Search results

  1. Nitz

    PS2 SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals Confrontation

    Coming out Oct 14,2008 What do you think of it? better than the 1st one? here are some pics.
  2. Nitz

    Diablo III

    Anyone here excited about Diablo III? It probably won't be done till after SC2 is out!
  3. Nitz

    Smilies We Need To Add

    This is the smilies we need to add thread!! :happy: So, if you know or want a smiley added, which we don't have at this board. Let us know here and we will get it up for everyone!! Suggest away!!!!!!! :knife:
  4. Nitz

    Wii Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 2

    I guess wii users get to have some dance fun soon :wacko DDR for the wii!!! :wink: Releases 18 Sep/08. onments
  5. Nitz

    XBOX 360 Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

    This game just released last week. Has anyone got their hands on it yet, or plan to soon?
  6. Nitz

    PS3 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    This looks freaking awesome!!!! Releases 16 Sep/08.
  7. Nitz

    XBOX 360 Rockband 2

    Looks like Rockband 2 is coming out on: Releases 14 Sep/08 So are you going to get it? I'm not really sure, what the difference is from the 1st one? more songs?
  8. Nitz

    PS3 NHL 2K9 or 09

    So.. seems like both NHL 2k9 and NHL 09 are coming out.. which are you going to choose? I've been a fan of the 2k series, but I feel like I might change and get away from it. The 2K7 just gave me a bad vibe ever since I got it... :(
  9. Nitz

    SC2 FAQS

    Basics What is StarCraft II?StarCraft II is the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game, and the sequel to the hit original, StarCraft. The game will include three completely distinct and balanced races, the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg, which have been overhauled and re-imagined with a...
  10. Nitz

    Blizzard Soundtracks Now On iTunes

    Anyone going to be getting it? heck I guess you could download it off the net somewhere ?
  11. Nitz

    Starcraft2 News

    Sounds pretty awesome... hope to see more stuff. I can't wait for it's release!!
  12. Nitz

    Debate What Kind Of Fast Food Do you Eat

    When you go out to get a quick bite, what kind of fast food do you eat? Are you a burger person, A pizza eater? A chicken chewer? Maybe you like tacos or fish and chips?
  13. Nitz

    Its supposed to be Duck - Not ****

    Tony, one of my online Chinese friends, just sent me a picture. This picture is about his 3-year-old nephew that trying to learn the English... Everything seems to be all right, but when it's comes to the "Duck", he accidentally filled in the wrong alphabet! Watch the picture...
  14. Nitz

    PS3 shot waiting for a PS3

    This is a bit creepy.. All I can say is.... scary... =\
  15. Nitz

    Back To School

    So how many people have gone back to school today? fun? and for those not going to school, what are you up to this fall ??
  16. Nitz

    Debate Beware with your picture

    People, beware of what people can do to your picture. Moral of story is don’t post your pic around especially if your face is universal. :wink: :p
  17. Nitz

    News Two-headed boy born in Bangladesh

    The boy was born by Cesarean section on August 25, weighing 12 lbs 1 oz Photo: AFP The boy, named Kiron and weighing 12 lbs 1 oz, was born by Cesarean section on Monday at a clinic in Keshobpur, 85 miles from the capital...
  18. Nitz

    Grammer Matter

    Does grammar or major spelling matter to you on forums? Personally, as long as I can read it.. well that's all that matters. I don't give a crap about (.) or (,) etc... As long as I can read it roughly and understand? So does it matter to you?
  19. Nitz

    News Shut Up I Hack You

    In case you don't speak German (just as this hacker), I've tried a little translation to English. I might have made some spelling errors, but the original spelling wasn't perfect either. The guy really said "buy buy" in the German version. For information: The dangerous hacker is called...
  20. Nitz

    Elections Obama MCcain

    Is it me.. or does ever channel practically talk about the elections and Obama/Clinton/MCcain/Bush? I'm in Canada and it still seems like a big deal. I flip the t.v. channels, most are american and STILL.. this is all I see? Do you find it a huge deal?