Search results

  1. Nitz

    Starcraft dissapointed no 4th race

    I must admit, i was kinda looking forward to see a forth race, just for a little more diversity. but after seeing the gameplay vid. i think i can deal :D lol so lets take the 4th into our own hands, what do u guys thibk? if there would have been a 4th race, what do think it should've/could've...
  2. Nitz

    Starcraft The protoss cannon strategy - quick win

    one of the fastest ways to win a 1-on-1 game is the protoss cannon strategy. You must be playing as protoss. Right at the start of the game, you locate where the other user's base is. Then, just outside their base, you build a pylon, and start building cannons toward their base. If they user...
  3. Nitz

    News Forum owner murdered by Member.

    This is creepy for me... Looks like I gotta keep all my info super super secret!!! This just shows how crazy some people are in the world...
  4. Nitz

    Debate Felony selling M-rated games

    This sucks for people under 18... I'd hate if they couldn't sell me a game I wanted..
  5. Nitz

    News Man Hit by a Particle Accelerator Beam

    Anatoli Bugorski was checking a component of the U-70 synchrotron particle accelerator when he accidentally put his head in the beam’s path. It was the fatidic fateful day of July 13, 1978, and as the safety devices failed, Bogorski later told that he saw a flash “brighter than a thousand suns”...
  6. Nitz

    Forum Game Find Waldo if you can

    quality=high width=800 height=800 parameter=parameter_value I found him!!!! :wacko
  7. Nitz

    News YouTube bans knife and gun videos

    YouTube has moved to stem growing concern that its website glamourises violence by banning videos featuring weapons. The Google-owned video-sharing site has decided to introduce the ban for the UK only amid widespread unease about the increase in knife crime in the country. It says that any...
  8. Nitz

    Fanclubs Closed & Moved

    Hey everyone. This is an update for this forum. It will no longer be open to post in anymore. Why? Because, we have a new system/area for all groups. :D You can see people's groups created and joined through their profile. Feel free to re-create...
  9. Nitz

    XBOX 360 Battle Fantasia

    New game coming out in 2 days!!! Reminds me of Tekken and/or Marvel vs Capcom and Street Fighter game :dead:
  10. Nitz

    XBOX 360 Saints Row 2

    Releasing Oct 14, 2008 What do you think about it? Did you like the 1st one? :wacko
  11. Nitz

    Movies Topic Thunder

    Anyone check this movie out? I hear it's funny, but at the same time stupid and/or a waste of time? At the same time, I saw the riot against this film. Mentally disabled people really disliked this movie, as it "supposedly" made fun use of the word "retarded" :knife:
  12. Nitz

    Wii Mega Man 9

    Not too much is posted about it. I hate that it will be in 2D... With the Wii, they should be able to make it pretty nicely :evil:
  13. Nitz

    PS3 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice

    With high-definition graphics, including beautiful high-res 2D sprite art and stunning spell effects, one of the most highly-acclaimed and beloved strategy RPG series is making the jump to the next generation of gaming with Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice for PLAYSTATION3. Re-enter the world of...
  14. Nitz

    Debate Hitler's Doomsday Device

    Hi, I have what I think is a cool myth for you show. Have you ever heard of Hitler's doomsday device myth? No, well it goes something like this... "In a deep quarry 20 miles from Prauge called "Amerika" were, legend or truth has it, Hilter had a crew of scientists build a device which, if the...
  15. Nitz

    News Founder sues Blizzard over game fonts copyright

    Alll I can say.. is ouch!!! tsk..tsk..tsk.. Blizz :rolleyes:
  16. Nitz

    Movies Max Payne

    Anyone see the trailer? I just saw it for the 1st time on T.V. Spike T.V had starwars on, so I took some time to watch it and they displayed the Max Payne trailer. Coming out in Oct 16 I believe... It looks awesome in terms of effects, but I have a feeling the story will suck. It doesn't seem...
  17. Nitz

    Wii Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    They have to be kidding me? Super Mario RPG coming out for the wii? Man.. that along with Mario kart and Super Smash bro's is gonna have some good sales for the wii xD *reconsiders about getting a wii*
  18. Nitz

    XBOX 360 Tales of Vesperia

    I haven't heard to much of this game, but it looks pretty cool :pimp:
  19. Nitz

    PSP Dissidia: Final Fantasy

    This game seems like it's only out in Japan, no planned release date anywhere else... :dead:
  20. Nitz

    PS3 Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm