Search results

  1. Nitz

    Inferno RPG 3.0

    I'm thinking of buying the new RPG 3.0, with money saved up and hopefully some donations. I'm wondering what you guys think? Do you guys like the 2.4 and wish to stick with it? Or is it time to move on to 3.0? Keep in mind 3.0 costs about $100 Lifetime Licence and also would take close to 1...
  2. Nitz

    leaving this place

    Well i've decided im leaving GP and the net... I have a family to take care of.. now and my wife nags to much. Anyways guys im gonna miss you all and take care.. and if you get a chance msg me on MSN to say hi here and there.. alright guys! see ya later :o
  3. Nitz

    What name do you like better

    which one do you guys prefer.. vote now.. and feel free to post and give a reason why?
  4. Nitz

    vB hacks

    Now with the new upgrade happening.. it will mean we have a chance to get RID of some vB hacks and addon some newer ones.. at the same time keeping certain ones. I'm wondering what everyone likes.. we have had TONS of vBhacks installed. Things like the vBarcade, vBleague, vBplaza, Awards...
  5. Nitz

    Merry Xmas!

    I just wanted to wish ALL the staff and members at GamerzPlace.. A Very Happy! Merry Xmas and New year. It's a little early for me, but I won't be here for xmas, so I'm posting this now :D It's been a long year for GP and for a lot of us. So I hope everyone has a happy xmas, mabye with...
  6. Nitz

    It's Snowing at GP

    WOOT! snow here at Gamerz-Place! Everyone! get your mittens and shovel!....oh wait... SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :d I just wanted to post a few updates. I am thinking of making some big changes when the new yr comes. A total new skin change... new system change... basically everything will...
  7. Nitz

    kfed/britney divorced

    Anyone hear about it.. I think it's true LMAO... I HATE kfed... why the hell does he think hes soo big now.. just cause he WAS married to britney... :sleep :wacko
  8. Nitz

    telemarketers prank

    OMG... this is freaking hilarous! I wanna try that now! LMAO!!! :d :hamer:
  9. Nitz

    easy contest!

    Pretty easy contest... lets see who can name ALL the people/characters in my current new sig and avy. I don't know what the reward is yet, but I will sooon :D
  10. Nitz

    Happy Haloween

    I hope everyone had a kick ass haloween.. I worked for the most of it and came home a little later to give out some candy, since everyone else in my family was out or sick at home. It was alright for me, but I hope others had a fun time. I got too much candy left, I thought more people would...
  11. Nitz

    I can't see any forums?

    You might be asking that! Why can't I see any of the forums anymore? Well the staff here at GP had decided to implement a new system at Gamerz-Place. How it work is by the following: Click on User CP from the top, on the left hand side in the Miscellaneous box. Click on Group Memberships and...
  12. Nitz


    Okay.. guys I wanted to clear up some stuff... I have heard some rumours going on latly... about me hacking some forums... I have NEVER hacked anyones forum.. NOR would I. If anyone has been hacked.. or knows anyone hacking forums acting like me, please let me know. I bet you anything it's...
  13. Nitz

    Tupac Alive!

    This is REALLY funny... especially if ur a tupac fan.... is he dead or is he alive? Dave Chapelle will tell us all! :clap
  14. Nitz


    how that the NHL new season has started, how many people are watching? I wated the Canucks Season opener.. and they whooped the Red wings... Same with the leafs.. they owned the sens 6-0... So it seems this yr.. TONS of teams have changed and look stronger. Players have moved here and...
  15. Nitz

    New Update

    Basically informing everyone, that I am no longer working or progressing with the website... I haven't quit, but I don't have much time to go on with the project for the website. I do have a gaming template made. So if anyone else wants to take over the project let us know. Mainly the...
  16. Nitz

    Big Changes at GP

    Well as you can see already, a new skin is up now. I've been working on it for a few days, customizing it and re-adding all the vb hacks we have installed. So I really hope you all like it. :D A special thanks to my boss.... Serenity, for creating the banner :clap :kiss:...saved me some of my...
  17. Nitz


    well we need something here.. so anyways.. I have a new username coming up... I am waiting for the new skin b4 I change it and add my new avy and sig.. but lets make it fun and see who can actually even guess my new name :D _ _ _ 3 letters... and for prizes.. not sure what I'll give for an...
  18. Nitz


    Alrighty.. I sort of have a few concept.. or almost full design ready... it just means.. you get to choose what color you want.. I made the same style.. but different color.. one is a blue set... green set.. etc... we might even be able to use the sets for different types of games... blue = ps2...
  19. Nitz

    blonde paint job

    A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do. "Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?" The...
  20. Nitz


    okay.. last thread was lost... so again... anyone have any ideas for a new skin they want? Places mabye from or or or Just look around and let me know what you guys like, pick a few you REALLY like. Thanks.