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  1. Nitz

    Splinter Cell Series

    Has anyone played all of the series yet? I haven't tried double agent yet and it looks good.
  2. Nitz

    X-Men 4

    I hear that X-men 4 is going to be made/coming out? Is it really true? I haven't seen the 3rd one, so I wouldn't really know :UHG:
  3. Nitz

    Mad Tv

    anyone watch mad tv? It's going to be on in about 5 mins from now :p This show is hilarous to watch if your bored or need to laugh a bit :D I might post some youtube links on some of the skits they've done.
  4. Nitz

    Best Race

    What do you think the best race is? terran, protoss, zerg? I've never liked the zerg race at all. I used to like protoss a lot, but then I sorta shifted off to terran now.. and why not, I'm human after all :p
  5. Nitz

    PSP Video

    I guess this is for all the psp owners. How many movies have you actually bought? or are you able to d/l them and watch them? just curious? I'm kinda wondering if I should get a PSP, sinc emy last handheld system was a GBC.
  6. Nitz

    NHL 2k7/07

    How many people like sport games here? I'm really fond of NHL or hockey games the most and some NBA games. I guess it's fun to play some hockey when your bored and it's a bad day to do anything or you just feel crumy and it cheers you up a bit. I have played 2k7 series but not the EASPORTS...
  7. Nitz

    the suffering

    Anyone played this game? or the suffering 2? I hear there making the suffering 3 soon. I liked the 1st one a lot, especially playing at 1-2am with my cousins in the dark.. haha.. kept us awake and reminded me of playing RE late at night :almost:
  8. Nitz


    anyone remember the storyline from SC? I'm sure they will probably continue from it... If I remember Kerrigan took over? and Felix died? Jim said he would have his revenge and left? So many people died in BW.
  9. Nitz

    fav units

    list your fav units and your one all time fav. terran marine terran ghost protoss dark templar zerg hydralisk terran battleship -- Loved this thing :D :AK:
  10. Nitz

    Blizzard Confirms: Starcraft 2 will not be released in 2007

    Blizzard's VP of game design confirmed in an interview with MSNBC that Starcraft 2 will NOT be released in 2007! When asked 'what is your timeline for release for StarCraft II?', Rob Pardo replied Quote: The only thing I can give you [that’s] concrete is it’s not going to be this year. Some...
  11. Nitz

    fav hero

    who's your favourite hero in SC? I liked Jim Raynor :D and it was pretty cool that Felix joins with him too. I can't wait for new hero's and old hero's in the game!
  12. Nitz

    Happy-Bday Afroman!

    Happy b-day man! Have fun with the afro.. i mean birthday party :p
  13. Nitz

    New Shoutbox! Command List

    As you all have probably noticed, we have a new shoutbox. I'd like to thank Roxas for it. He helped Gamerz-Place, by donating some money so we could buy it. So if you see him around, be sure to give him a shout and thanks :D And congrads to him! He's our 1st member for the new GP Supporters...
  14. Nitz

    sports/energy drinks

    what do you drink on a hot day.. or do you drink any sports drinks? I got thinking after that FF energy drink :p I like gatorade.. best stuff to drink when your hella thirsty.. powerade isn't too bad either.
  15. Nitz

    Gmail Invites

    Just posting this incase anyone wants a gmail invite.. I got a few thousand.. so if you want a 3GB email.. let me know.. or just post your current email here and I'll send you the invite :D
  16. Nitz

    Happy B-day Raide Kimiya

    Well it's Raide Kimiya's b-day! Haven't seen him online, so many he's partying it up :p
  17. Nitz

    Daesy's GFX

    LOL! nice 1st one :p I really like the vampire one, seriously stands out nicly :D
  18. Nitz

    Simpsons : 400 episodoes!

    Wow.. has it really been 400 episodes? Did anyone catch the 400th episode last night? Great social commentary towards the end, IMO. And now they're coming out with a movie: Anyone know how much longer they are planning on keeping it up? :d
  19. Nitz

    why everyone using folding cell phones?

    i was wondering why everyone uses folding cell phones? why not straight models?
  20. Nitz


    How many people play any WC game still? I have all the WC games except WoW.. but I don't play them anyone.. I just uninstalled WC3 a short while ago.