Search results

  1. Nitz

    Most mature member

    And the winner is.........awww man... again.... another tie!!!! Blindfolded-Unknown and Splatt Congrads to both of you :D
  2. Nitz

    Best New memeber

    and the winner for best new member is........ another tie :p Alice and Aaura, congrads to you both :D
  3. Nitz

    bill gates retiring

    At a hastily scheduled news conference Thursday, Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates announced that in two years he would step down from his full time jobs at the software giant to reorder his personal priorities and focus more on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Mr...
  4. Nitz

    General Chat: New Changes at GP!!!

    Alright here are the rules. 1:No Flaming 2:No one word post 3:No Post like this "wiofhew" 4:No post that say "SPAM SPAM SPAM"( I hate that) Now post away.
  5. Nitz

    last thing you ate.....

    what's the last thing you ate..... Pizza here :D
  6. Nitz

    Best username

    and the winner for best username voted by the member is........... OMG!!!! it;s a tie :p the winners are! Blindfolded-Unknown and The Legendary Saviour!!! Congrads to you guys :D
  7. Nitz

    Convo's with.......

    Before I post this LOL!!! I think you can also talk to smarterchild on most messangers.... just add smarterchild hahah :D PEYCE OUT A TOWN: hi SmarterChild: Hi again, peyceoutatown! What do you want to chat about? PEYCE OUT A TOWN: ummm SmarterChild: You have not set your...
  8. Nitz

    Best helper

    well I'm starting off the 1st award!!!!! and the winner for Best Helper is.......hey... where the drum roll at? *gets his drum out and pounds at it....... KADAJ!!!! Nice work man, congrads and way to go!!!!!!!!!!:D
  9. Nitz


    Alright... with all the downtime and slowness, the award winners were delayed. I have made a new way to announce the awards. Everyday ONE award will be annouced in the GP awards forum. Hopefully each award will be presented by different members here. If your interested in presenting an award...
  10. Nitz

    new sig

    well I haven't made a animated sig/avy for a few yrs.... So really this is my 1st time... or atleast 1st time using photoshop. So tell me what you think? I think its noobish right now, but hey I got the hang of the animation setup now. :clap
  11. Nitz


    so anyone got any comments on it? so far Carolina leads the series 2-0 against Oilers. Now we know Oilers made it out 2-0 loss in the series against Ducks..... but can they pull it off once more? :unsure
  12. Nitz

    Back Online

    As you know, this forums has been down since yesterday. I am sorry about that guys. It seems the server was down, basically every website on it was offline. I contacted the host owner, but couldn't catch him. So I went even further, as I was pretty pissed about the downtime lasting over 24 hrs...
  13. Nitz


    The voting process has started!!! So vote now in the voting forum. There will also be no more nominees for any of the award threads that didn't make it. All the best to all nominees. :D
  14. Nitz


    I need a banner for the site. It will be like we have here above. I need one for the site. If anyone is interested in making one, please contact me asap. Thanks. :D
  15. Nitz


    Alright folks, it's time for the votes. You may ONLY vote once per a thread. Be SURE you vote for the right person. I will not be making changes, especially if you vote the wrong person by accident. Also feel free to nominate in the threads, that are STILL in the nomination forum. Other...
  16. Nitz

    New Updates

    As you can see, we have TONS of new stuff up. Things like the vbPlaze, an awards show which will take place VERY soon. We also have tons of vB hacks installed. The most recent hack is the one people have been asking me about, so i've decided to post how it works. The hack is in NO WAY...
  17. Nitz

    The Trews

    anyone hear of The Trews? I heard them on a tv show and they got some cool songs :)
  18. Nitz

    Reverie Sound Revue

    Anyone here this band? The song One Marathon is sweeet..... if you haven't heard it check it out:
  19. Nitz

    Front Page [Need Someone]

    Okay well the sites just about done and the forums are doing well. I need someone who wants to create the Front Enterance page for the site/forums. Anyone interested? It's very simple, it will be one page, maybe have some graphic logo/text and basically have a link to the forums and the site...
  20. Nitz

    Best Overall New Member

    Nominate away!!!