The Arena

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
True he has holding back, but then again who wouldn't. They had only just begun the fight and he gazed at the poisonus water orbs coming towards him. Traveling that slow he could only help but sigh as the appeared in slow motion to his enique eyes. Reading the energy within them, he moved left, ducked, rolled to the side. As the orb slowly vanished seeping poison into the air he leaped high into he air at blinding speed, evading the poison.

"This won't take long."

As he was air, he did a few handsigns and he vanished in midair behind a cloud of smoke. This would leave her baffled of which he was sure, he emerged out of another cloud of smoke behind RPGirl. A smirk appeared on his face as he swung his fist into her face watching her tumble forward for a bit, he ran in about an blink of an eye and kicked her backwards into the wall. The force was enough to leave a fine imprint. He took out a series of kunai and threw them at her, they pinned her to the wall of the arena. Exile then began to do a number of different handsigns as she was caught off guard.

"Florasuka Enishi no jutsu!"

Exile's mouth became hot with unyielding flame, as he yelled it all poured out at onetime. The flame was breathe taking int every meaning of the word. It was a blue flame that didn't consume oxygen directly, but was much more devastating than a normal flame. It consumed her body, there was one way to escape, he waited to see if she knew how to do it as well.

((The center has oxygen and the outer has gas, one possible safe point <_<))


New member
RPGirl changed into a Libo and then disapper, the real RPGirl was hiding in the bleachers watching the whole thing. Good thing I smelled him we he got into the arena.

RPGirl began to run around the ring at high speed, "Fire Dragon's Breath!" RPGirl shot out white hot fire balls aimed right at Exile.

(so right now fire balls are being shot at you from diffrent driections.)

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"You make things interesting i'll admit, but far too easy." said Rayex as his eyes began to spin. They reverted from silver to a crimson red with dark increments of a spinning eye. His reliable dojutsu, picked up from a special bloodline that ran through his veins. Exile could see it almost as clearly as it came towards him. He was able to see RPGirl's movements nearly perfectly. As the fireballs dispersed from her mouth he was evading accordingly as they came out.

"Not bad, but you can do better honestly." said Exile doing some handsigns and letting the blast hit him. As they all converged on spot, they were hitting merely a substitution. He was watching as her attacked slowed from the bleachers as she slowed and her attack subsided. He began clapping, she was fast, however he was faster. "Is that it? I was expecting more to tell you the truth." said Exile standing up.


New member
"Damn, Poe Hoops!" Said RPGirl as she threw two hoops in the air. The hoops hovered in the air, "Ring Blast!." Said RPGirl. The ring let out a brage of energy blasts aim right at Exile.
"Mega magic Surf!" Siad RPGirl as a huge tital wave appear behind her, RPGirl jumpped up and rode the wave straght to Exile. "Try advoding this!"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"No problem!" said Exile as the cork popped off of his gourd. it began to encase him in an incredibly dense ball of sand. The attacks began to collide with the barrier he created for his absolute defense. However to avoid the wave was going to be an even bigger pain. The title wave slammed down onto the ball of sand and became saturated with water. It was seeping through and water was getting in rapidly, he was holding back as best he could but long enough for the wave to subside.

He was covered in soaked sand as the ball faded and returned inside the gourd. He was breathing from how much chakra it had consumed. It was pushing to about close to an entire fifth of his chakra gone. He sighed hoping that would at least killed him by drowning. It was in his favor now, the field was covered in water and the bowl that made up the arena was filled with water. It yet at the same time, the water covered into the bleachers. "You just made it a whole lot easier for me." said Exile jumping on to the water and ran across the field.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"Just as i anticipated." said Exile standing in the center using himself as a conductor for it all. He began to do a number of handsigns and ended with his hands branched together pointing outward guard his face. "Thunder style, Bushido Tan no jutsu!" yelled Exile as his hands became intensified with electricity. The polarity was opposite of the one coming from the water and it was attracted to his palms rapidly. He watched as the flow traveled into his hands making to massive balls of Electricity.

"Time to end it..." whispered Exile as he leaped up towards RPGirl in the bleachers and slammed both his hands together dispersing the modified electricity. It surged through the water and found RPGirl standing in it. She was being shocke fiercly by the massive of amount of volts hitting her all at once. Filling the arena and the air with damp water vapor and its entirety made esacpe impossible. "hmpf, can i leave this wretched hell now?" said Exile landing on the top of the ledge that spectors used.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Exile sucked his teeth and looked as these strange creatures came towards him. Their numbers were enough to make him express fear, which he didn't. He leaped backwards landing on his right hand, and he swung his body into a windmill kick and switched to his left hand that guided his legs to his right upward to the the sky. He had kicked these libos of which their names entailed with his breakfight style. As they continued to emerge from the block of ice, he pushed some chakra into his feet and leaped from the boxed spectators stand and he was amazed as they trailed after. Being airborn, they had nowhere else to go. "Foolish..." said Exile hurling a series of kunai at the traveling Libos piercing their hearts and he watched as they all dropped into the water.

Exile had ended up on the opposite side of the arena prior to his leap. He opened his eyes and they began to spin furiously. Searching for a sign of chakra across the field, he would pin point her location. "Is that all you do is hide behind your magic and cheap tricks! Fight me one on one with your own martial arts!" yelled Exile as his voice echoed across the Arena.


New member
A Libo with yellow fur appear right in front of Exile, "Poison Fang!" Said the Libo as it bite down onto Exile's neck. The Libo then threw Exile aside and jummpped back to the oppiste side of the bleachers. The yellowed fur Libo disapper into a fog like smoke, when the smoke clear RPGirl stood there, "Hope you like my little treat." Said RPGirl as the Poe Hoops changed back into Poe Pole and flotted to RPGirl's hands.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Exile held his neck at the fact the stubborn rat actually bit him. He watched as it fled to the safety of the reverse side of the arena. "Cheap shot, but pointless." said Exile as he held out his left hand. It became ignited with his chakra which was hardly visible, he slammed it on his neck and the bite marks faded. It wasn't a fully effective shinobi tactic, he only dilluted the poison by so much. He sighed and rose to his feet, staring at the battle scared arena, it was a never ending fight between puntured fools to end their lives so abruptly. He jumped into the bleacher and dashed around to the other side in nearly a heartbeat.

"Miss me?" said Exile slamming his left foot into RPGirl's face watching her fly forward. "Time to get serious!" Exile did his handsigns when she was down for the moment and he ignited his chakra to converge into his fingers. "Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" yelled Exile as the arena filled with replications of himself and surrounded her. "Shikagami! Strong arm style!" yelled all Exile's in unison and they covered their fist in sand and slammed them into the bleachers litteraly destrying the arena for the inside! The water rushed out leaving nothing left but a battle stained and soaked wasteland. The replications all stood in the smoke and ashes of what was left. "All hope is now lost." said The original Exile.


New member
The RPGirl that Exile had surounded was a Ice clone, while Exile was talking about getting serous RPGirl replaced her self with an ice clone. She as hovering in the sky by a air ball she created, "He kicks hard, foxxy healing" Said RPGirl as she healed her self.

RPGirl loked down to see the Arena get trashed. "What's my next move." Said RPGirl as she hovered in the sky on her air ball.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Exile came to realize that RPGirl replace her body with an ice figuret. He smirked and through the smoke the clones looked up with their dojutsu activated tracing her chakra airborn. The hundreds of replications all leaped high into the sky flying through the smoke in massive numbers. They passed and surround her in an instant while airborn. "This is the end!" yelled all of the replications as most of them whipped out waves of sand towards RPGirl. It began to cover her body entirely, "Second wave! Togarasu Flame style!" yelled the original dictating the clones orders. "Florasuka Enishi no Jutsu!" yelled the clones as they blew blue fire at the sand encased RPGirl, the flame was so hot that she was encased in glass.

Three clones knocke her higher into the air and the orignal Exile caming flying out of the smoke towards the glass ball. "Emotionless Exile!" yelled Exile as he was spinning and slammed his right leg into the glass ball shattering it into a million pieces. "Looks like she is no more from my eyes." said Exile watching the glass flow past his face and slice him once. Blood trickled down his face while he was airborn still.


New member
RPGirl was able to block all of Exile attacks with her Poe Shiled (able to block any attacks), as she fell to eath, "MANA TREE!!!" Yelled RPGirl as a huge tree sprout of of the ground, it's roots dug deep and tore though the earth. This was no ordernary tree and attacks will be sucked up by this tree and will be used for it's energy.

RPGirl landed saftly on to one of the mana tree's massive trunks, RPGirl quickly made more Libo clones of her self and skattered though out and inside the tree. When with the tree of mana it's almost imposble to find RPGirl, due to the trees high level of energy it can block almost any search and find magic or jutsu.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Exile came to realize that RPGirl dodged a bullet when she evaded his attacks with shielding magic. He sighed and looked down below him to see a massive tree truck under him. Seems she fled into the massive trunk and branches. It was surrounded by those little replications she created, this tree wasn't like any ordinary one he could tell just by looking at it, ninjutsu was useless. "Heh, true my jutsu wont work, but it doesn't apply for my keke genkai." said Exile and his replications as the landed and poured all over the tree.

"Mangekyou Sharingan!" yelled the orginal as he was leading an assualt on the massive assualt on the tree truck. He began to slice through the replications or libos what she called them. They all converged on one spot finding RPGir's unique chakra could only be detected by this level of sharingan. "Give it up and face the facts! Fate doesn't always smile upon anyone." said Exile, who appeared to be peering into her soul with his eyes.


New member
"I'm kinda hard headed when it come to that." Said RPGirl as her voice eco from all around. Suddenly vines from the tree came to life and grabed Exlie and his copies. The vines then started to such the energy from them, slowly one by one the copies diappear, only leaving the real Exile alone. "You see, I got Devine Protection from this tree." Said RPGirl and she still hide.

The energy that the tree was sucking from Exile was slowly recovering the energy RPGirl lost.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
As Exile was entangled in the vine he was slowly feeling his chakra leaving him. His clones were disappearing but not all of them. He smirked as five of his clones he stationed outside flew in and sliced the vines with kunai. As he dropped pretty tired, the clones all touched his body and Exile absorbed their chakra. He got up and sand shot out of his gourd and he vanished in a small sandstorm. He reappeared out side of the tree and the sand poured all over the ground. He began to make sand replications of himself and took in some extra minerals from the ground to amplied its effects. He drew them back in after regaining some of his chakra from the minerals and covered his body in it feelign the touch of it all. "Much better, now to take down this tree. If i'm right i can't attack it directly so i'll just have to improvise and make it sink!" said Exile.

"Kagateh Geke son no jutsu!" said Exile as he spread the sand at the base of the tree surrounding it. It slowly began mixing with the dirt and imploding downward. It didn't matter how tough this three was, he was loosing the roots beneath meaning their was no possible way to stop it from sinking. Unless it was that of a gods power which is impossible. He watched it as rapidly sank within a mere moment and disappeared into the earth. For insurance he ran towards the center and slammed his fist shrouded with sand pushing the tree several meters more under. "Escape is impossible, as far as you are under the surface you aren't capable of moving your fingers either. Slowly your body will be crushed by the intense gravity and pressure beneath the earth's surface, your shields will crumble as will your hope. The end." said Exile walking off into the desert wastland leaving the reminence of the arena.


New member
"Earth Dragon's Hammer." Said RPGirl as the earth under Exile shot high into the sky. At the last moment before the tree got covered in sand RPGirl jumpped into the bleachers. RPGirl leaped high into the air and dropped kicked Exile along with the earth under him backdown into the arena. Leaving a craetor of where he fell to, RPGirl land in the bleacher and waited for his next attack.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Exile laughed at how he got blindsided from below. Smirked when he was dropkicked from the air...then again he didn't fly that far before his body hit the ground. As he lay there, his face cracked and his body deformed into sand. He replaced his body with sand and hid himself from RPGirl who was in the bleachers. Out of nowhere a white blurr nailed RPGirl with a rapid fist. He sailed throught the destroyed bleachers hitting the metal bars with hurendous force. As she bounce off the blurr a second blurr kicked her straight up into the air.

Exile was using high speed taijutsu he was saving, seeing as the gourd wasn't on his back. As she glided into the air, another slammed his fist into her face and she dunked towards the ground airborn. Yet another blurr jumped up towards her and grabbed her legs, he was spinning at a rapidly fast speed and let go launching it where he gourd was. She was breaking the sound barrier at this point and collided with the solidified sand, that much force plus the sand's intensely hard structure could snap her neck. The four blurrs were still racing around staying aware incase she survived.