luca noticed a figure move in the shadows. As they continued walking they neared a large building with the word "Capitol" engraved on the front of it. Luca stared up into the sky, noticing a figure flying towards the "Enemies!"

It had seemed like within seconds they were surrounded, then the thought hit him, had Brock had any combat training? without a second to spare a man lept to the top of the stairs in front of the building, yelling" Halt there intruders, what business do you have in spirana?" Luca stood in his fighting stance, not even bothering to look back at the others. A thought clicked in his mind, If they wanted to kill them they would have done it by now. They had no reason to stop and ask them why they were there.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"WHAT I TELL YOU?!?! whatever.... Ok, our bussiness here is due to a test, we were stranded here. We came inside to find a map, some food, maybe even a bit of shelter. So, do you have a map, food, and shelter we can use?" Fetyu hoped asking would work, but it probably wouldn't.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock looked at the idiot who had told them all they knew. Brock really wasn't that smart but he knew better than to do that. He looked up at the man who stood in front of them. "Please excuse him, he doesn't quite have his head on straight. But do you really have business to harm us?" he asked him. At the moment he had been thinking the same thing as Luca, if they weren't a peaceful people, they would have killed them on the spot. He didn't want to take any chances so he moved closer to Cali and threw his arm around her again.