I love Halo 3 for many reasons, but one that flies under the radar most times is the ability to take screenshots incredibly easily. Hardly any games these days have that feature, and if they did, I’d be able to make hilarious galleries like this one for all of them. But nope, only...
quare Enix developer Hiroshi Takai has given a big endorsement to Microsoft's console, stating that it's "a lot easier" to work with than the PS3.
Speaking in the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine UK, the Last Remnant director said he's crossing his fingers that his next project will be on...
Batman........Christian Bale
Robin..........Shia Labeuf
The Riddler.........Eddy Murphy
Rachel Weisz.....Catwoman
Michael Caine......Alfred Pennyw
I think the Robin playing by SHIA LEBEUF!
Rachel Weisz as Catwoman
There are obviously a lot of us who come back here consistently, so my question of the day is What is it that keeps you coming back?
There usually has been a significant amount of activity on here.
So what makes this your forum above so many others that are available to you on the internet...
On New Year's Eve 1999, were you afraid of what would come the following morning? What were you thinking about? :sad
I remember during the countdown, the power to the WHOLE house turned off... 2 mins later I found out my uncle was near the power box and had turned it off. :D...
There is new speculation that within the next 5 years, USA will be hit with a bio nuke weapon.
What do you think?
I think with the bad times now, the chance and risk is fairly high. We've seen 9/11 and 7/11 and an attack in Mumbai, so what's next?
I was in Asia when I heard the news. The papers there were covered with the election.
Good to see Obama win, he would've been my pick too :D
He has tons of work ahead of him and we'll see what he has planned. :)
I'm surprised this isn't posted yet..? :computer:
Anyways, anyone watch it on tv.
The worst part for me was, that I was there that day. :frown:
Tragic what has happened and many foreigners will killed too.
They were killing people based off passports. :dead:
With the upcoming release of the second expansion for WoW, I think this is fitting. How many of you currently play WoW, and are planning on getting WotLK?
Are any of your currently in the beta? If so your thoughts?
Did anyone here go to Blizzzcon 2008?
I went to Blizzcon last year, and it...
Do you want to interview forum members here?
Do you have interesting and unique questions?
Have you been a long term member here?
Do you love to learn more about people?
etc... etc...
If so, we are looking for a few people to interview members here at GamerzPlace.
If your interested...
I want to thank Seddy for giving us his time to do this interview. ;)
Real Name:matt sedlak
Username(s): Seddy
Age: 27
Location: pittsburgh, pa
Birthdate: 06/24/1981
Current Console: ps2/pc
Nitz: how did you end up at Gamerz Place?
Seddy: cruentus...
starcraft 2 was announced 6 months ago from now. In that time I'm guessing that they've introduced half of the protoss units, half of the terran units, and practically no buildings. That's around 1/6 of unit/building database complete.
So it would take....36 months, theoretically, for the...
The reaper is slated to replace the firebat. A lot of people have disagreements over the whole damn thing. A comparison of the two:
The firebat was the only Terran melee in sc1 (with the exception of SCV's, but how dumb would that be?) It is armed with a flamethrower, which is a well accepted...
Thor is big, very big.
And it has to be buildt by a scv, and thats LAME!! i mean..
LOL scv!! It would have been much better if the thor was buildt in an underground building and been lifted up by a lift up to the ground.
Much more cooler.
Or what do you peeps say? :bomb: