Search results

  1. Nitz

    New race in SC2

    What do you think of SC2.. think there will be a new race? From what I remember in BW, there should be a new race.. Naga?
  2. Nitz

    Diablo 3

    Anyone waiting for this game? People were thinking it would come out instead of SC2.
  3. Nitz


    Recognize the date? What do "you" expect will happen that December? Let me give a little update to those who dont know. Many things end on Dec 2012. This includes Chinese Prophecy and the Mayan Calendar, as well as many others. So what will happen in Dec? All the planets aline together in a...
  4. Nitz

    Staff Needed!

    From time to time, we will have staff jobs open here at the forums. We currently have a few positions open that need to be filled up. Please ONLY apply, if you meet the following requirements. You have been registered for 6 or more months You have been active for the past 2 months...
  5. Nitz


    Right now the to become a VIP users must achieve the following: User MUST be registered for atleast 180 days (6 months) User MUST have atleast 1000 posts User MUST have atleast have a Rep level of 100 Depending on the stats etc.. The admins may change the requirements at anytime and...
  6. Nitz

    Starcraft 2

    well May 19.. blizz had news.. and that is Starcraft 2!!! check it out FINALLY! it's here, I've been waiting freaking 5 yrs!! :D
  7. Nitz


    Hey everyone! As you know and can tell from the bottom of the main forum page. We now have a special group called "Supportors" Basically this group is what you might call.. SUPER VIP members :D They will have special access to area's that no members or VIP's will see. They also get benefits...
  8. Nitz

    Halo 3

    Well seems like Halo 3 is already in beta and it's official that it will be released in the Fall. I can't remember the articale URL, but I believe they say Sept is a good chance and also Xmas time. I'm going to go with a December release of Halo 3... what a perfect time :p I wonder if there...
  9. Nitz


    Since vbPlaza is down and offline, we have to resort back to the username change thread :P We will change usernames once a week ONLY and you are limited to changing it to ONCE per a month. If we get vbplaza back, then we can go back to the way things were earlier. UPDATE: We no longer...
  10. Nitz

    Need FFB Intro page

    As many of you know, we have another addon domain name. Now if you view it currently, it shows the GP flash intro. I'm thinking of making a seperate flash/intro for the FFB url. It doesn't HAVE to be flash.. if someone has a nice intro design, or a FF image that...
  11. Nitz

    Unreal Tournament

    How many of you have tried out this game? This game rocks.. I have the special Game of the year edition! I played it a few yrs ago and uninstalled it after.. now I reinstalled it on my newer PC and it's fun to play it all over again :) Nice gunz and they have different types of missions...
  12. Nitz

    Cool illusions

    COUNT THE BLACK SPOTS Bring yourself close to the monitor and try to count the number of black spots COUNT THE LEGS Count the number of legs of the elephant. REVOLVING CIRCLES: Concntrate closely on the black dot in the center. Then bring your head closer to the screen first and then...
  13. Nitz

    how addicted are you to the net

    [SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000] [/B] not too bad I suppose.. i feel I should be around the 60-70% range.. but oh well. here is the link if you want to try it:
  14. Nitz

    17 year old at mcdonalds

    Hilarous.. someone sent in their resume :P
  15. Nitz

    RPG Admin Job

    Well.. the long waited job is here! We haven't gotten... UPDATE: just this sec, I got word we have WON the prize money. So I'll be buying RPG 3.0 in an hr :D Anyways! back to the job details! We are in need of 2-3 RPG admins. Now if you already applied in the past.. I hope this time your...
  16. Nitz

    HELP US GET RPG INFERNO 3.0... it's easy!!

    Alright guys, the whole GP community here has to help each other out. We can get a RPG Inferno 3.0 for free! How? Well there is a contest going on at a forum, and if we can get the highest refferal account for me there, we can basically come out with a cash prize, which is EXACTLY! enough for...
  17. Nitz

    New and Improved Forums

    Hey guys! Welcome to the much newer, more improved forum. I won't post too much details right now, but I'll always add to this thread, just so you know what's going on. basically new stuff will be added this past week and I'll let you know all about it. At the moment, if you find ANY bugs...
  18. Nitz

    GP slow?

    is it just me.. or does GP take a bit of time to load when you click on threads.. like for the whole images HP.MP and awards etc.. in the posts.. my PC always slows down.. and its annoying! Im wondering if it happens to others.. jsut this lag...
  19. Nitz

    my physics HW

    what did I get a zero for? I answered it correctly!! LMAO!! :D
  20. Nitz

    7th heaven posts = none

    I'm looking at the 7th heaven forum and.. we get TONS of posts there, mostly on the GAMES threads.. so now I'm wondering what we should do about it? I'm thinking the following: Plan A: We create a new seperate forums for JUST games and move all those game types of threads into there and...