

New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock fell asleep after everyone else. What he didn't understand was his dream. He was walking in the hallway of the school. On the walls stood his team mates. He walked and saw that as he passed them, a smile had disappeared. He walked all the way down the hall way and stopped. In front of him stood a man in a brown trench coat. He wore a hood over his face. The man stretched his arms out wide asking for a hug from Brock. Brock quickly took a step back. The man lowered his arms and clenched his hand into a fist. He punched Brock, not hard enough to wake him up though. Brock got angry and punchd him in the stomach. However, Brock felt the pain as if someone had punched him in the stomach. Brock got even angrier and grabbed a knife that was lying down on the ground. He picked it up and stabbed the man right in his heart. The man fell with a thud and as he landed, his hood flew off and he revealed himself to be Brock. Brock couldn't believe he had just killed himself. He closed in on his face. Death was calm. He just stared at his face. Suddenly, one eye shot open, and all went dark.

Brock awoke in a bright room. His blindfold had been off his face. He picked it up and tied it around his upper arm. He didn't want to completely dispose of it just yet. He stood up and looked around. The only source of light he saw was coming from an opened door. There was a boy standing at the door looking out. Brock ran over to him and recognized him to be Luca. "Luca...your smart...sort of.....where the hell are we?" he asked him. He looked out and saw what Luca had been staring at. They weren't at the school.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu woke up, no dream at all. "OH MY GOD! WE'VE BEEN DRUGGED! There goes my lifetime of drug freeness.......oh well." For the first time since waking up, Fetyu saw people, most unconcious, two awake. "Brock, Luca wassup? Help me wake some others." Fetyu walked over to Ed and started shaking her arm. "wake up!"


New member
Ed Woked up in her old room back at her old house. She was in her bed, she looked around, "....Is this a dream?" Siad Ed as she rubbed her head. But as Ed rubbed her head her eyes widen with painc. Her Fox ears were gone, so was her tail as she quickly looked back.

He Foxgirl outfit was gone, she quickly rushed over to a merroir. Her body was much olders as if she was in her mid 20s. "No....No...NOOO!" Yelled Ed as she grabed her head. Ed quickly ran out of her room and down a long widding halway. Only to be stopped by shadows of her Peranst and there friends.
"My my you have grown up to be quite a women." Siad her Father.
"Daddy No I don't want to grow up." Responed Ed.
"My Darghter, our Friends of the other company whould like you to meet there Son, maybe you can marry him." Siad Her Mother.
"NO I DON'T WANT THIS RESPONBITY!" Yelled Ed as she backed away.
"You have to grow up some day, face realty, you're already 18 soon you'll be 19." Siad bother her Mother and Father.

Suddenly her Mother nad Father's laugh turn Psycodic and Ed woked up in the Real world. She was in a bright room, "Nightmare." Siad Ed as she rubbed her head, making sure she was still in her Foxgirl outfit, she was. Ed placed a hand over her heart and took a relaxing breath.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
As soon as she closed her eyes Cali lost her consciousness and fell into deep sleeping. She woke up with a startle and sat on the ground, everything was a bit fuzzy around her and it took a while until she could focus her vision.

As Cali surveyed her surroundings she perceived that she was standing by a road. It was a sunny, warm day and the birds were chirping. She felt a fresh breeze messing her hair and everything looked calm and peaceful. But she somehow sensed that something was wrong; suddenly it was very quiet, actually she couldn’t hear a thing, it was as if time had stopped. But then, as if in slow motion, a car appeared on the road. Cali suddenly perceived… she knew what was going to happen and she tried to scream but her voice caught in her throat and she couldn’t make a single sound. She felt the blood freezing in her veins in shock and horror and she tried to run, she wanted to warn them, but it was like if she was glued to the ground. Cali watched terrorized as the car got closer and closer and she closed her eyes. She knew exactly what was going to happen next. All of a sudden the horrible sound of metal crashing against metal filled the air.

Cali opened her eyes and felt tears running down her face but when she looked around there was no sign of the road or the car, all she could see was darkness and it was so dense that she couldn’t see anything beyond it. She shivered slightly as she felt cold and darkness engulfing her and she started breathing fast, her heart beating so hard that she could hear it in the complete silence that surrounded her. Trembling in cold and fear she took a few steps forward but it was then that she heard something rustling behind her and she let out a scream that echoed through the darkness.

Cali sat down breathing heavily, it took her a long while to acknowledge what had just happened. It had been just a dream, she thought in relief as she recalled everything that had happened that morning.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca looked up, noticing that Fetyu and Brock were now standing near him. He wasn't alone anymore, even if he didn't like brock, it was better then being left in abandonment." I really don't know, judging from our surroundings it's inner city,but thats obvious." He stopped thinking back to his training and combining it with survival logic." .. Since we are in a city maybe we should start by looking for a capitol building, a town hall or something, that would be our best bet. However, we should probably find the others first. After all the survival of everyone rests on each other, we will have a higher chance of making it back to the school alive if we stick together." Luca suddenly realized the objective." And judging by the last words left by the headmaster, I would say we have about a month to find our way back to the school, which means we are probably really far away." Luca was amazed at how much he had put together just from looking at his surroundings.

" And Fetyu i don't know what your..." He stopped noticing the people on the ground around him. They were unfamiliar however. They were dead." .. We don't know them first of all, second of all they are dead, so we really shouldn't try to wake them up" Luca had no idea why he had suddenly changed drastically into some type of leader, maybe it was the life or death situation, maybe it was exposure to the real world, either way he knew it would eventually effect everyone in one way or another. " Since us three were around here, i am guessing the rest of the team is nearby, Fetyu, get up to the roof of the building behind me and play scout for a couple seconds, me and Brock will look around down here for..." Luca stopped, realizing he was already turning into a leader"... Brock you can do what you want... And Fetyu, i was just saying maybe we might be able to see more of our surroundings from up there.."

There was a scream. A female scream. " Brock come on, let's go see who it is, Fetyu you took speed tech with me, i know what your capable of. You should be safe on your own in an abandon building for a few minutes." Luca rushed off in the direction of the scream quickly.


New member
Ed Finally got her self togather to noticed her surounding. "Where am I? It looks like a City." Siad Ed as she stood up. Ed Sighed, Well, this day seems to be geting fun. I splet and woked up in a new place.....I'm a Pioneer, heh.

Ed had a little smile on her face as she wonder around in her thoughts. The Scream of a Girl snapped her out of it. "Kyu-oh." Siad Ed as she ran off to the direction the Scream came from.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Cali tried to stand up but felt so dizzy that she sat back again, she took a deep breath trying to get a grip on herself after that strange dream. She quickly checked her surroundings and saw that she was in what looked like and alley. It was dark but she could see light in front.

What kind of place was that, it looked like a city, weren’t they supposed to be in the Academy?

It all felt so strange, but obviously they had been sent to another place for some reason. Suddenly she remembered the others, where were they? A strong feeling took over her as she perceived that she was completely alone in a strange place.


The word echoed in her head as she started trembling, taken by a cold fear that was quickly running through her veins.

Panic took over her and Cali stood up and started walking, slowly at first but as terror took hold of her, freezing her blood, she started running, blinded by fear.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca kept on running towards the place where the scream had come from, as he turned a corner quickly he bashed into someone, then fell to the ground. Rubbing his head, he stood back up. It took him a minute to regain straight vision before he realized who it was. " Cali? " A small smile creeped across his face, happy to see someone he actually knew" Is everything ok? We heard a scream and came running" Luca had not even looked to make sure Brock was behind him or not, he was just focused on making sure everyone was ok first.

Staring at her for a second made him happy. Happy he wasn't abandon with a bunch of strangers. Standing here in this atmosphere, this abandon city, for a second he though he understood what it would be like to be only with her, but then quickly snapped back to reality when he heard something crash to the ground off one of the buildings behind Cali. An old neon sign had fallen off its hinges and smashed into the rusty car below.


New member
Ed was running down the empty streets of the city. What was running though her head was who was it that screamed, where are the others and I should had brakfast this moring. Ed stopped in time to see an old neon sign crash onto a car.

As the dirt and dust settle, she saw Luca, Cail and the other. Ed walked over to them. A little happy to see she wasn't behind. The Dirt and dust from the Crash cased Ed to sneeze. "KA-CHOO!" Ed's Sneeze seem to echo thought the city.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((You weren’t left out Tsukie, you’re in our group, so just jump somehow into the scene, lol. Also… I don’t know if Brock is in there too (since Riku hasn’t posted yet) so, if he is... let’s just say that Calli is too shocked to take notice of everybody ^^))

Cali kept running as fast as she could, fighting the urge to cry in dismay. As she turned a corner she bumped into someone and fell to the ground. She looked around frightfully to see who she had bumped into; still breathing heavily and trembling from head to toe. Her body was washed by warm relief as her eyes fell on the person who was standing up in front of her.

“Luca!” she whispered smiling brightly for the first time since she had gotten to that place. She was not alone, Luca was there too.

Memories of the night before suddenly filled her head. He had been so sick that he probably didn’t even quite remember that she had been there taking care of him. It was the least she could do for him. She wanted so much to let him know that he was not alone, that someone cared about him.

Cali still remembered the first day at the Academy, the first time she had seen Luca. He had looked so alone back then, so sad. Her heart warmed at the memory. She had always liked him in a special way, always thought he was different from the other boys; but he seemed so out of reach too. It was like if he had built some sort of barrier around him to put a distance from others. And even though he had always been nice to her and she felt that she could trust him, she had always feared to get closer.

Cali felt tears filling her eyes as she thought that if Luca was there things would be alright somehow. She was snapped from her thoughts, jumping slightly, when a loud noise of something crashing on the ground behind her filled the air.

((BTW, I’ll talk about how she feels about Brock in a later post, if that’s ok. It’ll make it more interesting ^^.))


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock got angry at Luca telling him what to do. However, he recognized the scream very well and so he followed Luca and he wasn't too far behind. He saw him crash into Cali and saw the sign fall on the car. He rushed over to see how things were doing at around the same time Ed did. "Cali, i'm so happy your ok!" he said. He looked at Luca and frowned once again. "I didn't come because you told me. I came because i knew who was screaming." he said with an angry tone. His expression changed at the sight of Cali. He looked around him at the city they were in and how strange it was that he felt at home with her. He felt like everything was ok. "Well, now that we're all rounded up, we should probably get back to whats-his-face. And another thing...Luca, you said something about getting back to the school in a month. Look around you! We don't even know where we are or how we got here! And who knows how long that pill lasts! We could fall asleep any second! I will take over as leader and I think we should all stick together," he said aloud, and then to himself he added, "Even if i really don't want to."
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The King Of Bandits
Luca sighed looking at the sign on top of the car and noticing Ed behind the crushed car" Brock you idiot, thats what i just said back there to you and fetyu, that we should stick together, your just taking what i said and claiming it as your own to try and impress Cali" He quickly turned walking back to the position where they had left fetyu" And i told you that if we found a capitol building towards the middle of the city we might find out where we are seeing as how those places usually have maps and such. But you didn't bother to listen to that part did you..."

Luca kept walking further and further towards Fetyu once again" And i never said i wanted to be the leader, i was just making sure that all of my team members stayed alive. I could care less about you Brock, but since your on my team, it is our responsibilities to look out for each other. I hate you, with all my heart trust me, but your part of the team. And i am just going to have to deal with that" Luca had always thought of himself as a mature individual, but sometimes he wasn't sure what he was or how he felt. As he once again turned the corner he spotted fetyu sitting on the ground." Hey... i think we should stick with the rest of the team so come on man..."

That was the longest Luca had ever actually talked to Fetyu directly in his entire life.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock was outraged. Luca hadn't only called him an idiot, but he also embarrassed him in from of Cali and talked to him with more guts than he really had. Brock rushed over to where he was and grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him up. "Listen to me you little bastard, you talk to me like that again and we will have a serious problem, understand me?" He threw Luca down to the ground before Cali saw the whole thing. Brock now hated Luca even more than he ever did and was really pissed right now. However, at the sight of Cali, all those feelings seemed to melt away.


New member
Ed yawns and just look at the argument between Luca and Brock. Is this how all guys act when they fight over a girl they like..... Bah, who needs it.

Ed wonder how Cali felt but then swingged off to how empty the City was. She slowly looked around, wondering how is it they haven't came into contact with no one esle but them selves. Ed Floded her arms and tilted her head, trying to think, This must be an Abandon city, but Why is it Abandon is the main question....


The King Of Bandits
Luca smiled, turning away from Brock leaving him with a couple words" Like i said, i could care less what happened to you, but your on my team, so i have to make sure you stay alive..." Luca pulled his shirt down a little bit to get the wrinkle out, then spoke up, not knowing why" This is what the headmaster meant when he said the world was different now, This must be the ruins of a battle I wonder how close it has gotten to the school however... " His voice trailed off as he walked over and leaned against a building, thinking about what they would do if they did in fact find out where they were, Luca always liked to be one step ahead of whatever was coming at him.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock was ready to wring Luca's neck. At the sight of Cali, though, he decided to do something worse to him. He walked over to Cali and threw an arm over her shoulders. He then moved so Luca had a perfect view.

((short -_-U))


The King Of Bandits
Over the years Luca had learned to just not care about seeing Cali with another guy. Sure it hurt, but she was free, after all Luca never had the guts to actually tell her how he felt, so he understood that he would have no reason to be jealous of anyone who had her, or hate them, simply because he didn't tell her. He smiled, looking at Cali, then allowed his head to sink back to the ground, thinking about their plan of action after they found out where they were.

"So now that we are all here, i think we should move towards the center of the city" Luca had learned to just rule out the two who did not make it to the room on time at the school, assuming they were still somewhere at the school.

Luca was a natural born leader, but it seemed he was the only one who didn't see that. Everyone had always told him that it was his calling to lead rather then follow, but he was more of a follower when it came to team efforts. Sure he had the right intuition and mind set, its just that he felt weird being a leader. Why should everyone listen to him? Plus he did not want the blame if something happened to everyone, he simply didn't want the responsibility. That was the only reason he was allowing Brock to be the leader without questioning what he was doing. That and the fact that he wanted everyone to see what skill Brock actually had. He was athletic, thats all Luca knew. He wanted to know if he possessed any actual leadership or fighting skills at all.